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Where is the common sense at Bioware?


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Make PowerTechs melee class, but shouldn't this melee class have gap closer like other melee classes? Hmmmmmm, is anyone even still working at Bioware, or is there just a bunch of monkeys who press buttons that generate random possibilities for this game? I'm not trying to be rude, but it really seems like common sense has gone out the window with you folks over there when it comes to these nerfs. It's either that, or you folks all play certain classes on your own and would rather see those classes do better all the time.... Murader, cough, cough, cough. Were like one of the only few classes that can even kill a murader and now we should be nerfed beacuse of that. We have amazing SHORT-TERM burst, but we somewhat lack at being able to push those numbers continuously like some of the classes that don't require watching their resources... Muraders, cough, cough, cough.
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Shield spec Vanguards have a charge, and Tactics VG have a speed buff and something that enhances their speed and reduces snares temporarily; I assume there's something similar in the equivalent BH trees. That leaves the pyrotechs out of luck, of course, but they're not so much "melee-or-bust". Edited by ThatGnome
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Personally I don't really feel that we need another gap closer. Grapple does the job usually unless the target has full resolve. As AP you additionally have a 30% movement boost if you need to close a gap, as Shieldtech you have Jet Charge, only Pyrotech is left hanging but that does have the strongest burst of the 3 trees.


Although I would love to have Jet Charge, if we all had it baseline no one would ever get away from us.


I'd much rather have a new escape tool, as powertechs are severely lacking in those compared to say Marauders who somehow do more damage too. A backwards jetpack escape jump would be great.

Edited by LordExozone
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First of all, we were supposed to be a mid-range melee class, so the TD nerf is not really a mood breaker.


Gap closer:

Grapple does the job pretty well. But I understand the frustration, because since 1.4 you actually have to weigh thoroughly which pathway could be the shortest to the healer by not pulling interest on yourself. Accordingly, pulling the healer out of range with grapple and bursting him down will always find appreciation among your teammates.

Conclusion: I don't mind using my judgment, trust yours.


Escape talent:

Since the changes of 1.4 Energy Rebounder gained a must-have role, for me personally. Keeping Energy Shield at CD at all time in combination with Kolto Overload, Warzone Medpac and Warzone Adrenal is, in my opinion, almost sufficient for survivability. Before introducing a new Escape Talent I would undo the changes to Sweltering Heat. Why? 50% Slow down was sufficient to put enough distance between yourself and the Charge CD of Mara and Jugg. (Personally, I had never problems to kite melees as mara or juggs pre 1.4.) Now, with 30% Slow down they are able to close the gap with Charge at any time. But, with all your CC-Abilities up, you are still able to get away from them. If not, you are definetly doing something wrong.


Not so relevant to the topic:

Since Incendiary Missile is competing with Flame Burst in sense of range, heat management and appliance of dot, it fell completely out of my rotation. As a result, this makes the Pyro-Spec more monotonous.


But, all these points aren't as disappointing as the following:

What I am missing at most, is the possibility to choose an individual playstyle. Being forced to use either Pyro- or Shield-Spec to stay competitive is kinda colorless. Hybrid-Specs as Carolina Parakeet and Ironfist were good compromises in sense of survivabiity by diminished damage-output. By introducing the use of all-level-gear to promote the individuality of a player you took, after 1.3, the decision of playstyle from him which, in my opinion, is worse than wearing unified equipment.


Closing statement:

I really appreciate the changes to the Advanced Prototype build. In case of sustained damage you have extremely fortified it. But in PVP it lacks of burst damage which is essential for fullfilling our main role as healer-dealer thats why in end-equip warzones the Pyro is being picked over the Prototype. (I'm just judging out of my own experience.) And if the Prototype is not aiming to be a healer-dealer what role is it aiming for then? As a ball-carrier in Hutball we can't compete with jugg or mara. As a crowd-controler we lack of burst damage to justify the crowd-controlling benefits of this tree.


"Wait! But what about 1/22/18 or 0/23/18? Isn't it a hybrid spec and you benefit of all cc-abilities?"

- Yes you do, and yes it is.

But, to quote a pvp-healer friend of mine: "A pyrotech without TD is just like a rash.. annoying."

Edited by Virod
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Personally I don't really feel that we need another gap closer. Grapple does the job usually unless the target has full resolve. As AP you additionally have a 30% movement boost if you need to close a gap, as Shieldtech you have Jet Charge, only Pyrotech is left hanging but that does have the strongest burst of the 3 trees.


Although I would love to have Jet Charge, if we all had it baseline no one would ever get away from us.


I'd much rather have a new escape tool, as powertechs are severely lacking in those compared to say Marauders who somehow do more damage too. A backwards jetpack escape jump would be great.


Grapple is almost entirely useless in half of what there is to do at endgame. And given the propensity of operations bosses for requiring significant movement, it tends to hurt us, quite a bit. Is it a game breaker? Not really. But it doesn't change the fact that we've now got a pretty unique disadvantage, with next to no actual balancing advantages over marauders (which seem to be the measuring stick everyone is using these days).

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I play a Tank Vanguard, but I leveled on tactics/AP and i use pyro/assualt for dpsing in operations


First off, AP/tactics spec which is the PT/VG specific spec happens to have a passive 15% speed boost and have a 30 sec cd ability to raise movement speed by 30% and remove all roots and snares. If you don't think that is a gap closer then I don't know what to tell you.


So im going to assume this thread only applies to pyros. For PvE pyros DO NOT want a jump cuase they would promtly draw aggro due to their dps before the tank could build threat and be promtly flattened by said boss.


As or PvP, PTs are a STRAFING class thats why they got the range nerf becuase before they where basicly a ranged Burst dps and a Strafing Burst dps which is unfair to every other class. And for closing to people all you have to do is hit rapid shots for the DoT and it reduces targets speed so said target CANT get away as easy.

Yes Pyros dont have a "click here to close gap" ability, but any good player can find ways around this.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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