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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why 12 Bioware why 12!?!?!?


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Okay so Im not sure how I feel about the new 4 character slots. I guess its great that we get to have four more characters if we so choose, but I swear 12 is a worse number then 8. Why dont they make it 16? Then everyone could try a little of everything but we have to chose 4 classes to not play right now. What sucks even more is how, because of having characters on multiple servers, I have 15 characters. That sucks. Having to pick one trooper class when they both seem fun, and having everything else. Just sayin'
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I guess its great that we get to have four more characters if we so choose, but I swear 12 is a worse number then 8. Why dont they make it 16?


So that they can sell 4 more in the shop.


I can't say I blame them. I am not a fan of the shop, that's for sure, but it seems perfectly acceptable for me that they would charge you -say- a one-time-fee of 5$ for an extra slot.

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Okay so Im not sure how I feel about the new 4 character slots. I guess its great that we get to have four more characters if we so choose, but I swear 12 is a worse number then 8. Why dont they make it 16? Then everyone could try a little of everything but we have to chose 4 classes to not play right now. What sucks even more is how, because of having characters on multiple servers, I have 15 characters. That sucks. Having to pick one trooper class when they both seem fun, and having everything else. Just sayin'


Owh for the love of god....not even commenting on this freaking trollish post /ignore

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So that they can sell 4 more in the shop.


I can't say I blame them. I am not a fan of the shop, that's for sure, but it seems perfectly acceptable for me that they would charge you -say- a one-time-fee of 5$ for an extra slot.


Was just gonna post this exact same thing. Characters do cost them a lot of storage space so I don't blame them for using it as a way to monetize. Besides, the "Great and Perfect" GW2 only lets you have 5 character slots free, then starts charging for them (and there are 8 classes!)

Edited by Stenrik
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Are there any MMOs that give an amount of slots equal to the amount of classes without having to pay extra for them? I know LOTRO didn't, I think it was five slots and seven classes in the beginning. Two slots and two classes came with MoM and it was two more slots with SoM; more slots can be bought in the store. I don't believe AoC had an equal amount of slots to the classes, but I could be mistaken. I don't know about WoW since I don't play that game.


More characters slots are good extra incentives for expansion packs and store sales, and everyone asking for 16 is proof of that.

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Okay so Im not sure how I feel about the new 4 character slots. I guess its great that we get to have four more characters if we so choose, but I swear 12 is a worse number then 8. Why dont they make it 16? Then everyone could try a little of everything but we have to chose 4 classes to not play right now. What sucks even more is how, because of having characters on multiple servers, I have 15 characters. That sucks. Having to pick one trooper class when they both seem fun, and having everything else. Just sayin'



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Okay so Im not sure how I feel about the new 4 character slots. I guess its great that we get to have four more characters if we so choose, but I swear 12 is a worse number then 8. Why dont they make it 16? Then everyone could try a little of everything but we have to chose 4 classes to not play right now. What sucks even more is how, because of having characters on multiple servers, I have 15 characters. That sucks. Having to pick one trooper class when they both seem fun, and having everything else. Just sayin'


16??? Are you serious?? 16 would be the worst number of slots that they could give us! Imagine you have played all classes and now you want to have a second go. See? See what I mean? Not a single class that you could play twice! So it would have to be at least 17, this way one could choose one's favourite class and play it again. Alternatively, they could give us 15 so that we select our least favourite class and don't play it at all. But 16?? No, thanks. Give us 16 and I'll unsub. Big time.

Edited by Cretinus
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Okay so Im not sure how I feel about the new 4 character slots. I guess its great that we get to have four more characters if we so choose, but I swear 12 is a worse number then 8. Why dont they make it 16? Then everyone could try a little of everything but we have to chose 4 classes to not play right now. What sucks even more is how, because of having characters on multiple servers, I have 15 characters. That sucks. Having to pick one trooper class when they both seem fun, and having everything else. Just sayin'
How about this. Since, for you, 12 is worse than 8, how about they arrainge that you, and only, you get dropped back down to 8. You know, since it's bunching your panties in such a dismal wad.
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seriously now? cmon...


"12 is a worse number than 8"


listen to what you just said. LISTEN to yourself! You just said MORE character slots are WORSE than LESS characters slots....what?! :o


Are you ok? Here take some juma juice and lay down :)

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So that they can sell 4 more in the shop.


I can't say I blame them. I am not a fan of the shop, that's for sure, but it seems perfectly acceptable for me that they would charge you -say- a one-time-fee of 5$ for an extra slot.


This. But I expect new slots to cost $10.

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Was just gonna post this exact same thing. Characters do cost them a lot of storage space so I don't blame them for using it as a way to monetize. Besides, the "Great and Perfect" GW2 only lets you have 5 character slots free, then starts charging for them (and there are 8 classes!)


This is why I hate f2p games (and dlc) and am sorry to see swtor going this direction. They end up costing you far more than a subscription would. Everything becomes an opportunity to nickle and dime you to death.

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So that they can sell 4 more in the shop.


I can't say I blame them. I am not a fan of the shop, that's for sure, but it seems perfectly acceptable for me that they would charge you -say- a one-time-fee of 5$ for an extra slot.


This is the reason.

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Okay so Im not sure how I feel about the new 4 character slots. I guess its great that we get to have four more characters if we so choose, but I swear 12 is a worse number then 8. Why dont they make it 16? Then everyone could try a little of everything but we have to chose 4 classes to not play right now. What sucks even more is how, because of having characters on multiple servers, I have 15 characters. That sucks. Having to pick one trooper class when they both seem fun, and having everything else. Just sayin'


So here's an idea: only use 8 slots if you feel 8 is better. Do your "other 8" on another server. People complained about only 8, now you are complaining about only 12 and If they had given us 16 someone would be complaining it should be 20. Sadly, many people don't value things they get for free. You only had 8 you got 4 more free ones PER SERVER, just say thank you.

Edited by MrGrizzly
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I have only got 5 lv 50 toons. It only took me to lv 13 to know juggernaut was not for me. I dont need 12 slots but I am happy for people who wanted more alts. It was a good thing to just give 4 more slots and not try to sell them all. Lets be happy for people who wanted the extra 4 slots and if you really need to play every advanced class on both factions I am sure you will be able to buy the slots. Perosnaly I cant see why we need more than 8 let alone 16.
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Come on BW, just give me my 96 character slots that I requested for! How else am I suppose to get both dark and light side from every character spec'ed into each choice within the advance class trees?


You know what? To simplify things, just make it an even 100. I'll find a use for those extra 4 slots. ;)

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