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Bioware can you explain to me why...


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Not all ac has aoe reduction see operatives and sorcs.

1200 exp to 1390 will shave a 6k smash to 5880 yea that totally helps


Than ask the devs for an AoE reduction for those classes. Every class in this game has an AoE attack.


Add that reduction into the rest of the reductions that a player can get: Armor, AoE than the reduction number becomes greater.

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Than ask the devs for an AoE reduction for those classes. Every class in this game has an AoE attack.


Add that reduction into the rest of the reductions that a player can get: Armor, AoE than the reduction number becomes greater.


That's a really bad idea given that:


1) other classes has not OP AOEs, you propose to nerf them too.

2) it'd be easier to just reduce smash damage.

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4. Marauder's defensive arsenal is too strong: Cloak of Pain -15% instead of -20%. Vanish stealth duration reduced by 1 sec. Another sec off immortality? You dont have to do all 3 of these but consider looking into their defensive arsenal instead of offensive since this class doesn't have a taunt. As much as some of their dmg trees need to be toned down, I think that would upset too many people who rerolled to the class, and most of all PvE'ers.


So you just want to nerf the Warrior/Knight classes. If anything Assassin/Shadow need to be looked at and nerfed.

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So you just want to nerf the Warrior/Knight classes. If anything Assassin/Shadow need to be looked at and nerfed.


Assassin's AoE burst attack has a longer cooldown, hits 2 less targets for about 2/3 of what an unoptimized smash does and that's when it crits, which is roughly 33% of the time, depending on gear.


If that class were looked at and balanced against what Rage warriors can do now, deathfield would need to have it's damage doubled, not nerfed.


And, as someone else said, it makes far more sense to put Rage warriors back to where they used to be than to rewrite a bunch of other trees in a bunch of other ACs.

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This right here is why the class imbalanced in a nutshell, or at least Smash: there are too many upsides and not enough downsides. It's a:


- guaranteed crit

- hits up to five targets

- deals upwards of 5-6k becoming higher with better optimization (and even higher against poorly geared players)

- has effectively no resource cost or management

- has a very short cooldown

- is instant and since damage is now frontloaded with the animation, cannot be avoided with smart CC


The only downside is pretty much that you need to be in melee range (but remember you have 2 gap closers + plentiful CC, depending on build).


It shouldn't even be up for discussion of whether or not this is overpowered. It's stupidly easy. I mean, would you damage dealers think it would be some kind of overpowered if all healers got an instant AoE heal that was pretty much free, guaranteed to crit, healed upwards of 5k on 5 targets, and had a short cooldown to boot?


As i said before no one ever complained about this specs damage until now.

P.S Can you blame a DPS Juggernaut for going Rage now with the unbelievable nerf they did to Vengeance?

Edited by PowerReaper
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the problem with a middleman relaying information is that a lot gets lost in translation. take this thread for example. a player asks why is rage so freaking OP right now, and a community team member takes the question to the appropriate dev. the dev says 'well we may have overtuned it, we're looking at possible solutions to bring it back in line with other classes DPS outputs, but we dont really know what the solution will be at this point'. to which the community member comes back to the forums and posts 'we're not sure what the problem really is, but we might have a solution soon'.


do you see the difference here? both are very vague responses, but the one from the dev actually working on the project has enough specifics about the issue to make the community believe the devs are aware of the problem and are actually doing something about it. whereas a community member response is just more "maybe, soon, etc" fluff.

Wow, lately it feels like every time I come to the PVP forum, it just gets worse... now you're even being silly enough to get stuck on which exact words Austin Peckenpaugh used...

Once again, and I don't think you understand this, but the reply you got was not from Allison, it was from Austin, Allison was the one who posted his reply. If he had been here himself, you'd have gotten the exact same thing.


and if you think that a dev reading through the forum pertaining to their focus in the game is a waste of time, you need to pull your head out of the sand. part of the problem with this game is that the devs have a serious lack of vision; they think 1 move ahead at best. the players on this forum have presented innumerable ideas for long term improvement of this game, and every single one has been ignored almost completely. a lot of the ideas from players are total pipe dreams, but occasionally there is something that would really improve that game that comes from the mind of a player, and simply b/c it didnt come from the minds of the devs it is ignored. a lot would be gained from some real dev-player interaction

Faith in humanity: Lost.

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When i get play smash i get focused by every player on the other team, i die more then most. I definatly spend 70-90% off every wz cc'ed. Seriously im starting to enjoy my other classes alot more

Yeah me aswell wish they never buffed it. Because before 1.4 i did the same dmg but didnt get half the focus from enemy team as now.

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When i get play smash i get focused by every player on the other team, i die more then most. I definatly spend 70-90% off every wz cc'ed. Seriously im starting to enjoy my other classes alot more

Yeah me aswell wish they never buffed it. Because before 1.4 i did the same dmg but didnt get half the focus from enemy team as now.

A smash player complaining about getting focused!



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When i get play smash i get focused by every player on the other team, i die more then most. I definatly spend 70-90% off every wz cc'ed. Seriously im starting to enjoy my other classes alot more

Yeah me aswell wish they never buffed it. Because before 1.4 i did the same dmg but didnt get half the focus from enemy team as now.


Same idea why you dont want to leave healer/pyro PT unfocused... and a derpasmasher knows how to play (it also doesnt take much to be a decent smasher fyi), they are much more deadlier than pyros.

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I asked Austin Peckenpaugh (Senior Designer) about Rage and Focus builds and how they're fitting into PvP overall right now, and here was his comment:


Rage and Focus have always been high burst specs, but they haven't been very popular due to some usability and quality of life issues in the past. Our goal for Focus and Rage was to address those issues without significantly affecting their burst. In large part, I think we've done that, but the result is that many people are playing them now, which means there's a lot of AOE burst happening in warzones that wasn't happening before. We're willing to wait and see if their popularity is a result of being viewed as "flavor of the month" (i.e. Rage/Focus populations will naturally subside as people realize the spec doesn't suit their playstyle) or if they are truly too good and were just too unusable before. In short, we're going to keep a close eye on it.


The only god damn way its going to 'subside' is if you nerf it. Otherwise everyone and their mother is gonna make one. Serves you idiots right for giving a class that much power and not doing anything to the others classes to help combat that a little bit. Then again it is Bioware after all.......you guys ****ed up ME3 why would we be surprised you ****ed up the pvp in your first ever mmo. You guys ruined this game please flush it and start over with a new team of competent designers.

Edited by OldRepublicRevan
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It's so funny to see people cry about this when Rage/Focus has been able to do that damage since......ever.


Yeah and most of the classes had a way of countering it but now Tardware took away most of the classes ability to avoid and counter being hit that hard. Leave it to the guys at Bioware to ruin yet another game.

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Truly i dont find them a problem so they hit for 6-7k.


The amount of dmg Smash does depends on gear, and yes it is actually a problem in warzones. A max geared "Smasher" can do a lot more than 7K dmg on recruit geared players. A recruit geared player tends to have about 15K, and a BM player a bit more, maybe 16K or so health. A smashed recruit or even BM player can lose over half their health bar to one smash from a geared player. They really are just too easy meat to the overpowered melee that Bioware has let SWTOR PvP become.

Edited by Ewgal
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A smash player complaining about getting focused!




i am not complaning, just stating facts. doesnt matter how good you can play when you get triple stunned and go from 100% to 0% in every wz over and over and over.


i have 2200 rating, 180 wins and 40 losses, i know how to play.

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20K health full WH with best in spot and I am getting hit for 6-6.5K consistently, couple this with the fact that it is FOTM so I have more that 1 smasher on me, and because of that I cant move due to the root and I am dead in 1 GCD


fix this


how bout a lockout debuff on the root???


I also love that they are complaining that apparently smash is broken and not working...

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20K health full WH with best in spot and I am getting hit for 6-6.5K consistently, couple this with the fact that it is FOTM so I have more that 1 smasher on me, and because of that I cant move due to the root and I am dead in 1 GCD


fix this


how bout a lockout debuff on the root???


I also love that they are complaining that apparently smash is broken and not working...


I wish I could 6k smash whatever BW employee decided that giving a melee class a 6k smash in pvp was a good idea.

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20K health full WH with best in spot and I am getting hit for 6-6.5K consistently, couple this with the fact that it is FOTM so I have more that 1 smasher on me, and because of that I cant move due to the root and I am dead in 1 GCD


fix this


how bout a lockout debuff on the root???


I also love that they are complaining that apparently smash is broken and not working...


I have been hit by smash for 6.2k on my sorc with 1390 expertise and 18900hp.

Oh yea 1390 expertise is currently the highest possible ever obtainable in game... So 6.2k against 1390 expertise eh... RIGHTTTTTT.


Oh and before baddies come in and try to play that "get that 30% -AoE damage talent" noobcrap. News flash to bads, sorcs DONT HAVE IT. Yes this means even if I had 100 talent points to spend there's still no talent I can pick up to give me that 30% AoE reduction that all fotm has.


Ironically guess what, Operative also do not have AoE reduction talent. Let me rephrase that, operative is the one and only melee class in this game that does not have access to such talent.


Apparently people dont pvp enough to run rWZ with premades of 3 coordinating smashers maybe most servers have terribad PvP? And currently the only thing thats slowing these derpasmasher down is the chain sorc stun bubble.

Edited by warultima
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Ironically guess what, Operative also do not have AoE reduction talent. Let me rephrase that, operative is the one and only melee class in this game that does not have access to such talent.



Not quite true. Very ironically, juggs themselves also do not get a 30% AoE damage reduction talent in any tree, despite being a melee class. It bothers me as a jugg tank, since I take 100+50% AoE smash damage. Really, nothing troubles a healer+tank combo more than lolsmashers.

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Not quite true. Very ironically, juggs themselves also do not get a 30% AoE damage reduction talent in any tree, despite being a melee class. It bothers me as a jugg tank, since I take 100+50% AoE smash damage. Really, nothing troubles a healer+tank combo more than lolsmashers.


Well I factored in your multiple defensive CDs. You have saber ward for 25% and another for 40%. Operative has no straight mitigation CD, shield probe absorb for 2.5k damage once every 45 second, evasion doesnt do crap against lolsmash neither.


But yea I guess you are right Jugs dont have a talent for the 30% AoE reduction I am sorry about that.


We had some very annoying rWZ games vs the 3 smasher premade that consist of 1 Guardian and 2 Sent. Our operative healer + Juggernaut tank plus and the 2 peel dps got literally insta-wiped by the triple smash in about 3 GCD.


We had to get our soec healer to go bubble stun hybrid/heal spec and chain stun like crazy to counter their lolchainlolsmashaoe6kto5peoplelol tactics.

Edited by warultima
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I have been hit by smash for 6.2k on my sorc with 1390 expertise and 18900hp.

Oh yea 1390 expertise is currently the highest possible ever obtainable in game... So 6.2k against 1390 expertise eh... RIGHTTTTTT.


Oh and before baddies come in and try to play that "get that 30% -AoE damage talent" noobcrap. News flash to bads, sorcs DONT HAVE IT. Yes this means even if I had 100 talent points to spend there's still no talent I can pick up to give me that 30% AoE reduction that all fotm has.


Ironically guess what, Operative also do not have AoE reduction talent. Let me rephrase that, operative is the one and only melee class in this game that does not have access to such talent.


Apparently people dont pvp enough to run rWZ with premades of 3 coordinating smashers maybe most servers have terribad PvP? And currently the only thing thats slowing these derpasmasher down is the chain sorc stun bubble.


and they are the ones calling for the nerf of the bubbles...

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old smash was super easy to evade and it took practice to land it on the most ppl possible most of the time. Now it is easymode and gear is the main divider between smashers (well besides ph of course). I miss when the smash spec was a little more challenging and when missing a smash was a big hit to your burst dmg (it isn't anymore since you'll have another one really soon). Edited by DarthRaika
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old smash was super easy to evade and it took practice to land it on the most ppl possible most of the time. Now it is easymode and gear is the main divider between smashers (well besides ph of course). I miss when the smash spec was a little more challenging and when missing a smash was a big hit to your burst dmg (it isn't anymore since you'll have another one really soon).


I have a "not so great" guildie and he could never get Anni and Carnage right because hes really isnt the most skilled player in the world. Great guy just need some more practice on his marauder, never seem him breaking 500k total damage since release when I got him into my guild. Told him to give rage a spin and linked him to Marauder forum and he copied the spec... BOOM 820k and topped meter in a full length WZ (he was the only smasher tho other team had 3 healers and crap dps).


I guess it might be BW's attempt to give the "casual players" a really really powerful spec that requires next to none player skill so casual can just enjoy the joy of victory?

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I have a "not so great" guildie and he could never get Anni and Carnage right because hes really isnt the most skilled player in the world. Great guy just need some more practice on his marauder, never seem him breaking 500k total damage since release when I got him into my guild. Told him to give rage a spin and linked him to Marauder forum and he copied the spec... BOOM 820k and topped meter in a full length WZ (he was the only smasher tho other team had 3 healers and crap dps).


I guess it might be BW's attempt to give the "casual players" a really really powerful spec that requires next to none player skill so casual can just enjoy the joy of victory?


I saw Reggie Jackson steal a base once. And for every sentinel that comes out of the woodwork doing 820k damage (which I haven't seen once in any non-rated games on JM or POT5), I can show you hundreds of screenshots where the rage/focus mara/sent is outdamaged by other classes. There's maybe 4 awesome sent/maras on JM right now; they usually top damage/kills but they have never beat the next best dps by hundreds of thousands of damage. And the other classes have their great players too.

Edited by WaywardOne
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I saw Reggie Jackson steal a base once. And for every sentinel that comes out of the woodwork doing 820k damage (which I haven't seen once in any non-rated games on JM or POT5), I can show you hundreds of screenshots where the rage/focus mara/sent is outdamaged by other classes. There's maybe 4 awesome sent/maras on JM right now; they usually top damage/kills but they have never beat the next best dps by hundreds of thousands of damage. And the other classes have their great players too.


Cool story. Two days ago, while 4 guildies were running a flashpoint and while waiting for 3 more people to log in before an op, I was in a civil war where 8 strong players from 8 different guilds (which is really rare to see in a solo q) defeated a team with 3- focus knight one smugg heals premade in it. I was tops in damage on my team (about a thousand over a rage jugg), didn't die once and, since I was waiting to do an op, I was using a sorc specced 31 pt lightning with no points in backlash or electric bindings. All this stuff is irrelevant because it's the exception, not the rule.


Bottom line with the current state of pvp, if there's a average smash warrior in any warzone, he'll outdamage his non-smash-warrior teammates by something like 25%. Or more. In burst. That ain't balance.


And I don't want to hear about pyros, either, unless their railshot starts autocritting 5, instead of critting against one half the time it's triggered.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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