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New Improved Rocket punch! oh wait...


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So, no more kaboom knock back for the rocket punch, hey, thats cool, np.


Exept, um, isn't supposed to stun for like 4 seconds?


Cause, um IT DOES NOT!


It doesn't stun and who ever is in charge of this seriously has no clue to get this class on par with the rest.

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Yes it stops them moving for 4 seconds why on earth as a ranged fighting toon would you want to keep your apponant stuck next to you especialy if they can still attack. the goal of a ranged toon is keep them away from you so you can attack when they cant. If it was still a knock back with a 4 second imobalization then it would be suited to a ranged fighting class but as it is they have made it an attack ability only no real use otherwise.
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I'm not really one to complain on the forums about stuff but this change is kinda crappy. Used to love the knockback especially as a quasi interrupt and to just push things off ledges. Now.... I dunno, it just feels like I shouldn't be using the ability at all anymore. A 4 second root is fine... but with it being negated after 2 seconds with damage it's just just useless. Try doing that with your companion out and hoping they dont hit anything for 2 seconds, its just not going to happen. I get the use for a knock back will diminish once you hit 50, but it was also really nice in PvP, especially knocking people off in Huttball.


I mean, I'll adapt and learn to play around this or use it to my advantage, just like I have with every other update. Just kinda knowing how awesome the knock back used to be and now not having it.

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How people can refer to the changes from knockback (utterly useless in pvp) to a 4 sec (!) root as a nerf is beyond me. The new rocket punch is actually pretty amazing.


Oh btw, to you people who say "I want people to get further away from me not closer to me", try actually moving AWAY from the rooted target. Preferably behind that pillar you should always be humping in pvp.

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I think you guys are missing the point, well two points really. First of all Arsenal Mercs are designed to be our pve/raiding spec. Because of the damage that it can do it is not too shabby in pvp. But Pyro is a spec designed for pvp with its sustained damage and mobility. Second the Rocket Punch knock back was being exploited in Huttball. When I was on my assassin it was very frustrating to run all the way up on the ledge to get Rocket Punched off, then I sprint and get back up and then there is Jet Boost that knocks me off again, by the time I get back up the Rocket Punch is off CD and Im down again. There is really nothing a melee can do to take a Merc off of his perch. Give the Arsenal Merc a single target knock back, aoe knock back a stun and an interupt. Come on, how do you not literally destroy everyone. Honestly I think the root associated with Rocket Punch should be traded for a Jet Pack Disengage of some kind.
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I think you guys are missing the point, well two points really. First of all Arsenal Mercs are designed to be our pve/raiding spec. Because of the damage that it can do it is not too shabby in pvp. But Pyro is a spec designed for pvp with its sustained damage and mobility. Second the Rocket Punch knock back was being exploited in Huttball. When I was on my assassin it was very frustrating to run all the way up on the ledge to get Rocket Punched off, then I sprint and get back up and then there is Jet Boost that knocks me off again, by the time I get back up the Rocket Punch is off CD and Im down again. There is really nothing a melee can do to take a Merc off of his perch. Give the Arsenal Merc a single target knock back, aoe knock back a stun and an interupt. Come on, how do you not literally destroy everyone. Honestly I think the root associated with Rocket Punch should be traded for a Jet Pack Disengage of some kind.


Exploit? Really...just wow.


And yours an assassin having trouble killing the weakest PvP class in the game?


Btw..where did a dev state which spec is PvP and Pve. Cause last time I checked arsenal has

talents suited for pvp.

Edited by Serpieri
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why on earth as a ranged fighting toon would you want to keep your apponant stuck next to you especialy if they can still attack.
A better question is, why on earth would you continue to stand next to them after they're rooted? Move away.


Second the Rocket Punch knock back was being exploited in Huttball. When I was on my assassin it was very frustrating to run all the way up on the ledge to get Rocket Punched off, then I sprint and get back up and then there is Jet Boost that knocks me off again, by the time I get back up the Rocket Punch is off CD and Im down again. There is really nothing a melee can do to take a Merc off of his perch.
Grossly over exaggerated.


Either use your own knockback to get them down, or force pull them down. I'm sure you're a tankasin spec and have pull specced.

Edited by Couver
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A better question is, why on earth would you continue to stand next to them after they're rooted? Move away.


Grossly over exaggerated.


Either use your own knockback to get them down, or force pull them down. I'm sure you're a tankasin spec and have pull specced.


That pull sure would help there. I mean; it's not like you could run past that merc in another side of the catwalks completely undetected. ;)

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Exploit? Really...just wow.


And yours an assassin having trouble killing the weakest PvP class in the game?


Btw..where did a dev state which spec is PvP and Pve. Cause last time I checked arsenal has

talents suited for pvp.


On even ground with no LOS issues I do fine against mercs. I win some, and I lose some. But on a ledge smart Mercs don't try to fight, they just knock me down, and form there I cannot leap back, so the pew pew is on. I have to LOS their pew pew and try to get back up there which can take a while. Every time I went up against a Merc or Sniper it was always a game of positioning trying to knock them off before they knocked me off. I usually had to blow two CD's just to get them off, Stun/Overload. Then when I engaged them on lower ground it was just a dps race as I only had 1 interrupt.


But what I think does not matter. It was stated by BW that their goal for the cc changes pretty much revolved around huttball. The new resolve, increase and decreases on ranged cc, and new interrupts were all designed around giving one team a chance to bring down a ball carrier, and give the other team a chance to protect that ball carrier.


As far as Arsenal vrs Pyro for pvp is quite obvious. Standing and casting and channeling in a game with every AC having a plethora of stuns and interrupts is a no win situation. Sure if you are not focused by the enemy then game on just stand and pew pew your heart out. But that's not real pvp. Pyro offers more mobility from instant cast abilities as well as defensive abilities. Gyroscopic Alignment Jets, Sweltering Heat, Degauss, Energy Rebounder. Yes these are not complete pvp abilities and can be used in pve, but the main advantage is the mobility through instant cast spells.

Edited by Xethis
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