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Is anyone else losing interest?


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The reason I haven't unsubbed yet, is the SAME reason many people haven't unsubbed yet. We are waiting to see what "November's F2P Announcement" will bring.


While I typically crap on this game, its developers, its management, their direction, etc etc....I still have SOME fun playing it from time to time (strictly PvPing. I do NOT PVE in this game). Like others have said, this is far removed from a game (like SWG, for me), where I was excited to head home from work to log on and get involved in my guild (and basically 2nd job). There are a lot of features in a sandbox game that provide a lot of individual excitement and motivation for players to log in. To use SWG as an example, there was managing cities, beast master and mutations, crafting, etc etc.


This game has 0, literally 0 excitement and incentive to log in. I challenge people to tell me that they RUSH home from class or work to log in and get involved in something they were looking forward too since they had to log off the night before. I guarantee a lot of people out there are still around probably because of the fact that maybe you have some friends that play it too (and are most likely the -only- reason why you're still around). This game simply lacks a LOT of features, that a lot of people love.


...and putting my hate for the closing of SWG aside, its frustrating for me to see this game WHICH COULD BE AMAZING, turn out to be what it is right now. Its as cut and dry as that.

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Can you blame anyone for leaving? This game is HORRIBLE.

How are the same 4 warzones for the past like 10 months over and over..."content"??


What this game is BEST for:

- Casual to UBER-casual solo players interested strictly themepark/spoon-fed content

- Immersing yourself in Class story (which i think is utterly horrible, tbh).

- Strictly PVE Guilds who do raids/operations

- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.



What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.




This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.


You summed it up for me right here. I cancelled my sub and won't be coming back unless I see a 180 in the design and direction of this game. I know it won't happen, so I don't hold out hope anymore.


Sad to say. Hope was the only thing that had kept me here. I guess I lost that quicker after doing the same thing in SWG for so long. Oh well.

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I concurr. He's ab****ely right. 6 months ago I was one of those fanboys that would have told him to get lost. Today I just sigh cause I know it's true. My playing time per week has dropped considerably. I just don't have that much motivation to play anymore after leveling 7 lvl 50's. I won't grind a third WH because it too much a PITA. I'd love to pvp with my merc or operative but that's not going to happen with the current grind system. Too bad for that cause it would've added another year's worth a gaming fun for me.


This amuses me to no end. You are basically saying that after getting 7 lvl 50s (which is a weighty 1000 hours at least) and grinding 2 WH sets. I'm going to venture the opinion that if you get 42 straight days of entertainment value out of something for $200, you probably got your money's worth.


I have no idea why people are talking about this like it were a form of employment. Nobody is forcing you to play. If you have grievances then leave, right? That would be the rationale thing since this is a recreational activity and if it stops being recreational why spend your time spewing vitriol about it? I'm pretty sure I hate sowing, but I don't go into sowing clubs deriding their poor craftsmanship and explaining why what they enjoy is dead to me. Will you not be content until everyone shares your opinion? Does that somehow validate your displeasure?

Edited by Ryvirath
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This amuses me to no end. You are basically saying that after getting 7 lvl 50s (which is a weighty 1000 hours at least) and grinding 2 WH sets. I'm going to venture the opinion that if you get 42 straight days of entertainment value out of something for $200, you probably got your money's worth.


aha, but thats just it, hes explaining that it went from entertainment value, to frustration over a pure grind. Grinding for something on equal footing is one thing, but not being competitive because the gear that makes you competitive only comes after losing your way to WH only serves to frustrate players.


I dont think its about the money at all. its about the fun during those hours.


The full WH+ guys are frustrated they dont have any competition, the undergeared are frustrated they just get farmed for weeks before having any actual impact on pvp matches, the mid tier players are frustrated that the undergeared guys are in their WZs and slowing down their win rates... the only ones who can even claim to have much of any fun at all are the overgeared players who dont even need the comms and clearly dont care for any real competition.


How entertaining is it really to get farmed by WH+ full premades when you are gear grinding? I think the answer lies somewhere in the subscription decline.

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If only there was an alternative for you people that don't want gear progression. A game that give you guys instant max level, equal gear, and no premades?


Oh yeah, Guild Wars 2! It almost seems like a distant memory with all the deflated hype for that game.

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Can you blame anyone for leaving? This game is HORRIBLE.

How are the same 4 warzones for the past like 10 months over and over..."content"??


What this game is BEST for:

- Casual to UBER-casual solo players interested strictly themepark/spoon-fed content

- Immersing yourself in Class story (which i think is utterly horrible, tbh).

- Strictly PVE Guilds who do raids/operations

- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.



What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.




This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.


I Played SWG for 4 years. Heck I played non peak times and still managed to have fun and something to do. Solo open world pvp was even possible and Player Bounties!!! Hunting players across planets was great fun and was a great way for player created content. Open world pvp in this game is the true failure. I joined a pvp server thinking it might have more open world pvp...... nothing apart from seeing a random noob. :eek:

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To all the people quoting this idiocy approvingly - what are you on?


What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

Like PvP. Leading onto...

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

The PvP is fun, and the reason I'm still playing every day. Maybe you're terrible. In fact I'm pretty sure you are.


...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

Crafting is "nice". No MMO ever made crafting the main reason for playing. A communtiy of crafters? Nice. Not really something to lose sleep over though is it?


...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

Bollocks plain and simple. Character design, moddable gear. I could compare with other games to ask which allows more variation, but at this point we've disappeared up the fundament of fantasy land.


...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

I know the names of plenty of the opposite faction (and many more of my own) and can tell you which are the better players.


...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

This has some merit - again, other games have given less, but I think the game could have done with more content.


...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

Then it's the same subject, don't list it again for double points. And still bogus.


...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

Blah. Don't care. Loved the first three movies, the latter three were terrible.


...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

All ridiculously tiny complaints.


...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.

Two points here, and I'll credit them both. Planets could feel more dynamic, and also they are too compartmentalised now - you finish a few quests and then the whole place is done. Plus the getting to/from planets is too much effort.



This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.

Ridiculous demands are ridiculous.


Now I feel bad for awarding it the time to go through it. I blame booze and the people going LOL THIS GUY. They were wrong.


Have fun.

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To all the people quoting this idiocy approvingly - what are you on?


I'd categorize it as "SWG withdrawal".


On the forums, out of something like 1000 SWG players, I've see less than a handful who weren't overly negative about the game.


They are a very whiny bunch.

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Can you blame anyone for leaving? This game is HORRIBLE.

How are the same 4 warzones for the past like 10 months over and over..."content"??


What this game is BEST for:

- Casual to UBER-casual solo players interested strictly themepark/spoon-fed content

- Immersing yourself in Class story (which i think is utterly horrible, tbh).

- Strictly PVE Guilds who do raids/operations

- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.



What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.




This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.


Do you know how MMO's work? How often were new warzones added to WoW? Warzones aren't something you should have dozens of, a hand full at most is what you need. I don't understand why so many people get bored of PVP. Take a game like LoL, do the ~11 million people play it activity because of the constant stream of content? Now not a MMO but it's skill based PVP/strat combat game.


If you can't PVP and have fun without chasing that carrot on a stick (gear) you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

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Do you know how MMO's work? How often were new warzones added to WoW? Warzones aren't something you should have dozens of, a hand full at most is what you need. I don't understand why so many people get bored of PVP. Take a game like LoL, do the ~11 million people play it activity because of the constant stream of content? Now not a MMO but it's skill based PVP/strat combat game.


If you can't PVP and have fun without chasing that carrot on a stick (gear) you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

please stop making WoW comparisons. honestly. the expectations for a game now are significantly higher than they were 6 or 8 years ago. I don't care that it took blizz 2 years to straighten out their BGs and so forth. you know what? I can go play it today, and it works. that means if you want to compete with them *today* you need your WZs to work also. period. bye bye see you later (in shrek voice :D )

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Valid points get made and people attempt to casually knock them. LOL


No surprise there..


If you don't think the game needs help. Good for you! The willing blind following other blind folks and all the silly cheer.


But that doesn't change the fact that endgame is both stale and lacking better direction. At this rate I am wondering how much of it is intentional vs some form of stupidity on the companies part.

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please stop making WoW comparisons. honestly. the expectations for a game now are significantly higher than they were 6 or 8 years ago. I don't care that it took blizz 2 years to straighten out their BGs and so forth. you know what? I can go play it today, and it works. that means if you want to compete with them *today* you need your WZs to work also. period. bye bye see you later (in shrek voice :D )


Child you're a little slow.

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I completely agree. I'm a die hard fan of this game, but there's only so much I can take of the same maps over and over and over and over. Not to mention the same type of play (CTF, KotH, etc) over and over and over. And to know that after almost 1 year there will be only 5 maps to play on is discouraging. I feel torn. I love the game, but it's getting super boring as everyone else has indicated already in other threads. :(
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I am with you OP. I want to want to log in and play, the desire is just not there. Im still subscribed, but I am starting to wonder why. I could care less about free to play - I spend more than $15 bucks on coffee in a month. I just want more content. All I do is PvP and we havent gotten an update in forever. :( Dont know how much longer I can hang on. I just honestly never thought I would see this day.
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Soulcaster, I agree with most of what you said. The only part I disagree with is the not knowing other faction players and such. I feel on my (PVE) server, we do kind of have a PVP community, as we keep seeing the same people in warzones over and over again. I do know many players on both sides, and of course it helps that I have played both sides for a long time now, though I started out on Empire. The other things, are pretty much the truth that sadly some don't want to open their eyes and see. Right now, it's probably my immense love of Star Wars that's making me stay, and also my immense love for my sniper. :p Edited by Solarenergy
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I'm not losing interest! I'm doing both PvP and PvE and in all honesty I'm spending more time with this game then I should. Is there room for improvement? Most definitely there is. The key for me to stay interested was to play multiple classes. I have 4 50s across all three specializations so when I'm tired of melting people I switch to mending or protecting them. When I hit a misanthropy fit I switch to my cloakie and murder people from behind :D!!!


Plus I'm in an awesome guild with awesome people on The Red Eclipse server ;).


Bottom line I'm not ready to leave yet but that doesn't mean I can't criticize BW for the recent changes to resolve (which I can coupe with but still ...) or the stupid bugs they included with 1.4!

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Maybe a little bit, I been thinking about shifting my focus to PvE for a little while. Maybe a little changeup will help.


Truth is, i'm probably just happy it's a star wars game. I asked myself the other day: "


Me: Self?

Self: What the hell do you want now?

Me: Would you still be playing this game if it was not Star Wars?

Self: I don't know, probably not


So, yeah, I also think there is plenty of room for improvement, but I think that it will happen...eventually.

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No ladder ranking, no fun. This game should die as a warning to every other PvP developer that intends to matchmake random teams of people with random skill, gear, communication and coordination.


Look at the damn starcraft. No bronze league player is ever forced to fight a grandmaster. He is allowed to progress, get more playing experience, get better, and once he wins more than 50% of his matches, he gets placed into a league of more experienced, better players.


Go tell that to Gabe Amantagelo. The dude apparently thinks that adding Eliter Warhero weapons and Recruit MK2 will make the game better. God have mercy on his soul...

Edited by NoTomorrow
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I play solo but I do tend to pvp alot in wz without a gruop, however, I keep hoping they do something different because after a while no new content has been made. I am hoping F2P will bring new stuff just as they promised.


Now, instead I am working on alts and pvping but in case many of you are bored with the quest line do what I did.

I did everything on my consular and after I got here to wh gear, I did a smuggler to 50. I got a trooper to 50 by only pvping on her and did the class story line. I am now working on a bh doing the imperial quests/class story and still only pvping on my trooper. I am starting a Sith Tank and will only do flashpoints/class storyline to grind. No other pve quests for that character.


I of course am using the legacy perks for xp.

This keeps everything fresh and I do not get bored by space barring all the quests because I have done them before.


I am hoping Bioware does work on getting new content, enough to get people interested to come back and stay.

I, as I said earlier, play solo but I want other players to be happy with the content because that keeps my gameplay fun.

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