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  1. do they share the same lockout. Say can i do normal mode with my guild. can i do hard mode right after? TALKING ABOUT OPERATIONS!! lol
  2. So if i do normal mode and complete EV. can i then put it on hardmode and do it on that setting? or does the instance share 1 lockout?
  3. my server Dark Reaper has a empire:Republic ratio of around 5:1. This is a PVP server i have not seen a single republic player at all. if i Que for pvp 70% of the time i get huttball against other empire players. Is bioware going to do something to encourage a balance. My ideas: - Limit each side, since we are already at 5:1. make it so other more empire cant be created on this server unless you already have a guy on this. - Recommend more republic guilds to play here with a (server filter and make it top) kind of idea. What to realize before you respond to this: - Yes i know, launch isn't even here yet. we are still in early access. Things might balance out - im sure they may be looking into this issue. and there are bigger focuses right now like the server Que thing. A lot of my pals want to remake characters. I've already spent a bunch of time on my guy and im not happy to re roll because i don't want to redo it all. just some thoughts.
  4. Seriously, why is there so many haters? "Early access is ********"? Really Heres a tip, get over it.
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