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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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I could have done the same but I did not.

but you said his tem were bad due "to less objective points than him" so the rep team I faced that they must have been bad due to your words, am I right? if you say no then your have no clue what you are talking about.


No, I didn't.


I offered an analysis of the information given, because Veriah commented about his assumed focus on damage. Even if we weren't focused on damage, everyone -including- him had much less objective points, less damage, less kills, more deaths, etc... and the more important piece... they lost.


:rolleyes: Really, just stop. I'm not playing your games because you're just looking for a fight.

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No, I didn't.


I offered an analysis of the information given, because Veriah commented about his assumed focus on damage. Even if we weren't focused on damage, everyone -including- him had much less objective points, less damage, less kills, more deaths, etc... and the more important piece... they lost.


:rolleyes: Really, just stop. I'm not playing your games because you're just looking for a fight.


we lost to even thou we had the most points in objectives and more or less equal dmg. now I read you post and between the lines your saying it, so stop hiding what your really are saying.


Now if I wanted to fight, we were already fighting.


I could ask you in another way but since you hate analogy's then I wont.

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Oh look, someone sorting by damage instead of mission goals and contribution to the team. How rare. ;)


you have to be standing very near the door while defending in order to get points in voidstar... doing that also makes you a prime target. and when your team is dying a lot, its more important to stay alive by LoS than to stay near the door for farming objective points.


you dont get objective points for stopping caps either. which you should

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You should probably get out and see more of the world.


Ive been around all continents and ive been at the University for 7 yrs of hard studies. Read Zymont Bauman, J. Macionis , Ken Plummer - Sociology.




Contact me when your up to par.

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Ive been around all continents and ive been at the University for 7 yrs of hard studies. Read Zymont Bauman, J. Macionis , Ken Plummer - Sociology.




Contact me when your up to par.


on the TommyBoy plan eh? :D




(i do realize youre probably getting a higher degree)

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I keep trying to remove you from my ignore list, but everytime I do you are back on it in 10 minutes.


Stop the teenage drama. Just communicate like a normal person for once. "Pissing and moaning and lying", "hateful nonsense", "premades kick puppies"...I won't even dignify that with a response.


Call it demonizing if you like; I already said my piece on why I choose to stay away from hardcore guilds and hardcore players in general. I avoid snarky, abrasive people in real life, and I avoid them in games also.


I already said I fell for your trolling once and I won't do it again, so I will not bother with a point by point rebuttal.


You may feel like this issue is centered around you, but it's not. Every post is not directed at you, and people who disagree with you are not character assassins looking to hurt your sensitive feelings. Nor are they mouth-breathing neanderthals because your half-assed logic doesn't convince anyone you are correct.


If you were capable of an honest discussion you would stop with the barrage of logical fallacies and actually attack a position instead of attacking people. You seem to be incapable of anything but arrogance, bullying, and pseudo-intellectual parroting.


+10. That's really it.


:rolleyes: Think I made my point. Feel free to pull your foot out of your mouth.


Right after you pull your head out of your butt.

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Show me the post in the last 50 pages by a poster who says: Keep Regular Warzones as is.


Then look at all the posts in the last 50 pages by posters who say: Let's get matchmaking in there, so people of equal competitive level/skill/attitude/ability/etc... face each other, rather than the current system that doesn't do anything to deter lopsided matches (for any reason.)


Finally, look at the number of posts in the last 50 pages by posters accusing player who say all of the above that say: Pfft, you want to PuGstomp!


:mad: It's getting really *********** frustrating to be accused and lied about.


Man up, stop whining and l2p


I went 2 pages back to find one post that was clear, even though I saw 2 posts in the previous page that were similar to this.


I know your response is going to be something like "he didn't explicitly say that he wants things to say the same". I'm not going to dig through this whole thing to bring you proof that anyone who read this thread even once a week can find. I'm not going to argue inference and minutia. What he meant was what he said; things are fine, learn2play.


This is the prevalent opinion, even if you don't share it, of the premade defenders- I want to have my fun, and my fun is pugstomping. If you are a pug, you are a baddie and deserve to get farmed.

Edited by Vasagi
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This is the prevalent opinion, even if you don't share it, of the premade defenders- I want to have my fun, and my fun is pugstomping. If you are a pug, you are a baddie and deserve to get farmed.




Almost every poster here wants either Matchmaking or Solo-only queuing. Most described as the "Premade-defenders" want matchmaking.


Matchmaking is a change. It has nothing to do with wanting to PuGstomp, and everything to do with wanting equality and competition.

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Almost every poster here wants either Matchmaking or Solo-only queuing. Most described as the "Premade-defenders" want matchmaking.


Matchmaking is a change. It has nothing to do with wanting to PuGstomp, and everything to do with wanting equality and competition.


Realistically, any effort at all to address the issue would be good at this point. Even a solution, matchmaking, that I feel is more of a band-aid than a fix would be something. Unfortunately, they seem more interested in creating cartel content to sell than fixing the base game.

Edited by Vasagi
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we lost to even thou we had the most points in objectives and more or less equal dmg. now I read you post and between the lines your saying it, so stop hiding what your really are saying.


Now if I wanted to fight, we were already fighting.


I could ask you in another way but since you hate analogy's then I wont.


Don't try and read between the lines, read what I say.


While you're ready what I say, make sure you're reading it in the context of the conversation being had. One Poster posted a screenshot with a non-descript "This is why bads lose."


Another posted a snarky comment about the original posters habits in filtering results by damage when taking a screen shot.


I called it semantics, they (being know for not liking things simply because I said them) retorted something about original poster valuing damage over objectives... oh and that I should post less and think more.


I called them on that too. The original never said anything about damage, objective points, kills, etc... (If anything they pretty much posted nonsense filler, but that's another story), but if they wanted to get into it the data showed: Extremely less damage, objective points, kills, etc... from one team vs. another.


Nothing to be read between the lines there. Now we're just wasting time and space going on about this.

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Realistically, any effort at all to address the issue would be good at this point. Even a solution, matchmaking, that I feel is more of a band-aid than a fix would be something. Unfortunately, they seem more interested in creating cartel content to sell than fixing the base game.


Well I wouldn't say any effort. Banning PuG's (or groups) would be an effort, but I'd imagine the rage that followed might crash the site's servers from overload.


May I ask why you feel matchmaking would be a Band-Aid?

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Ive been around all continents and ive been at the University for 7 yrs of hard studies. Read Zymont Bauman, J. Macionis , Ken Plummer - Sociology.




Contact me when your up to par.


Masters in Anthropology along with several tours of duty over seas while in the military. I've worked along side host nation civilians and military from the Middle East to South East Asia, South America and Africa. I've actually spent just as much time in other countries as I have in the States.


I have seen first hand the inequalities of the world, and while the U.S does have its own fair share, thinking that it is the most unequal is blinding oneself to the realities that exist else where.

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Masters in Anthropology along with several tours of duty over seas while in the military. I've worked along side host nation civilians and military from the Middle East to South East Asia, South America and Africa. I've actually spent just as much time in other countries as I have in the States.


I have seen first hand the inequalities of the world, and while the U.S does have its own fair share, thinking that it is the most unequal is blinding oneself to the realities that exist else where.


Never tell liberals the odds, murica is the wurst

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I am very glad to see that most people want a change now at least. Matchmaking really would be the best thing to happen. At this point idc though I just want more even matches whether I am premading or solo q'n.


And to the whole inequality in America thing going on LOL.


I came from nothing and I have modeled and/or designed many plants around the world and I have never shot anyone. There are many countries where that would not even be possible.


If you are smart, hardworking, dedicated, and if you want to make a high salary then you can at least hit 6 figures by 30 when you live in this great country. The only poor people who do that in many other countries either used violence at some point or came to America for our graduate programs.

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Well I wouldn't say any effort. Banning PuG's (or groups) would be an effort, but I'd imagine the rage that followed might crash the site's servers from overload.


May I ask why you feel matchmaking would be a Band-Aid?


I have to admit; I have nearly no faith this will be resolved. Even admitting that there is problem and talking about it would be progress if a dev or mod jumped into the debate.


I believe matchmaking would be mitigation rather than elimination of the problem. In peak times on high population servers it would work well. On servers with medium and low populations (despite what the server login screen says, there are low and medium servers) it would do little or nothing because there isn't a large enough pool to draw from.

Having said that, even matchmaking would be acceptable right now, because the alternative "bury your head in the sand and not respond" tactic BW has adopted is unacceptable.


My preferred solution would start with cross server queues. I know it has been stated this is not going to happen. Next would be opening up ranked WZs to groups of 4, or even 2. It would give a large pool, and it would give groups a solid pvp option.


Ideal solutions and reality being what they are, I would just love to hear ANYTHING about this issue right now from Bioware.

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Masters in Anthropology along with several tours of duty over seas while in the military. I've worked along side host nation civilians and military from the Middle East to South East Asia, South America and Africa. I've actually spent just as much time in other countries as I have in the States.


I have seen first hand the inequalities of the world, and while the U.S does have its own fair share, thinking that it is the most unequal is blinding oneself to the realities that exist else where.


A masters dgr, is just a low level of diploma, its a basic level. Again come back when you are up to par.


And that you seen the World thru the Eyes of the military hardly gives you an objective view ofword politics. They do have brainwashing in the military aswell. Your a sheep and a blind one.


Just study the statistics of USA, the fact that they have the greatest %-age of Children in poverty in the western World speaks for themselves. (Macionis&Plummer, Sociology 2nd edt. p. 234) Still they add more Money to military and warfare. Theres not even Healthcare of everyone, even today. No protection against childabuse.

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I have to admit; I have nearly no faith this will be resolved. Even admitting that there is problem and talking about it would be progress if a dev or mod jumped into the debate.


I believe matchmaking would be mitigation rather than elimination of the problem. In peak times on high population servers it would work well. On servers with medium and low populations (despite what the server login screen says, there are low and medium servers) it would do little or nothing because there isn't a large enough pool to draw from.

Having said that, even matchmaking would be acceptable right now, because the alternative "bury your head in the sand and not respond" tactic BW has adopted is unacceptable.


My preferred solution would start with cross server queues. I know it has been stated this is not going to happen. Next would be opening up ranked WZs to groups of 4, or even 2. It would give a large pool, and it would give groups a solid pvp option.


Ideal solutions and reality being what they are, I would just love to hear ANYTHING about this issue right now from Bioware.


Good suggestions.


Cross-server queues would be great for population pools, though if memory serves people have linked posts where Dev's confirm cross server queues are not on the table. Not sure where those are.


I think awhile back now I stated that more access to ranked would go a long way. Half the issue with "competitive 4-mans" is they lack 4 other players to queue for ranked. Without the 4 others, they really have no where to go to play, other than the regular queue with everyone else. Then they stomp most other people, people get mad... you know the end of that.


As on to Matchmaking, I think with both (or even just 1) the above ideas, it would be fantastic. I don't think medium pop servers would suffer issues, since even then matchmaking would put teams in near-level matches (rather than the ever common heavily-lopsided matches.) Low pop servers are another story and honestly... without cross server queue's nothing is gonna help low pop servers other than Bioware making their game better over all. I think the stated "Premade vs. PuG issue" is just one minor issue in a cornucopia of stun-based, low content, low replay value, bug filled, imbalanced, etc... I could go on but I think you'll get my point.

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