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no hk51 for solo players


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I've heard this as well, but I consider it barely worth it if it doesn't take place in a single-player game. The experience just will never be as good as it could be in this format.


I'd have preferred a followup game featuring Revan (instead of books)--I think they dropped the ball where that is concerned. They could have made KOTOR3 and followed up with this mmorpg. Too bad. This will have to suffice.

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why do you force us solo players to do a hm fp to get HK-51.

is no-one playing these fp that you heve to force the solo players to do those FP.

HK-51 is multiplayer content deal with it. If you want that content you have to group up, simple as that. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with enjoying this game like a single player game, but don't asume that you should get everything in game by never grouping.

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The flashpoints don't bother me so much I have friends and a guild that can help me but what bothers me is in order to get the parts I have to go to a pvp area to get a part and since I never pvp that what bothers me.


And before someone jumps on me for complaining do me a favor and look at my history and notice I rarely complain.





Directive: Activate Assassination Protocols – Heroic 2+ (Components Portion)


Component #1 (Transistor): Outlaw’s Den in Tatooine.


If you have the legacy perk purchased, you can just port to Outlaw’s Den directly. Otherwise, travel to Outlaw Den and seek out Collector Kezzit, the jawa vendor.Beware this place is free for all PVP so you will be flagged and could get griefed.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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HK-51 is multiplayer content deal with it. If you want that content you have to group up, simple as that. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with enjoying this game like a single player game, but don't asume that you should get everything in game by never grouping.



The HK-droids are an integral part of both KOTOR games. They were my favorite characters in both games. The idea that Bioware would make his inclusion (into TOR) contingent on non-solo play... there's just something wrong with that. Other bonus content, fine. But I want my HK whether or not I enjoy group play. :D This just feels like a slight slap in the face to the people they know bought this game strictly to solo (most likely old diehard KOTOR fans).

Edited by MOkoFOko
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The flashpoints don't bother me so much I have friends and a guild that can help me but what bothers me is in order to get the parts I have to go to a pvp area to get a part and since I never pvp that what bothers me.


And before someone jumps on me for complaining do me a favor and look at my history and notice I rarely complain.


The sad thing is you know someone's going to jump on your case for not liking an aspect of the gameplay. Absolutely true.


For the record, I'm also not a fan of PVPing.

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HK-51 is multiplayer content deal with it. If you want that content you have to group up, simple as that. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with enjoying this game like a single player game, but don't asume that you should get everything in game by never grouping.


D, ... Dulfy has disproven that HK-51 MUST be done multiplayer. According to her, it is soloable. :cool:

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And the point that you're missing is that plenty of people bought this strictly for the RPG story aspect--not endgame content. You can easily complete the class stories solo.


You don't NEED dread guard gear. You want it. I didn't need to avoid 100-lightningstrikes in Final Fantasy X to get some overpowered ultimate weapon. I was able to complete the story just fine without it, and move on to the next game. Some of us also don't bother to collect 100-mysterious objects to earn steam achievements, etc. We have different interests. I'm not saying that endgame-raiders are akin to obscure achievement hunters, but sometimes that's how if feels to me :)


Um, you don't NEED HK-51. You want it. That's fine if you bought the game to play as a single player. However, you're only playing part of what this game is. The only person limiting this, is the user. You missed my point entirely. I was trying to express that there are parts of this game where you need to group with others in order to succeed. That is the nature of an MMO. You knew this full well in advance. You chose not to play with others. That's your prerogative, but don't sit there and complain because you want to play a single player RPG in an MMO. You're just trying to force a square peg through a round hole... it doesn't fit perfectly.


Why, if you understand that Dread Guard gear requires teamwork, do you not accept that you need to do a little group work to get HK-51? Were you mislead? When you bought the game that clearly advertises itself as an MMO did you see some bullet point that said, "Acquire all companions through solo play?"



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I seen this complaint coming, the other complaint will be going into Outlaws den, I am niether here nor there on the issue, I will group like I always do and do the content on a least one toon. the quest line is kinda epic, and some how solo and epic don't go together.. /shrug
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Why, if you understand that Dread Guard gear requires teamwork, do you not accept that you need to do a little group work to get HK-51? Were you mislead? When you bought the game that clearly advertises itself as an MMO did you see some bullet point that said, "Acquire all companions through solo play?"


This is moot you all should drop this. Dulfy's Guide clearly show's that HK-51 IS obtainable for solo players. It will be a little more challenging but it can be accomplished.


Also, TBH with the expection of End game OPS and End game PvP you really don't need to group for anything. Either I am just such an UBER player (not) or this game is just VERY EASY (yup I think this is the case).


And again, for all those that say what did you expect playing an MMO (not so much you LP), I will say this:


"What ... are you weak sauce for HAVING to group to level to cap in SWTOR of all MMORPGs?!?!?!?!" :p


I jest but you get the point! :cool:

Edited by Urael
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Absolutely. Well said. A lot of the fun comes from doing things yourself, rather than relying on 3-4 others to help. I'm not here to find virtual friends--I'm here to play the game, my way :o


"Bah, why can't I play co-op in Kotor 2? Why doesn't it let my buddy control the other character. I have 2 controllers. I paid for this game. This system. This extra controller. I should be able to play the game, my way."


See how ridiculous it sounds? Just because you bought a game doesn't mean it needs to play the way you want it to. It's an MMO, if you knew what that entailed you would be understanding of group mechanics. That's the way it works. There's no more point to this discussion. You're huffing and puffing and digging your heels into the sand because you don't understand the genre of the game you bought. Accept that this is an MMO, that certain features of the game require group effort (because that is how MMO's are played), and move on.


Find one MMO game where you can do every single piece of content in the game (current content) solo, and I'll tip my hat to you. If you can't, then accept that you are trying to pigeon-hole a game to be played your way and not the way the genre of the game is designed.

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Dulfy's Guide clearly show's that HK-51 IS obtainable for solo players. It will be a little more challenging but it can be accomplished.

You sure about that?


Component #7 (Loyalty Chip) – Hardmode Maelstrom Prison/Foundry

I have yet to see anyone solo a HM Foundry. Maybe a sin tank + healer companion who are superly geared with tons upon tons of presence, but that's a big "maybe".


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"Bah, why can't I play co-op in Kotor 2? Why doesn't it let my buddy control the other character. I have 2 controllers. I paid for this game. This system. This extra controller. I should be able to play the game, my way."


See how ridiculous it sounds? Just because you bought a game doesn't mean it needs to play the way you want it to. It's an MMO, if you knew what that entailed you would be understanding of group mechanics. That's the way it works. There's no more point to this discussion. You're huffing and puffing and digging your heels into the sand because you don't understand the genre of the game you bought. Accept that this is an MMO, that certain features of the game require group effort (because that is how MMO's are played), and move on.


Find one MMO game where you can do every single piece of content in the game (current content) solo, and I'll tip my hat to you. If you can't, then accept that you are trying to pigeon-hole a game to be played your way and not the way the genre of the game is designed.


Not even bothering to read this one. You're putting way too much effort into this, and I don't need another stalker. You can keep typing, and I'll keep ignoring. ;)

Edited by MOkoFOko
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HK-51 is multiplayer content deal with it. If you want that content you have to group up, simple as that. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with enjoying this game like a single player game, but don't asume that you should get everything in game by never grouping.


Companions are, by and large, only useful when soloing. That would seem to make companions "solo content".


You (for the most part) need to do group content (HM flashpoint) to unlock this solo content.


That seems somewhat fubar to me.

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Companions are, by and large, only useful when soloing. That would seem to make companions "solo content".


You (for the most part) need to do group content (HM flashpoint) to unlock this solo content.


That seems somewhat fubar to me.


I guess I don't have an issue with bioware dangling this as a carrot to warm solo-inclined players to the multi-player concept. After all, the bulk of the revenue is going to come out of subscribers--and unless there's something I'm missing, there's not much to entice solo-players to keep subscribing once F2P goes live.

Edited by MOkoFOko
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Well SM False Emperor is soloable (HM Foundry/Maelstrom Prison less so) so if you really really hate grouping you can just solo everything except HM Foundry.


Heck, if HM Foundry is the only time you group in the game you'll finally be able to get your Social Badge - lol.

And the Elegent Dress/Formal Wear Social I outfits.:p

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To sum it up,


"Oh noes, we might have to group for 1 whole flashpoint in the entire game! I've managed to have zero social points until now, whatever shall I do?"


Well you can always leave group after beating Revan/Kilran and not complete the flashpoint, therefore not getting social points. And if social points don't scare you... then get some! Trust me they're worthwhile.


As for grouping - 30 minutes of grouping in an mmo is not going to ruin your game experience.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Maybe BW will make HK-51 available in their shop once F2P hits the servers. Yes, it's an MMO but getting the HK is not that much of an achievement and there are some players who turned to this game because they wanted to play an updated version of KotoR. To those players access to an HK-droid probably has an enormous emotional value (and they need SOMETHING to spend their funny money on in F2P ;) )
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I can't understand why anyone would want one.


1) you are solo player and the regular companions are more than sufficient. Once you get to 50, the game is over and you role a new toon.


or 2) you are a group player. You get to 50 and most of what you do is in a group where you rarely have a companion anyways.


This seems more like a vanity mount in WoW....Take it out once in a while and say "Look at my shiny new toy" then put it away again and go back to playing.

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I can't understand why anyone would want one.


1) you are solo player and the regular companions are more than sufficient. Once you get to 50, the game is over and you role a new toon.


or 2) you are a group player. You get to 50 and most of what you do is in a group where you rarely have a companion anyways.


This seems more like a vanity mount in WoW....Take it out once in a while and say "Look at my shiny new toy" then put it away again and go back to playing.


Once Makeb comes out ... we get on our speeders and SOLO AGAIN to 55!! We can use HK-51 to do so! :p


Meh .. so it's a vanity item. Will I use him much? Prolly not. But, as a KoTOR fan, I want him. :cool:


To infini -er -the new level cap and beyond (with HK-51)!! :eek:



Edited by Urael
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The endless tirades of the insular mind, ahh how sad.

Tell me why you think a solo player has the right to acquire everything in this game w/out the help of others? If you can tell me why a user gets to do that in the genre of an MMO, perhaps you and I can discuss this topic civilly, but you seem content and reducing it down to insults others who disagree with you simply because this game doesn't follow exactly what you want.

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