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Has stunlocking been addressed?


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M/31/Long Beach, CA


7/f/japan! :D




My bad if i have expectations for a community that knows how to play. Trust me, alot of people in this community know how to get around this and they do so. You don't see them crying to have stuns removed/modified or any other silly nonsense. CC happens. Correction, CC happens in every game.


Be glad this game gives u an option to have a CC immunity at some point.


Some games like, EVE, AO, Neocron, DCUO, and a few others don't give u that option and you get perma CC'ed. Im sure u would love those games when u get perma CC'ed and someone doing 15dmg kills u over the span of 3 hours while u have no means to react.


Maybe i just have thicker skin since i come from games that CC lasts forever and someone can nibble u to death compared to -OMG look i have 45+ seconds of CC immunity after just 2 stuns clearly not enough time to react!


I hope before devs cater to this silly "Stun Lock" trend they fix more pressing issues like WZ backfill when people leave and others don't rejoin. Its nice having 5 v 8.

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1. And then class stacking for those with stuns wins.

2. people who spam them without knowing how to use them will fail and accomplish nothing.

3. yes because no one uses operatives or scoundrels in PVP. :rolleyes: thats exactly what healing op's need, more incentive to screw sorcs / mercs out of rateds more than they do already. :D

4.An interrupt is game changing, sadly 99% of the population does not use them, or know how to use them unless its PVE shoulder drooling experience.

5. The food is there. You can't ask a slobb to know how to eat with a fork and knife.


Its hard to get people to think about change objectively when they are acclimated to what currently exists. If you look at the resolve system and how it works in a 1 v 1 situation its fine (not perfect), however in a group setting it doesn't work at all, and BW made changes in 1.4 to try and accommodate this issue.


Removing stuns makes more sense then any type of resolve change, and would actually make classes stronger as a whole. Would it require some rework of class abilities and trees, sure, but in the long run it would fix a problem and not put a band aid on it. Mass stuns makes the game easy and I think more often than not since a majority of the population doesn't play their class to it's full potential, BW implements these type of changes.


You should be able to play a class and have unique skills that are not shared by others (besides mirror class). That's what makes a class fun to play

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Don't get pissy over sematics here.


It is easy for a good team of 4 people to stun lock any one target.


Pull, stun / mezz, mara jump, mara jump, etc.


Even if you use your remove stun skill after the stun / mezz in my example above, you will not be able to move due to the roots applied by the maras / juggs. Don't operatives also have a root skill?


I would agree that no one will survive 4 v 1 in this case, however once a player uses their clear stun / mez skill, they should not be able to be slowed or rooted. IMHO.

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Its hard to get people to think about change objectively when they are acclimated to what currently exists. If you look at the resolve system and how it works in a 1 v 1 situation its fine (not perfect), however in a group setting it doesn't work at all, and BW made changes in 1.4 to try and accommodate this issue.


Removing stuns makes more sense then any type of resolve change, and would actually make classes stronger as a whole. Would it require some rework of class abilities and trees, sure, but in the long run it would fix a problem and not put a band aid on it. Mass stuns makes the game easy and I think more often than not since a majority of the population doesn't play their class to it's full potential, BW implements these type of changes.


You should be able to play a class and have unique skills that are not shared by others (besides mirror class). That's what makes a class fun to play



Mass stuns? o.0? I need to play whatever class gets that! because the only one i know so far is my PT and its only 2.5 seconds(and GCD consumes 1.5 so its only really a 1.5 stun). hardly worth it for 1v1 but in group play it makes a huge difference since i basically sit the GCD unable to do anything but my team can capitalize on it.


If your talking about ranked, regardless of stuns or not in ranked u have people focus firing targets and stuns might make a small difference in your survival vs a 6-7 player train. -then you can move on to things like hard swaps when a target is called to pressure a healer into healing and then all DPS swaps to the healer who is now in a bad spot and ur enemy now faces a dead healer on their team.


If you remove all stuns from the game u give a HUGE advantage to leapers and just about all melee. You kill just about every stealth's method of killing a heavy target.(which they do so with CC) A range without a stun will rely on knockbacks / slows / immobalizes knockbacks and slows. All of which are easily circumvented by leaps/pulls. Immobalizes in my opinion are the hardest to get around especially in matches where mobility is key. After all these changes then u will have 7 maras and 1 op queing for every WZ because now leap/immos are the new win.


All this can be easily fixed by giving all healers a simple tool.




New Ability: tier 6 healing skill trees:


Sorcs. (high cost, high CD point blank AOE FORCE CC remove - immunity for 2s.)

Merc. (high cost, high CD ranged AOE TECH CC remove - immunity for 2s.)

Ops. (high cost, high CD AOE on friendly target removes Incapacitates - immunity for 2s.)


You can then add a 2 point talent to attach an immoballize immunity as well for X amount of seconds.

Edited by Cybridwarform
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Its hard to get people to think about change objectively when they are acclimated to what currently exists. If you look at the resolve system and how it works in a 1 v 1 situation its fine (not perfect), however in a group setting it doesn't work at all, and BW made changes in 1.4 to try and accommodate this issue.


Removing stuns makes more sense then any type of resolve change, and would actually make classes stronger as a whole. Would it require some rework of class abilities and trees, sure, but in the long run it would fix a problem and not put a band aid on it. Mass stuns makes the game easy and I think more often than not since a majority of the population doesn't play their class to it's full potential, BW implements these type of changes.


You should be able to play a class and have unique skills that are not shared by others (besides mirror class). That's what makes a class fun to play


My main is a geard pvp healer OP, while i will agree with you the changes to resolve that came with 1.4 is horrible, but i will have to disagree with you about removing stuns all together.


If there was no stuns my class / my abilities would make me almost impossible to kill, yes i freely admit that. pound for pound the one thing that gets me is being locked up so i cant spamm that extra hot / instant cast that will keep me up. there are ways for healers other than ops to stay up but my class needs to remain mobile to weasel out of trouble.


im not defending BW for what they did nor am i disagreeing with you about 1.4 changes, however there needs to be some CC in game, just not as much CC as there is now which is rediculous. MODERATION <=====

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Although I am now a Combat Medic (Commando), before and after and I became this I'd be stunlocked by Sorcs, and BH's mainly. I'd say about 78% of my WZ's I've been completely stunlocked with no hope to break free and just stand there and die.


Republic players on Jedi Covenant rarely win now a days in WZ's it seems because of the favoritism of Imperials. "But mirror class!" ..yeah used to be somewhat similar, but I don't see that many active stuns from Republic players.


I have 1 WH and the rest BM gear.


lol what you mean we rarely win on Jedi Covenant. I rarely lose on my sage on jedi covenant. when i want to know what it is like to lose I log on my sorcerer. Imps on jedi covenant are worst pvp'ers I have ever played with. Yes there are a few good guilds but the imp puggers or just pathetic


If you die in a stun you were either

a) low on health

b) focus fired (which means you should die)

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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The only time I feel 'stunlocked' is when I'm being overwhelmed by enemies.


unfortunately, you can be stunlocked by one player nowadays (with grenades), but even a 2v1 is going to get you stunned for ~15s (3 stuns) before resolve kicks in - at which point you're in respawn and resolve is reset.


anyway, 3v1 is overkill for sure now that there's 50% more downtime due to stuns. just about any 2 dps will kill any 1 equally geared anything thanks to that extra ~4-5s of stun time.

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My main is a geard pvp healer OP, while i will agree with you the changes to resolve that came with 1.4 is horrible, but i will have to disagree with you about removing stuns all together.


If there was no stuns my class / my abilities would make me almost impossible to kill, yes i freely admit that. pound for pound the one thing that gets me is being locked up so i cant spamm that extra hot / instant cast that will keep me up. there are ways for healers other than ops to stay up but my class needs to remain mobile to weasel out of trouble.


im not defending BW for what they did nor am i disagreeing with you about 1.4 changes, however there needs to be some CC in game, just not as much CC as there is now which is rediculous. MODERATION <=====


This is actually a reply post, if you read my initial post it defines it better. I am not saying get rid off all stuns, just making it so stuns/Mezzes are abilities of only a few classes thus making it a more defining ability (Knock backs seem fine to me as is).


What I mean by "Mass stuns" is the collective stun ability of every class in the game. We all have 2 stuns and/or mezzes on 1 minute or less CDs. There is the potential to have 32 stuns going off every minute (collective of 16 players in a match) = Mass stuns.


I think this is a fundamental problem with in the game.

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7/f/japan! :D




My bad if i have expectations for a community that knows how to play. Trust me, alot of people in this community know how to get around this and they do so. You don't see them crying to have stuns removed/modified or any other silly nonsense. CC happens. Correction, CC happens in every game.


Be glad this game gives u an option to have a CC immunity at some point.


Some games like, EVE, AO, Neocron, DCUO, and a few others don't give u that option and you get perma CC'ed. Im sure u would love those games when u get perma CC'ed and someone doing 15dmg kills u over the span of 3 hours while u have no means to react.


Maybe i just have thicker skin since i come from games that CC lasts forever and someone can nibble u to death compared to -OMG look i have 45+ seconds of CC immunity after just 2 stuns clearly not enough time to react!


I hope before devs cater to this silly "Stun Lock" trend they fix more pressing issues like WZ backfill when people leave and others don't rejoin. Its nice having 5 v 8.


Alrighty lets slow it down 45+ secs of CC Immunity? Never seen this...Not unless you resolve capped and a Sniper with 2o secs of CC Immunity skill stacked on the end.... Exagerating is fine...but I have seen you call several lpeople out in this thread alone for exagerating...So bad form.


Devils Advocate is there are a small group of folks that simply like to call the entire or a large portion of the community Whiners, Cryers, or skilless noobs...And whether it is the intent or not it comes off like these folks are trying to make themselves sound superior to everyone else....It doesnt make them right or even in the neighborhood of right to say everythings fine...I must be better, faster, smarter then everyone else...It just makes you look clueless, not superior. If you truely cannot fathom recent changes to resolve being a negative...Then I think your perception is actually hindered not tuned.


Resolve was fine prior to 1.4...it penalized bad CC coordination, and benefitted team coordinated CC....Now its "CC for Dummies" You dont need a ton of CC you just need 8 people firing them off willy nilly to severely degrade the fun in PVP. Atleast prior to 1.4 this would only result in Resolve capping your target...as it should be.


PS...I played SWG and PvP amounted to who could KD/Dizzy the other person the entire fight and then pummel them to death without them ever fighting back....They changed that of course...You know why? Everyone hated it!

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"Resolve was fine prior to 1.4...it penalized bad CC coordination, and benefitted team coordinated CC....Now its "CC for Dummies" You dont need a ton of CC you just need 8 people firing them off willy nilly to severely degrade the fun in PVP. Atleast prior to 1.4 this would only result in Resolve capping your target...as it should be.


PS...I played SWG and PvP amounted to who could KD/Dizzy the other person the entire fight and then pummel them to death without them ever fighting back....They changed that of course...You know why? Everyone hated it!"


I agree with you that Resolve was fine prior to 1.4, but I do think that it could be "finer." The main reason for the changes in 1.4 were to address the supreme advantage that players working together using stuns have over PUGs. Cooperation is one thing (e.g. if one player is focus fired by multiple players, then yes, they should die). However, having a system that inherently favors players that are using a voice chat client when they're pitted against players that aren't using a voice chat client makes for a frustrating experience for the PUGgers and a rewardless win for any PvPer that enjoys challenge over hollow victories.


Using an extra-SWTOR communication system isn't skill. It's an advantage that some players cannot or do not take advantage of. As long as you have a system that pits Teamers vs PUGgers, you'll always have to minimize advantage to mitigate frustration. That's just smart business when you need your customers' juice dolla dolla billz. Now, if they had exclusive solo queues, maybe then they could have a separate rule set, but that just becomes too difficult to do Dev and QA time for, so this is what we're left with.


P.S. You were totally right about SWG. First it was all about targeting the Mind Pool with anything you could, then it was all KD/Dizzy. No offense to the fan boys, but that game was not fun.

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Alrighty lets slow it down 45+ secs of CC Immunity? Never seen this...Not unless you resolve capped and a Sniper with 2o secs of CC Immunity skill stacked on the end.... Exagerating is fine...but I have seen you call several lpeople out in this thread alone for exagerating...So bad form.


Im talking about full resolve man. Hence why i said CC immunity. (obviously minus immos.)


What i was stating is...

Resolve does not decay now as easy as people say. Seems people have this idea that after u get a full white bar the mystical white bar faeries come in and some how steal the white bar from you.


And as i said above... The community should be glad this game even gives u a CC immunity other games won't be so kind. -And funny enough, those mmo's that don't give u CC immunity have been around far longer than alot of the mmo's out there. And the best part is when people complain the developers are quick to post on them and tell them "too bad get over it, get friends." -Its a harsh world out there.

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hah i think 1.4 some how made stunlock and roots worse. that or people just all stoped playing decided to stunlock and root people.


1 stun per class, 1 root per class and grenades that are stunlock or roots should share same cd as the class skills, atm wz is just stunlock fest peppered with roots and and pinch of actual playing and fun

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What a load of bull I pvp at least 4 hrs each day since launch

And have never been stunlocked to death in a 1v1

Even a 2v1 it's never happened all this stun lock qq is lame

And if you're getting focused and cc'd by any more than 3 players you will die

Why people expect and think they deserve to survive this is beyond me

Edited by denpic
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What a load of bull I pvp at least 4 hrs each day since launch

And have never been stunlocked to death in a 1v1

Even a 2v1 it's never happened all this stun lock qq is lame

And if you're getting focused and cc'd by any more than 3 players you will die

Why people expect and think they deserve to survive this is beyond me


1 on 1 is the problem any dumb *** can see that. Problem is there are to many stun luck and roots happen , stacking upon each other other stun locks and roots. if you or anyone else dont see that as problem then your just as dumb as the developers for thinking of even putting that many stunlocks and roots in the game in the firstplace and think it would make pvp fun. it one thing to have them for pve but to have so many in pvp and happen so much it just ruins the fun plain and simple stun lock roots and grenades all need to limited to 1 of each per class and shared with grenades cd so the out of hand problem of stunlocks and roots are fixed.


I never seen any mmo with so much stuns and roots not even ragnarok online has this many stuns or roots and that games pvp is 200% worse then this games

Edited by Kyuuu
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^ What this guy said lol..


Stunlocking in a 1v1 is not an issue. Correct stun placement requires skill in a 1v1. You save them for either when you are trying to get your main attack off or when you know the opposing player is about to hit you with a heavy attack.


Typically when i open on someone the first thing someone of low skill does is chuck a stun on me. Sometimes they'll even chuck another *********** stun at me while I'm already stunned. It's these stun monkey's that ruin the pvp experience. You get them into a large group encounter and they are lobbing out their stuns as soon as they are off cooldown while everyone else is beating on the stunned target.


Quite frankly there is absolutely no reason for this kind of gameplay.


The only way I can think to resolve this issue is to change all the 4 second stuns so that they make the target 100% immune to damage and healing for the duration. This would actually solve the "marauder issue" ensuring that your stun prevents any healer healing him to full during the undying rage phase. Knockdowns/ knockbacks and other mezzes should function as usual. If healers become out of balance due to the above changes then lower the "interrupt" times for all classes to compensate.

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I addressed 'stunlocking' with my brains.


End of story.




1. Almost all classes have equal number of crowd control in their arsenal.


2. Assuming equal numbers, if the enemy uses multiple stuns against ONE of your teammates, that means the rest of your team is getting hit by less stuns. It is the immediate duty for those around the stunned player, that are NOT stunned, to take measures to deal with the situation -- whether deal it directly by (1) cleansing the stun, or indirectly by (2) healing the stunned/focused person to keep him alive, (3) attack or reverse-stun the enemies that have stunned your teammate, etc..


3. Simply put, the typical, disorganized and short/near-sighted PuG players with target fixation show very slow/low levels of tactical response to enemy behavior -- and this is the no.1 reason for "stun-lock deaths" --- not because of the number of stuns around.


4. In other words, people get stun-locked to death because they suck. Stop blaming the game for your own faults.

Edited by kweassa
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1 on 1 is the problem any dumb *** can see that. Problem is there are to many stun luck and roots happen , stacking upon each other other stun locks and roots. if you or anyone else dont see that as problem then your just as dumb as the developers for thinking of even putting that many stunlocks and roots in the game in the firstplace and think it would make pvp fun. it one thing to have them for pve but to have so many in pvp and happen so much it just ruins the fun plain and simple stun lock roots and grenades all need to limited to 1 of each per class and shared with grenades cd so the out of hand problem of stunlocks and roots are fixed.


I never seen any mmo with so much stuns and roots not even ragnarok online has this many stuns or roots and that games pvp is 200% worse then this games


Of course 1v1 is not the issue what I'm saying is that if your facing more than 2- 3 players you will die

Stunlocked or not and your survival comes down to correct usage of your cool downs and TEAM support

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4. In other words, people get stun-locked to death because they suck. Stop blaming the game for your own faults.


Rotfl. This is the most retarded thing i've ever read. It's like blaming a **** victim because they were *****. Well done, sir!

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I addressed 'stunlocking' with my brains.


End of story.




1. Almost all classes have equal number of crowd control in their arsenal.


2. Assuming equal numbers, if the enemy uses multiple stuns against ONE of your teammates, that means the rest of your team is getting hit by less stuns. It is the immediate duty for those around the stunned player, that are NOT stunned, to take measures to deal with the situation -- whether deal it directly by (1) cleansing the stun, or indirectly by (2) healing the stunned/focused person to keep him alive, (3) attack or reverse-stun the enemies that have stunned your teammate, etc..


3. Simply put, the typical, disorganized and short/near-sighted PuG players with target fixation show very slow/low levels of tactical response to enemy behavior -- and this is the no.1 reason for "stun-lock deaths" --- not because of the number of stuns around.


4. In other words, people get stun-locked to death because they suck. Stop blaming the game for your own faults.



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