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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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Match making like putting premades in the match against other premades should go a long way towards solving the problem.


You will have something like 2 premades vs 2 premades; 1 premade plus 4 pugs vs 1 premade plus 4 pugs.


Basically 4 men group, 3 men group, 2 men group, solo each treated as 1 unit. Try to make both 8 men ops have about the same number of units.


2 premades vs 2 premades, that is 2 units vs 2 units.

1 premade 4 pugs vs 1 premade 4 pugs, that is 5 unites vs 5 units.

3 men premade plus 2 men premade plus 3 men premade vs 4 men premade plus 3 men premade plus 1 pug, that is 3 units vs 3 units.

8 pugs vs 8 pugs, that is 8 units vs 8 units.



Matches would be more competitive for both premades and pugs, that should equals to fun if you really into WZ matches.


Well BW will keep my 15 a month for awhile but I am not going to buy any more cartel coins until they add matchmaking. I know this won't do anything but hey that is 80 dollars a month that they will be losing at least.
Edited by soldenal
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No, just kidding. Seriously though, if they don't see "Yeah, PuGs have it really hard and they should have a special no-group free zone with snacks!" they always assume you wanna PuGstomp and you kick puppies too.


If they put half as much effort into their game as they do demanding things and misunderstanding stuff here, they might solve most of their problems.


No thats too much effort, the need to be coddled and told they are "great" players and its the other players fault for:


















and pretty much anything that the PuGs arent themselves doing.

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I don't know how long it will take for proponents of solo queue to realize how self centered and stubborn they are being. This style doesn't work for me, it has to change. Ok, that's a decent argument. I need to be given exactly what I want. Not a decent argument.


What no one will even acknowledge is that we aren't proposing that everything stay the same (even though most of us are fine with that solo or not), we are offering a solution. You are just too blind or too stubborn to understand that we are offering a solution that will give you better matches while keeping queue times as short as possible for everyone. Heaven forbid people be able to play the way they want WHEN THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE MAD ABOUT!


Don't come tell me the current game setup doesn't work, offer a solution that harms other players and then say "Well, I'm good with it so tough". I hope every single person with this philosophy is secretly queued in premade matches every time they queue to be honest. It is the most hypocritical idea that has been spouted about in this entire thread.


TL;DR "premades" (not even all proponents premade) are offering a solution that benefits everyone, dig your head out of your *** and make a concession or **** of the thread.


A solution I like is not having them on my team OR on the other team because solos don't need premades and we dang sure don't need to devalue the worth of our gaming experience by being stuck with their unwanted company.


Offer solution that harms other players? The current existing situation is obviously harming players right now, hence the 460 page outcry. Been saying all along, "YOU IN OUR QUEUE HARMS THE VALUE OF OUR GAMING EXPERIENCE BUZZ OFF".


Play each other, premades. Don't blame us when your premade queue is dead because you all give up after no more free lunch and come down to solo because the easy road is the only one you're paying for. Wherever the competition is that's where premades aren't; wherever pugs are to be farmed, that's where you'll find a premade. Its the nature of survival - wherever the easiest source of food is to be found, that's where you'll find the pack dogs. Eating out of the garbage can that BW has made for them, with the value of everyone else's subscriptions.

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A solution I like is not having them on my team OR on the other team because solos don't need premades and we dang sure don't need to devalue the worth of our gaming experience by being stuck with their unwanted company.


Offer solution that harms other players? The current existing situation is obviously harming players right now, hence the 460 page outcry. Been saying all along, "YOU IN OUR QUEUE HARMS THE VALUE OF OUR GAMING EXPERIENCE BUZZ OFF".


Play each other, premades. Don't blame us when your premade queue is dead because you all give up after no more free lunch and come down to solo because the easy road is the only one you're paying for. Wherever the competition is that's where premades aren't; wherever pugs are to be farmed, that's where you'll find a premade. Its the nature of survival - wherever the easiest source of food is to be found, that's where you'll find the pack dogs. Eating out of the garbage can that BW has made for them, with the value of everyone else's subscriptions.


thank you for proving everything the other guy said about people who want solo queue being self-centered and stubborn

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A solution I like is not having them on my team OR on the other team because solos don't need premades and we dang sure don't need to devalue the worth of our gaming experience by being stuck with their unwanted company.


Offer solution that harms other players? The current existing situation is obviously harming players right now, hence the 460 page outcry. Been saying all along, "YOU IN OUR QUEUE HARMS THE VALUE OF OUR GAMING EXPERIENCE BUZZ OFF".


Play each other, premades. Don't blame us when your premade queue is dead because you all give up after no more free lunch and come down to solo because the easy road is the only one you're paying for. Wherever the competition is that's where premades aren't; wherever pugs are to be farmed, that's where you'll find a premade. Its the nature of survival - wherever the easiest source of food is to be found, that's where you'll find the pack dogs. Eating out of the garbage can that BW has made for them, with the value of everyone else's subscriptions.


Man up, stop whining and l2p

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Having recently returned to the game, after a break of 9 months or so, due to losing faith in the pvp queue system, and the problems that mismatches could cause, and I refer to this from both sides. I can assure you, that it's just as dull slaughtering people when queued with guild mates, using voice comms etc, as it was solo and coming up against the same. Boring!


Now, I have to say, on my server certainly, the pvp has changed. I pretty much queue exclusively solo at the moment, having been away for so long, but I do often find myself in teams with people I remember from last time, and it appears to me that pvp is so much more casually orientated now, than it was 9 mths ago. Anyone can win or lose. I have beaten numerous what appear to be guilded premades, and also been beaten by what are seemingly pugs.


Basically, I honestly believe now, that pvp is much more about your ability as a player, than it ever used to be, and if you are always being beaten, ie NEVER WINNING, which frankly I call BS on, I do not believe that, then you need to ask yourself, are you playing the right part of the game for you.


Not trying to poke fun or pick a fight, but, from my experience, and that includes what it was like at launch, 9 months ago, and now, the state of pvp is infinitely better than it has been historically.


Disclaimer....obviously only speaking for my own server here, but one has to assume that people, being people, the same averages will apply across most servers.

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I don't know how long it will take for proponents of solo queue to realize how self centered and stubborn they are being. This style doesn't work for me, it has to change. Ok, that's a decent argument. I need to be given exactly what I want. Not a decent argument.


What no one will even acknowledge is that we aren't proposing that everything stay the same (even though most of us are fine with that solo or not), we are offering a solution. You are just too blind or too stubborn to understand that we are offering a solution that will give you better matches while keeping queue times as short as possible for everyone. Heaven forbid people be able to play the way they want WHEN THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE MAD ABOUT!


Don't come tell me the current game setup doesn't work, offer a solution that harms other players and then say "Well, I'm good with it so tough". I hope every single person with this philosophy is secretly queued in premade matches every time they queue to be honest. It is the most hypocritical idea that has been spouted about in this entire thread.


TL;DR "premades" (not even all proponents premade) are offering a solution that benefits everyone, dig your head out of your *** and make a concession or **** of the thread.


so let me get straight, solo players are self centered, EGO stroking, stubborn SOBs, who doesn't care for other than themselves?

what your describing and what I just did was PREMADES.

I came with a solution but your either lack the ability of reading or of understanding the idea, so I can try again and use really small words, this time kindergarten langue.

you sign up on a thread dedicated on your server forum, for the oh so scary ranked quee, to create a simple matchmaking system.

now I know you wont understand it here even with small words so let me try with Einstein Roosevelt bridge. that bridge is in theory design to cover a vast distance of time an space, so when you create that bridge you have a worm hole to another point in the time and space, and now before some minor clever person like the person i'm quoting, then think like this for a moment.

you are a premade or a pugger, you want a matchmaking system but only the 2 biggest PVP servers have the man power to get it, so the rest of us on "small" servers have to deseing a bridge to give us matchmaking, and here comes the worm hole or Einstein Roseenvelt bridge into the picture.

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It's a two way street on this, and one of the reasons why most the reasonable posters know that the only real answer is a form of matchmaking.


3 premade groups 4 solo pug players all in queue and with a matchmaking system.


Matchmaking rotates the 4 solo pugs to always face 2 premades every match. Hence offering them a never-ending roflstomp.


But hey, matchmaking is totally the solution. :rolleyes:

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in that case the only compromise would to have everybody solo-only queue, therefore everyone gets something that they want. That's not what I want to see happen but that's the way your post makes it sound.


Yea because people that want solo queue's are totally asking to remove group vs group PVP. :rolleyes:


You are grasping at straws at this point.

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3 premade groups 4 solo pug players all in queue and with a matchmaking system.


Matchmaking rotates the 4 solo pugs to always face 2 premades every match. Hence offering them a never-ending roflstomp.


But hey, matchmaking is totally the solution. :rolleyes:


not on the "small" severs since they don't have the man power to have it, sad enough, but if you take POT5 or bastion, they have man power to have it

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3 premade groups 4 solo pug players all in queue and with a matchmaking system.


Matchmaking rotates the 4 solo pugs to always face 2 premades every match. Hence offering them a never-ending roflstomp.


But hey, matchmaking is totally the solution. :rolleyes:


in this analogy you need only 16 people to que for this scenario to happen.

flaw of your separate que in your own analogy is, with separate ques none of them will be having any games until

all premades disband

4 pugs make premade.


using your flawed analogy, matchmaking based on win/lose will match them way so both teams have similar ranking

if 4 pugs lose all the time they will be matched with best premade of those 3, and 2 avarage premades will be put together.. ground is equal in theory.

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A proper analogy would be something like swimming. You may enjoy doing the backstroke or breaststroke, but the end goal is still to get to the other end of the pool the fastest. Doom's point is that they have a separate race for each type of swimming people enjoy, so if we're splitting up queues, we'd have to split it up however many times to fit what people enjoy. Not enough swimmers in SWTOR for that.


The goal of swimming is to swim. Another bad analogy by the pro-lopsided matches only supporters.


Come again when you have a decent analogy.

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You should do it because it's what's Right.


Just as We should allow PuG's their special warzone queue because it's what's Right.



:rolleyes: Similarly by that logic there are multiple ways of having fun in a library. If I want to go in there and read books at the top of my lungs no one should stop me. If they do, they better have a separate library for people who like to read books at the top of their lungs.


They can't even talk about the topic at this point. They have to talk about libraries, oh how far your camp as fallen.


Wanna quote me again, so I can utterly destroy your argument? Like the good old times. ;)

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Ah better matchmaking for all, of course he supports this.


3 premades and 4 solo pugs in the queue, same skill. The 4 pugs get rotated against double premade line up.


Premades still get there lopsided matches and nothing changes. Hey though, this guy says matchmaking is the key!


DIdn't he mention something about logic as well? Oh the irony. :rolleyes:


Wait watch him ignore that scenario, because it completely and utterly destroyed his entire argument, and come up with a biased scenario to favor himself.


I pretty much dare anyone to disprove the scenario I made above. You probably can't, but I'll be amused nonetheless. ;)



in this analogy you need only 16 people to que for this scenario to happen.

flaw of your separate que in your own analogy is, with separate ques none of them will be having any games until

all premades disband

4 pugs make premade.


using your flawed analogy, matchmaking based on win/lose will match them way so both teams have similar ranking

if 4 pugs lose all the time they will be matched with best premade of those 3, and 2 avarage premades will be put together.. ground is equal in theory.



hate repeating my self, but since you used same argument again, ignored my responce, I'm kinda forced to

Edited by Atramar
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:D Right. I should learn to speak his language if he wants to come here and talk to me. Sky Daddy forbid he actually install a spell checker. Don't even need to speak English for that to clean up your posts enough to seem intelligible.


All kidding aside. No, I belittled him for not reading a word I said, accusing me of things I haven't said/believe, dropping a comment about my intelligence (first I might add), and for bringing more irrelevant content into debate.


His inability to spell is just the icing on the cake.


I hope you aren't American because you made me realize how far my country has fallen with this post.


Ladies and Gents, I give you the pro-lopsided match only camp. The quote speaks for itself.

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Ah better matchmaking for all, of course he supports this.


3 premades and 4 solo pugs in the queue, same skill. The 4 pugs get rotated against double premade line up.


Premades still get there lopsided matches and nothing changes. Hey though, this guy says matchmaking is the key!


DIdn't he mention something about logic as well? Oh the irony. :rolleyes:


Wait watch him ignore that scenario, because it completely and utterly destroyed his entire argument, and come up with a biased scenario to favor himself.


I pretty much dare anyone to disprove the scenario I made above. You probably can't, but I'll be amused nonetheless. ;)


im getting tired of you not listening what are saying, what the hell.

now matchmaking are a good idea for all, on 2 servers, POT5 and Bastion, now the rest of the servers we av to make our own little funny matchmaking system.


"why is that" you as and I shall answer you my child. answer is Population numbers.

i can make a matchmaking system for the "small" servers, just by using 2 things, the server forums and thread.

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And why, is POT5 or bastion the only servers able to support it?


Oh that's right, nobody is signing for PVP on other servers due to lack of interest in getting roflstomped.


Gee, I wonder why we are at our current state. :rolleyes:


ppl are, but ofc why should you have the intelligence as he other one who didn't understand my idea or this matchmaking thing. thx to the server transfer are the PVP community on the res of the servers rather small but i bet we have more matches in an hour than POT5 or bastion (can't now m only guessing)

feel free to go back a few pages and find my idea you wise one and I shall prove you wrong in ways you can comprehend and ways you can't

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in this analogy you need only 16 people to que for this scenario to happen.

flaw of your separate que in your own analogy is, with separate ques none of them will be having any games until

all premades disband

4 pugs make premade.


using your flawed analogy, matchmaking based on win/lose will match them way so both teams have similar ranking

if 4 pugs lose all the time they will be matched with best premade of those 3, and 2 avarage premades will be put together.. ground is equal in theory.


You missed the part about they are all equal in skill. That's what matchmaking is for, isn't it?


With matchmaking you don't get your fantasy scenario of 1 great premade and 2 average premades. You get 3 great premades and 4 great solo pugs.


Now the premades will always have a better group comp. Thus the matchmaking system will cycle the 4 pugs and the "best premade"(even though they are equal skill) through every match.


To your other point, not getting matches at all. So you are okay with those 4 pugs getting stomped as long as the premades get their match? I see where you stand.


Another scenario- 3 great premades, 4 great solo pugs.


3 average premades 4 average solo pugs.


The 4 solo pugs in both skill brackets will get cycled by a double premade. The great solo pugs won't ever get moved down to a lower tier bracket due to their skill and if the average solo pugs get moved up, they even have less of a chance of winning.


So there you have it. If you want matchmaking then you are either for lopsided matches....or in support of lopsided matches.


Matchmaking sounds good when you say it. Too bad that's where it's stops as well.

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im getting tired of you not listening what are saying, what the hell.

now matchmaking are a good idea for all, on 2 servers, POT5 and Bastion, now the rest of the servers we av to make our own little funny matchmaking system.


"why is that" you as and I shall answer you my child. answer is Population numbers.

i can make a matchmaking system for the "small" servers, just by using 2 things, the server forums and thread.


Matchmaking is good for all?


By all you mean- only premades? Then you stand correct.


I guess you don't care about those solo pugs though. Might as well drive them away, I mean what could happen? PVP teams move to another serv--oh wait. :rolleyes:

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ppl are, but ofc why should you have the intelligence as he other one who didn't understand my idea or this matchmaking thing. thx to the server transfer are the PVP community on the res of the servers rather small but i bet we have more matches in an hour than POT5 or bastion (can't now m only guessing)

feel free to go back a few pages and find my idea you wise one and I shall prove you wrong in ways you can comprehend and ways you can't


You can just repost your idea, since it's so groundbreaking and will open everyone's eyes.


Chances are, it won't.


Also enough with the insults, it's beneath you. Unless you are a pro-premaderoflstomp support then I understand the insults, since that is all you can provide when you face me.

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hmm, well, this thread is now thas the most posts in the pvp forum, prob the whole site.


premades <3


They certainly make for effortless easy wins as a pug or nonstop losses if you're on the other faction.


Solution: roll opposite faction and hope you don't get a same faction match.

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You missed the part about they are all equal in skill. That's what matchmaking is for, isn't it?


With matchmaking you don't get your fantasy scenario of 1 great premade and 2 average premades. You get 3 great premades and 4 great solo pugs.


Now the premades will always have a better group comp. Thus the matchmaking system will cycle the 4 pugs and the "best premade"(even though they are equal skill) through every match.


To your other point, not getting matches at all. So you are okay with those 4 pugs getting stomped as long as the premades get their match? I see where you stand.


Another scenario- 3 great premades, 4 great solo pugs.


3 average premades 4 average solo pugs.


The 4 solo pugs in both skill brackets will get cycled by a double premade. The great solo pugs won't ever get moved down to a lower tier bracket due to their skill and if the average solo pugs get moved up, they even have less of a chance of winning.


So there you have it. If you want matchmaking then you are either for lopsided matches....or in support of lopsided matches.


Matchmaking sounds good when you say it. Too bad that's where it's stops as well.


There is no such thing as equal skill. premade it self is not a win. 3 nights ago I joined a wz with 2 3man premades, all these 6 people sucked, we got stomped by a pug who were not so good them selves (atleast my opinion on their attempts to kill me)...

creating scenario that never happens just to prove a point, does not make a point valid.


and the last line is nice. I have different opinion then you, let's put me in a box next to cheaters, rotfl stomping premade makers, exploiters and Vent users. Nope, I run solo que all the time, and most annoying thing is idiots who ignore healers but attack tanks, ignoring objectives, breaking mezzes, not passing balls,not knowing what a rotation is, or going afk... group of 4 who ques together is last of my concern...

Edited by Atramar
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You can just repost your idea, since it's so groundbreaking and will open everyone's eyes.


Chances are, it won't.


Also enough with the insults, it's beneath you. Unless you are a pro-premaderoflstomp support then I understand the insults, since that is all you can provide when you face me.


if I was pro premader and pug stomper I would not even give flying **** about this thread, is that answer enough for you?


and matchmaking would help both party's but apparently like all the other pro premaders you cant see that since you rather want to draw out ppls flaws and mistakes, now that puts me 1 step above you since im not doing that.

and insulting? I only stated that you lack the intelligence to apparently understand my idea, since I stating it im not saying your a "dumb **** " or anything like that am I?

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If Matchmaking is not available (wrong word I know) except on the 2 major PVP servers, then we basically make it our self on the rest of the servers via. the server forums and then all who wanted to have a competitive environment could sign upon a thread on the specific forum for ranked, ofc going to make a problem if some premades don't want it, but its a solution to the problem, and then let the casual players/puggers have the solo quee and the non competitive groups join that one to, just an idea


there you go oh wise one

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