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Favorite Planet (Potential Spoilers)


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So I wanted to have a post about people's favorite planet based on Story and lore, Quests (including area, heroics, and daily missions), and Npc's and such. Only your favorite that you have done. (also what it looks like)


My favorite so far is hutta because the quests are organized well and it has a really good feel.


My least favorite is of course Korriban. (even though taris, hoth, and belsavis are just UGH grind. :mad:)

I have heard alot about Voss being awsome.... Anyone able to describe the way it looks and the quests and such?Thx!:D

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I love all of the starter planets, but my favorite overall is probably Alderaan. Tython and Hoth take second and third in no real order. I'm a sucker for a beautiful environment, especially with snow.


Have to agree here - Alderaan is a really nice planet - quite big and very nice scenery! - Balmorra is probably my least fave - just unnecessarily complicated and long to get around.

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Republic-side Tatooine (it's got that sexy wild west frontier feel to it, plus it's a desert - my only complaint is the random Geonosians as enemies) is my favorite.


My least favorite so far is Tython (too big and scattered compared to other starting zones, and it takes forever), followed closely by Alderaan (huge, slow, stupid story, longest loading times of any planet for me, ugly drops, idiotic NPCs).


Nar Shadaa, Coruscant, and Corellia are three I am not very fond of because of the whole "giant-*** city" vibe they have. It's boring and the whole area looks exactly the same.


I like all the other planets.

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My fav planet has to be Tat. I loved it in SWG and would spend hours killing sand people, you could get the full set of sand people gear if you worked hard enough.


My least fav planet is Nar Shadda, too bright, too big, everything looks the same.

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Imperial Taris is probably my favourite, something about running round a ruined world and the quest line for the Sith Warrior really taking shape.


Other than that for questing and look of the worlds Korriban and Dromund Kass would be 2nd and 3rd in they give a feeling of the sith empire. I would like to say Corellia because the idea of a civil war torn city is great but sadly Mass Effect 3 did it better (realistic graphics over stylised may be what sung it) and knowing how it ends makes the entire Imperial stroyline seem pointless.

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I cant decide between Tatooine and Taris.


Taris is just awesome due to nostalgia and the all around coolness of the planet. Rackgouls, pirates, warring gangs, remains of KOTOR 1 stuff, the story arcs ROCK. All the downed ships to explore, the nefarious plots on the empire side, and the desperate grasp for a dying planet on the republic side. All around super well done!


Tatooine, the stories are a bit weak, but I LOVE the wide open space. The huge desert, the jawas, the sand people, all so fun! It was the only planet that didnt make me feel like I was trapped with only one way to go. I felt I could go anywhere! But again, stories kinda sucked.

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My very favorite planet: Hoth. Yeah, I am not kidding. I do love traveling all over the planet on my speeder, and the calm music and scenery really makes me feel so relaxed! Watching the occasional wind blows and especially admiring the spaceship graveyard are truly awesome.


That's why my second favorite planet is Tatooine, when you look up and see those twin suns sunset, you hear your inner kid shouting: "Now this is 100% Star Wars!!!". The best part of both planets is: you can move in any direction and still find something new!.


Now, my least favorite planet, or should I say, the one I almost hate, is Corelia. So boring, so repetitive, and the worst part: so many freaking STRAIGHT lines!! Traveling long distances can be tedious, but when you do it over and over again following the same boring pattern is...unbearable tedious!

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dromund kaas..



no other planet even comes close to it in terms of epicness.....

i miss kashyyk and manaan from kotor 1...then again i miss everything from kotor 1...


I agree. DK is by far my favorite. I've leveled just about every class combo possible on sith side up through that planet. Out of all the other planets it has the best original feel to it. very jungle like (like Kass city is constantly fighting the jungle back kinda feel). the rain and gloom add to the spookyness. and the old sith temple is awesome! Every time i hear mako say "I can still hear the voices i my head....if I lose it here please don't leave me..." it sends shivers up my spine...


Every other planet has a very "normal" feel to it. plus Kass has such a clean polished look to it...and all the banners leave you feeling like you walked into communist era central. Not that I like the idea :) but its a very ominous, brooding feeling. It really sets the tone for the empire far more then coruscant sets the tone for the republic. I almost would have preferred something like Alderaan for the repub starter planet. I know, Cor is the "center" of the republic, but Alderaan has a much better feel to it that speaks to me openness and freedom. Tython does too, but it's a starter planet, so can't really use that.


other then DK, I'd say tatooine is a close second (repub side...I too like the cowboy feel to it), with Nar shaddaa 3rd. I've always enjoyed heading out into the dune sea on Tat...it has a huge, epic feeling to it. I wish I could actually try to get to the other side of it! it just needs to drop the exhaustion barrier and go on forever. Nar Shadaa has always been a place of excitement and danger for me in the KoTOR series, and it's the one that feels best out of all the "city-planet" planets.

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