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So this forum is full of threads about nerf this, bioware scks, latest patch ruined everything, worst part of playing in a PUG, stupid noob lines, etc. All negative stuff! I decided to post a reason why PvP still rocks in this game. Here it is:


CW warzone, on repub side - 1-49 bracket. I'm a shadow-tank. We start WZ, one guys goes left, rest of us go mid. They take snow, mid & grass still unclaimed. I die at mid, and upon landing take a look over at grass to see if I should head that way. But no, we are just capping grass - I see someone has already went to help. I go mid. Another death later they cap mid. I think "crap". I may have even said it out loud to myself. :)


We fight at mid for a bit, but they are defending it heavy and well. No pulling them all off for a sneak cap, and we can't get enough of them down to Cc the rest. Someone calls out "lets go under and try for snow". I go with 2 others. While they engage the lone defender at snow I un-stealth and start the cap. My team does a great job of blocking that guy from getting back to me and interrupting and we cap just before their reinforcements show up! More of them do come, but we have enough to reinforce it by then, and we set up defense at grass & snow. Score about 450 us, vs. 500 them (don't remember exact numbers - but they were ahead a bit of course, 'cause they had 2 for a while).


We defend snow and grass for quite a while. They mostly attack grass (I'm at snow with 1 other guy). They finally change tactics and send everyone against us. We hold out for a bit, but they manage to cap snow before the rest of the guys from grass can make it across the field. Score is now 190 us, vs. 100 them. Now I really think "CRAP"... just outside the "just need one to win" range!


We attack snow a bit, but they brought enough to keep it fortified well. I switch to mid, and try a couple stealth-behind-them caps, but they are watching for these and it's not working. Frontal assaults are also failing miserably. The score has counted down to 50-30.. 40-30... 30-20... Some are already typing "gg" and stuff... One guy types in "we haven't lost yet". The rest of us are thinking, "are you a loon?" :) Then at 20-20 WE CAP SNOW. And we win! I have no idea how they got it, but it was awesome!


Games like that (not necessarily textbook perfect, but really FUN), and the possibility to have a game like that is why PvP in this game rocks! There, I said it.

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So this forum is full of threads about nerf this, bioware scks, latest patch ruined everything, worst part of playing in a PUG, stupid noob lines, etc. All negative stuff! I decided to post a reason why PvP still rocks in this game. Here it is:


CW warzone, on repub side - 1-49 bracket. I'm a shadow-tank. We start WZ, one guys goes left, rest of us go mid. They take snow, mid & grass still unclaimed. I die at mid, and upon landing take a look over at grass to see if I should head that way. But no, we are just capping grass - I see someone has already went to help. I go mid. Another death later they cap mid. I think "crap". I may have even said it out loud to myself. :)


We fight at mid for a bit, but they are defending it heavy and well. No pulling them all off for a sneak cap, and we can't get enough of them down to Cc the rest. Someone calls out "lets go under and try for snow". I go with 2 others. While they engage the lone defender at snow I un-stealth and start the cap. My team does a great job of blocking that guy from getting back to me and interrupting and we cap just before their reinforcements show up! More of them do come, but we have enough to reinforce it by then, and we set up defense at grass & snow. Score about 450 us, vs. 500 them (don't remember exact numbers - but they were ahead a bit of course, 'cause they had 2 for a while).


We defend snow and grass for quite a while. They mostly attack grass (I'm at snow with 1 other guy). They finally change tactics and send everyone against us. We hold out for a bit, but they manage to cap snow before the rest of the guys from grass can make it across the field. Score is now 190 us, vs. 100 them. Now I really think "CRAP"... just outside the "just need one to win" range!


We attack snow a bit, but they brought enough to keep it fortified well. I switch to mid, and try a couple stealth-behind-them caps, but they are watching for these and it's not working. Frontal assaults are also failing miserably. The score has counted down to 50-30.. 40-30... 30-20... Some are already typing "gg" and stuff... One guy types in "we haven't lost yet". The rest of us are thinking, "are you a loon?" :) Then at 20-20 WE CAP SNOW. And we win! I have no idea how they got it, but it was awesome!


Games like that (not necessarily textbook perfect, but really FUN), and the possibility to have a game like that is why PvP in this game rocks! There, I said it.


Have you played lvl 50 pvp? And not as a Mara/Sent. It is a totally different ball game and what you told almost never happens in 50 pvp.

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Yes, I have played lvl 50 PvP, but with a Sent, so I guess it doesn't count. Also with an operative healer, which I guess is also considered overpowered, so maybe that doesn't count either. :) I've had last minute turn arounds in 50... like a NC game where we had 1% left and took the second turret and held on to win. I had a huttball where we were tied 3 to 3 at the end of the game and we won because someone managed to pull the "turtler" into the acid with a few seconds left.


I know these games are rare, and I wish they were more common. My point was mostly that games like that could happen. But I haven't tried PvP much in other games. Tried "structured PvP" in a recent game that shall remain nameless - but it just felt like everyone was running from object to objective in circles alternately taking them, losing them, taking them, losing them. There was no defending, not much for tactics, no callouts of incs, no last minute interrupts to stop an objective from being taken, or distracting/blocking to allow one to be taken. At least not that I saw. Felt very boring compared to the way that PvP plays in SW, even in a bad game.

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Yes, I have played lvl 50 PvP, but with a Sent, so I guess it doesn't count. Also with an operative healer, which I guess is also considered overpowered, so maybe that doesn't count either. :) I've had last minute turn arounds in 50... like a NC game where we had 1% left and took the second turret and held on to win. I had a huttball where we were tied 3 to 3 at the end of the game and we won because someone managed to pull the "turtler" into the acid with a few seconds left.


I know these games are rare, and I wish they were more common. My point was mostly that games like that could happen. But I haven't tried PvP much in other games. Tried "structured PvP" in a recent game that shall remain nameless - but it just felt like everyone was running from object to objective in circles alternately taking them, losing them, taking them, losing them. There was no defending, not much for tactics, no callouts of incs, no last minute interrupts to stop an objective from being taken, or distracting/blocking to allow one to be taken. At least not that I saw. Felt very boring compared to the way that PvP plays in SW, even in a bad game.



Play some big boy class/spec like Arsenal Merc man. All those lolmara lolsin and lolpt is no news anymore. Give it a week you will hear derpasmasher talking loudly here as well.

Edited by warultima
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So this forum is full of threads about nerf this, bioware scks, latest patch ruined everything, worst part of playing in a PUG, stupid noob lines, etc. All negative stuff! I decided to post a reason why PvP still rocks in this game. Here it is...


Don't get disheartened, Banderal. I've been here since before launch and played pretty much continuously ever since. I predominately play in Level 50 Warzones while PUGging, and I love it. Though it's still not quite as fun as when my guild and I do some ranked warzones, I still have a blast.


True, you see lots of bad players do frustrating things. That should be expected. And, if all you see are the mistakes of others, then you're probably just suffering from the Dunning–Kruger Effect.


Anyway, thanks for sharing that story and keep having fun. I sure do!



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SWTOR has so so so much potential. If you don't like huttball fine but if you do then you probably see how neat it is and how that in itself a reason to keep playing.


Also, the parts of the game that support having multiple chars has made me for the first time in many years not have a main and instead have many chars. Usually I have a main and a secondary main that I gear up crazy and focus on being the best (which is often not even fun when you think about it. More like work). Also the classes having a lower skill cap would cause issues if you had only 1 or 2 chars and if you are pretty hardcore but only play 1 or 2 chars you prob aren't very good at pvp or you would likely become bored due to the lower skill cap.


When teams are even (good premade vs good premade or same lvl pug vs same lvl pug) the matches are great.


The main issues are optimizing aug wh gives too much of a boost without showing your gear lvl to others and by far the main thing is the lack of a premade matching system. Many horrible players optimize their aug wh and spend most of their pvp time in stacked premades against pugs. This is not fun for anyone (the premades in this case are not having fun they are just trying to get over whatever is wrong with their lives). Another fix would be to make matches have larger numbers in them as then 1 premade would not be 50% of a team.


If they fixed these 2 issues swtor pvp would be great.

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Play some big boy class/spec like Arsenal Merc man. All those lolmara lolsin and lolpt is no news anymore. Give it a week you will hear derpasmasher talking loudly here as well.


LOL, my very first 50 and the guy I "learned" PvP on was an arsenal merc. Combine the stationary-turret class with the fact that I was a *complete* noob and I'm sure you still won't have in your imagination how bad I was. But even with that, I could still knock guys off the bridges. And hey, if I got in an equally bad PUG who just stood there and let me spam tracer missile and heat seeker, I could really rack up some damage numbers. :)

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So this forum is full of threads about nerf this, bioware scks, latest patch ruined everything, worst part of playing in a PUG, stupid noob lines, etc. All negative stuff! I decided to post a reason why PvP still rocks in this game. Here it is:


Still reading, though I'm grinding my teeth and my eyes hurt.


CW warzone, on repub side - 1-49 bracket. I'm a shadow-tank.


This is where your argument crumbles into dust.


We start WZ, one guys goes left, rest of us go mid. They take snow, mid & grass still unclaimed. I die at mid, and upon landing take a look over at grass to see if I should head that way. But no, we are just capping grass - I see someone has already went to help. I go mid. Another death later they cap mid. I think "crap". I may have even said it out loud to myself. :)


Okay, sounds pretty basic so far, maybe there's a point in all of this.


We fight at mid for a bit, but they are defending it heavy and well. No pulling them all off for a sneak cap, and we can't get enough of them down to Cc the rest. Someone calls out "lets go under and try for snow". I go with 2 others. While they engage the lone defender at snow I un-stealth and start the cap. My team does a great job of blocking that guy from getting back to me and interrupting and we cap just before their reinforcements show up! More of them do come, but we have enough to reinforce it by then, and we set up defense at grass & snow. Score about 450 us, vs. 500 them (don't remember exact numbers - but they were ahead a bit of course, 'cause they had 2 for a while).


Ah, maybe this is more of a personal story and less of an argument for why this game's PvP "rocks!" Let's keep reading anyhow.


We defend snow and grass for quite a while. They mostly attack grass (I'm at snow with 1 other guy). They finally change tactics and send everyone against us. We hold out for a bit, but they manage to cap snow before the rest of the guys from grass can make it across the field. Score is now 190 us, vs. 100 them. Now I really think "CRAP"... just outside the "just need one to win" range!


We attack snow a bit, but they brought enough to keep it fortified well. I switch to mid, and try a couple stealth-behind-them caps, but they are watching for these and it's not working. Frontal assaults are also failing miserably. The score has counted down to 50-30.. 40-30... 30-20... Some are already typing "gg" and stuff... One guy types in "we haven't lost yet". The rest of us are thinking, "are you a loon?" :) Then at 20-20 WE CAP SNOW. And we win! I have no idea how they got it, but it was awesome!


Games like that (not necessarily textbook perfect, but really FUN), and the possibility to have a game like that is why PvP in this game rocks! There, I said it.


Aaaand there's 3-5 minutes of my life wasted.

What exactly was the point of this text? Why does this game's PvP "rock" compared to say, any other MMORPG on the market? What is the striking difference? The fact that you can capture a node less than a minute before the match ends? I just don't get it.

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Last week, pugging a Civil War on my lvl 50 arsenal merc alt.


We got 3-capped early on. Got it back to 2 for us, then we slipped and lost one. Goes past 2-1 against so we need to cap all three nodes to win.


We get a second node back, then a third, and desperately hang on long enough to get the score back in our favour before losing one again. Win by a sliver.


That was a very fun game, with calls in chat, a decent premade and some half-decent pugs each side.


PvP in TOR can be a lot of fun, level bracket doesn't change that. Give it a try, but remember to remain as calm as you can, it pays off (shouting at the screen is of course permitted when someone lets a Jugg leap to them in the endzone, so long as impressionable children or easily frightened pets are not close at hand). And try to be objective about why you lose, or win. This helps you improve the next time.


Props to OP for a positive post.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Good post OP, nice to see that someone still thinks PvP is fun and isn't afraid to say so, far too many crybabies that have nothing except "if you dont pvp at lvl 50 shut up" to say on these boards.....


^^This. Whenever I browse the forums I try to keep in mind that most of the negativity comes from people who wil always be crying about something; most of us are busy queuing up and enjoying the FUN game. Props to OP for a ray of sunshine in this dismal place

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Yet ironically arsenal merc is not included in your signature, where all the "lol" classes are.


Commando at 37. And yes I rolled all the LoL classes with the exception Sins which is at 49 for like weeks for twinking purpose. It is that you have to really play those LoL ACs then you would really know how weak some classes are even if played at peak you would own the bads but the LoLClass will still kill you.


ps my Mara/PT/Sorc/Operative are fully WH optimized. The 1st 2 are very facerollingly fun, the later 2 are challengingly fun.

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