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My respec costs 36550 credits now


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That's exactly what we want, thank you.


At least you're honest about it. And here's my response to that: Laziness has no place in a proper MMORPG. And beside that leveling up a character is a large part of the game. I remember every single mmo in the past few years coming out, and people would ***** about 'not enough end game' about 2~3 weeks after launch. Why? Because they've come to expect WoW's style of 'leveling is just a means to an end' rather than 'leveling is just as important as the end'.


If you want a piss easy game that spoon-feeds you everything, go play WoW. For the people that actually don't want everything handed to them on a silver platter, and like some challenge and time spent, in a game there's stuff like SW:ToR.

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They dont like it when you point it out but the emboldened part is the truth of the matter imo.


I think self entitlement is the phrase I am looking for :)




I love it when you point it out because it's exactly what we want.


I don't mind coming out and saying it.


I like it when my 2011 MMO feels like a 2011 MMO.


I love it when it has features that show that the genre has progressed beyond Everquest-style restrictions on the player.


This whole argument is moot anyway - the people against Dual Spec have already lost. Bioware is working on it right now due to beta feedback.

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I'm looking at your post and confused by your ignorance to the fact that he just wants to make himself feel like an uber warrior who doesn't need that extra boost that everyone else wants so he can tell himself that he is better then them. ;)




I just dont expect maximum reward for minimum effort.


Its the constant pandering to this mentality that makes modern MMORPGs Fisher Price affairs that people get bored of within a year.



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I love it when you point it out because it's exactly what we want.


I don't mind coming out and saying it.


I like it when my 2011 MMO feels like a 2011 MMO.


I love it when it has features that show that the genre has progressed beyond Everquest-style restrictions on the player.


This whole argument is moot anyway - the people against Dual Spec have already lost. Bioware is working on it right now due to beta feedback.


And again...got a source for that?


Didnt think so.



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You do realize that 400 hours is 16.6 days right?


A couple of weeks levelling and you are all set with both spec....


Two weeks too much effort for you? Really?


I think MMORPGs are not the game for you :)




yes 3week at 5hours playtime a day is too much for me redo the same boring quest just to endup with the same advanced class but a different skill tree...


it is too much to ask because no sane brain will do it simply because there is a feature in countless of game to do exactly that.


it is too much to ask because i dont want to lose 3week playing 5hours a day just to endup the same as 3week before but instead with healer instead of a dps.


I want to spend that time creating another class, not the same one with a skilltree variant.


If its how you enjoy games... then i gotta ask you this... if u think similar in other aspect of life, do you seriously think your childs will ever call you when they grow up or come running to you when your on your deathbed?


You know maybe there excuse will be that one... i was too busy gaming, you know, i had to spend 100hours making a clone of my dps-class into the healing skill tree... like you taugh me daddy; the real way of playing games...

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I just dont expect maximum reward for minimum effort.


Its the constant pandering to this mentality that makes modern MMORPGs Fisher Price affairs that people get bored of within a year.




No, you can say that about free loot. But having many players waiting for a healer because there are few, instead of having fun in instances, is just beeing nostalgic about somehitng you remember long ago.

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At least you're honest about it. And here's my response to that: Laziness has no place in a proper MMORPG. And beside that leveling up a character is a large part of the game. I remember every single mmo in the past few years coming out, and people would ***** about 'not enough end game' about 2~3 weeks after launch. Why? Because they've come to expect WoW's style of 'leveling is just a means to an end' rather than 'leveling is just as important as the end'.


If you want a piss easy game that spoon-feeds you everything, go play WoW. For the people that actually don't want everything handed to them on a silver platter, and like some challenge and time spent, in a game there's stuff like SW:ToR.


Sure, for the next few months until Dual Spec is implemented.


Then where will you go? Back to Everquest or FFXI?


You're one of those MMO players with a disturbing attraction to unfun crap.


People like you enjoy it when an MMO makes you grind or deal with antiquated garbage because it's some sort of "badge of honor" you can flaunt. "Look at me, I put up with 1999-era game mechanics and long, boring grinds. You didn't. Therefore I am better than you."


Your kind of 'proper MMO' is dead. It died when the genre expanded to appeal to more than masochists with too much time on their hands.

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You just want it so you can level/quest/etc as dps and not have to bother with actually devoting to being a healer or a tank. You want to be able to have it easy in both solo and flashpoints.

Oh look, another one of those self-hating MMO-players. Games are meant to be fun. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound when you say you have to "devote" yourself to being a healer or tank?

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This isn't about 'the individual level' but the game as a whole. It affects everyone. In an mmorpg there is no real 'individual' level. Dual spec is pure and simple laziness. Just not wanting to make a new character or to level a bit slower as healer, pure and simple laziness. Which is what people have come to expect from games, everything being easy that is. This because of that stupid WoW game that caters IMMENSELY to the lazy and 'casual' people. Well guess what? This isn't WoW, and WoW as a whole is a bad example anyway. Sure it has good features, but a lot of them aren't needed in the slightest and only make things more easy than needed.


If you want an easy game like that, then go play WoW.


Wait i am pretty sure this is the easiest game i have ever played. The amount of stuff that you are given int his game makes it pretty easy. So you can't really say stwor and lazzyiness.


I am all for duel spec i never want to go thru the prot warrior issue of the most geared person usually in guilds quiting because he was only allowed to do 1 thing in game. Tank pve.

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Willingness to be flexible? Don't kid yourself. You just want it so you can level/quest/etc as dps and not have to bother with actually devoting to being a healer or a tank. You want to be able to have it easy in both solo and flashpoints.


You can't afford to meet a requirement for group play with your friends? Well you should have discussed whom would pick what role before hand then, instead of just going in blindly.


Your kidding me right?


You view yourself as some saint or something because "Man I can stay heal or tank forever so I'm amazing"?


Or your just a troll


Wanting it easy is doing nothing but sitting around only doing one thing. I'd call you lazy and wanting it easy for only ever wanting to do one thing from here till the end of time. Sure its just because you can't handle being able to play more then one aspect of your AC.


And my guild did not go blindly into this. I agreed to heal for engame pve content and dps for pvp and solo play. I'm sorry that standing around healing my "tank" npc is not something I find enjoyable while playing a GAME, my god. I'd rather have an enjoyable play experience in all my gaming time.


So you can stop kidding yourself; me tanking, healing, or dpsing has zero effect on you.

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You're one of those MMO players with a disturbing attraction to unfun crap.


People like you enjoy it when an MMO makes you grind or deal with antiquated garbage because it's some sort of "badge of honor" you can flaunt. "Look at me, I put up with 1999-era game mechanics and long, boring grinds. You didn't. Therefore I am better than you."


Your kind of 'proper MMO' is dead. It died when the genre expanded to appeal to more than masochists with too much time on their hands.


**** this will be my normal anwser from now to any anwser that troll is coming up from now. because at some point he might endup reading it and realise what he is. ****

Edited by lethalphil
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Let me spell it out for you...


I just dont expect maximum reward for minimum effort.


This is you saying that you are good enough to get by without dual-spec. Therefore, everyone else who requests dual-spec is below you, in the sense that they can't do what you can without this dev. subsidized assistance.


Besides...be honest, you only just learnt that word didn't you :)


I, unlike the epeen measuring bunch so vehemently protesting against dual-spec, have an education and a full-time job. Sometimes "the easy way" is convenient for people who have skill, know what they're doing, but can't commit the time and effort that Joe Poopsock can (i.e. Mr. I JUST ROLL A NEW CHAR LOLOLOL)

Edited by Laikacosmo
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Also, for those of you who want to see proof of an incoming dual spec feature:




Q: Since it has been clearly stated that there will not be dual specs for characters in the game, can you explain your philosophy behind the skill trees and how you are taking into account players that want to be able to play PvP and PvE content on the same character? - illumineart


A: Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).


There you go.


Enjoy your 3-5 months of SW:TOR without dual spec.


Once it goes live, you can go back to Dark Age of Camelot or whatever the most recent game without dual spec is.

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They dont like it when you point it out but the emboldened part is the truth of the matter imo.


I think self entitlement is the phrase I am looking for :)




Oh, well, when you put it that way.. .


Praise the force! I am enlightened! I am in truth a selfish individual that just wants everything handed to me! I don't actually want to play the game with my friends in a support role for anything other than my own self-aggrendizement!


You found me out.


Or, I could just want to solo as DPS and group as heals. Y'know, like some other games allow.


Its really not that hard to comprehend. And I'm still waiting for a reason to not allow it.


I'm betting the anti-DS crowd are just a bunch of sad DPS that couldn't hack it as heals and just want to prove their superiority by making those of us that choose to heal their facerolling butts have to play in "hardmode".


I mean, if we're going to resort to namecalling here.

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I am gonna go out on a limb and say 90% of these 1 spec peeps dont understand game mechanics and just put points anywhere and dont care they do 50% less damage and are worthless in warfronts. I have never meet a person in a game that was decent that has complained about more options.
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Look it's a gold sink, and it needs to be in. Also um ya you should have to pay for it. It should cap at 50-100k though. Which I think is fair. Also if you don't enjoy leveling as a healer then don't heal. That is your choice you have every right not to. If you do enjoy healing then suck it up and get some friends. I know if I had a healer to ask me to level with him/her I'd be all about it.
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I am gonna go out on a limb and say 90% of these 1 spec peeps dont understand game mechanics and just put points anywhere and dont care they do 50% less damage and are worthless in warfronts. I have never meet a person in a game that was decent that has complained about more options.


That limb has a good amount of volume to stand on, perhaps even do some olympic-class gymnastics on.

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I am gonna go out on a limb and say 90% of these 1 spec peeps dont understand game mechanics and just put points anywhere and dont care they do 50% less damage and are worthless in warfronts. I have never meet a person in a game that was decent that has complained about more options.


No limb required


People with intelligence enjoy more options and flexibility while playing a game that requires group play.

Edited by Lagmonster
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I didnt want to go there but...


why does ppl against it also got that "i am the best, you arent" attitude...


and strangely feel like some religion-freak we all seen somewhere... what do we call it again... fanatism?...


oh wait... as ive said i would do from now on... please read this you might need it :



You're one of those MMO players with a disturbing attraction to unfun crap.


People like you enjoy it when an MMO makes you grind or deal with antiquated garbage because it's some sort of "badge of honor" you can flaunt. "Look at me, I put up with 1999-era game mechanics and long, boring grinds. You didn't. Therefore I am better than you."


Your kind of 'proper MMO' is dead. It died when the genre expanded to appeal to more than masochists with too much time on their hands.

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