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no hk51 for solo players


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And you got KOTOR 3 from levels 1-50. Additional content is going to be a mix of solo and group content. You have to live with that.


Hah, no, we got a watered-down KOTOR3, the story and combat system spread out for 8-classes. There's no telling how long this game will be updated. Hopefully they don't kill the project before it reaches a proper conclusion.


Anyhow, I could easily play 1-50 without grouping or interacting (went to level50 on my 1st without grouping)--if I missed some bonus content (hk-51) that required grouping, big deal? I'll be grouping up to get HK, but I can absolutely sympathize with those who don't want to embrace the MMO-aspect of this game.

Edited by MOkoFOko
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Hah, no, we got a watered-down KOTOR3, the story and combat system spread out for 8-classes. There's no telling how long this game will be updated. Hopefully they don't kill the project before it reaches a proper conclusion.


Anyhow, I could easily play 1-50 without grouping or interacting (aside from avoiding questing players)--if I missed some bonus content (hk-51) that required grouping, big deal? I'll be grouping up to get HK, but I can absolutely sympathize with those who don't want to embrace the MMO-aspect of this game.


And how exactly was it watered down? You have skill trees, multiple companions, 8 different stories, weapons and armor out the yin yang, different planets and a space mini game.


I think what you meant to say was "it was watered down to me because I didn't want an MMO".

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MP and FE are not just simply stand alone FP they have a huge deal with the story not only in this game but from kotor to so anyone who doesn't do them is missing out on good story which is just stupid.


No need to resort to name-calling, meatbag :p

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Are you kidding me? I've never seen a "Solo Player" that doesn't use group finder.


*waves hand*


Never used group finder. Other than first two repub side FP's, the only flashpoints I've ever done was soloing them. (all repub ones up to the lvl 40's, I believe. No Empire ones at all)



And, to be honest, I'd be perfectly fine with not getting HK, if he wasn't the only companion in the game to get any artifice crit. (though admittedly, apparently only +1 crit, so I'm still not particularly annoyed I'll probably never get him until the lvl cap is high enough where that HM FP is soloable with non raid equipment)

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And how exactly was it watered down? You have skill trees, multiple companions, 8 different stories, weapons and armor out the yin yang, different planets and a space mini game.


I think what you meant to say was "it was watered down to me because I didn't want an MMO".


No, watered down in comparison to previous KOTOR installments. The stories aren't half bad, from the 4 classes I've run through. It's the combat system that's lacking in comparison to previous iterations. They reached a fairly good balance (2 active companions would be overkill, and stop-time strategy doesn't work for an MMO), but it's extremely annoying when you're essentially forced to use only one of 5 companions for most of the game. Leveling my newest tank, I was forced to rely on my healer 95% of the time. I suppose I could switch to the ship droid, but yuck :rolleyes: The companion system really works well in conjunction with their grouping system, but in terms of solo-play, I'd take the previous 2 KOTOR installments every day of the week

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Leveling my newest tank, I was forced to rely on my healer 95% of the time.


Unless it was the only companion you had at the time, aside from the droid, you were not forced to use it, you chose to use it just as I chose to use DPS companions with my tank only bring the healer out for certain fights and that wasn't often.


It's all about choice, just like a solo player can choose to try* to group up long enough to get HK if they really want him. I'm undecided if I'll try to get HK as I don't give a rat's behind about KOTOR but a new companion would be fun to play with and while he doesn't seem to call anyone meatbags, he does have some funny lines. I've never done a FP past Hammerstation and that was done back in December or January, which also means I've never done a HM FP.


*I say try because sometimes it's just not possible due to various factors.

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Solo? Go play single-player game, not MMO.

Though i don't share OP's concerns, posts like this make me angry.

Yeah, it's a MMO, but that doesn't mean you have to like to do group content in order to play it. Playing solo while chatting with your guild is as much a legitimate way of playing. Going just for group finder and WZ's solo is also a legitimate way of playing. Actually, any way of playing a MMO is legitimate if you enjoy it. Noone should be forced to socialize so actively that it becomes uncomfortable for them.

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Unless it was the only companion you had at the time, aside from the droid, you were not forced to use it, you chose to use it just as I chose to use DPS companions with my tank only bring the healer out for certain fights and that wasn't often.


It's all about choice, just like a solo player can choose to try* to group up long enough to get HK if they really want him. I'm undecided if I'll try to get HK as I don't give a rat's behind about KOTOR but a new companion would be fun to play with and while he doesn't seem to call anyone meatbags, he does have some funny lines. I've never done a FP past Hammerstation and that was done back in December or January, which also means I've never done a HM FP.


*I say try because sometimes it's just not possible due to various factors.

Obviously I am not forced--just a bad choice of words. I can use a DPS with my tank and risk death and/or heal after every fight, or I can have a healer handy and pretty much guarantee surviving--the cost being time. I go with that safer (and less stressful) style, but it's a very bland formula.

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Though i don't share OP's concerns, posts like this make me angry.

Yeah, it's a MMO, but that doesn't mean you have to like to do group content in order to play it. Playing solo while chatting with your guild is as much a legitimate way of playing. Going just for group finder and WZ's solo is also a legitimate way of playing. Actually, any way of playing a MMO is legitimate if you enjoy it. Noone should be forced to socialize so actively that it becomes uncomfortable for them.


I may be stereotyping a bit, but it feels like the younger players are the ones who can't wrap their heads around us old people (again, stereotype) avoiding the whole multi-player concept of the game.

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Though i don't share OP's concerns, posts like this make me angry.

Yeah, it's a MMO, but that doesn't mean you have to like to do group content in order to play it. Playing solo while chatting with your guild is as much a legitimate way of playing. Going just for group finder and WZ's solo is also a legitimate way of playing. Actually, any way of playing MMO is legitimate if you enjoy it. Noone should be forced to socialize so actively that it becomes uncomfortable for them.

No, it's not just as much of a legitimate way of playing in an MMO. That's the point you guys are missing. You can't even see inside an operation unless you're in an ops group... and that means you have to be grouped with at least 1 other person.


Want Dread Guard Gear? Gotta run ops to get it. Can't do that solo. There are certain features in an MMO that you have to go along with the parameters the game sets. I can't except to win a multi-player shooter by being a pacifistic and not attacking anyone. Sure, I can decide not to attack anyone (they way I want to play), but I can't expect to win just because I'm doing things my way (the end result).

Edited by Lostpenguins
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Obviously I am not forced--just a bad choice of words. I can use a DPS with my tank and risk death and/or heal after every fight, or I can have a healer handy and pretty much guarantee surviving--the cost being time. I go with that safer (and less stressful) style, but it's a very bland formula.


TBH, on Force Tanks I use DPS (War + Vette, Guard + Kira), for Non Force Tanks I use Healers (BH + Mako, TP + LD). The reason for me is that given that the Force Tanks SUCK compared to non-force Tanks in both tankablilty AND Damage, I need to burn down the mobs as quick as I can to live. For Non-force tanks, I can pretty much tank WITHOUT the healer in PVE solo play the healer just makes it OP tbh but, with the healer I can take on up too THREE packs of mobs at a time and Golds are no problem at all. :cool:

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NO, do not speak for all of BioWares fans, its what you expect, im a bioware fan but i expect group content and things earned through group content because its a MMO, you cant say oh they have done this in the past so they need to do it now, they ar part of EA which do MMO's sports games action games etc.


NO, I did not speak for you or any other fan. If you can't tell the difference between me speaking in your stead and me making a generalisation that I will continue to say is true, the there is a bigger issue here. In addition, I never said what I expect in that post, so you are putting words in my mouth just as much as you claim that I am putting words in yours. I'll just leave this here:


At the end of the day, this is an MMO and BioWare should treat it like such.
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No, it's not just as much of a legitimate way of playing in an MMO. That's the point you guys are missing. You can't even see inside an operation unless you're in an ops group... and that means you have to be grouped with at least 1 other person.


Want Dread Guard Gear? Gotta run ops to get it. Can't do that solo. There are certain features in an MMO that you have to go along with the parameters the game sets. I can't except to win a multi-player shooter by being a pacifistic and not attacking anyone. Sure, I can decide not to attack anyone (they way I want to play), but I can't expect to win just because I'm doing things my way (the end result).


And the point that you're missing is that plenty of people bought this strictly for the RPG story aspect--not endgame content. You can easily complete the class stories solo.


You don't NEED dread guard gear. You want it. I didn't need to avoid 100-lightningstrikes in Final Fantasy X to get some overpowered ultimate weapon. I was able to complete the story just fine without it, and move on to the next game. Some of us also don't bother to collect 100-mysterious objects to earn steam achievements, etc. We have different interests. I'm not saying that endgame-raiders are akin to obscure achievement hunters, but sometimes that's how if feels to me :)

Edited by MOkoFOko
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Its people like you that make games turn into WoW. This is an MMO, MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER. not MASSIVELY SOLO.




It's people like you that think their idea of an MMO is how all people must think of MMOs that bring light to stupidity. MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER does not mean MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER IN GROUPS.


It means only what it says, lots of people playing in a persistent world. That's it. Solo, group up, it's the player's choice.


Encounters with self-righteous folks like you are why so many people prefer not to group.

Edited by Tokri
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It's people like you that think their idea of MMO how all people must think of MMOs. MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER does not mean MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER IN GROUPS.


It means only what it says, lots of people playing in a persistent world. That's it. Solo, group up, it's the player's choice.


Encounters with self-righteous folks like you are why so many people prefer not to group.


Absolutely. Well said. A lot of the fun comes from doing things yourself, rather than relying on 3-4 others to help. I'm not here to find virtual friends--I'm here to play the game, my way :o

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It's people like you that think their idea of an MMO is how all people must think of MMOs that bring light to stupidity. MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER does not mean MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER IN GROUPS.


It means only what it says, lots of people playing in a persistent world. That's it. Solo, group up, it's the player's choice.


Encounters with self-righteous folks like you are why so many people prefer not to group.


^QFT ... Indeed. :cool:


Also, in MY experience these are the same people that make PUGs sheer hell, FORCE people to space bar, scream Go GO GOOOOO, and ninja loot ta boot! :p


((Yes purposely engaged in hyperbole and reductio ad absurdum to over emphasize how we that solo view your comments but, from the other end of the "glass". )) :p

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And you got KOTOR 3 from levels 1-50. Additional content is going to be a mix of solo and group content. You have to live with that.


I did not get KotOR III at any level. I got The Old Republic, an MMO game and all that comes with it. I got a diluted story to fit an MMO atmosphere, I got much, much lower quality graphics to fit the MMO format, I got low end cinematics with the exception of the three trailers because of the low quality graphics, I got the MMO combat that has an unnecessarily large amount of abilities and an input method that I hate, I got a subscription fee, I got the necessity to play on PC rather than a console, I have to put up with BioWare changing things overnight due to people's complaints, I have to pay monthly for updates that I don't want, I have to deal with other people running around doing whatever I'm doing and ruining the story, and I have to deal with other people making a mockery of lore among other things.


No, I didn't get KotOR III, a purely single-player game that continues the stories of Meetra Surik or the now ruined Revan.

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I did not get KotOR III at any level. I got The Old Republic, an MMO game and all that comes with it. I got a diluted story to fit an MMO atmosphere, I got much, much lower quality graphics to fit the MMO format, I got low end cinematics with the exception of the three trailers because of the low quality graphics, I got the MMO combat that has an unnecessarily large amount of abilities and an input method that I hate, I got a subscription fee, I got the necessity to play on PC rather than a console, I have to put up with BioWare changing things overnight due to people's complaints, I have to pay monthly for updates that I don't want, I have to deal with other people running around doing whatever I'm doing and ruining the story, and I have to deal with other people making a mockery of lore among other things.


No, I didn't get KotOR III, a purely single-player game that continues the stories of Meetra Surik or the now ruined Revan.


Not to add spoilers, but I will comment on your last bit--it is implied that the Revan storyline is left open, and may be continued further by Bioware. Straight from a former high-level Bioware employee--can't remember who.

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Not to add spoilers, but I will comment on your last bit--it is implied that the Revan storyline is left open, and may be continued further by Bioware. Straight from a former high-level Bioware employee--can't remember who.


I've heard this as well, but I consider it barely worth it if it doesn't take place in a single-player game. The experience just will never be as good as it could be in this format.

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