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Favorite Move to Use?


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Smuggler: Pistol Whip and Dirty Kick. [female twi'lek. why not? ;)]


Agent: Stealth. Seriously. I know I'm off.


Knight: Umm..... Waving my two sabers around?


Warrior: (Sith) Slap. I love slapping Vette around ;)


Inquisitor: Whatever that ability is that makes my inquisitor's hands glow w/ lightning :) Even if she is a heal spec.


Bounty Hunter: Death from Above. Nothing better than a rain of death :)

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Any of the moves (Death from Above with Bounty Hunter is the first to come to mind) that blow your foes off the side of a bridge to their deaths. Sure, not useful because you can't loot them but it will never, ever cease to be funny to me. :D
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Sage: Forcequake. I waited for an AOE attack for 30+ levels, and by god, it delivered when I finally got it. :D

Guardian: Can't remember what it's called, but the AOE kick (Whirlwind?). I feel like a ninja doing it.

Smuggler: Has to be a toss-up between Charged Burst (there is something comfortingly authoritative about the sound) and Dirty Kick. :)

Trooper: Mortar Volley

Sorceror: Force Lightning. 'Nuff said. :)

Juggernaut: Force Scream (?). Yes, you WILL cower in fear, puny person.

Operative: Stealth. Statues of fish cannot see me.

Powertech: Flamethrower. RIGHT IN THE FACE.


Come on people: force leap!

No doubt about it. What is more fun than crashing into your opponent!?


Gotta admit, that's right up there for the Knight/Warrior. I thought of that as Death From Above!!!! before finding out the BH had a power called that. Sorry, it is puny by comparison. :)

Edited by AlixMV
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Depends on the character since I have at least a 33 of everything save an assassin/shadow, also I'd say in some ways certain two-move combos are really where the 'favorites' lie of a single item.


Sniper-- Ambush/Followthrough : Because its a cast time followed by an instant both hit at roughly the same time and hit hard, nothing like watching someone halfway across the map charge one of your teammates only to have near half their health vaporize.


Sentinel-- Transcendence when combat specced, Force choking someone with full dots when watchman (especially a sage that could otherwise cleanse).


Sage-- A bit more passive, but as a healer having the Blind-on-break force shield. Nothing like a stealther jumping you then losing his opening combo to a flash of light and a sage force speeding away.


Scoundrel-- Shoot first-ing a ballcarrier over a fire trap (extra points for one standing just in front of the fire trap and the knockdown pushes him in). Alas 49 1/2 so tomorrow will probably have to edit in something healer-related.


Vanguard-- Grapple in all its many uses, because not only are you aware of its strategic value (huttball especially) but also because you know everytime you grapple someone how irritating the move is for the other guy.


Jugg-- For sheer sound/animation Force Scream, for actual use choke-push-leap-smash combo as rage.


Commando-- Tech Override + Grav ROund on the move-- Honestly this character has seen little use post 1.2 so hard to really peg one down.

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Force Charge! I actually have to press the Force Charge button mid-jump every time, it just makes it that much cooler.


its fun doing this when you fall off an edge and just go from straight down to a horizontal jump mid air :D


(granted falling damage still occurs, but its still fun to watch)

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I dunno I actually tend to do that little hop-charge too, I imagine several do. Also fun is to be facing slightly away from the target before jump-charging, nice little twirly-leap leap.


i do a jump with my aoe/knockback move on my assassin, makes it look cool, punch while in mid-air

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I dunno I actually tend to do that little hop-charge too, I imagine several do. Also fun is to be facing slightly away from the target before jump-charging, nice little twirly-leap leap.


Now maybe someone in game will think you're a dev. ;)


Could have some fun with that! :D

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Absolute favorite, thus far, is Death From Above - bh. Gorgeous animation, love love love it.


On my jk, it's Force Leap. I especially like when you're just out of reach, and you can jump and hit it and GO.


My trooper - I love Harpoon but I rarely get to use it as dps. Concussion charge on my commando's pretty cool too.

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Smash and Force Charge. Both of these I have to jump when I use them. I do this with Ravage too. Honestly I do it with any ability where you jump in the air (Rocket Punch for example). Kind of weird I guess.


Vicious Throw/Deadly Saber also up there. I wish Deadly Saber had more use in PvE. While you could say it has range. Force Scream has the same rage and double the damage for 1 more rage cost as Annihilation. Other two specs get a cost reduction on it. I'd love to see Deadly Saber be me throwing my offhand weapon and Vicious Saber as mainhand. So I could throw them both at the same time.



Force Storm. <3


Thundering Blast is also cool looking.


I'd like more abilities as a Sorc if I used my light saber more. Example being Chain Lightning. Instead of the current boring animation, I could charge the lightning into my lightsaber then release it to the target.



Death from Above. Because it's just awesome.


Rocket Punch. Another ability I have to jump mid use.

Flame Sweep. Because it's fire. I'd love to see an ability to mix it with Oil Slick.

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