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Everything posted by DivineDi

  1. Very good OPer. you make a lot of valid points. It some key items to be ticked to warrant a subscription renewal.
  2. Dear Bioware/SWtoR Team You need to look into changing the Auction House/Market place as it is not user friendly. Why is it I must filter it down to the finest thing before I am allowed to type search what I want? Also again we need more to personalize the game to each player. There is nothing you can do if you don't want to Hunt/gather or PvP.
  3. I forgot to add something... Grey mobs... why do they still attack? It is pointless or a death wish on their part.
  4. To the Star Wars Crew, As fairly experienced MMO player there are a few issues and ideas I would like to put forward. This thread is not meant to be a game bashing this or any other games but as a person that has played many MMO's I thought it would be benefical to offer some constructive critisism instead of "this game bows to WoW." I have had no issues with the game nor the customer service I have received. They have all been quite prompt to address bugs, glitches, etc. SWTOR is a unique game and very interesting as it offers new things that the older MMO's don't have. I for one love the spaceship battles and my first response when I was drawn into one was "OMG pew pew! This is like space invaders" I had a blast and couldn't stop this little moment of childish bliss. After nearly a month of playing, not racing to get to lvl 50 as fast as I can but actually playing, enjoy the game, its surroudings, exploring how high I can climb up this mountain, taking time to explore while questing, the community, the pvp and trying to give it my best attention. I have come back with some ideas, this is all my opinion and of course many of the online community probably won't agree but out of respect this is not game or player bashing nor turn it into such. PVE/Questing: Many MMOers, myself included like to experience different classes and what they have to offer. A concearn would be that you are unable to leave the Newbie zone until you finish your class quest. I can see how this particular questline gets a bit old due to the fact, the movies and dialog is always the same and you just start hitting space to get through it as fast as possible and clicking random replies. It becomes slightly annoying and time consuming to listen to the same thing & see the same movies. The story that you go through at the beginning is great for the first few times. Why must the area be so restricted? Will there be options to allow us to pick different starting areas to experience and different storyline when we create. Just I feel the lack of variation may cause loss of interest or make it go a bit dry. Will there be a revamp of the quest paths and dialogs in the future or perhaps the characters lvl through their home world? PVP: I like the pvp...besides the fact of getting slaughter at the hands of the "evil" Republic. While in pvp I feel the revive door wait seems to take ages but I understand the need for it. Huttball my biggest issue with that is throwing the ball. You have it hot keyed, you click it, and a cursor appears for you to click on (hopefully) your own team mate. It doesn't feel like a smooth process and sometimes I find it glitchy, when it does leave your hand to the person you click. I think it would be much easier or smoother that if you had a teammate targeted and click your hot key it is thrown to them. Or if you click the hotkeyed ball and throw it to a particular area maybe your team will have it maybe the opposing team will have it. The other two I don't really have issues with as they are pretty straight forward....Saying that, the one where you have to put the bombs on the doors. The part in which you have to access the control panel to drop the barrier and send the bridge across. It is not very...sportman like the go inbetween the pillar and the currently up forcefield by said panel and the enemy team and sink into that pillar and attack those at the console while they can not be targetted and hit. Also the movie for this where the Darth is speaking and the ships are in the movie, again it gets old. Yes you can space out of it but can a simple option be implimented to allow one to turn the movies off (Same with the loooooooong ride in if you are defender side). Things I would love to see in the future: We have this great personal style space craft. What about pvp battle with those, allowing us players to control them fully? Personallizing our spacecraft (Like player housing) Allowing your group members to join said space craft. For a pvp fight for example. Say a full team may get a slight more benefit then a 2 man team? Or they all man certain firing points on one's ship? More varied pvp adventures. Player housing. I know this is not on everyones top ten things but for me it is nice to have a chill moment when you don't want to pvp or quest. I played Star War (the first one) and the player housing I thought was very well done when you had the gather stations to get things while you were out. Though I do like to gather my own crafting resources myself. Crafting: Again this is something I feel is more a wind down time for me and the pet doing it all I feel kinda like a third wheel on a date...the "right...what do I do now." There are times when peeps don't want to hunt or pvp. We need something to fill that gap. Where the fun silly stuff to make? General personalization (I know UI is coming and it is extremely wanted) I love my hunter style classes, going out looking for my own lil "special pet" I can give a good home to a love...bows and squeaky toys included...I can see it now...a pet Rancor with pink pompom bows on each ear. awwww. No but seriously. I like to be able to name my pets. Yes we get this handy little companion to begin with but not really by choice. I think I have ranted or babbled enough, but to the SWTOR team hope you get some ideas from this. Forgive any spelling or grammar, I want to play :-p TY SWTOR Team.
  5. hehe I love the idea of stealthing at the enemy line and just walking over ! Think I can manage that :-p
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