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Dallas dickenson where are you my friend?


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  • 2 months later...
I exist!

- Still periodically growing terrible facial hair

- Still producing the SWTORz

- Still beating up on Blaine Christine

- Still spelling my name like Emily Dickinson does


Peace (is a lie)



Best. Dev Post. Ever. Stick it to Blaine, my friend! For The Empire!

Edited by Sindorin
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No....It was Dallas. Here is his quote from Nov 8 2005 talking about the NGE....


"The community has responded even more positively than I hoped," Dickinson stated. "We have been very confident that the enhancements (to the combat system especially) were both more fun and the right thing to do for the game. Those who have gotten into the game and tried it out are, for the most part, really happy and excited about what this means for the future of SWG."


Yeah so why exactly would any company making a Star Wars game want him within 100 feet of their product is beyond me.


How did I not know this? I went to both the dev breakfast in 04 and the dinner in 05. I can say at the time before the CU came out we were excited about it. I remember asking the question whether a Jedi that did not use a light saber would be viable. I really wanted to be a powers only Jedi in the CU. I also remember no one being excited about the NGE. The CU started the dumbing down of combat and crafting but the NGE took it to 2nd grade level.


How in the world did we get someone from the SWG sandbox to the most linear MMO in history. My end game dream would be crafting a unique(stats) weapon or armor and selling it on a vendor in my house and then going to someone else's house and buying something off their vendor that I could not make.

Edited by asciiadam
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