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1-man Nod defense x 2 stealthers??


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Hi guys,

always, when standing alone at nod, i have nightmares about 2 stealthers coming in on me.

Scenario: got stealh CCed => i type in chat for help, break CC to engage the capping person ... bam CCed again ... Node lost

Any defendable scenario?

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Force shroud, some kind of non target AoE mezz, combat stealth.


But anyways if you used CC break and managed to enter combat you can be mezzed for 8 sec even in combat with flash bang/whirlwind.


The reason why assasins guard nodes, cause they have force shroud, can stay away from node due to force speed and they are in stealth.

Edited by BambulaGTS
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Well, if you manage to interrupt him after you break the first mezz, you're in combat. No more mezzes for you. Alternatively, you could eat the first mezz. They last 6 seconds, iirc, and grant something like 600 or 800 resolve. Enough so that any CC at all will give you full resolve. If the second stealther is a perfect player, he'll apply the second mezz a split second before the first fades. You get full resolve, break the mezz and cancel the cap (usually a 8s cap vs a 6s mezz). So you have a 2s time window to interrupt. Tough, but doable.


Likely, the second stealther will NOT re-mezz you perfectly, but rather a second or two early. This increases the window of opportunity.


Of course, if you then get rooted out of LOS of the capper and you have no area attacks to hit him 'round the corner, you're still out of luck. You are playing 2on1, after all. But it's not entirely impossible.


Edit: As was pointed out, my memory betrayed me and the mezz lasts 8 seconds. Best advice is probably still to sit out the first and break it at some odd point and hope you catch 'em off guard. The ABSOLUTE best advice, though: Be an operative/soundrel or assassin/shadow when solo guarding a node, be in stealth yourself, and stand in odd places. When someone caps and you move in for the interrupt, first call out the attack, then pop the sneak level increaser so a second stealther can't easily see & mezz you, then mezz the capper and play things by the ear from here.

Edited by tacito
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Hi guys,

always, when standing alone at nod, i have nightmares about 2 stealthers coming in on me.

Scenario: got stealh CCed => i type in chat for help, break CC to engage the capping person ... bam CCed again ... Node lost

Any defendable scenario?


When that happens to me I give them the false sense of security and dont pop the breaker until they have 6s on the turret/door/whatever. Then i run a specific macro that pops breaker and resilience at the same time (bye bye second cc from the stealther) , I interrupt the cap, put both in combat, force cloak and start sapping them until back-up arrives :D. Blackout FTW :). Guarding nodes solo as a shadow tank is quite fun and entertaining.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Well, if you manage to interrupt him after you break the first mezz, you're in combat. No more mezzes for you. Alternatively, you could eat the first mezz. They last 6 seconds, iirc, and grant something like 600 or 800 resolve. Enough so that any CC at all will give you full resolve. If the second stealther is a perfect player, he'll apply the second mezz a split second before the first fades. You get full resolve, break the mezz and cancel the cap (usually a 8s cap vs a 6s mezz). So you have a 2s time window to interrupt. Tough, but doable.


Likely, the second stealther will NOT re-mezz you perfectly, but rather a second or two early. This increases the window of opportunity.


Of course, if you then get rooted out of LOS of the capper and you have no area attacks to hit him 'round the corner, you're still out of luck. You are playing 2on1, after all. But it's not entirely impossible.


All saps are 8 sec at the moment.


Initially IA/scoundrel sap were 10 sec but then nerfed to 8 sec like assa's.

Edited by BambulaGTS
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I am on both sides of this fence when I pvp. I always run with another scapper and do this to people all of the time. Seems most people that I play against break the first mez as soon as they see someone capping something. Other times they eat the first one where as i have to make a choice and mez them again and instant break it or deal with them and root them.


If you play a vanguard or Guardian. Use stealth scan if you are alone and feel a stealther is coming after you. Position yourself so that nothing can get behind you can you can still see a node and place your stealth scan a little in front of you. Guardians I see spamming their aoe slow to hopefully catch someone running around there.


I will tell you this 9 times out of 10 if you get 2 Scrapper Scoundrels on you and you are not a tank you will be dead before you can even call help out.


Lesson Dont be alone if you know their team has stealthers.

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Even 1 stealther can stealth-CC, and if you break it, CC again for 8 sec and easily cap the node. So the trick is not to use the CC break on the first CC, but on the second. It's almost impossible to cap on the first CC because of the 1.5sec CGD delay after using stealth-CC. However, with two stealthers you don't stand a chance in this case.


Morale: leave two defenders if you think that two stealthers are a possibility.

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Yeah I always have nightmares about stealthers whenever I'm guarding a node alone on my sniper, lol. And one stealther is already bad enough. It's happened to me several times. I also know from experience that a stealther is always less hesitant to approach a sniper. Whenever I play my scoundrel for example, if I see a lone sniper guarding a turret I will 100% of the time approach. If I see a vanguard or juggernaut, for example, I"m more hesitant about approaching. Of course, sometimes even a sniper will have a stealth buddy guarding with him which you can't realize until it's too late...in which case I will realize I made a mistake by approaching. But a lot of times, teams do leave snipers alone guarding turrets, and all it takes is one stealth. Seeing a lone sniper means they have an open invitation to approach. They know they (stealthers) are our weakness. That's why I always try to keep a teammate that's stealth himself guarding with me. Sometimes, guarding alone is inevitable though.
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Hi guys,

always, when standing alone at nod, i have nightmares about 2 stealthers coming in on me.

Scenario: got stealh CCed => i type in chat for help, break CC to engage the capping person ... bam CCed again ... Node lost

Any defendable scenario?


What class are you?


In general, 2 stealth will cap against 1, unless the 2 are idiots.

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I feel like if you are solo defending that means that your team only has 1 node (and thus are on the offense). If you have 2 nodes your team should not have 1 defender on a node and 7 on the other.


In the case where you only have 1 node and it's just you defending on that node, the rest of your team should be attacking. Let's assume the other team is also going weak on the defense and have 1 person defending east and 2 stealthers attacking you... that means only 5 doods are defending the mid for their team against your 7 attackers.

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As several people have pointed out: you shouldn't use your breaker on the initial sap. Even though yes, it is an 8s sap, objective caps are also 8s, and there'll always be a delay between the time they sap you (even if it's two guys) and when they start capping.


No offense, but as an Assassin I absolutely love people like you that break the initial sap. All I have to do to cap an objective is insta-cast CC them, after they break the sap, while I'm standing near the door. It breaks my stealth and CCs you for 8s, almost always giving me the time I need to cap (unless they're clicking me like mad, waiting for the CC to wear off).


That being said, I know exactly how to counter sap cappers. The method by which I already stated: don't waste your breaker on the initial sap.


EDIT: To counter something another poster said: it's a bad idea to break the initial sap and then use your force shroud (or whatever). Any experienced Assassin will just wait for your shroud to wear off then insta-cast CC you (provided they're spec'd into that, which a lot are).

Edited by Xena_Shepard
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Hi guys,

always, when standing alone at nod, i have nightmares about 2 stealthers coming in on me.

Scenario: got stealh CCed => i type in chat for help, break CC to engage the capping person ... bam CCed again ... Node lost

Any defendable scenario?


Lol I can do that with one person as in combat stealth is awesome.You break cc i stealth and cc you again with full duration cap then dance lol

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One person on guard should only happen when you are on Offense (i.e. your team only controls one node and the other team controls two nodes).


If that is the case, then by sending two people to take your node, your team will have a tactical advantage since they effectively outnumber the defending team (since you are currently in a 1v2, the rest of your team is going to be 7v6). If your team fails to cap a node during that tactical advantage, you may as well let the other team three cap you and get the beating over with as quickly as possible.


If your team is on Defense and you are solo guarding, you should be screaming for help. If no help comes, just do your best and know that it isn't your fault when the node changes hands.

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Another thing that helps is to put your back flat against a wall. IIRC you have a higher chance to detect stealthers if they are approaching you from the front. Have your fingers hovering over the tab key and sometimes you can hit them with an ability if you are very quick. However this won't work against good stealthers who use their ability (like Blackout) to increase their stealth level before sapping you, but it works wonders in PuGs. That's why it's usually Shadows/Assassins who are left alone to defend since they can delay long enough with Force Shroud and defensive cooldowns so that help can arrive. Edited by Jenzali
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The best method I found for solo-guarding as a stealth in the era of stealth-bombing is to guard away from the objective & forgoing the objective medals. Stealth aren't the most patient bunch especially as we're trying to ninja the node. Odds are the solo or team-stealth make one quick look around for you and start clicking. And it is at this point you have the advantage. Call for help ... blackout ... stealth mez the capper(s) repeat until help arrives.


And if you're not stealth ... do not solo defend.

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When that happens to me I give them the false sense of security and dont pop the breaker until they have 6s on the turret/door/whatever. Then i run a specific macro that pops breaker and resilience at the same time (bye bye second cc from the stealther) , I interrupt the cap, put both in combat, force cloak and start sapping them until back-up arrives :D. Blackout FTW :). Guarding nodes solo as a shadow tank is quite fun and entertaining.


WHAT IS A MACRO AND WHERE DO I GET ONE?!?!?!111shiftoneshiftone

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Call for help, stay alive, keep them from capping. AOE mezzes and hit-and-runs are your best chance of stalling for the 10-15 secs it will take to get backup.


If help doesn't come you should lose the node but your team will have there's outnumbered somewhere else during the time it took them to setup and execute their strike.

Edited by WaywardOne
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