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What is really up with the Hutts?


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seriously what do they have going for them that i dont see?


what i mean is WHY do they have so much power? they are slow and fat, doesnt appear THAT smart, no notable usage of the force (that we have seen in the films atleast), and those tiny arms arent able to wield any weapons really.


so can someone please tell me why these pathetic giga-snails became the rulers of the underworld?

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seriously what do they have going for them that i dont see?


what i mean is WHY do they have so much power? they are slow and fat, doesnt appear THAT smart, no notable usage of the force (that we have seen in the films atleast), and those tiny arms arent able to wield any weapons really.


so can someone please tell me why these pathetic giga-snails became the rulers of the underworld?


Longevity. They live for hundreds of years, and are very intelligent and cunning; master manipulators by nature and capable of laying plans within plans within plans. Eventually, they acquired a ton of money. Once they had the money, its easy to be the guys at the top. That, and living for hundreds of years and making contacts, storing information, etc.

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what i mean is WHY do they have so much power? they are slow and fat, doesnt appear THAT smart, no notable usage of the force (that we have seen in the films atleast), and those tiny arms arent able to wield any weapons really.


Infact, i read about the hutts "Ceremonial armors" some place, because; Hutts can actually fight. They can even move pretty fast on their bellies, but the armor makes them hover. Hutts just don't do their own dirty work. they're too rich to do that.

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Hovering Hutt! I would be afraid, if he somehow disarmed me, then shot me in the leg, then hovered over me, and dropped, ahhhhhh!!


But yeeah, Hutts are really smart, you may wonder "well how does a Hutt get into Power?" there are many ways, I think the most common is one Hutt, investing in another younger Hutt, to take down a rival, getting the young Hutt part of the rivals land, but the young Hutt would be under the older one until it built enough power to take down the older one.


Its early so my ability to write is not quite there, but I hope that explains.

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You really just have to look at real life. How do powerful despots get and hold power? Surely it's not always because they're the biggest and baddest. Often it's about manipulating people's greed and desires for power, promising them things, gathering a devoted following and having them be your muscle to do the things you want done. Hutts are connected, they have a long tradition of underworld dealings, and they probably pay well. Money buys loyalty, so does providing for your followers' vices.


(Insert Congress joke here).

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They aren't really slow or weak. Read the Wookieepedia article about them:




In summary, they can move in bursts of speed using the singular large muscle that acts as their "foot" (they are gastropods). Their skin makes them resistant to blaster fire, fire, and saber strikes. They are immune to many chemical and biological toxins, diseases, and poisons. They are immune to force mind tricks. Can see a wider range of the EM Spectrum than many creatures. They are indigestible by large predators. They can regenerate body parts. It is believed that some Hutts possess multiple brains. And they can live upwards of 1000 years.


I was hoping Hutt would be a playable race, but I see why they didn't that. I was also hoping you could play as a droid, but that didn't happen either.

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seriously what do they have going for them that i dont see?


what i mean is WHY do they have so much power? they are slow and fat, doesnt appear THAT smart, no notable usage of the force (that we have seen in the films atleast), and those tiny arms arent able to wield any weapons really.


so can someone please tell me why these pathetic giga-snails became the rulers of the underworld?


Always thought the same and never thought to wookiepedia it.

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  • 2 months later...

In KotoR when discovering about the Rakata, it was said that the Hutts were one of the first major powers in the galaxy, though they never formed an Empire. The Hutts built up their power base thousands of years ago in the Outer Rim and they have maintained it all this time. That's one of the reasons they are so powerful. While they may wrestle over control of territories with each other, they have kept their collective power base and worlds under their control the entire time. They may distrust everyone, including each other, but unlike Sith they don't ever really lose ground. When one Hutt leader dies, his territories are either taken by the winner or divided amongst the Hutt Cartels. Everything keeps a delicate balance at the edge of a blaster.


The Hutt Cartels aren't so different from the Republic, except that it's mostly criminals and mercenaries. They don't care who you are or what you did, so long as you recognize their power and authority and pay tribute. Hutts are notorious gangsters and that has helped maintain their hold within the Outer Rim for thousands of years. They are firmly established and embedded within the Outer Rim territories, such that the Republic has never challenged them, and even when Palpatine rose to power as Emperor, he himself did not try and acquire the Hutts territories, either because it'd be too much of a pain or because it was unnecessary to do so. Easier to just pay them to keep to themselves than start a war.

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They aren't really slow or weak. Read the Wookieepedia article about them:




In summary, they can move in bursts of speed using the singular large muscle that acts as their "foot" (they are gastropods). Their skin makes them resistant to blaster fire, fire, and saber strikes. They are immune to many chemical and biological toxins, diseases, and poisons. They are immune to force mind tricks. Can see a wider range of the EM Spectrum than many creatures. They are indigestible by large predators. They can regenerate body parts. It is believed that some Hutts possess multiple brains. And they can live upwards of 1000 years.


I was hoping Hutt would be a playable race, but I see why they didn't that. I was also hoping you could play as a droid, but that didn't happen either.


They also have two brains. If one side of their head gets blown off it can heal back within a few hundred years without mentally crippling them.

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seriously what do they have going for them that i dont see?


what i mean is WHY do they have so much power? they are slow and fat, doesnt appear THAT smart, no notable usage of the force (that we have seen in the films atleast), and those tiny arms arent able to wield any weapons really.


so can someone please tell me why these pathetic giga-snails became the rulers of the underworld?


Credits, and the power to turn into a panda.

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They aren't really slow or weak. Read the Wookieepedia article about them:




In summary, they can move in bursts of speed using the singular large muscle that acts as their "foot" (they are gastropods). Their skin makes them resistant to blaster fire, fire, and saber strikes. They are immune to many chemical and biological toxins, diseases, and poisons. They are immune to force mind tricks. Can see a wider range of the EM Spectrum than many creatures. They are indigestible by large predators. They can regenerate body parts. It is believed that some Hutts possess multiple brains. And they can live upwards of 1000 years.


I was hoping Hutt would be a playable race, but I see why they didn't that. I was also hoping you could play as a droid, but that didn't happen either.


They're apparently not immune to being choked on the chains attached to their slave girls :3

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Now noting i read that book in the 90s, but if i remember correctly, that guy was more like a big snake than the typical Hutts we are used to.


I mean, it is a good question, but kinda like asking 'how could humans have conquered the earth?" when you've only seen humans at Walmart.

Edited by CFourPO
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The problem I find with hutts having power is that they are not particularly charasmatic and are totally self serving and too greedy.


Look at despots throughout history in real life. In order to maintain power you HAD to satisfy the military. You can't just rule with fear and money. If you don't satisfy your military they will turn on you. It happened with the roman emperors, it happened to modern day despots. There is no avoiding this.


Seeing as hutts are greedy and indulgent I find it hard to beileve they satisfy anyone but themselves. I have also never seen hutt foot soldiers so they apparently always seem to be terrible un-charasmatic leaders with no visions.


It's hard to imagine they command so much power and respect given these circumstances.

Edited by Xanikk
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