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Server crash?


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True... but first they have to eliminate 54 Jawa forces, 12 Jawa Enforcer droids and destroy 8 malfunctioning computers. In the final stage they will have to summon the Rogue SW Engineer that started it all.


It is going to take some time.


The Rogue SW Engineer is on vacation in Galaxy far far away and does not have cellphone with him :D:D

Edited by Evensong
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Just want to add for what it's worth, as someone who has played WoW for many, many years, that random server crashes used to happen there at such a frequent rate that I didn't even think twice about it. The fact that they don't happen here nearly as often and people freak out if they do is probably a good thing, lol.


Sounds about right to me.


Just a random thought though. I wonder if BW would be willing at the end of it all to tell us what actually happened?

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Looks like the entire bunch except the Asia Pacific servers.


I find it angering that the US and Euro server are down but yet the asian servers are still up and going, why is this? how is it that they are able to play, why dont you take there servers down and figure out what is RIGHT there and then do it to ours....

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I can not read this thread anymore without expressing my frustration over this. Like other fellow europeans I worked all week, planned my progress in game a looked forward Friday evening for some nice relax time with game.

Now we are sitting a waiting with this "no ETA" informations without clue if its worth to wait any longer and play a little at least or just go live real life (which we apparently dont want this evening :).

Im quite an advocate of this game but what can you say to all its critics after this?

I "hope" its some terror from beyond whos responsible, coz benevolently patching -obivously- nonfuncional patch in Friday evening is bizzare and plain s.....

Thanks BW/EA for ruining start of the weekend for your yet decreasing base of fans from the Old Continent.

Edited by adamjosef
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Riiight. Because suggesting that people take a walk or read a book is akin to treating everyone the same as oneself.


Dude, what?


Actually I was refering to the statement you made about pain and being drunk, but it's not suprising that you would speak of things you obviously know nothing about. For the record chronic pain tends to give one clairty (or drive one to suicide) depending on your constitution. Neither of which is poor judgement, I'm sure you would disagree, that is if you don't have that kind of suffering to deal with.

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I find it angering that the US and Euro server are down but yet the asian servers are still up and going, why is this? how is it that they are able to play, why dont you take there servers down and figure out what is RIGHT there and then do it to ours....


Asian servers don't have the 1.4 update I believe

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So she knows absolutely nothing, is what you are saying?


As far as the servers and what's causing the downtime is concerned, yes, she most likely knows absolutely nothing.


As another person said, they're probably busier trying to fix the problem than giving anyone in a customer-facing position an answer beyond, "Not yet."

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Sounds about right to me.


Just a random thought though. I wonder if BW would be willing at the end of it all to tell us what actually happened?

They wont and i dont know of any company that would explain either, the only thing you need to know : "It was down and they are sorry."

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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so let me see if i have this so far... on this post, we have jawas stealing parts.. going all the way up to, we have lost all of out characters and will all have to start from level 1 again.. is this a fair cross section of the paranoia going around?
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This wouldn't have anything to do with the recently released (Thursday) Windows Updates, by any chance?


I hate it when that happens.


Any admin who installs an update from Microsoft without waiting at least a week after release and testing it during that time deserves to be fired.

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I think it's great they are informing us hourly. I really love that I know when I can go on forums and check the status.


Have to agree with you on this one. Back when I was playing WoW and servers crashed. They wouldn't update until after the servers were back and still didn't tell you they were.

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Think I'll go play Clone Wars Adventures! At least it's running, gets weekly updates, I have Golden Mando Armor and a Purple Crystal for my lightsaber! (And I'm sorry, but Stunt Gungan beats Hutt-Ball any day!).


Why have I not know about this before?!?!?! r0x0rz!!!!

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I find it angering that the US and Euro server are down but yet the asian servers are still up and going, why is this? how is it that they are able to play, why dont you take there servers down and figure out what is RIGHT there and then do it to ours....


Really? Seriously? Your solution to the problem is to inconvenience even more subscribers?


All's fair in love and server crashes, apparently.

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This can't be a problem with the host or data center, since it's both the NA and EU servers that are down. It must be something to do with EA's back end


I'm betting on it being someone screwed up the database :p

Edited by NasherUK
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