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Companion weapons still ignited on fleet


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I saw somewhere that the issue is the stances. When a companion is summoned (after getting off a speeder or whatever) their stance activates (instead of being on all the time) and the end of the animation usually leaves them with their weapon unsheathed.


Seems like there are a couple obvious fixes to me, but I don't know their code so I'm just taking wild guesses.

1. Add one more command at the end of a stance activation to sheath the weapon.

2. Don't shut off their stance when they're dismissed so it doesn't have to be turned back on each time.


I'm hoping the problem is more complex than this simply because it's been such a long-standing bug that if that's all there was to it.... -.-

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My Kira is also punctured with her own saber while wearing it. Im quite new to this game (subscribed about a month ago) but all these "unimportant" details-bugs are the things most destroying the atmosphere of the game and the whole immersion.. I mean ... companions are running around pierced by their own weapons ... NO - this and the enginelike humming sound for lightsabers after 1.4. This has to be fixed ...
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Is that really the kind of thing you want them to prioritize? I think most people would rather have them spend time on gameplay issues and content.

It's fairly obvious that it's not a priority. This bug's been around for months, but don't you think at SOME POINT bugs like this should get fixed?? Eventually. Someday. If you wait for gameplay to be perfect and all the content to roll out (which of course is impossible as content is really something that is on-going) then minor stuff would never get fixed.

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Could be worse.


Could be real life and you get body parts lopped off when your companion gives you a hug for being so uber. :p


Oh the irony, i think you should post that now in every thread that points out problems still here even after patch 1.4

So only thing that cant be worse is that if servers would be taken offline for major problem fixes, anything else is ok and can be replied just "Could be worse"?


I do enjoy your posting marathons lately whatever anyone have to say about this game be it usual rant or constructive complaint, you are there being an "forum police".

You dont need to reply me, i just did observation and im sure many other noticed this aswell. I know what you trying to do here, seen that in other forums of MMO's ive played.

Edited by Divona
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