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Back From GW2: Couldn't Be Happier


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Still loving GW2, and probably won't be back to SWTOR until there is new content that I would like, ie Makeb. Otherwise, it's not looking good for me. That, and my cousin is playing GW2, so maybe when SWTOR goes F2P, it will be different.


Anyways, that is my counter argument to the OP. Just one man's opinion. I do think SWTOR has great potential, but after playing GW2, you kind of see how they missed the mark in a big way. Still, I wish I could select responses in GW2. Still not enough for me to jump back in.

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Well first let me thank many of you for saving me from buying GW2. After my last few game purchases I decided it was time to wait and see how a game really was a few weeks after released before I bought it. Well I do not need to wait any longer. Not buying it!


I am very happy with SWToR and even the issues that some people have here I don't experiance. I think my only problem might be the speed of our speeders and that isn't even that big of a deal.

Edited by Gryphandor
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GW2 did not re-invent the wheel, they just put lipstick on a pig and called it new. GW2 has some of the oldest sytle mechanics that they try to pass off a being new.


Anyway, yeah, it's pretty I'll give them that... But not half the game TOR is.

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Whenever I log in to SWTOR, the first thing I notice is the UI, and how great it is compared to other MMOs


Personally I find the UI to be completely awful. I'd like to have a word with the devs and show them some of my UIs and explain these new fangled ideas window movement and resizing. I don't mean the terrible UI customisation that allows you to move a few things around and then save everything in stone I mean proper windows that can be moved & resized on the fly. Eve Online has a far better UI and a lot of people call that spreadsheets in space!

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Depending on why you left SWTOR you're probably not going to want to come back for 1.4. There really isn't enough here to save the game.


PVP is still jacked, ranked warzones are FUBARed. PVP is underdeveloped with unrealized potential, that Bioware refuses to recognized in favor of playing wacka-mole with the nerf hammer in a sad attempt to maintain balance at the expense of PVE. A simple fix to some of the issues with PVP is remove grouping from regular warzones and add ranked warzones to Group finder just like an Operation. Mabey even toss in some RWZ comms as a bonus. This gets the big premades outa Regular Warzones and gets more players into Ranked Warzones.


Crafting is near worthless for all but consumables. Most crafted Items are are completely outclassed by items purchased by comms.


The Black hole weekly is now gone, Making End of Torvix completely useless, and Black Hole Comms that much harder to get. Face it, if your not in a raiding guild ... your gear progression is limited to Columi and Black hole. This game hasn't exactly been kind to guilds, heck it hasn't exactly be nice on players either with most making like Charlton Heston in the exodus. Guilds Drop like Flies due to players leaving the game and Bioware seems to be clueless when it comes to player retention, Heck bioware is completely out of touch with it's customer base.


Lagacy with a few exceptions is a let down. It has very little effect on game play requires lots of in game money yet has very low level requirements. Most people that reach Legacy level 50 are greeted by a discouraging hollow feeling of not even getting a title out of it.


I honestly don't think Bioware has fixed anything that has caused people to leave the game. I'm honestly considering leaving the game and I have been here since beta and pre release. Many of my friends and fellow players that have left, left to play Guild wars 2, all of them seem to love it and most say I would like it over SWTOR to. however SWTOR has left me once bitten twice shy and I'm more inclined to go back to Aces high.

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Personally I find the UI to be completely awful. I'd like to have a word with the devs and show them some of my UIs and explain these new fangled ideas window movement and resizing. I don't mean the terrible UI customisation that allows you to move a few things around and then save everything in stone I mean proper windows that can be moved & resized on the fly. Eve Online has a far better UI and a lot of people call that spreadsheets in space!


I don't think it's awful but it could really be better. The Eve Online is one of the best UIs I have seen in games. Being a complex game, CCP made an excelent UI. The font is clear and SciFi enough and the colors are great.


On topic now, welcome back! As I always say, an MMO isn't a closed product. It needs to be given time to evolve.

Edited by BrunoLogan
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I honestly haven't noticed much talk about GW2 other than around what you said OP. In all honesty GW2 flopped more tahn people claim TOR did. :rolleyes:


I don't find it surprising that maybe the week of GW2 launch did people talk about it, pretty much it was literally the flavor of the month.

Edited by Eillack
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I do have a GW2 account and I like the game. There are things it did better than TOR:

- the world feels more alive

- slightly better character customization (slightly because it doesn't allow things like selecting cosmetics for female characters: certain face types must have a certain colour of lipstick, for example)

- downscaling: no content ever gets obsolete for your character (though the rewards are significantly lower than for doing "current" content)

- WvWvW somewhat caters to the open world PvP crowd

- no stunfest

- lack of "tagging" and killstealing and such. Objective stealing can still happen, don't let others fool you think otherwise. If you put out a fire, the next player will have to wait while that fire respawns

- crafting system is much more robust and fun


And there are things, many, that it does worse

- voice acting and story is a lot weaker: that is TOR's strongest point, GW2 was never going to beat that

- no trinity: many people like that, I personally don't because it doesn't allow for really strategic fights; mobs just hit hard and bosses have a gimmick or two

- Dynamic Events are zergfests; the high level ones certainly. Farming them is soul-crushingly boring but you have to do hundreds of them to get a exotic level endgame set

- if you like the dungeon exotic sets better, you can grind there: 80-100 runs of a single dungeon (with three explorable paths) is required for a full set. No thanks.

- If you like the yellow cultural armour for your race, you can purchase that. The set costs 120 gold. I had 5 when I hit 80. No thanks.


PvE at max level is about some epic grinding there, nothing else. Sure, they tell you they have amazing armour skins and they DO look good. If you want them, be prepared to grind, grind and grind more. You don't need it to do content, obviously, and that's fine but if you want some reward, you either grind or quit.


Or, of course you can do PvP. But WvWvW is a zergfest, like high-level dynamic events. As for 8 v 8 instanced PvP - I believe TOR does that a lot better. GW2's PvP and PvE are both chaotic. I don't really like that.

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The thing that really got me into MMO's originally was the character customization/progression. GW2 has SOME of that, and sadly with the release of MoP, has even more than WoW does now (WHY WOULD YOU REMOVE TALENT TREES?!?!?!?!?!?!?)


SW:ToR is one of the few MMO's out there with fully-functioning talent trees now, so I'm going to stay here for a LONG time.

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I only made it to level 17 in GW2. The leveling was boring and dynamic events panned out to be worse than standard quests. I think the story/cut-scenes in SWTOR spoiled me. Even starting MOP only made me come back to SWTOR to level a new class.


I'm primarily a PvPer so, despite my disappointment in the PvE, I was hoping GW2 sPvP might keep my interest. Unfortunately, the movement is clunky, carmera is terrible, and maps are boring.


While I'm not happy about wasting $60 on a game that I barely played for a week, the silver lining is GW2 is an example of how a game with populous ideas (i.e forum idealist) doesn't always work out in practice.

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Guild Wars 2 is a game that is for casual play, it is by no means a game you will play like an MMO like tor or wow. It's there for you play and fill in time here and there and enjoy. I'm playing both and couldn't be happier it's a change of pace from what I'm use to and I like that. The PvP is pretty fun, I like being able to roll around and dodge attacks, something I want to see in more mmos. Dynamics events are a great addition and I find them interesting and fun something else I want to see adapted. Being in the line of fire of an arrow or bullet was also cool because it hit you instead of the person it was intended for, I found this to be awesome as I could actually "block" attacks for a friend.


Guild Wars 2 is a great casual game, if you are thinking about picking up, do it. It's a great time filler when you get bored of ToR or need a small break. It has no sub fee which is great you can come and go as you please. It's a one time purchase.

Edited by spectreclees
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