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Bioware can you explain to me why...


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Eh? Escape when rooted for 2 seconds, which can be chained? Leap, Sweep, Stasis, when the next knights can still leap and sweep? Interesting....


Obviously you haven't revised "pawn and react" which for you only means "run". In time and with experience you might learn...

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no offense to Allison, who has done a commendable job to this point, but for the love of the emperor could we get the actual devs on here to answer some of this? all this post does is say that "we dont really know what is going on, so we're going to wait and see" which hurts a lot more than "yeah we messed up and overtuned rage spec".


i would imagine you guys (the community team members) get tired of running back and forth to the devs to supply questions and answers to both parties. have the devs that are actually responsible for the decision making come on here once in a freaking while and actually provide clear and concise respones and you might actually see some positive interaction with the community.


They don't talk to players sorry. Allison one post in months on pvp forums. Every other BW employee 0.



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Just adding diminishing return on (tech/force) power as a whole would seem more logical. That would result in less damage/healing done across the board, and remove some of the extreme spike damage done by stacking surge & power exclusively in combination with an ability/talent that gives an automatic crit or greatly improved crit chance.

It would increase time to kill across the board, and that is something this game really needs imo.


Yeah, this is one solution, but I don't think it's the best solution. Putting a DR on power, especially if its a really low one, would cause more harm than help and won't do anything for TTK since it affects damage and healers alike. Plus, from my observations on Combat Medic (I am biased since I stack power sky-high), the class plays significantly worse when you don't have a large power budget -- the resource system flat out doesn't have the freedom for under-healing (ie. if you heal doesn't hit has hard as you need you need to heal again, and there is next to no grey area).


I still think it is easier to simply return balance to the Rage/Focus spec (the outlier) than nerf every one. The only reason power seems like the culprit on Rage/Focus is because they are guaranteed to crit. That means there is no need to stack critical chance and potentially Strength (although I was under the impression Strength > Power in its impact on bonus damage).


The most baffling thing about the changes is how much of a 180 they are in balancing. I remember 1.2 when healers were considered unkillable gods. Then they nerfed them for overperformance by making their resources harder to manage, overall reducing their output (which was already reduced by a harder-to-manage resource), and ability synergy. Where are all those people before that said healing was too easy and needs to be brought back down to Earth? I can only assume they mostly have their heads up in the clouds because in some way, Rage/Focus is now in the same category. The skill floor for the spec has been lowered so low it is probably underground now.


There are two many things about the build that are out of whack in my opinion, largely because Bioware buffed several things at once instead of incrementally. This makes it hard to tell where exactly the threshold of "balance" is, but I think the two main problems are this:


- it is multi-target AoE spike damage that has no comparison in-game. Every other high damage AoE has some set-up time, channel, and/or long cooldown. All of those give very clear visual cues too, where as changes to the Smash/Force Sweep animation make it so there is no warning before damage applies (other than watching their buffs, of course). Smash/Force Sweep doesn't have that problem -- it is instant and now there is practically no cooldown. In other words, its not the damage numbers that are OP per se, but rather how often and without consequence it can be used. The guaranteed crit just underscores that fact.


- there is essentially no resource management, which is a surprising change considering Bioware's track record on making such management harsher and harder to achieve than making it senselessly easy. Plenty of other classes have been nerfed on overperformance because their resource was so simple, it still continues to amaze me how Smash/Force Sweep is the exception to the rule -- a spec that had no problems with resource management before.



Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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Are you actually aware of what you are saying?


"Running back and forth to the devs" is not something the Community Team wish they could stop doing, because this what their job is.


If the developers would have to read through a bunch of threads on the forum, have to personally keep track of what the current thoughts in the community are, then that would be a lot of time wasted which should go to developing/designing the game. Instead it is a lot better if each part is handled by the people who are best at it.


Then you complain about the content of the response you got? You can disagree with it, but be aware that the response has nothing to do Allison's own personal opinion (or anyone else's in the Community Team), the response is directly from Austin Peckenpaugh, you're not going to find that many people in BW who are higher up in the food chain than him when it comes to this particular topic...


the problem with a middleman relaying information is that a lot gets lost in translation. take this thread for example. a player asks why is rage so freaking OP right now, and a community team member takes the question to the appropriate dev. the dev says 'well we may have overtuned it, we're looking at possible solutions to bring it back in line with other classes DPS outputs, but we dont really know what the solution will be at this point'. to which the community member comes back to the forums and posts 'we're not sure what the problem really is, but we might have a solution soon'.


do you see the difference here? both are very vague responses, but the one from the dev actually working on the project has enough specifics about the issue to make the community believe the devs are aware of the problem and are actually doing something about it. whereas a community member response is just more "maybe, soon, etc" fluff.


and if you think that a dev reading through the forum pertaining to their focus in the game is a waste of time, you need to pull your head out of the sand. part of the problem with this game is that the devs have a serious lack of vision; they think 1 move ahead at best. the players on this forum have presented innumerable ideas for long term improvement of this game, and every single one has been ignored almost completely. a lot of the ideas from players are total pipe dreams, but occasionally there is something that would really improve that game that comes from the mind of a player, and simply b/c it didnt come from the minds of the devs it is ignored. a lot would be gained from some real dev-player interaction

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Yeah, this is one solution, but I don't think it's the best solution. Putting a DR on power, especially if its a really low one, would cause more harm than help and won't do anything for TTK since it affects damage and healers alike. Plus, from my observations on Combat Medic (I am biased since I stack power sky-high), the class plays significantly worse when you don't have a large power budget -- the resource system flat out doesn't have the freedom for under-healing (ie. if you heal doesn't hit has hard as you need you need to heal again, and there is next to no grey area).


One thing they could do is make shockwave a debuff on the target, like tracer missile, so it only hits for full against that person.


Another is make smash a melee attack, it's simply illogical the hardest hitting ability in the game completely bypasses all defense.


Otherwise the entire tree needs to be redesigned

Edited by anwg
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One thing they could do is make shockwave a debuff on the target, like tracer missile, so it only hits for full against that person.


Another is make smash a melee attack, it's simply illogical the hardest hitting ability in the game completely bypasses all defense.


Otherwise the entire tree needs to be redesigned


Shockwave stacks can be built with an ability that is not an attack, therefore it could not be a debuff.


The entire Rage/Focus tree is built around smash being a force attack, if changed to melee the tree would be worthless.


Play a rage jugg prior to making suggestions for the class. Honestly, it isn't hard to kill a Rage jugg and due to the fact that they have no crit since it is not necessary for smash, their other abilities almost never hit as hard as any other jugg/guardian or mara/sent. Does getting hit by 3 smash juggs in a row suck? Yes. Does getting hit by 3 of any class suck? Yes. All that needs to happen is to move the damage back to 7-8k max (WH hitting recruit) with the norm being around 5k (WH hitting WH).

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Shockwave stacks can be built with an ability that is not an attack, therefore it could not be a debuff.


That can easily work, enrage/berserk generates a full stack on your current target.

The entire Rage/Focus tree is built around smash being a force attack, if changed to melee the tree would be worthless.


Completely untrue.


Play a rage jugg prior to making suggestions for the class. Honestly, it isn't hard to kill a Rage jugg and due to the fact that they have no crit since it is not necessary for smash, their other abilities almost never hit as hard as any other jugg/guardian or mara/sent. Does getting hit by 3 smash juggs in a row suck? Yes. Does getting hit by 3 of any class suck? Yes. All that needs to happen is to move the damage back to 7-8k max (WH hitting recruit) with the norm being around 5k (WH hitting WH).


I have played rage so you are the one who has no idea what he's talking about. Rage jugs are a bit squishy, but that's on par with some other DPS like pyro; rage marauders have the best defensive cooldowns in the game.


The norm needs to be around 4k for an instant AOE ability. They can buff some of the other abilities in the tree to compensate, but the burst needs to be nerfed significantly.

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That can easily work, enrage/berserk generates a full stack on your current target.


And if you don't have a target because you're just building rage prior to an encounter? Is it just a wasted ability at that point?


Completely untrue.


Check the second to last tier of the Rage tree and tell me that Dark Resonance and 30% boost to crit damage on force attacks doesn't make it important for smash to remain a force attack.


I have played rage so you are the one who has no idea what he's talking about. Rage jugs are a bit squishy, but that's on par with some other DPS like pyro; rage marauders have the best defensive cooldowns in the game.


True, I'd say they are a little ahead of pyro and behind maras and their damage is behind both of these classes, but utility with push and taunts make that acceptable.


The norm needs to be around 4k for an instant AOE ability. They can buff some of the other abilities in the tree to compensate, but the burst needs to be nerfed significantly.


Smash is the burst of this spec. Without it, you might as well respec to tank hybrid because it's the only way you will be useful. Lowering smash too much (even with a buff to other abilities) will put rage juggs where DPS sorcs are with lots of meaningless damage that can't successfully kill anything.

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And if you don't have a target because you're just building rage prior to an encounter? Is it just a wasted ability at that point?


They'd still generate rage, and why would you generate rage prior to an encounter with no enemies around? Don't you know it disappears if you aren't in combat?

Check the second to last tier of the Rage tree and tell me that Dark Resonance and 30% boost to crit damage on force attacks doesn't make it important for smash to remain a force attack.


That's the point, to reduce smash damage.


True, I'd say they are a little ahead of pyro and behind maras and their damage is behind both of these classes, but utility with push and taunts make that acceptable.


Smash is the burst of this spec. Without it, you might as well respec to tank hybrid because it's the only way you will be useful. Lowering smash too much (even with a buff to other abilities) will put rage juggs where DPS sorcs are with lots of meaningless damage that can't successfully kill anything.


You must be geared horribly if you cannot keep up with pyro in damage after 1.4.

Edited by anwg
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They'd still generate rage, and why would you generate rage prior to an encounter with no enemies around? Don't you know it disappears if you aren't in combat?


True, but I may be coming up on a group of people and not selected the proper target yet. Shockwave stacks don't disappear immediately, so building them up on one target that you may kill prior to using smash isn't a bad thing. It just means you're ready to go when you find the right group


That's the point, to reduce smash damage.


So you want to nerf smash by 30% since they are all autocrits? I'd say fairly geared juggs are hitting fairly geared players for around 6000 right now. That is going to drop to 4200 now and will be weapon damage instead of kinetic damage and do even less. Way to kill a spec.


You must be geared horribly if you cannot keep up with pyro in damage after 1.4.


You must be running with the wrong pyros. They got a minor nerf to range on the old opener and a buff to 2 abilities which no longer share a cooldown. I haven't seen them missing a beat.

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I truly cannot beleive a Developer would be so ignorant as to not know, that if you improve an already strong AE ability by twice the power, it will be OVERPOWERED... someone else needs to take your job after this post... I hope this isnt the same guy from the guild summit that was supposed to be leading PvP, because he as well had no clue about what is going on in this game, and this post makes it obvious ... I am ashamed that Bioware would hire such unintellegent people... I'm assuming this guy plays a warrior or jedi knight class ... Lol


Smash should just be put back to 12 seconds, and be left alone.

Edited by ThisguyYay
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True, but I may be coming up on a group of people and not selected the proper target yet. Shockwave stacks don't disappear immediately, so building them up on one target that you may kill prior to using smash isn't a bad thing. It just means you're ready to go when you find the right group



Then press tab once.


So you want to nerf smash by 30% since they are all autocrits? I'd say fairly geared juggs are hitting fairly geared players for around 6000 right now. That is going to drop to 4200 now and will be weapon damage instead of kinetic damage and do even less. Way to kill a spec.


Weapon damage (in this case energy) will hit for exactly the same number as kinetic damage.


You must be running with the wrong pyros. They got a minor nerf to range on the old opener and a buff to 2 abilities which no longer share a cooldown. I haven't seen them missing a beat.


Explosive dart does about the same amount of damage as flameburst, so there is no buff to damage what so ever.

Edited by anwg
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Obviously you haven't revised "pawn and react" which for you only means "run". In time and with experience you might learn...


Oh my condescension and a thinly veiled L2P reply without any substance at all.


The wisdom that pours forth from you is truly inspiring.... :rolleyes:


Well done padawan, the fail is strong with you.

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So you want to nerf smash by 30% since they are all autocrits? I'd say fairly geared juggs are hitting fairly geared players for around 6000 right now. That is going to drop to 4200 now and will be weapon damage instead of kinetic damage and do even less. Way to kill a spec.


5-6000 would be the low end of what I see allies getting smashed for in warzones on my healer. Capable, geared player puts out closer to 7000. Min-maxed tinkerer can hit people for upwards of 8k.


For comparison's sake, the other hard-hitting burst instant AoE in this game, Deathfield, does about 4200 damage, is available half as often and hits half as many enemies, Dropping smash to the level in question would not even make rage as weak as, say, madness assassins.




You must be running with the wrong pyros. They got a minor nerf to range on the old opener and a buff to 2 abilities which no longer share a cooldown. I haven't seen them missing a beat.


If you don't play one, you probably don't know what to look for in the stat line. Pyro's not a one-man, one-on-two, node-soloing army anymore. Basically requires a pocket healer for the same damage they used to do, because they can't really manipulate range to avoid all return fire like they used to. It's absolutely an adjustment, and one I'm basically fine with, they just need to change the energy requirement on incendiary, because 3 ammo is way too much for what it does. Maybe add some sort of range-closer to make opening more intuitive. But the class hasn't been destroyed or anything.


But anyways, the only reason a pyro would out-damage a rage warrior now is gear or the warrior's bad.

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Then press tab once.


Doesn't resolve my issue. I may need the rage to use an ability, but probably don't want to waste a smash on a single target. Therefore I don't necessarily want those stacks of shockwave on this player, I'd rather it be someone in the group I am going to smash.


Weapon damage (in this case energy) will hit for exactly the same number as kinetic damage.


While the base number would be the same, the effect after taking things like defense and armor into account is not.


Explosive dart does about the same amount of damage as flameburst, so there is no buff to damage what so ever.


I never said that the damage was buffed on any ability, only that they no longer share a cd, meaning they can be used more often. I assume that abilities being able to be used more would allow for more damage to be done.

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5-6000 would be the low end of what I see allies getting smashed for in warzones on my healer. Capable, geared player puts out closer to 7000. Min-maxed tinkerer can hit people for upwards of 8k.


For comparison's sake, the other hard-hitting burst instant AoE in this game, Deathfield, does about 4200 damage, is available half as often and hits half as many enemies, Dropping smash to the level in question would not even make rage as weak as, say, madness assassins.


I agree, I've seen crits of 9-9.5k. A BiS jugg against recruit geared sorcs will do ridiculous damage. As will any other top tier ability in the same situation. The base WH set is not going to be hitting for 7k on similarly geared players, however. As for madness sins, everyone knows that the tank and tank hybrid specs are the most useful at the moment and I never claimed that all classes were balanced to Rage juggs atm. I even said that damage should be decreased, but not as far as pre 1.4.




If you don't play one, you probably don't know what to look for in the stat line. Pyro's not a one-man, one-on-two, node-soloing army anymore. Basically requires a pocket healer for the same damage they used to do, because they can't really manipulate range to avoid all return fire like they used to. It's absolutely an adjustment, and one I'm basically fine with, they just need to change the energy requirement on incendiary, because 3 ammo is way too much for what it does. Maybe add some sort of range-closer to make opening more intuitive. But the class hasn't been destroyed or anything.


But anyways, the only reason a pyro would out-damage a rage warrior now is gear or the warrior's bad.


I agree that the playstyle is different, and you're correct that I don't play a PT at a high level. I make my assumptions based on what I have observed from the best PTs and best rage specs I have seen in warzones (I am no including my own ability as reference). I still see the best PTs outdamaging the best Rage specs short of the other team grouping up and eating smashes 5 at a time.

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I run a Pyro merc and a shadow assassin in pvp on Jung Ma. I do fairly well with my Pyro usually staying in top 3 dps on WZs even against premades. I still get face rolled alot but i just want to make it known i'm not sum billy ******. I know my class, and most others and i do fairly well.


I rolled a LoLrauder on POT5 to play with my brother and try a new PvP scene. Its rediculusly easy. I mean i'm lvl 12 and i'm leaping around smashing lvl 35s in WZs and i don't have even half my attacks or defensive CDs.


I think its been said many times before, Yes Maurader is a one trick pony. So is Arsenal merc. So why do Lolrauders get an instant cast AoE HUGE damage attack while the other one trick pony is single target, a 1.5 second cast and will NEVER hit for more than maybe 4k on a crit?


I'm not asking for balance cuz i won't get it. I'm asking for common sense as to why this is allowed to continue. There have been several good suggestions on how to fix the issue (the 12 second CD sounds about right, or swapping out the smash damage output with ravage in terms of numbers) but currently its out of control.


Oh and who else has seen 1 Marauder leap in, pop his sorc buff for a stun, smash, then a 2nd marauder leap in, repeat, and then the two of them murder like 5 people with focus fire while popping defensive cooldowns? yep fun times. /sarcasm

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I agree, I've seen crits of 9-9.5k. A BiS jugg against recruit geared sorcs will do ridiculous damage. As will any other top tier ability in the same situation. The base WH set is not going to be hitting for 7k on similarly geared players, however. As for madness sins, everyone knows that the tank and tank hybrid specs are the most useful at the moment and I never claimed that all classes were balanced to Rage juggs atm. I even said that damage should be decreased, but not as far as pre 1.4.


I'd hazard a guess that base war hero is going to hit for 6400 or just North, which still makes smash the hardest hitting attack at that gear level and the hardest hitting aoe instant by a whopping 50% over the crit damage of an attack that crits about 32% of the time. And again, since I pvp mostly with a healer these days, I need to know who or what is hardest to heal through. Nothing is remotely close to rage unless I neglect purges, with the possible exception of a zerk/gored carnage mara that nobody stuns, but that set of circumstances is Christmas for a carnage mara. Christmas doesn't come every 10 seconds. It's also all single target, which is easier to heal through than multitarget attacks that hit for even more in one global


Now, to be clear, I'm not saying "it's tough to heal through rage's damage! Must be nerfed!" I'm saying it's way out of whack in comparison to everything that can be done by any other class. Probably more aoe than 1.1 sorcs, to be honest.



I agree that the playstyle is different, and you're correct that I don't play a PT at a high level. I make my assumptions based on what I have observed from the best PTs and best rage specs I have seen in warzones (I am no including my own ability as reference). I still see the best PTs outdamaging the best Rage specs short of the other team grouping up and eating smashes 5 at a time.


Then the best rage specs aren't good enough or the enemy team only has one melee on it at one place at a time. Sure, a team consisting of one carnage marauder, two healers, and 5 madness sorcerors will laugh in the faces of rage warriors and, yes, a pyro churns each of those dpses faster (unless the healers are on the ball with purges), but when's the last time you saw a warzone with that composition? Hell, when's the last time you saw 2 madness sorcerors in the same warzone?


The reality is that more than half the dps in this game MUST stack to be effective. Given the game's reality, an equally geared pyro should never, ever, ever be doing more damage than a rage warrior unless he's just better at the game or until his railshots start autocritting (instead of just having a really high crit chance) and hitting 5 guys.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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I'd hazard a guess that base war hero is going to hit for 6400 or just North, which still makes smash the hardest hitting attack at that gear level and the hardest hitting aoe instant by a whopping 50% over the crit damage of an attack that crits about 32% of the time. And again, since I pvp mostly with a healer these days, I need to know who or what is hardest to heal through. Nothing is remotely close to rage unless I neglect purges, with the possible exception of a zerk/gored carnage mara that nobody stuns, but that set of circumstances is Christmas for a carnage mara. Christmas doesn't come every 10 seconds. It's also all single target, which is easier to heal through than multitarget attacks that hit for even more in one global


Now, to be clear, I'm not saying "it's tough to heal through rage's damage! Must be nerfed!" I'm saying it's way out of whack in comparison to everything that can be done by any other class. Probably more aoe than 1.1 sorcs, to be honest.




The reality is that more than half the dps in this game MUST stack to be effective. Given the game's reality, an equally geared pyro should never, ever, ever be doing more damage than a rage warrior unless he's just better at the game or until his railshots start autocritting (instead of just having a really high crit chance) and hitting 5 guys.


This right here is why the class imbalanced in a nutshell, or at least Smash: there are too many upsides and not enough downsides. It's a:


- guaranteed crit

- hits up to five targets

- deals upwards of 5-6k becoming higher with better optimization (and even higher against poorly geared players)

- has effectively no resource cost or management

- has a very short cooldown

- is instant and since damage is now frontloaded with the animation, cannot be avoided with smart CC


The only downside is pretty much that you need to be in melee range (but remember you have 2 gap closers + plentiful CC, depending on build).


It shouldn't even be up for discussion of whether or not this is overpowered. It's stupidly easy. I mean, would you damage dealers think it would be some kind of overpowered if all healers got an instant AoE heal that was pretty much free, guaranteed to crit, healed upwards of 5k on 5 targets, and had a short cooldown to boot?

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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Doesn't resolve my issue. I may need the rage to use an ability, but probably don't want to waste a smash on a single target. Therefore I don't necessarily want those stacks of shockwave on this player, I'd rather it be someone in the group I am going to smash.

So click on the guy you plan to smash, like everyone else when they pick a target.


While the base number would be the same, the effect after taking things like defense and armor into account is not.


You have no idea about the mechanics of this game, do you? Kinetic and energy damage are reduced by armor equally.


I never said that the damage was buffed on any ability, only that they no longer share a cd, meaning they can be used more often. I assume that abilities being able to be used more would allow for more damage to be done.


You assumed wrong.

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I asked Austin Peckenpaugh (Senior Designer) about Rage and Focus builds and how they're fitting into PvP overall right now, and here was his comment:


Rage and Focus have always been high burst specs, but they haven't been very popular due to some usability and quality of life issues in the past. Our goal for Focus and Rage was to address those issues without significantly affecting their burst. In large part, I think we've done that, but the result is that many people are playing them now, which means there's a lot of AOE burst happening in warzones that wasn't happening before. We're willing to wait and see if their popularity is a result of being viewed as "flavor of the month" (i.e. Rage/Focus populations will naturally subside as people realize the spec doesn't suit their playstyle) or if they are truly too good and were just too unusable before. In short, we're going to keep a close eye on it.


Wow.... the fact that its flavor of the month or not is completely irrelevant to the game's balance.. Its overpowered burst regardless, and forces you to go Rage instead of Vengeance b/c Rage is just SO much more efficient in all pvp situations; yes including Huttball. Who cares if some of the warriors dont 'prefer' rage as their preferred playstyle?? What does this have to do with the out of control situation at hand?.. . My main is a valor 100 Juggy whom can reach almost 1500 dps in some warzones. & thats usually b/c the enemy team has 3 healers, NOT low expertise. So I can continue Smashing over and over :D Its really a joke.


[Fix?] Consider moving the damage #'s around, b/c right now its very broken. Smash damage talent should be 90% instead of 100%, something of this nature. Put the lost damage into Force Crush's initial damage instead? Or reduce the damage overall without compensation. Consider moving some numbers around here and FAST. I AM A RAGE JUGGY so take your time, but many pvp'ers are deeply annoyed by our boneheaded Smash fests and I don't blame them. The CC issue is cherry on the pie and makes for poor entertainment value overall in many a warzone.


Top Class Issues in PvP:

1. fix rage by moving the dmg #'s around, or just reducing the dmg slightly overall.

2. REMOVE sorceror bubble cc upon explosion.. ridiculous. Diminishing returns on CC or fix resolve a little.

3. bring life to the commando/mercenary in pvp please. Here is my recommendation: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=532476

4. Marauder's defensive arsenal is too strong: Cloak of Pain -15% instead of -20%. Vanish stealth duration reduced by 1 sec. Another sec off immortality? You dont have to do all 3 of these but consider looking into their defensive arsenal instead of offensive since this class doesn't have a taunt. As much as some of their dmg trees need to be toned down, I think that would upset too many people who rerolled to the class, and most of all PvE'ers.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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I truly cannot beleive a Developer would be so ignorant as to not know, that if you improve an already strong AE ability by twice the power, it will be OVERPOWERED... someone else needs to take your job after this post... I hope this isnt the same guy from the guild summit that was supposed to be leading PvP, because he as well had no clue about what is going on in this game, and this post makes it obvious ... I am ashamed that Bioware would hire such unintellegent people... I'm assuming this guy plays a warrior or jedi knight class ... Lol


Smash should just be put back to 12 seconds, and be left alone.


Smash/Sweep is at 12 second CD. CDs for the leaps haven't been changed in Rage/Focus tree from pre 1.4.


The problem is that people have been dropping their EXPERTISE and not taking AoE defense. Which is their own fault.


There are discussions on the forum that running a 1200 Expertise should be the 'norm' and than min/max with PvE mods/armoring/enhancement. Sorry, but a 1200 Expertise will give you rough a 18.50% PvP Damage Reduction while running a 1390 Expertise will give you a 25.22% PvP Damage Boost and a 20.14% PvP Damage Reduction.

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Smash/Sweep is at 12 second CD. CDs for the leaps haven't been changed in Rage/Focus tree from pre 1.4.


The problem is that people have been dropping their EXPERTISE and not taking AoE defense. Which is their own fault.


There are discussions on the forum that running a 1200 Expertise should be the 'norm' and than min/max with PvE mods/armoring/enhancement. Sorry, but a 1200 Expertise will give you rough a 18.50% PvP Damage Reduction while running a 1390 Expertise will give you a 25.22% PvP Damage Boost and a 20.14% PvP Damage Reduction.


Not all ac has aoe reduction see operatives and sorcs.

1200 exp to 1390 will shave a 6k smash to 5880 yea that totally helps

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