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Getting stunlocked with full resolve bar


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You don't need to stun to prevent caps. You don't need a stun to "get away". If people would actually use their roots and snares, they would not have changed resolve (it was almost fine the way it was, now its all out of wack). pfft...


I find this comment....amusing.... 99% of the playerbase opens their rotation with a cc/stun. It doesnt matter if its 1v1 or if they have a 6v1 advantage, they will still stun you into oblivion, right from the opening salvo, as its ingrained in their rotation so heavily, its just another skill at this point.

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I would take you seriously, if you started using you're and your where they are supposed to be used.


That aside, ill go with what you put on the third one because we both know that is right.


You don't need 3 pocket healers, this is where your knowledge of this game eludes you, I will not go too much into it, i'm not here to teach you how to play.


It has a 2 minute cool-down for a reason, I never said it should be available all the time. Again, i will not go into how to use it, i'm not here to teach you how to play.


Oh my. Another random irrelevant nobody on a now small time MMO forum with 3rd rate PvP won't take some one seriously because they used your instead of you're? Seriously? :rolleyes: In addition your BEST argument is "I'm not going to teach you how to play". You seem to somehow be under the false impression that we should just accept that somebody who can offer zero evidence is THE authority no questions asked. Tell me, is it because Stone Cold said so? That's what you're argument is pretty much based on. Reading a Codex. You seem to be under the false impression that you're right and everyone else is wrong? You imply that you have facts that it's a minority? Mind sharing? Newsflash Mr Irrelevant, you're not exactly proving anything other than you're the last person anyone here should take advice from. Bye-bye.

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Video's or you are all liars.


OH! Gonna test your knowledge. In Huttball, if I'm stunned enough to have a full resolve bar, use my CC breaker and get rooted or snared, will that grey out the pass the ball button? Think carefully about if you want to answer this or not.

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I've noticed this too, not on myself but on my targets. I would mess up and waste a cc/stun on someone with full resolve just to stun them anyway. It's actually worth trying to CC someone with full resolve now if they are running over a fire pit and it's your last resort. You might get lucky.


On the topic of using stuns/cc'es in the offensive rotation, I've always done that against people I knew could play their classes so the nerf to eletrocute hit me hard. It was my, as a sorc/sage, way of keeping myself on par with much burstier classes. Now you might say "good players kite" and yes, I would do that in a fair 1 vs 1 in the Den. Kiting in a wz is however not always that great, due to the risk that some other enemy catches on to it and decides to join the fun. So I would use foremost electrocute to keep the fight in one spot. It was also really nice against snipers. Still doing fine but I can't help thinking that I've become more annoying to my opponents. Instead of just using the traditional stuns I've now had to spec a hybrid where both overload and my bubble root/stun them too. In a long fight and worst case scenario I'll stun the same enemy several times. Don't know how that improved the "resolve enviroment". It's definitely something BW should have thought through.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I find this comment....amusing.... 99% of the playerbase opens their rotation with a cc/stun. It doesnt matter if its 1v1 or if they have a 6v1 advantage, they will still stun you into oblivion, right from the opening salvo, as its ingrained in their rotation so heavily, its just another skill at this point.


i wont. but then again I don't need to stun you to kill you. anyone who opens with a stun needs to learn to play. People who use their stuns as soon as they are off cooldown are idiots. Then they wonder why a single enemy player was able to stop your cap attempt even tho you had 4 guys standing there. Too bad they all wasted their stuns killing that 1 sentinel.

On a side note I love when I get stunned, I pop my CC Breaker Then get stunned again and for some reason I still have my CC Breaker available.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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<< i wont. but then again I don't need to stun you to kill you. anyone who opens with a stun needs to learn to play... >>


Disagree. Ops, Deception sins, Jugg tanks... stuns are their bread and butter. Stuns are the best way to stop an enemy from mezzing/vanishing/speed-bursting away from you if you're a melee. If you've got them and they're on 30 sec or 1 min cooldowns you should definitely not save them for a rainy day.

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<< i wont. but then again I don't need to stun you to kill you. anyone who opens with a stun needs to learn to play... >>


Disagree. Ops, Deception sins, Jugg tanks... stuns are their bread and butter. Stuns are the best way to stop an enemy from mezzing/vanishing/speed-bursting away from you if you're a melee. If you've got them and they're on 30 sec or 1 min cooldowns you should definitely not save them for a rainy day.


They don't open with a stun. they open with a physical attack that knocks you down. They open with a mezz if you are solo guarding hoping you are a bad and pop your cc breaker.

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<< They don't open with a stun. they open with a physical attack that knocks you down. >>


At the risk of arguing semantics, what's the difference between that and a short stun?


opening with a stun (4 second) and opening with shoot first are completely 2 different things. Bioware changing peoples hard stuns to 10M is the only good thing they have ever done for pvp.

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They don't open with a stun. they open with a physical attack that knocks you down. They open with a mezz if you are solo guarding hoping you are a bad and pop your cc breaker.


that's actually a bad move. it fills resolve for no reason. if there are 2 ppl guarding, then it's worth trying. so you can take them one at a time. if there's just one guard, you gotta man up and solo the dude. he'll be at half health before he even gets off one abil.

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that's actually a bad move. it fills resolve for no reason. if there are 2 ppl guarding, then it's worth trying. so you can take them one at a time. if there's just one guard, you gotta man up and solo the dude. he'll be at half health before he even gets off one abil.


I agree. I have never been capped on when I have been mezzed. It is almost impossible to do. You mezz and then try and cap it takes a second delay giving me plenty of time to get off a instant attack when mezz is over.

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I agree. I have never been capped on when I have been mezzed. It is almost impossible to do. You mezz and then try and cap it takes a second delay giving me plenty of time to get off a instant attack when mezz is over.


It depends on the node. In ACW you can use the node to LOS, so if you get mezzed and the attacker ducks behind the node and caps, you then need to not only eat 8 seconds of mezz time, but also need to run past the node. If the attacker was in the right position and you weren't you are going to lose the node.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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<< opening with a stun (4 second) and opening with shoot first are completely 2 different things. Bioware changing peoples hard stuns to 10M is the only good thing they have ever done for pvp. >>


Not all stuns are 4 seconds (force stasis and choke are normally 3 secs, knockdown abilities are 1.5, shield breaks are 2 or 3 secs, etc). I've tried numerous things, like bubble, vanish, guarded by the force, etc... when I'm on my face I can't do anything but take damage or use my cc break. It's a stun.


And yeah, I love it when stealthers mez me 2x while I'm guarding.

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editing and copypasting



Still waiting


Oh my. Another random irrelevant nobody on a now small time MMO forum with 3rd rate PvP won't take some one seriously because blah blah blah.


This would have been funnier if the person you were quoting wasn't dead right.


OH! Gonna test your knowledge. In Huttball, if I'm stunned enough to have a full resolve bar, use my CC breaker and get rooted or snared, will that grey out the pass the ball button? Think carefully about if you want to answer this or not.


Of course you can pass while rooted but not stunned.


On a side note I love when I get stunned, I pop my CC Breaker Then get stunned again and for some reason I still have my CC Breaker available.


This happens to me too. I think it's break on damage stuns, that some idiot breaks before I can get t the button.

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I will restate my claim since a few people have some reading comprehension issue's and chose to insult my intelligence. I was stunlocked and I gained a full resolve bar. I then walked a few feet and was stunned again briefly, while looking at my full resolve bar the entire time as i walked that few feet . This happened in huttball. Grats on having me explain it as if i were handling a 2 year old.


I didn't come to this forum to QQ about stun lock or the resolve system. I am simply pointing something out that is/was not working as intended.


You were rooted. And it was a root type that breaks on damage hence the "briefly". If you still claim it was a stun then you should take this to support forum and make a bug ticket as it was not supposed to happen.

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Stunlocked with full resolve is the Loch Ness Monster of SWTOR.


You hear claims of it all the time. Yet no one ever has a video of it. You would think someone by now would have got it caught on Fraps or something if it was as common as people make it sound.

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Oh my. Another random irrelevant nobody on a now small time MMO forum with 3rd rate PvP won't take some one seriously because they used your instead of you're? Seriously? :rolleyes: In addition your BEST argument is "I'm not going to teach you how to play". You seem to somehow be under the false impression that we should just accept that somebody who can offer zero evidence is THE authority no questions asked. Tell me, is it because Stone Cold said so? That's what you're argument is pretty much based on. Reading a Codex. You seem to be under the false impression that you're right and everyone else is wrong? You imply that you have facts that it's a minority? Mind sharing? Newsflash Mr Irrelevant, you're not exactly proving anything other than you're the last person anyone here should take advice from. Bye-bye.


i see what u did thar


i'm sorry my reply got you so worked up, move along.

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OH! Gonna test your knowledge. In Huttball, if I'm stunned enough to have a full resolve bar, use my CC breaker and get rooted or snared, will that grey out the pass the ball button? Think carefully about if you want to answer this or not.



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Stunlocked with full resolve is the Loch Ness Monster of SWTOR.


You hear claims of it all the time. Yet no one ever has a video of it. You would think someone by now would have got it caught on Fraps or something if it was as common as people make it sound.


I always thought it was the Bigfoot, but Loch Ness Monster makes more sense since they both smell kind of fishy...

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Stunlocked with full resolve is the Loch Ness Monster of SWTOR.


You hear claims of it all the time. Yet no one ever has a video of it. You would think someone by now would have got it caught on Fraps or something if it was as common as people make it sound.



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only problem is hutball, where you actually have full resolve, ball and still can't do a thing. because u usualy have 20 buffs on you, half of them do some kind of movement effect. and that makes people angry.


so indeed, resolve sucks, but not beause it doesnt work how it should (it does), it doesnt work how is logical to work :D

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Probably stun grenades. Stun grenades are an untyped stun that doesn't give any resolve and ignores resolve, you can be stunned by them with a full resolve bar and the resolve bar will deplete to almost half before the stun breaks.


Not a big deal when one person in the WZ uses them but when an entire team carries them in can get really annoying, really fast. I believe they should change them so that a full resolve bar will make you immune to them like it does every other stun in the game.

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