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HuttBall 101 - A Player Guide


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How often do you guys even get into huttball? I have played in Warzones like 20-30 times so far (I know it's not much.) And have NEVER had a game of Huttball come up.... Is there some restriction to that gamemode for players to get in that I don't know about or is it just random in a rotation like the other two types? I have wanted to play this gametype since I got the game and just can't get in. :( Edited by StarKillerJay
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THANK YOU SO MUCH for this guide, and all of the useful tips and explanations in the responses. I could not, for the life of me, figure out how to pass the ***damn ball. For those of us new to MMO's/activating skills, it's not very intuitive. Hope Bioware at minimum puts together better instructions, or makes the mechanic simpler. I would suggest that a "How to Pass the Ball" section is added to the original post of this thread.


How often do you guys even get into huttball? I have played in Warzones like 20-30 times so far (I know it's not much.) And have NEVER had a game of Huttball come up.... Is there some restriction to that gamemode for players to get in that I don't know about or is it just random in a rotation like the other two types? I have wanted to play this gametype since I got the game and just can't get in. :(


From my own experience, comments of other people in forums and chat, as well as Bioware's stats, you are in the super small minority. First, as of right now, the gametype you play in PVP warzone is totally random. Bioware has posted on the official SWTOR blog that they are looking to implement a system where you can choose what gametype you want to play in the future.


Next, according to Bioware, about 39% of all games played so far are Huttball. I myself have been put into it 6 times in a row at some points, and it comes up more than anything else in the rotation. You've "lucked out", so to speak. ;)


As I learn how to play it better, it's starting to grow on me, but at first I utterly hated it. A lot of others in chat seem to feel the same way - probably not because the mode itself is bad, but because it is coming up too often, and it only really is fun when everyone knows how to play (but right now, a lot, probably even most, people don't know how).

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For me huttball comes up roughly 5 times out of 6.


Thank you for the guide. I tried pvp for the first time yesterday and I admit I was more than a bit confused what was going on. After a while I noticed how to find the ball carrier (provided it wasnt me) and finding the throw ball ability. There were two things that I was sure about even after few games of huttball.


- Noticing that I have huttball myself (someone threw it on me). I think there should be some kind of bigger icon right in front of my UI that I have the ball.. I died several times while carrying the ball without even realizing I had it. Only noticed it from the commentator saying "ball carrier goes down!".


- where exactly the finishing lines are. Are those the doors that people enter the arena? The problem for me that when the screen is so chaotic, a beginner like me can miss even big "GO THIS WAY" pointers..


Can you put a picture about where the ball is supposed to be delivered to the guide?

Edited by Karkais
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How often do you guys even get into huttball? I have played in Warzones like 20-30 times so far (I know it's not much.) And have NEVER had a game of Huttball come up.... Is there some restriction to that gamemode for players to get in that I don't know about or is it just random in a rotation like the other two types? I have wanted to play this gametype since I got the game and just can't get in. :(


I am also on another server where I end up playing a lot of Huttball. The big difference... Faction Population. You must be on one of the rare servers where a balanced amount of both republic and empire players play pvp and most of the time you will be put in the other 2 warzones. Huttball is the only warzone for same faction play so that there is always some PVP to play even if the enemy faction PVP population is low.


Consider yourself very lucky. The reason we need a guide like this one is because Huttball is the most played warzone out there with a not so simple layout and ball carrying techniques and rules. Put that on top of the fact that when you are on a one sided Faction server, you will be forced to play it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and this is the song that doesnt it end... yes it goes on and on my friend!

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Read this post and found it very enlightening. Granted I have a dozen or so huttballs under my belt it still helps seeing the strategies he made and seen and also the importance of pass or not to pass is an important thing too for it can often make or break a game.


Along with this wisdom sticking with the ball carrier is also key for if the ball carrier goes down you have a chance to get it from them or stoping the other side from getting to far in terms of distance to your goal line.

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Not sure if anyone mentioned this, you can instant kill someone by force pulling them up to your starting area, which is a great way to deny a score if you spawn when they are carrying the ball to your goal line... You don't get credit for the kill or objective though.
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In huttball acid and fire should = death but it doesn't. You should not be able to shield the ball carrier and have them run through acid and two sets of fire without taking damage to score. Jedi and sith should also not be able to just through the fire, fire should = wall.....
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This is an awesome thread. So much so that it inspired me to share what I've learned as of this stage of my Huttball career. I am still learning and I change my mind and perspective often, but I felt compelled to share how I look at things and play. After reading this thread, I've already learned quite a few things I didn't take into consideration. I hope to see more tips and such after finally reading this because there's a lot of players out there that have strategies that leave me scratching my head wondering *** just happened =P Anyways, feel free to flame or suggest away. I'm merely trying to inspire help as well as hoping to learn more tips in perpetually becoming a better player.


What I "think" I know about Huttball regarding when to both inflict damage, and when not to:



-- (When the ball is neutral):Only attack the other team (for dmg) when you're protecting team members or finishing off adversaries; preferably using AoEs when in group situations. This statement is meant to state that if you're not focused on the ball and you're simply attacking a target as a "personal vendetta" then you're either a noob, five years old, or a selfish hole that NEEDS to be doing open world pvp. The only other plausible reason to be attacking anyone that doesn't involve direct relations with the ball is because you're hung like Chuck Norris and can sweep through your target in a quick brisk fashion with the rest of the Champion/Battlemasters.


-- (when the ball is in play): Regarding single target damage; when your team is carrying the ball, or if it's a dire NECESSITY in order to remove the ball from the other team, then it is also considered "OK" to both, attack and to remove an adversary to sustain your teams ability to score and to ultimately win the game. Spamming AoEs around the ball (be it to damage the adversary or to heal your team) helps everyone... This is quiet possibly the biggest issue that I can personally see... This is what everyone is really complaining about we they say "you all suck at pvp and you should quit life, jump out a window and hope it's more than one story": Attack with single target damage only when it involves either placing the ball in your teams hands, or keeps the ball within your team... As soon as the fight you're in becomes irrelevant to the unified objective, pick up anchor and move on. <----- This is the place reserved for you to get your jollies off. This is for all of you that like to match up 1 vs 1 or run into colors and numbers for another untimely death... whatever does it for you, really... Just so that you're not hurting your teams effort to win the game. ^ This is the place reserved for testing your might! If you don't give a good godd about the ball and just want to fight then... HERE'S YOUR WINDOW!!! Your opportunity to assists your team is right here. I feel like it can't be said enough. If everyone, even half the time, did this we'd have some epic games... as many of us have seen. Otherwise... Focus on status effects or AoEs to slow or bind up the other team until your next window of opportunity comes.


This IS all to say that there ARE most definitely bad times to be killing members of the other team. There are always going to be players that just wonder around and aimlessly attack and incur a battle that has little or no role in the shared activity at present. Simply do your best to not be one of them. It's easy to do. Each player that plays like this just removed themselves from helping your team. Your dps and other unique abilities should be utilized on targets involving the ball.


-- (Playing styles):


The Aggressor: follows the ball wherever it resides like a K-9 after it's favorite toy. If the ball is in team, than he guards; if the ball is out of team then he does everything in his power to get it in his hands (e.g. killing, healing, slowing, holding, pulling, knocking back... etc.)


The Defender: follows the group of aggressors and supports team with their actions.(e.g. guarding, healing, buffing, mezzing/slowing, etc... the same as the aggressor, basically but meant to defend the teams actions rather than to drive the team.)


The Elite Aggressor/Defender: With the ability including gear and skill to do so, the EAD is free from the "team mentality"; taking on the burden of the task all to himself he plays both, the aggressor AND the defender roles as they apply in a SOLO attempt to win the game. The sole difference between "The Aggressor" and EAD is not only the break from team work mentality, but the ability to sustain and succeed as a single unit as well. This is to say that if you CANNOT sustain AND succeed as a single unit then stick with the team. The EAD will inevitably cross paths and run with the team a good 80% of the time as it is the same objective at hand.


-- (Retrospection): Do not limit your team with your presence unless you're absolutely sure that your actions are meant in aiding your teams chance to succeed. Your actions matter as soon as you take that spot in the team. Larger numbers as a unit wins games. Don't limit your team by lessening it's volume of effort. If you don't want to play Huttball then let yourself "time out" by staying dead or staying in the safe zone so that another player can enter from Queue... If your actions are anything other than aiding in moving the ball at all, then you are sincerely subverting your teams chance to succeed in a HUGE way.

Edited by Molochai
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I'm so bored of playing Hutt Ball, every time you want to play some pvp, that will be always Hutt Ball, it may be easier for game designers that one has to choose the pvp-maps you want to enter, no I do not believe it is so difficult to fix such a think in the game.

Of all those games that i played in pvp, I have played 96% Hutt Ball, something must be done for us who do not want to play Hutt Ball more, give me some more maps to play.


/ / best regards: bhunter

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I agree.


I wish they'd at least let you play one of each WZ in order then the default of sticking you in huttball. Or maybe specify which WZ you don't want to queue for.


I'd rather wait an hour and go do some questing while waiting for a different WZ then going thru yet another huttball game.

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For those of you who hate Baron Deathmark being a tool, go to:


esc-->preferences-->sound-->turn the voice slider to 0


There IS a map indicator that tells you where the ball is.

There IS a yellow/purple beacon on top of ball carriers which can be seen from across the map.

There is NO reason to subject yourself to listening to these repetitive quotes if you do not want to.


inb4 getting flamed, but I'm sure there are some people out there who would rather not play with the sound muted completely.

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