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Are BW blinkered?


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More and more I come to these boards hoping that the tide will turn and BW will finally wake up, but no luck yet. Having sat waiting for the livestream event, watched it, and I sat there.........../blink...........I have deja vue..............way way back in 2010 STO launched to much fanfare and promptly fell on its collective *** due to Cryptic not being able to deliver as promised, and when they did deliver it was a pale shadow of what they advertised, with badly thought out mechanics and to boot they used yet another engine that really wasnt up to the job........seem familiar? Now that MMo really bled subs, with only one fully fleshed out faction, and the Klingon faction PvP only (with this little nugget they didnt tell the players until 2 weeks before launch, you can imagine how it went) SWTOR is going the same route, new gear and items from random boxes, which you will have to pay for WITH REAL MONEY in some way, even if u sub. Mark my words, its downhill from here.
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So the fans making up demands for features faster than anyone can write them down and then Bioware not implementing every single one of them immediately is called blinkered. I think I learned a new word.


it's also amazing how people always exaggerate or make stuff up, even though those that make the decisions have already cleared the air regarding some rumors. Simply amazing. Some people will qq just to qq.

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What rumors have been cleared up? Can you clarify?


All that is stated in my post can be researched and proven correct, even the fact that when STOL launched the infamous "cryptic store" they immediately slammed EVERYTHING on there that they could to dime players to oblivion (even the "exclusive" pre-order items we so gladly bought into, that they also said would NEVER appear on the store....yeah right).

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So the fans making up demands for features faster than anyone can write them down and then Bioware not implementing every single one of them immediately is called blinkered. I think I learned a new word.


Go ahead. Admit it. You read the title and then replied without even reading his post. Your reply proves that.

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new gear and items from random boxes, which you will have to pay for WITH REAL MONEY in some way, even if u sub. Mark my words, its downhill from here.



You make it sound as if this "new gear" is a new tier or some kind of gear with better stats that will make any kind of difference whatsoever. In reality it will be something like the Supreme Inquisitors Robe is right now - you can choose to pay the 1.5-2mil it usually goes for and wear it because you like how it looks or you can choose to ignore it and wear your normal gear and nothing, absolutely nothing will change how much you enjoy the game or how good you are in ops and PVP.


I'm not a fan of F2P games, but as far as this F2P game is concerned if they stick to what they've promised - that being, subbed players will not miss out on anything, I have no issues.


I frankly don't care about vanity items most of the time and when I do I'm prepared to pay the price. Since the game was exclusively P2P until now, that meant farming or paying a hefty price to buy it from the GTN. Now, it will mean that I must use my CC, a big amount of which I will be given for free when F2P hits and then a smaller amount as monthly allowance (I'm guessing).

Edited by TheNahash
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Go ahead. Admit it. You read the title and then replied without even reading his post. Your reply proves that.

Its not the first or the last post in these forums that complains about Bioware not implementing whatever, not changing the game engine immediately because of whatever and so on. I commented that.


I have no idea what they will put in the stores whenever they will open the stores but I am sure that certain people will whine about that too no matter what it is.

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Its not the first or the last post in these forums that complains about Bioware not implementing whatever, not changing the game engine immediately because of whatever and so on. I commented that.


I have no idea what they will put in the stores whenever they will open the stores but I am sure that certain people will whine about that too no matter what it is.


He talked about Cryptic and STO not doing things and what their store has. After he said what he saw (I didn't watch it either) in the Livestream. Then you reply about how fast things are done around here and such in your reply. It's basically he was talking about apples and you replied about oranges.


Did he talk about all the things that were asked for and promised since beta here? No. But he would be justified if he did.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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You make it sound as if this "new gear" is a new tier or some kind of gear with better stats that will make any kind of difference whatsoever. In reality it will be something like the Supreme Inquisitors Robe is right now - you can choose to pay the 1.5-2mil it usually goes for and wear it because you like how it looks or you can choose to ignore it and wear your normal gear and nothing, absolutely nothing will change how much you enjoy the game or how good you are in ops and PVP.


I'm not a fan of F2P games, but as far as this F2P game is concerned if they stick to what they've promised - that being, subbed players will not miss out on anything, I have no issues.


I frankly don't care about vanity items most of the time and when I do I'm prepared to pay the price. Since the game was exclusively P2P until now, that meant farming or paying a hefty price to buy it from the GTN. Now, it will mean that I must use my CC, a big amount of which I will be given for free when F2P hits and then a smaller amount as monthly allowance (I'm guessing).



The issue here is that I am relating facts while you are guessing.......The facts I stated are just that, fact. BW will slap ANYTHING on the store it can to milk the cash out of its players, even subbers in STOL have to buy the keys to open boxes, I suggest you go check it out. I'm not sure about you but I have a family to keep and dont have daddies credit card to subsidize me, I will not pay on top of my sub for something that should be included IN my sub...........You nay-say but mark my words, its coming, the bean counters are in the driving seat now :( And as far as nothing game changing being sold on the store, well yeah they already shot that one down with gear and items aimed at mid lvl being planned, thats not a big leap from "fek it, slap it all on tthe store, the plebs will pay" lol

Edited by Redat
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Well, you say this...

The issue here is that I am relating facts while you are guessing....... The facts I stated are just that, fact.


and then you go and say that

even subbers in STOL have to buy the keys to open boxes, I suggest you go check it out.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't YOU the one guessing here? Aren't you the one trying to make assumptions based on your experience from another MMO? And I'm not guessing anything at all. I'm replying based on what they've already said again and again and that is that the items will not enhance your character's abilities in any way, and will have no impact in the game apart from aesthetically.


One could *guess* that if things don't go the way they wish, items that actually enhance your abilities or make the game "pay-to-win" may show up in the future... but again that's GUESSING, not facts.


I'm not sure about you but I have a family to keep and dont have daddies credit card to subsidize me, I will not pay on top of my sub for something that should be included IN my sub...........You nay-say but mark my words, its coming, the bean counters are in the driving seat now :(


No dude, I don't have anyone's credit card but my own. And neither would I want to see things taking a turn for the worse, but this is like the millionth time someone is making the claim to know the future and it's just getting annoying. Seems like everyone's so ready to judge before they see, I'm honestly wondering why all those people are still here.

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go check it out, notice the ambiguous almost politician-like answers lol really dodgey


And in reply to the post above, experience is the greatest teacher...........when a business model fails, said business will do all it can to recoup those losses, often to the detriment of its patrons..........

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go check it out, notice the ambiguous almost politician-like answers lol really dodgey


And in reply to the post above, experience is the greatest teacher...........when a business model fails, said business will do all it can to recoup those losses, often to the detriment of its patrons..........


I've already watched the livestream but tbh I don't see anything "dodgey" or at least not anything more so than the previous interviews and stuff. I can't blame them 100% for that though. Ofc they have given promises they haven't yet kept, but seriously...have you checked out the forum? No one no matter what they do is ever happy. There are always people qqing for pretty much anything and everything, from the fact that they can't wear their hood down and how that is an unimaginable "failure" (lol) to more substantial issues like the bugs and the lack of content.


They might screw this game up. They might not. All I'm saying is that we don't need a million different Cassandras foretelling the doom of this game. Let's get there and then we can qq all you want.

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I don't care about your impressions about the tone of that guy, i KNOW that they stated without any chance of misinterpretation that P2W items will not make it in the cartel market.

If that happens i'll probably leave the game, but until then facts tramples guesses.

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He talked about Cryptic and STO not doing things and what their store has. After he said what he saw (I didn't watch it either) in the Livestream. Then you reply about how fast things are done around here and such in your reply. It's basically he was talking about apples and you replied about oranges.


Did he talk about all the things that were asked for and promised since beta here? No. But he would be justified if he did.


After reading his post I understood that he talked about what this game is lacking and Bioware not delivering (and STO). And few othet things. So atleast one of us is wrong atleast partially.


I dont see much point in arguing with you about this because if you are wrong, then there is a good chance that you dont understand the arguments. If I am wrong, then I am wrong and that doesnt change with arguing about it.

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go check it out, notice the ambiguous almost politician-like answers lol really dodgey


And in reply to the post above, experience is the greatest teacher...........when a business model fails, said business will do all it can to recoup those losses, often to the detriment of its patrons..........


Thanks. Still listening. But as a STO player, the livestream doesn't make me feel Deja Vu. The lip service they are giving is all fine. And hopefully they stick with what they are saying. We can hope they live up to what they said in there.

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I don't care about your impressions about the tone of that guy, i KNOW that they stated without any chance of misinterpretation that P2W items will not make it in the cartel market.

If that happens i'll probably leave the game, but until then facts tramples guesses.


As I said, deja vue......this was stated multiple times by Cryptic who attempted the same thing.........Yert the game changing items DID make an appearance, despite claims to the contrary.........FACT

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The issue here is that I am relating facts while you are guessing.......The facts I stated are just that, fact. BW will slap ANYTHING on the store it can to milk the cash out of its players, even subbers in STOL have to buy the keys to open boxes, I suggest you go check it out. I'm not sure about you but I have a family to keep and dont have daddies credit card to subsidize me, I will not pay on top of my sub for something that should be included IN my sub...........You nay-say but mark my words, its coming, the bean counters are in the driving seat now :( And as far as nothing game changing being sold on the store, well yeah they already shot that one down with gear and items aimed at mid lvl being planned, thats not a big leap from "fek it, slap it all on tthe store, the plebs will pay" lol


Doom and Gloom :(


F2P models only fail when a company becomes too greedy with their cash shop. Smart companies will not force players to buy stuff in order to be able to stay ahead of the game. Instead they sell you character slots, bank slots, outfits, little cute pets, travel buffs and minor things that you can do without. DDO would be an example of game that does a good cash shop.

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Doom and Gloom :(


F2P models only fail when a company becomes too greedy with their cash shop. Smart companies will not force players to buy stuff in order to be able to stay ahead of the game. Instead they sell you character slots, bank slots, outfits, little cute pets, travel buffs and minor things that you can do without. DDO would be an example of game that does a good cash shop.


Actually CoX failed because the cash shop had nothing worthwhile in it. Free game with a weak cash shop equals not enough money coming in.


The ones that survived the transition like CO, STO, and DCUO have stuff in their cash shops people want.


Those four had NOTHING to do with the so-called "greedy".


Cryptic stores have P2W stuff in them too.

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Actually CoX failed because the cash shop had nothing worthwhile in it. Free game with a weak cash shop equals not enough money coming in.


The ones that survived the transition like CO, STO, and DCUO have stuff in their cash shops people want.


Those four had NOTHING to do with the so-called "greedy".


Cryptic stores have P2W stuff in them too.


ER What? STOL survived? really? with most of the subbers gone and really only the lifers keeping it afloat this is not a good example, unless you mean a good example of grifting the paying customers with claims of "nothing game changing will appear in the store" only to totally disregard that ,lmfao.

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ER What? STOL survived? really? with most of the subbers gone and really only the lifers keeping it afloat this is not a good example, unless you mean a good example of grifting the paying customers with claims of "nothing game changing will appear in the store" only to totally disregard that ,lmfao.


Survived as in not being closed down like CoX.


Plus more players are in it now then they ever had while being a sub only game.

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Actually CoX failed because the cash shop had nothing worthwhile in it. Free game with a weak cash shop equals not enough money coming in.


The ones that survived the transition like CO, STO, and DCUO have stuff in their cash shops people want.


Those four had NOTHING to do with the so-called "greedy".


Cryptic stores have P2W stuff in them too.


Dude, lighten up. F2P will not kill this game. All the games you are complaining about are still around. You will have to wait until the cash shop comes out before making a judgement. Right now you are just spreading Doom and gloom

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Dude, lighten up. F2P will not kill this game. All the games you are complaining about are still around. You will have to wait until the cash shop comes out before making a judgement. Right now you are just spreading Doom and gloom


I am "lightened up". You mad because that statement about "greed" was not accurate?


How is it spreading doom and gloom with 3 of the 4 examples I gave are games that survived near death going F2P? Actually that's the opposite of doom and gloom.


Maybe YOU need to lighten up.

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