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Launch downtime reminder - new servers incoming


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And you failed.




What do you expect when people cannot join servers?


When friends want to play together, come from work, ask "which server", and then they have to wait for hours to play together?


Sorry guys, that's THE No. 1 reason to instantly quit a MMO and never come back again.


Yeah, its all very well new players roll on light servers. But what about people who used the actual guild pre-reg thing? We have been put on servers which are now full, and have invested time in our toons, so don't want to re-roll en mass to another low pop server.


You really need some free guild transfers going here, or you should have put up more servers at launch so the initial launch servers were not totally overwhelmed.


It would have been better for people to wait until now, then roll a guild on a low pop server, than use the approved website to make a guild. In this way, you have failed us.

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omg the queues are soo gay, every other morning (10:15am gmt)i manage to get on i get on stright away but today am in a 500+ queue already i would expect this to another 3-4 hours atleast...


soooo wheres these free character transfers then? because i know if i am on a server which my friends joining today they wont want to wait hours and hours to play a game they been waiting for.. and am defo not making a new character after am like level 38 already...


and besides what do you actually lose out of use still paying to play every month, to have 1 free character transfer to a diffrent server, so we can enjoy the game even more and be with our friends.

Edited by alvadore
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Agreed, we need more than one English RP-PVP.


We need more RP servers in general, hopefully as soon as possible so that the new people can choose them straight away instead having to make their first character on a permanently full server.

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Congratulations on release!

Now all we need is character transfering so i can get off the full servers...


Yeah, new servers sounds good and all for the new people starting today. But what happens to us poor sods that did the misstake of pre-order to get early access and got clumped together on servers that are now full? Do we have to live with 2+ hours queue or will we be offered free server transfer to less populated servers? Just don't tell me to create a new character on another server. I don't want to get punished further for joining the early access.

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Actually, the real test will be at mid-night the 22nd. That is when people need to register the "real" game. I know that there are some people that did not get into Beta, so they did a pre-order to do early access just to "try" the game out. The true test will come when BioWare see's how many of the "early starters" actually register a real code on the 22nd.


The second test comes like you said on the 25th/26th as some are getting it as gifts. I know 2 friends which i am buying the game for them for X-Mas will not be playing unitl they get home on X-mas day.


I think there are alot of people playing the crap out of the game and making a decision if they are going to still buy the game or wait for another time/or not jump in at all.


...and the thrid test comes late January when people get to the end of their one-month free play period and need to make the decision whether to continue with their subscription and start shelling out money on a recurring basis.

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BW we dont give a flying **** what you do for the new players that start today. What about the + million of us that have preordered and now sit and get laughed at because we were stupid enough to start playing before the 20th on lame full servers.


Never again will I preorder from BW cause it only brings a lot of problems.

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Also now the hilarious fun of getting disconnected. trying to get back on and getting the msg that I can't get on the server as it is down for maintinance only to check back a moment later and get dumped in a que of 450 +..........


which I am laughably informed will last 30mins....

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I am not sure that adding the servers now is going to help the ones that are already in a server that is always full. I think they should have just opened up all the servers to begin with and allow people to have more to choose from. Now all the people that were in early access are stuck in queues daily. I am just saying......
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Server queues are hugely frustrating.


I work 7-5 with commute on each end, cook dinner every evening with my wife, and tend to have odd things round the house that need doing. I can expect about an hour of available gaming time daily, somewhere around 8-10pm EST, assuming I don't have anything else going on (sports, TV, work).


I very much enjoy the game when I'm playing; but if I get online to be stuck in server queues I lose my chance to play. I joined up in pre-release as part of a guild (RP-PVE) that has other members expecting to join after release; and we're already on a server that is frequently full.


I convinced myself that the content justified paying even though I know I will have far fewer hours in a month where I could play than many other gamers, due to my personal time allocation. Finding that I cannot play in those few hours available in bitterly disappointing.


I'm happy to give BW some time through Dec to resolve this but if I cannot reliably get game-time there is no way I'll consider paying for next month's subscription.

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Iam à huge fan of THE game but how you guys handle this is lame.


THE server where my toon is on for à few days now already has à que of 300 at lunch time.

So you guys who come home after work and want to play, goodluck!

In early access we already had 1+ hour que's.


Its stupid! You should have Lockes THE highy populated servers!


Not Going to Pay for 2-3 hour que's.

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Certainly one of the worst things for any players are queue's particulalry those of us who may just set aside a couple of hours between other commitments to play the game, it's then the problem becomes a game killer.


However, i am not going to judge the game on last week or even in beta, opinions from me will start to form as of now, as now is when i pay for the service, it will be a week or two before i start to get little grumbly if not sorted by end of month my subscription will likely not be renewed which i think is fair.

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certainly one of the worst things for any players are queue's particulalry those of us who may just set aside a couple of hours between other commitments to play the game, it's then the problem becomes a game killer.


However, i am not going to judge the game on last week or even in beta, opinions from me will start to form as of now, as now is when i pay for the service, it will be a week or two before i start to get little grumbly if not sorted by end of month my subscription will likely not be renewed which i think is fair.



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Certainly one of the worst things for any players are queue's particulalry those of us who may just set aside a couple of hours between other commitments to play the game, it's then the problem becomes a game killer.


However, i am not going to judge the game on last week or even in beta, opinions from me will start to form as of now, as now is when i pay for the service, it will be a week or two before i start to get little grumbly if not sorted by end of month my subscription will likely not be renewed which i think is fair.


completely this is so gutting

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You guys really didnt want people to play much today did you. A single English PVP-RP server....


Servers with a light population and a 300 person hour + que


Pretty much every other server which was online prior to the official release date with heafty que's and hopelessly inaccurate 5- 30minute wait times...


and its only 9.42 am here in the uk. Pretty sure its going to be almost pointless attempting to log on this evening and any folks new to the game are going to find it a rather dissapointing experiance watching a 25minute wait time last 2 hours


300 is not good, but for most of the weekend, the queue on my first server has been well over 2000.


No point even queueing when it will take all night to get on

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Will there be load balancing completed for servers that are showing as "Full" just moments after going live? Our guild members are experiencing 200+ people queues on Krayt Dragon while other servers in the same time zone are light and some heavy.


Just would be nice to know if there will be some load balancing completed and servers expanded to allow guild members that you pre-positioned onto the server to play.

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