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Merc info for all of you who seek to play them.


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Taken from the game own discription, be warned if you don't want to be frustrated in PvP.


A pair of blasters, deadly heat seeking missiles, and heavy armor makes mercenaries mobile platforms. There no problem extra fire power can't solve, and no one with any sense gets between a Mercenaries and their targets.


Group role: Heal, DPS


Weapon: Dual blaster pistol


Armor: Heavy


I take it back and I am a bone head, I never noticed we received a interrupt ability which I have been wanting for a long time and they finally gave us one.


Disabling Shot


Interrupts the targets current action and prevents that ability from being used for 4 seconds.

Cool Down: 12 sec

Range: 30 M


I am fully Warhero out and been in some one on one fights. This ability is fantastic for the class and its what I have been wanting for a long time. Please look at the ability closer and don't make the same mistake as I have by quick judging. I know a lot of us who stood by the Merc class felt ignored but they did listen to what a lot of us wanted for this class. :D

Edited by Asturias
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Or you can let them role a Mercenary for themselves and figure out whether or not it is for them. I play a Mercenary and am top 3 DPS when I PVP. I frankly see nothing wrong with the class.


LOL no way man. I call your bluff on this one. Are you talking sub 50 or are you just lucky enough to get put with bad people. Not trying to be a jerk but there is just no way. Not when I see Gunslingers and Marauders end totals for damage in PvP. Some Marauders are getting close to 1 MILLION damage in the level 50 WZs I am in.

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Or you can let them role a Mercenary for themselves and figure out whether or not it is for them. I play a Mercenary and am top 3 DPS when I PVP. I frankly see nothing wrong with the class.


Huh? Did I just walk in to the Twilight Zone?


Care to show some proof? Or are we to just take you at your word for it?

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i love ur post its funny how true it is mobile platforms? hahaha, with the stun nerf we got even worse, I had to wait till 1.4 for my interrupt now i`m guessing i have to wait until 1.8 atleast till they actually make the merc work? Edited by iDraxter
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You know its sad that as soon you disagree withe people on the forums they insult you and demand proof... oh well I was hoping for something different but I guess the MMO crowd never really changes. This is the first time I topped the damage charts as a Merc and it has happened many times since then.



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You know its sad that as soon you disagree withe people on the forums they insult you and demand proof... oh well I was hoping for something different but I guess the MMO crowd never really changes. This is the first time I topped the damage charts as a Merc and it has happened many times since then.



I wish you hadn`t posted that, I`m sure most we re assuming ur under 50 to have such claims now u proved it ....182277 top dmg? lvl 19? do you really think lvl 50 ppl play as bad as lvls 10-49 you meet, that queue randomly every now and then to checkout pvp? sorry but hit lvl 50 get to valor rank 80 by then you will most likely understand what we re dealing with, no offence but nobody will take u seriosly at lvl 19, only lvl 50 pvp matters.

Good day to you

Edited by iDraxter
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I wish you hadn`t posted that, I`m sure most we re assuming ur under 50 to have such claims now u proved it ....182277 top dmg? lvl 19? do you really think lvl 50 ppl play as bad as lvls 10-49 you meet, that queue randomly every now and then to checkout pvp? sorry but hit lvl 50 get to valor rank 80 by then you will most likely understand what we re dealing with, no offence but nobody will take u seriosly at lvl 19, only lvl 50 pvp matters.

Good day to you


So when I said this is my first time that means at no point did I ever level past 19 right? The sad truth is that you just said that only level 50 PvP matters and that is the problem I am having. So many people are having their gaming experiences influenced by people who ignore the fact that players enjoy playing level 1-49. As a Merc I can join sub 50 pvp and do really well as well as beat the storyline and side quests with little problems. So Bioware is just supposed to ignore all that gaming experience because someone says that only how "good" a class is at level 50 matters. I really hope you understand that you both not only proved my first point but have helped make my second as well.

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So when I said this is my first time that means at no point did I ever level past 19 right? The sad truth is that you just said that only level 50 PvP matters and that is the problem I am having. So many people are having their gaming experiences influenced by people who ignore the fact that players enjoy playing level 1-49. As a Merc I can join sub 50 pvp and do really well as well as beat the storyline and side quests with little problems. So Bioware is just supposed to ignore all that gaming experience because someone says that only how "good" a class is at level 50 matters. I really hope you understand that you both not only proved my first point but have helped make my second as well.

1) this thread is about PvP, nobody asked u about PvE i think u didn`t understand that


2)since you can`t stop exp in anyway you will hit 50 someday and u will face way better players then what s in 10-49(playground), maybe the game will be better by then(yea in pvp don`t mix them up)

3) I have no quarrel with you, again have a nice day

Edited by iDraxter
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So when I said this is my first time that means at no point did I ever level past 19 right? The sad truth is that you just said that only level 50 PvP matters and that is the problem I am having. So many people are having their gaming experiences influenced by people who ignore the fact that players enjoy playing level 1-49. As a Merc I can join sub 50 pvp and do really well as well as beat the storyline and side quests with little problems. So Bioware is just supposed to ignore all that gaming experience because someone says that only how "good" a class is at level 50 matters. I really hope you understand that you both not only proved my first point but have helped make my second as well.


What people are saying is that we are the weakest PvP class at the moment and they are correct. I have no idea whether you are 50 or not and I had also topped the charts a couple times with damage as a Merc. But that doesn't really mean anything as far as the functionality of the class plays. We didn't lose any damage in 1.4. What we lost is suvivability. The real problem is that Arsenal Mercs apparently are really good for (PvE), which I don't play. I have to assume that they are having a tough time balancing PvP with PvE and this is really no surprise. All games that have both options seem to struggle with the ultimate balance between the two.


All i ask is that you don't act like the class is fine, because like someone else stated. Unless you have played the class to a very high valor rank and endured how tough it is to survive against skilled players @ level 50 then you just have no idea how much more brutal this class became in 1.4. I am personally finishing up leveling my Guardian because I plan to keep on PvPing with a character that can at least hold its own for once.

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Well said Vikoon... truth is i consider bounty hunter/trooper(no matter what AC) as the most user friendly PvE experience in the game hands down I mean really, u wear heavy armor, u get a healing companion very fast, you have the strongest AoE dmg in the game by lvl 10 you already have flamethrower/ explosive dart/death from above as base class abilities who else gets so much aoe firepower this early and with heals behind you ofc it makes you feel the best.


Note: Besides my lvl 50 hunter(this is who I`d want to be in the SW universe) I also have Sniper/Juggernaut/Sorcerer all lvls 50, I`m just about to start the Republic side not sure who to start with.

Edited by iDraxter
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Guys anyways with this fellow... First let him LVL 50 and get to Ranked WZ games, and let him play for straight 10 games... Then he would understand what we mean... (Assuming by then he would understands dynamics of the game)

Any how, I really would like to call Beoware stuff who is in charge of Bounty Hunter... Anyone knows who he is?

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Guys anyways with this fellow... First let him LVL 50 and get to Ranked WZ games, and let him play for straight 10 games... Then he would understand what we mean... (Assuming by then he would understands dynamics of the game)

Any how, I really would like to call Beoware stuff who is in charge of Bounty Hunter... Anyone knows who he is?


Be very hard pushed to find a RWZ team that will take a Merc when every other AC does it better or offers more. I've said in previous posts that damage is not our problem, it never has been. Our issue is what we offer the team we play. Some answer that with "well you can off heal". Yes we can, but a dps Sorc/Sage does it better and for less cost. We cant taunt, guard, pull, push aoe stun/mezz, vanish, root, leap or resist being leapt on. Which are of more use to a team in ranked.


I've stuck by my merc through to valour 86 as my main, I have a Vanguad (74) and a Powertech (69) and playing those makes you realise how much better that the AC for PT's/VG's are over Mercs. I do however find them quite boring to play so I dont play them often anymore and have since retired my Merc for my new main, a Defense Guardian.


I still feel strong on my Merc when I do the PvP daily on it, I'd say I was a pretty accomplished Pyro Merc, but the reason I now cant stand it is the 30% slow we have been forced to have. Every other class pretty much has a baseline, guarenteed application of a 50% slow with some being buffed to 70% for a short duration. Our slow is RNG, 30% and can only slow to 70% if your Arsenal and specced in to it. Kiting a Mara/Sent is now beyond frustrating. A half competent Mara/Sent can keep you in range with relative ease. Bad ones can still be kited and Cleanse is still my best friend, but that doesnt change the fact its nigh on impossible to get away from them if they have a brain.


I had fun on my Merc for a long time despite its shortcomings, thats now all but gone due to continual side effects of nerfs to our PT/VG brothers.

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I take it back and I am a bone head, I never noticed we received a interrupt ability which I have been wanting for a long time and they finally gave us one.


Disabling Shot


Interrupts the targets current action and prevents that ability from being used for 4 seconds.

Cool Down: 12 sec

Range: 30 M


I am fully Warhero out and been in some one on one fights. This ability is fantastic for the class and its what I have been wanting for a long time. Please look at the ability closer and don't make the same mistake as I have by quick judging. I know a lot of us who stood by the Merc class felt ignored but they did listen to what a lot of us wanted for this class and added a great new ability for us.

Edited by Asturias
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Nothing wrong with the class. http://imgur.com/kA5Mo


Posting high damage screenshots does not mean there is nothing wrong with the class...


A more interesting screenshot from that warzone wouldve been of the Damage taken total. With comparisons between you and the warrior and a few of the others in the wz from your team.


Its been said by many that damage is not the issue. Posting "I'm pro you lot must be bad" Screenshots and saying nothing is wrong with the class is both naive and stupid. Having said that, I'm sure there are plenty of Merc's, me included, that can inflate their own E-peen with high damage screenshots (should they choose to), but its pointless since its not even half the story and its worthless to anyone trying to make a judgement on the class.





In before "mine's bigger than yours until you prove otherwise....." comebacks.

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Then somebody tell me how you think the class is broken?


I 'd did 3 war zones last night in a row, in total I did 1.3mil DPS about 85 kills and died twice, and in those 3 we only won 1 of the games. (ps, im Arsenal Merc)

Just a note to those complaining about the class i think you guys are not putting in a good enough effort, you too busy on the forums complaining rather than practicing. I agree some class hit hard a close range and losing our punch knock back hurt us a bit but we are still in the game and when played right can be deadly.

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Then somebody tell me how you think the class is broken?


I 'd did 3 war zones last night in a row, in total I did 1.3mil DPS about 85 kills and died twice, and in those 3 we only won 1 of the games. (ps, im Arsenal Merc)

Just a note to those complaining about the class i think you guys are not putting in a good enough effort, you too busy on the forums complaining rather than practicing. I agree some class hit hard a close range and losing our punch knock back hurt us a bit but we are still in the game and when played right can be deadly.


You were obviously on a face rolling team against a bunch of noobs. If you were against a team with equal skill as your team, you would feel the sting. Some of the best PvPers and PvP guilds laugh at Mercs. Why? Because they feel if you were that determined to make a Merc for PvP, they consider that to be your own fault and they feel you should rightfully suffer for it.


Let's see how you do in a RWZ against a team that is well balanced and who actually knows how to PvP. I'm 100% positive you will come back with a different song.

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Then somebody tell me how you think the class is broken?


I 'd did 3 war zones last night in a row, in total I did 1.3mil DPS about 85 kills and died twice, and in those 3 we only won 1 of the games. (ps, im Arsenal Merc)

Just a note to those complaining about the class i think you guys are not putting in a good enough effort, you too busy on the forums complaining rather than practicing. I agree some class hit hard a close range and losing our punch knock back hurt us a bit but we are still in the game and when played right can be deadly.


The part bolded and underlined tells its very own story of those 3 warzones. You were playing against morons who would quite happily let you be a turret. Either that or you have a very good pocket healer that heals you and pretty much no one else. Though I'm more inclined to to take the first reason.


I would to have that sort of freedom, but sadly people dont seem to be that idiotic for the most part on my server. I feel quite heavily targetted a lot of the time when I'm on my Merc, usually by warrriors or shadows.


When a class that cant be utilised in a RWZ team because every other class does it better, is reason enough to begin to understand what is wrong with the class.

Edited by Molltor
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