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After one day in Mists of Pandaria, I'm back for good!


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I am not really a fan of the new talent system either.....I feel they have oversimplified things a bit too much. However, having actually played most of the content in the expansion, I don't think they are aiming the game at any younger of an audience then they ever have. I was a bit surprised by the adult nature of a few of the quests I encountered. Yeah, there is essentially Pokemon and Farmville in the game now...but you can ignore it if it's not your thing. Blizzard wants to give the non-raiding people something to do....and it's working. SWTOR could use a few more little mini game type things for those kinds of people as well.


You dont happen to play on Hellfire-EU in wow do you?

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WoW is dated. For me I do not think they could do anything to bring me back. The game just didn't grow with the players it had. It has been so dumbed down to the point a player was able to get a level 90 Monk the first day MoP released. Even with recruit a friend that should not be possible. One week minimal!


Blizzard just isn't the company it once was. SC2 slipped, D3 was horrible (Torchlight 2 AWESOME!), and now this MoP. MoP was designed to clean up the mess Cataclysm made hence the expansions title. Now Bioware while in need of time to iron things out and add content has a product here with real potential. More and more people are slowly seeing that. I didn't see it right away myself. Blinded by WoW I guess.....until I realized nothing I did was fun anymore.


I know it isn't saying much but I look forward to playing my SWToR toons each day. That my friends is for me a step in the right direction.


Like I said in my post, I completely agree with your thoughts on Blizzard.

I hate to say it, but its glory days are in the past. These new releases, StarCraft 2, Diablo 3 and even MoP all seem to be only leeching from the past successes.


I for one, loved both SC1 and earlier Diablos, can't say much about WoW, because I haven't seen what the fuss is about really, loved the original Warcrafts mind.


Now, SC2 was probably one of the biggest letdowns in many years prior to D3s' one. SC2 didn't offer anything to me, bland, run-in-the-tube and utterly boring storyline without any replay value whatsoever, oh and let's not forget only one playable race, which I thought was really bad. Bearing that in mind I was prepared to buy the expansions, but like said the game was such a huge disappointment I wouldn't buy them even if they were on sale or so.


I played it through once and its been uninstalled ever since.


Similar story with D3, granted I played it quite a bit, but did it match the earlier ones, most definitely not. D3 is far too much simplified for my liking, have hated the skill-swap system, no stats approach just to name a few major flaws ever since they were announced. Obviously they won't change, so that's that.


It just doesn't have that appeal that D2 for example had, went back to it time after time even very recent years, but D3, no. I think once I'm completely done with it, not quite sure yet, if I am or not, I don't think I'll be going back to it ever.

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You know, I was actually a Warcraft 1 and 2 fan...

Do children even play this game?

- Arcada


Yes, yes they do. I'm 13, and thoroughly enjoy this game. Before anyone says "Oh he's an immature 12 year that..."

I"ll have you know, I'm more mature then most adults.

Edited by Canino
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I stopped playing wow because I had enough of shelling out money for no update and paying for the development of their other games, namely SC2 and D3.

More than a full year between the fall of the lich king and cataclysm without any update. More than a full year between the death of Deathwing and mop. No new content, but two full years of subscription. Tons of money. And on top of the subscription, pay for the extension boxes. Really?


i used to like Blizzard and recommend it to my friends. Not anymore.


While they could have used the devs to actually produce content in a timely manner, they put shiny poneys and retarded lions in their cash shop instead. Blizzard used to be run by devs, they are now run by greedy marketing herp derps and financial idiots.

They may have changed things for mop, but it's too late. I don't trust this piece of horse dung company anymore. I won't buy any of their future products.


I am still looking closely at what EAware is doing with SWTOR. If it goes the Blizzard way, I'll just find myself a new game.

Edited by Oggthebase
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SWTOR is a far more superior game than WOW.


WoW is an old game now by technology standards, and it is sad that Bioware has taken 9 months or so to start understanding that subscribers need new content on a regular basis to keep amused. Hopefully things have turned the corner now, unless of course you are still stuck on the dead oceanic servers where Bioware appear to be ignoring their customers substantive complaints, despite repetitive comments that they take customers play experiences seriously.

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It gets even worse with the likes of DBM walking players step by step through boss fights that already border on the inane. If TOR was WoW a typical boss fight mechanic would go something like this:


"Have the party take two steps left for three seconds, dps for 5 seconds, bend over and shuffle right while farting and dodging blaster fire from force power-absorbing rotating walls until the boss's eyes begin to glow flourescent pink, then curb all ranged for 10 seconds so the tanks can trade off while the boss scratches his gonads and spins cleverly in place as he AoE's anyone wearing tech power armor that's been organically milled on Nar Shadda. Once his enrage timer expires then everyone MUST blow their quest item CDs and dash back to square one before a 20' section of floor melts the party's legs off for no reason whatsoever. Rinse and repeat except this time party movement is in the reverse direction and healing force power is reduced by 10%. Someone doesn't finish farting before the boss's eyes light up and the party wipes ... "


Woof. No thank you.


lmao,love this post.it's so true.

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I tried Pandaland with a trial account. I made a panda wizard (can't trial a monk because...who knows) and ran through some of the early quests. After about 15 minutes, I decided Pandaland wasn't for me. The graphics are chunky, cartoony, and vaguely juvenile, like a Facebook game. I also missed the questgiver cutscenes from SWTOR. I'll probably keep playing SWTOR until I exhaust the class stories.
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Oh, so it's a KFP reference? I can't really remember much about the movie. I'm sure there is every KFP related name in the universe somewhere. Just like every meat related product is some Tauren's name somewhere, and there is every possible variation of Driizzzttt and Leggollaass.
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