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Empire to Republic Ratio problem


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my server Dark Reaper has a empire:Republic ratio of around 5:1. This is a PVP server i have not seen a single republic player at all. if i Que for pvp 70% of the time i get huttball against other empire players. Is bioware going to do something to encourage a balance.


My ideas:


- Limit each side, since we are already at 5:1. make it so other more empire cant be created on this server unless you already have a guy on this.


- Recommend more republic guilds to play here with a (server filter and make it top) kind of idea.



What to realize before you respond to this:


- Yes i know, launch isn't even here yet. we are still in early access. Things might balance out

- im sure they may be looking into this issue. and there are bigger focuses right now like the server Que thing.




A lot of my pals want to remake characters. I've already spent a bunch of time on my guy and im not happy to re roll because i don't want to redo it all.


just some thoughts.

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So a few weeks ago I was cruising around the forums looking at various "What faction will you join?" polls and threads. By FAR the vast majority went Empire. "I want to be evil >:)" said everyone. Oh, you're so original you little Darth! Going to make a big evil splash on your local server are we, with all the other million little red lightsabers running around?


I promptly changed my vote to Republic.


I think it should also be of note, on my server (Tung Ma)(sp?) the Republic loses 1/10 warzone matches. The Sith are almost always trying to top the damage meters. The scoreboard usually says that, yes, they had way more kills. But do I care? No, because we burnt right through your Voidstar in 2 minutes while you were pew-pewing.

Edited by Toxilium
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First off, where are you getting 5 to 1? Guessing? Second, the only way to make Empire to Republic ratio even out is to make the republic starting area less lame. Coruscant blows. Played in 3 beta weekends as republic and couldn't stand putting myself through that world again.
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So a few weeks ago I was cruising around the forums looking at various "What faction will you join?" polls and threads. By FAR the vast majority went Empire. "I want to be evil >:)" said everyone. Oh, you're so original you little Darth! Going to make a big evil splash on your local server are we, with all the other million little red lightsabers running around?


I promptly changed my vote to Republic.


And then joined an imperial guild?

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my server Dark Reaper has a empire:Republic ratio of around 5:1. This is a PVP server i have not seen a single republic player at all. if i Que for pvp 70% of the time i get huttball against other empire players. Is bioware going to do something to encourage a balance.


My ideas:


- Limit each side, since we are already at 5:1. make it so other more empire cant be created on this server unless you already have a guy on this.


- Recommend more republic guilds to play here with a (server filter and make it top) kind of idea.



What to realize before you respond to this:


- Yes i know, launch isn't even here yet. we are still in early access. Things might balance out

- im sure they may be looking into this issue. and there are bigger focuses right now like the server Que thing.




A lot of my pals want to remake characters. I've already spent a bunch of time on my guy and im not happy to re roll because i don't want to redo it all.


just some thoughts.


I'm shocked more Republic players don't flock to a server named Dark Reaper! :eek:

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So a few weeks ago I was cruising around the forums looking at various "What faction will you join?" polls and threads. By FAR the vast majority went Empire. "I want to be evil >:)" said everyone. Oh, you're so original you little Darth! Going to make a big evil splash on your local server are we, with all the other million little red lightsabers running around?


I promptly changed my vote to Republic.


I think it should also be of note, on my server (Tung Ma)(sp?) the Republic loses 1/10 warzone matches. The Sith are almost always trying to top the damage meters. The scoreboard usually says that, yes, they had way more kills. But do I care? No, because we burnt right through your Voidstar in 2 minutes while you were pew-pewing.


I made a light sided Sith. I think I am failing at this evil thing hard.

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The game hasn't officially released yet, given time it will balance more. Furthermore, BW may add Cross server War Fronts. On Master Zhar Lestin I've never waited more then 5 min for a Que as an Imperial, and often get many back to back War Fronts.


Be patient, and see what it's like when the game is released, and see if they do server splits etc. Worrying overly much about ratios and such at this point is senseless.

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First off, where are you getting 5 to 1? Guessing? Second, the only way to make Empire to Republic ratio even out is to make the republic starting area less lame. Coruscant blows. Played in 3 beta weekends as republic and couldn't stand putting myself through that world again.


Same here, no wonder everyone wants to be in the Empire. I stopped playing in Coruscant, it was so boring. I have an agent now and it's been mindblowing.


Unfortunately we have to put up with "i'm so 1337 i'm so evil *insert a mother/gay/WoW related insult here* The sad part is that these artards probably don't even read mission options but just spam button nr. 3. You could do surprising choices and end up in the most incredible situations if you put a little thought into your character's mindset.


And I was going to go Republic because I saw this coming but guild decided otherwise.

Edited by Couac
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