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Player Activated Resolve


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Hey, guys. I actually posted this suggestion in a previous thread, and it got some attention, so I figured I'd move it to see if anyone else thought it was a good idea...


I'm fine with Resolve as is, but I think this would make it better.


Short Version:


Make an ability for players that toggles their Resolve on and off.


Long Version:


I think the problem that Development is seeing with the Resolve mechanic is that it's a "group mechanic" and not an "individual player mechanic."


If they continue to pit groups that are using voice chat against PUGs that can't voice chat with each other, then any "group mechanic" will have a disproportionately large benefit to the coordinating group.


So, here's my first stab at a solution: What about the idea of a "Resolve Shield Ability?" Let's call it, "Determination," for now.


Every time someone uses a CC on you, whether it's successful or not, it generates X amount of, "Resolve Seconds." Those Resolve Seconds are "banked" on your character until you choose to use them. Using your "Determination" makes you immune to ALL CC while it's active, and you cannot acquire more Resolve Seconds, you can only spend them. Determination would NOT be a CC Breaker, though you could use your CC Breaker and then activate your Determination.While active, your Determination uses up your Resolve Seconds.


Pressing it again will "deactivate" your Determination, and leave you vulnerable to more CC, but will stop the use of your "banked" Resolve Seconds (RSs).


This is the catch though. Both activating and deactivating Determination requires a "tithe."


Having an "activation and deactivation tithe" means that people wouldn't be able to "spam" Determination, and not being able to acquire more RSs while Determination is active would prevent people from being able to activate it too often. A maximum banked Resolve cap would prevent any player from accruing too many RSs at any one time.


For instance, let's say that it costs 20 RSs to activate and 5 to deactivate. Every CC you get hit with generates 15 RSs. So, you get hit with the second CC, and you now have 30 RSs banked. You can activate your Determination, but that immediately costs 20 of those 30 seconds, leaving you with only 10 seconds of immunity to CCs. And, if you spent 6 of those seconds using it before you decided to "turn it off," (you're now at 4 banked RSs), it would ALSO means that you could NOT deactivate it, since you don't have enough RSs to do so. This means you'd have to "ride out your Determination."


That math would have to be looked at, but this system would place Resolve directly into the hands of the players. It would minimize the unbalancing advantage of coordinated groups AND minimize the penalties of uncoordinated groups (which was Development's entire purpose for introducing the 1.4 change). Instead, the skill of the individual player would be the determining factor.


From the players' perspective, this would be very simple. You'd have an ability called Determination. When you had enough banked RSs to activate it, it would light up, just like any other ability. While active, you'd have a "CD timer" on it displaying the number of RSs you had, and it would start counting down. Once you went under the number of RSs needed to deactivate it, the button would go dark again.


Thoughts on this?

Edited by SovereignConvict
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i like the idea of "banking" resolve "credit" rather than getting serial CC'd, dying, and resetting resolve to zero again without ever getting the benefit of full resolve. might need to lower the amount of time it ticks though. probably anything more than the 5s that shroud/resil get would make it too much of an advantage in hb.
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This is an amazing idea...and I love it! /Signed.


This is well thought and would add some degree of control to the current stunfest! Not to mention it would be very simple to understand as you have suggested....Even for Folks that dont want to do the Math its as simple as when its full hit the button for immunity for "X" amount of seconds....They could even add an interface option to show a Number on the Determination skill that shows how many Seconds of Immunity you have accrued.

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Re-/signing your post. I like the idea of putting CC immunity in the player's hands, and with the "credit" it has some form of diminishing returns. How would this possibly work into the slows/roots. I don't necessarily hate resolve as it is now. I can get through it, and sometimes you eat it, sometimes you don't, and sometimes it works to your advantage. What absolutely drives me nuts, is Legshot>sent leap>sent leap>guardian charge>Legshot rinse/repeat. Not stunlocked as so many cry foul, as you can fight back, but, just having to sit there......standing............in one spot...........forever, watching your HP drop.
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I don't like the idea of people having access to more resolve immunity abilities. The only way to cap sometimes is with co-ordinated stuns, and with this, you'd have people charging in immune to CC rather often. I don't know, I don't care for it.
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I don't like the idea of people having access to more resolve immunity abilities. The only way to cap sometimes is with co-ordinated stuns, and with this, you'd have people charging in immune to CC rather often. I don't know, I don't care for it.


I suppose but in a coordinated situation they would never build enough resolve to activate Determination.....So Unless your Coordinating Stuns and then failing to cap several times no one would build enough to go Immune.......In this Suggestion there is a cost to activate it...and it scales so unless you Botch Several attempts at Stunning/capping...it would not be a problem....


I dont know Im just not a fan of the 1.4 Resolve system at all....I had an Operative keep me from capping our node for far to long the other day...I just held on to my Breaker but in the mean time im stunned...wait it out....stop him from the cap....stunned...he restealths...wait it out...Stunned he tries to cap I break and b eat him a bit...he vanishes...I recup and go to cap...right towards the end....stunned no cap....Resolve is being milked to the fullest these days because it builds so slow....


Im sure I could have played it better but its getting so old I just dont care anymore....Some people dont even bother fighting anymore they just harass people with CC...seriously.

Edited by Soljin
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I don't like the idea of people having access to more resolve immunity abilities. The only way to cap sometimes is with co-ordinated stuns, and with this, you'd have people charging in immune to CC rather often. I don't know, I don't care for it.


I totally see your point, and I think it's a fair one. Having "at will" Resolve (which is basically what this is), would become a new playing tactic. However, you have to be getting CC'd to generate it to begin with, and you'd never be able to have more than a set amount of banked RSs.


As long as you got the numbers right, I don't think you'd be experiencing anymore frustration with your specific situation than you are now, which is essentially: "Sometimes someone is luckily in a situation where they can mess up your strategy."


But, while playtesting this idea, I think you hit on the number one thing they'd want to keep their eye to see if it was a major issue or not.


Btw, my proposition here was in lieu of the current Resolve system, not an idea of an extra system on top of the one we already have.

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I suppose but in a coordinated situation they would never build enough resolve to activate Determination.....So Unless your Coordinating Stuns and then failing to cap several times no one would build enough to go Immune.......In this Suggestion there is a cost to activate it...and it scales so unless you Botch Several attempts at Stunning/capping...it would not be a problem....


I dont know Im just not a fan of the 1.4 Resolve system at all....I had an Operative keep me from capping our node for far to long the other day...I just held on to my Breaker but in the mean time im stunned...wait it out....stop him from the cap....stunned...he restealths...wait it out...Stunned he tries to cap I break and b eat him a bit...he vanishes...I recup and go to cap...right towards the end....stunned no cap....Resolve is being milked to the fullest these days because it builds so slow....


Im sure I could have played it better but its getting so old I just dont care anymore....Some people dont even bother fighting anymore they just harass people with CC...seriously.


About the "Operative Sitatuion." Yeah, when the game launched, Operatives (and Scoundrels) could keep you CC'd the ENTIRE time it took them to kill you. They fixed that in a patch sometime in mid January I believe. However, since 1.4 the ONLY real problem with the Resolve change I've had is that it has now allowed Scoundrels and Operatives to do this again. No joke. CC'd the entire time by a single opponent until I was dead. Not fun.

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The RESOLVE system favors Melee over Casters as most of the time by the time casters (less mitigation) get Resolve to work they are already dead. Melee on the other hand have mitigation so Resolve works great for them.


This is clearly favoritism for Melee or any class that has Mitigation. Even on my healers when I cast a heal on myself I hardly ever see Resolve kick in before I am already dead. Resolve sucks and is a bad solution.

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Its a good idea but the game still needs less time spent being cc'ed in a warzone then now.


That would be the point of this though. Give the player control for when they activate their Resolve means that you'd be able to pick the times where it was most important for you to NOT get CCed.


Also, your banked Resolve Seconds would persist through death, so you wouldn't have the situation now where you get CCed until your Resolve finally kicks in, and then it's completely gone by the time you get back into the fight.

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The RESOLVE system favors Melee over Casters as most of the time by the time casters (less mitigation) get Resolve to work they are already dead. Melee on the other hand have mitigation so Resolve works great for them.


This is clearly favoritism for Melee or any class that has Mitigation. Even on my healers when I cast a heal on myself I hardly ever see Resolve kick in before I am already dead. Resolve sucks and is a bad solution.


LOL please!!! Sorc/sage bubble with talent points in backlash to make your bubble do a 3 sec HARD STUN for just 300 resolve? Best of all, anytime it breaks on anybody it stuns you if you're in range. Last night during a VS I was stunned 4 times by the bubble burst in a 15 sec span so no, melee is not favored by anything. Sorc/sages now have the most stuns possible but you have to have the correct talents to do so. Whoever thought it would be a great idea to make this a hard stun and not correct the resolve with it to do 200 resolve per sec stunned like the rest of the hard stuns should be smacked.

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