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Senior Citizen Players?


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Hi, just was wondering the other day about this demographic. There is of course the thread for middle aged professionals, but I'm talking more about retirees, people with grandkids, etc... I see a huge untapped market for retirees in the MMO world, especially in the next 10-20 years, as the current middle-aged MMO'ers show no sign of stopping.

After all, MMO's cater to people with a lot of time for them, and I think this kind of gameplay is pretty good for seniors too (less need of twitch reaction time with GCD, more tactical). MMO's are also a great way to bond with grandkids, who many seniors don't see as often as they'd like.




So, anyone know SWTOR players 65 and older? What are they like? (If not, who is the oldest player you know?)


(Oldest player I know is a guildie who's 53. She is our main raid tank and a good player.)

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most people I have encountered in this game where age had come up in conversation, seem to be around 17-30 age group. The oldest person I have come accross is myself at 42 at this point. Although, as you say, there are much older folks playing for sure.


When I played another MMO (WoW), we had a player in her 70's who was a raid healer and a very good one at that. the rest of the guild was mainly made up of mid 30's to mid 40's with a splash of 50's in for good measure. We also had younger peeps also but just a few.


I guess old farts sort of accumilate over time :D

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I have 2 guildies that are very active and both are retired. Only one has ever made a reference to grand children. It has been a pleasure to make their acquaintance.


So to answer the OP question, yes we do have some senior citizen gamers out there but don't think for second that they are sub par in their skill level. Both of the older guild mates that I have know their stuff and can put quite a few youguns to shame!

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Hi, just was wondering the other day about this demographic. There is of course the thread for middle aged professionals, but I'm talking more about retirees, people with grandkids, etc... I see a huge untapped market for retirees in the MMO world, especially in the next 10-20 years, as the current middle-aged MMO'ers show no sign of stopping.

After all, MMO's cater to people with a lot of time for them, and I think this kind of gameplay is pretty good for seniors too (less need of twitch reaction time with GCD, more tactical). MMO's are also a great way to bond with grandkids, who many seniors don't see as often as they'd like.




So, anyone know SWTOR players 65 and older? What are they like? (If not, who is the oldest player you know?)


(Oldest player I know is a guildie who's 53. She is our main raid tank and a good player.)


Agreed, there is a huge potential in this market. I for one will definitely be gaming for the rest of my life assuming arthritis doesn't get me lol and I can still see and hear.

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The oldest gamer I know is in his middle 60s. He is an exceptionally talented tank whose well above average environmental awareness probably has something to do with his two tours in Vietnam with the Marines.


MMOs have immense untapped potential to not only entertain but to enhance quality of life for seniors. Wire up our old-age homes and instead of warehousing old folks and drugging them into submission, give them keyboards and let them live new lives where they can run, fight, adventure and yes -- fool around, independent of their failing bodies.

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The oldest gamer I know is in his middle 60s. He is an exceptionally talented tank whose well above average environmental awareness probably has something to do with his two tours in Vietnam with the Marines.


MMOs have immense untapped potential to not only entertain but to enhance quality of life for seniors. Wire up our old-age homes and instead of warehousing old folks and drugging them into submission, give them keyboards and let them live new lives where they can run, fight, adventure and yes -- fool around, independent of their failing bodies.


The spirit and compassion of your idea is not lost on me. However, I have a terrible image in my head of abusive and self serving nursing home staff forcing the elderly to farm gold 18 hours per day.

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The spirit and compassion of your idea is not lost on me. However, I have a terrible image in my head of abusive and self serving nursing home staff forcing the elderly to farm gold 18 hours per day.


LOL, that got me visualizing some gaming wheelchair rigs. I'd get one. I'd name it Jabba's repulserlsed. Controls built off the armrests and dual swing away monitors and speakers built into the seats. Maniacal laughing as I demolish grandkids online.


I would release the dark side on the staff if they force me to farm tho.

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LOL, that got me visualizing some gaming wheelchair rigs. I'd get one. I'd name it Jabba's repulserlsed. Controls built off the armrests and dual swing away monitors and speakers built into the seats. Maniacal laughing as I demolish grandkids online.


I would release the dark side on the staff if they force me to farm tho.

Kragga beat you to it :D

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I'm 62, still working and still playing!!!


That is awesome. I know my replies in this post were light-hearted and possibily could be taken in a way unintended. (besides diverging from the OPs topic a bit). Just wanted to put this out there to let everyone know I fully support everybody who plays this game, regardless of age. I know in a few years I will be just like Thulcondar. Don't want my previous posts to be taken as disparaging against anyone because of their age.


I haven't knowingly run with or against anyone of this age group . Never really thought about it either before now. No reason why anybody of any age would/should not play, I fully intend to continue my computer games all my life.


Now, I'm trying to get my Mom to play. She is very computer savvy but she is resistant to this genre of game. Most likely because to play this game is necessarily more complicated and involved. It'll take a little practice and some new memory muscle skills to learn, but hey- everyone of us had to do that at some point. I'll keep pushing and cajoling, but trying to use Jedi mind tricks doesn't work well against ones own parent.

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Today is my 50th birthday, and I've played mmorpg's since Everquest. I am a main healer and founder of my guild, and can be found pretty much every night in an ops group somewhere. I recently started writing fan ficiton, and love it. This is a great game for everyone, but I feel like the majority of the players are more mature than the ones I used to encounter in that other mmo community :p
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Today is my 50th birthday, and I've played mmorpg's since Everquest. I am a main healer and founder of my guild, and can be found pretty much every night in an ops group somewhere. I recently started writing fan ficiton, and love it. This is a great game for everyone, but I feel like the majority of the players are more mature than the ones I used to encounter in that other mmo community :p

Happy birthday! :)

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Pandamonium, a guild on The Shadowlands, has a raid team named "Silver Horde" :-) If you know the reference.


The oldest players are around 65.


Pandamonium rocks btw! Great guild with great people. :)


I think it's great that older people are playing this game. One of my closest friends is 62, and I met her in WoW. Haven't come across that many others yet in TOR, but I'm sure it will change as the game grows older.

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We are not grandparents yet, but I am 45 and the little lady is 44. We have 50's on both sides, but these days mostly just play very casual due to work.


In the previous years we played SWG, Aion, WoW, tried GW and of course Tor.


Just thought I would add our age bracket and situation to the conversation.

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I don't think I qualify for senior citizen, but I am 56 and love playing the game. I haven't started playing PVP yet and am just getting into playing with groups (never did any group or online games before as well as new to the MMO gender.) I don't belong to any Guilds either.
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I don't think I qualify for senior citizen, but I am 56 and love playing the game. I haven't started playing PVP yet and am just getting into playing with groups (never did any group or online games before as well as new to the MMO gender.) I don't belong to any Guilds either.


We could use you in Republic University. I'm looking for experienced players to help people level. Shadowlands

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