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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm a crappy pug


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Stop inspecting me, i don't need pvp gear, I only get about 1000 expertise with that, but i get 2000 more hitpoints with my full columni set.


ALL RIGHT! I GOT THE HUTTBALL FROM THE STAND!!! now i'm gonna go take this air vent cuz i'm pro and can steer in midair and land on their goal line.

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"oooh... i have the ball. Sweet, i'm almost to the end but there is some big ugly that is blocking the end. Let me just sneak past him and ... err... where did the ball go???"


Yeah, I'm not going to lie, I did this in my first Huttball match. /sadface

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This is an actual bit of interplay. I had just died and noticed that no one was at Grass, so I jumped on the speeder and landed to there being two Empire there who took it just as I landed. I killed both of them and was in the process of retaking it when this got typed:


You are such a noob why did you lose the node?

Answer me noob are you afk?

@*$$^^@ answer me, you piece of *&^.


all the time I am screaming that I need help at grass and he isnt reading it. I took it just in time to die, there was no one attacking mid but instead of coming over him and the other ones there decided to go and go after snow where most of their team was. I spent the rest of that game landing and keeping them busy while he continued to spew at me. Funny he didnt get any votes and I did.

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Dang it. Ive also done the cloak thing. My binds for force cloak, force shroud, and force speed are all right next to each other. On more than one ocassion I've cloaked and shrouded thru the fire trap rather than shrouded and force ran.
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Make sure when capping in Novare you stand in front of the terminal so no on else can click the terminal, you deserve the cap not anyone else. While the rest of the team was focus targeting healers and burning down the other team you have been hard at work constantly getting hit by AoE's and stressing the healer while you try to ninja cap in front of the whole other team!


Expertise is for the weak, your pvp skills from modern warfare will carry you in any encounter, show your true strength by wearing a get up like a true champion like my friend here http://i.imgur.com/0yea9.jpg

Edited by dego-harmonium
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Answer me noob are you afk?

@*$$^^@ answer me, you piece of *&^.


I spent the rest of that game landing and keeping them busy while he continued to spew at me. Funny he didnt get any votes and I did.


Had the same type of thing happen to me. Just got done fighting off Imps on a node with another guy, had a guard on him, took lots of damage for him. I set up behind and off to the side of the node so I can see it and incoming at the same time and stealth. He's in front of it, facing away. About 5 seconds later he notices me back there (hey, at least he turned to look) and types into chat to kick me because I'm AFK. I type "Huh? I'm not afk". I ended up with more medals, and DPS than him (not to mention healing and protection), but he's still ranting about me being afk when I meet him in the next WZ. Apparently all tanks just throw a guard up and then go AFK to earn free medals?


And to stick to this thread... I'm losing a battle 1 v 1 out in the middle of the field in CW. Hey you noob over there watching that node that we own, why didn't you leave it completely unprotected and come help me!? Would only have taken you a few seconds... like maybe 8.

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The best way to start a VS match is as follows:


Send 5 guys east to fight 3 people, 3 west to fight 5 people. Be glad that the baddie who calls out "5 west" dies first so he can't watch the door. Ignore his call, and while you're at it, ignore both doors so the other team can immediately plant on both of them. Continue ignoring calls for the rest of the match.

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I have had this and said in chat while at node. "Hey. Someone want to watch noden and relieve me? I got heals."


Now I don't bother queuing up as a healer in those sub-50s. if my guild played still, I might.


I've had this happen on my commando healer, so sad.

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Oooo, got a new one.


Best way to start off a CW:


Everybody go mid and west, we don't need our side turret. Why is that guy sighing in chat and running east? Oh well, we'll just keep fighting mid. We should probably make sure to ignore the healers up top and let them do their thing. Oh darn, we weren't able to kill anyone at mid for some reason. That's OK, we have 2 guys who kept them from taking west. We'll go help them and completely abandon east. Huh, that same guy said he'd defend east for some reason; how odd. We should probably ignore the turret at west, though. Let's let them cap it even though there are at least four of us still here. Gee, why didn't we win the game?

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Oh look a healer. I'm going to try and kill him to prevent him from healing...if only there was a way to place a colorful icon above him, so that everyone knows to attack him...


I just captured a node *pat self on back* I clearly don't need to stay here and guard this node even though I'm the only one here. I need to be a hero and solo cap any node that we don't have control of. And, since someone else will see it alone and go to guard it, I also don't need to mention it in chat.

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Oh look a healer. I'm going to try and kill him to prevent him from healing...if only there was a way to place a colorful icon above him, so that everyone knows to attack him...


Wait, in a previous post it said that a colorful marker meant that you tagged him as yours and no one else was supposed to attack him! Now I, as a noob, am so confused.


(I love this thread, except that parts where I go... hey, I've done that! :) )

Edited by Banderal
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Hey, that guy with the Huttball is waiting forthr fire trap. I'm not gonna be smart and stun him while he's in the trap. I'm mutha frikkin Rambo son. Im gonna wait for him to get through and try to solo dps a tank down while filling his resolve so there's no hope of anyone using knockback/pull to get him down a level where it'll actually matter.


Oh no he scored. That's ok I'll stay here to kill him, that'll teach him for scoring on me! I don't need to help control mid or support our guy that just picked up. Yay! I killed him! What do I'm helping him with a free port in front of our ball carrier. I killed him my leet dps will top the charts which means I'm the man!


Then I will berate you for your lack of stats in any area because you we're busy tactically stunning slowing pulling(swinging in other WZs) people into fire. Or clearing landings to set up passes and clear running routes. Only numbers matter!

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Gunslinger or Sage has the Huttball so I just run away because, well, they should be good, right?


Let's duel in the pit!


I'm a gunslinger....I'll just storm in, drop into cover and capture this.....<dead>


Defending in Voidstar.....I'ma chase this Juggernaut around!!!!! Hey, come back here, why are you fighting all the way over....<THE EAST BOMB HAS 20 SECONDS TO DETONATE>


We haven't capped South emplacement, west is clear, let's go East.....



<I feel like we should be making memes for these>

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The other team just scored on us in Hutball. Lets all stay back here in case they come back. :p


The Civil War Ops leader called for 4/0/4. Instead how bout 3 of us go mid. Im not taking directions from anyone, even if it costs me the game, cause im awesome. :cool:


NC - we have West and South with West under hvy attack. I'll go attack East and show them how we can 3 cap... losing west and the match was not my fault. :confused:


The other team just got 2 of the 3 nodes with lots of time left on the clock. Doesn't look like it will be a easy win. Good Luck with that guys, im too good to stick around for a comeback try. ....What? you guys won that round after I left? :eek:

Edited by earthtoearl
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It cost me £30.00 to buy these credits for my purple mods, they must be awesome!

*Enters Civil War*

Hmm..why am I not doing damage, these pubs must be cheating. Well, I can't do damage so lets stay left and 'defend' , even though we are losing and nobody is attacking left, wow this is awesome, I must be a pro, this defending got me 4 medals.

Hehe, look at that noob over there, asking me to do something for my team and get the FREE PvP gear set, silly person, gear costs money. I should rage at him all warzone so he leaves, oh wait I can't forget to tell him my gear is the best available and expertise isn't a real stat....

Edited by olliewars
My be best to add the warzone name
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Oh no he scored. That's ok I'll stay here to kill him, that'll teach him for scoring on me! I don't need to help control mid or support our guy that just picked up. Yay! I killed him! What do I'm helping him with a free port in front of our ball carrier. I killed him my leet dps will top the charts which means I'm the man!
Depending on the circumstances, that can actually be a valid tactic. If the opposition hold mid then you're taking out forward pass opportunities.


If they don't hold mid then, yeah... you're just blocking your own ball carrier.

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