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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quality of Life Improvements in Game Update 1.4


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Like these new improvements but I'm also going to add a requests for something to be done about hoods. My annoyance at mine being permanently up is that my female consular is permanently bald and there is nothing I can do about it because her black hole chest piece has a hood. She just looks ugly- if I wanted no hair I'd have created a char with none. This has been going on for months now.. It's a small thing but it jars every time I look at her in game.
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The one thing I am really, really missing is clothes dyes. If there's one thing that would significantly improve a player's ability to fully customize their character, it would be the ability to pick what colour their gear was, and not just "match" the colours to their chest piece.


This would be nice and something people keep asking about .


In fact people have requested the following to be add as quality of life (minus bugs/and new items to keep people interested)


1. Clothes Dyes -Where a player gets to choose whatever color they want their outfit to be. This is not dependent on what faction or not and all colors are allowed not just "set" colors. If you want to have a solid purple or green or... then you can.


2. Chat bubbles (with the ability to turn them off if you don't want them)


3. Barbershop where you can choose a new style and in this they would add more hairstyles (long hair for ladies that is not in a blasted ponytail or put up, it is just long and flowing down our backs. Not everyone that has long hair likes to wear it in a ponytail or put up, I know I don't. ) better makeup/tattos/etc.


4. The ability to toggle your hood off or on if you are wearing a cloak.



These are just the ones off the top of my head I keep hearing people mention. It would be nice if they could add these as well.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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There was a President or VP of my old company that said, "The magic is in the details." This certainly applies here. Minor, but obnoxious situations that are slowly eliminated is a good thing. So too, you might want to adopt a Quality of Life Improvement for the gamer as well. In this, information is key. I know you don't want to upset the community by not keeping a commitment, but lack of information is actually causing the community to get upset. There can be a middle ground. For example set catagories up like - Set in Stone, Top Priority, Plan to Release, Want to Release, In the Pipeline, and Shelved. This progression is from will happen to maybe never. Given times are an approximation. Set in Stone would get a date of release, period. From there open up to a larger time frame. 1-2 months, 6-9 months, and even In the Future. Add an addendum at the bottom that should situations change, check back on the posting for updates. Take the time to update this at the end of every business day or if a major change happens, immediatly. Trust me, the community can handle maybe. Edited by Thylbanus
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This would be nice and something people keep asking about .


In fact people have requested the following to be add as quality of life (minus bugs/and new items to keep people interested)


1. Clothes Dyes -Where a player gets to choose whatever color they want their outfit to be. This is not dependent on what faction or not and all colors are allowed not just "set" colors. If you want to have a solid purple or green or... then you can.


2. Chat bubbles (with the ability to turn them off if you don't want them)


3. Babershop where you can choose a new style and in this they would add more hairstyles (long hair for ladies that is not in a blasted ponytail or put up, it is just long and flowing down our backs. Not everyone that has long hair likes to wear it in a ponytail or put up, I know I don't. ) better makeup/tattos/etc.


4. The ability to toggle your hood off or on if you are wearing a cloak.



These are just the ones off the top of my head I keep hearing people mention. It would be nice if they could add these as well.


all great ideas (hint hint BW :) )

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Sounds awesome! Though, I am a little confused on the facial expressions part...so if I set my guy to moody he will be moody for forever?


From what I understand, yes. Until you change to another expression. Not sure if it resets on death or when you log.


There was a President or VP of my old company that said, "The magic is in the details." This certainly applies here. Minor, but obnoxious situations that are slowly eliminated is a good thing. So too, you might want to adopt a Quality of Life Improvement for the gamer as well. In this, information is key. I know you don't want to upset the community by not keeping a commitment, but lack of information is actually causing the community to get upset. There can be a middle ground. For example set catagories up like - Set in Stone, Top Priority, Plan to Release, Want to Release, In the Pipeline, and Shelved. This progression is from will happen to maybe never. Given times are an approximation. Set in Stone would get a date of release, period. From there open up to a larger time frame. 1-2 months, 6-9 months, and even In the Future. Add an addendum at the bottom that should situations change, check back on the posting for updates. Take the time to update this at the end of every business day or if a major change happens, immediatly. Trust me, the community can handle maybe.


This. Bioware needs to up there communication.

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This is a nice update. It ll definitivly improve the game. If i only had one thing to criticize, it would be the new shadow rendering system. After looking at pictures of the old and new system, i end up thinking that they just added a blur effect arround shadows. And not a little blur effect but a massive one. And despite of it you still can see a "Staircase effect" on many shadows. So it's quite disapointing and still very far from what most recent MMORPG (from 2008 up to 2012) do with shadow rendering effects. Edited by EmmanuelFR
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All this is so great specially cause I give a rats butt about what my companion looks like... Let's be honest. During ops and fp we rarely see our companions. How about giving us the choice to recolor items the color we want them to have??? now that is something I'm sure everybody is looking forward to get.


I agree with this post. I don't like the fact that we are so restricted. We should be able to choose the color we want for items and not be restricted to the chest piece color. In Star Trek Online you can color your uniforms however you want to.


Customiztion greatly increases the longevity of the game imho because players identify more with their toons than when they are forced into a particular look. To me, the lack of greater customization equates to micromanagement. BW should take their thumb off of the players and give us more freedom!

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Visuals and character customization are just as important as content.


That's a bit exagerated but, yes, it are nice-to-haves.


Odd priorities, I never ever heard anyone complain about the shadows or ask for facial expressions, but I guess everyone's priorities are different.

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Hello everyone,


Please discuss this week's Quality of Life Improvements in Game Update 1.4 blog in this thread!


It's good to see you guys are committed to bringing new and exciting features to SWTOR, but I'd really like to see you guys add a feature that is similar to how level matching works in Guild Wars 2. It would be nice to be able to go back and do dungeons and quests with lower level friends without trivializing the content.

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This all looks great , the only real concern is if someone rolls need for an item in a group mission aren't they going to be tempted to leave party and sell said item within the 2 hours at the fleet ? Think carefully Bioware , because basically I know this change is supposed to improve group missions and get rid of a lot of the arguments that occur , but it seems like it might cause more arguments. Ninja looting w/e you want to call it.


As I have suggested before maybe just don't let people trade money on such items in that 2 hours ? Or something similar.


O and I second the chat bubbles , it's about time we had those , it what makes an mmorpg an mmorpg , in my eyes.






Ummm...yeah... they really don't need a timer if they are going to ninja loot like you say. If they are going to need on an item to sell it, then they are going to do it regardless if there is a timer or not. You can do that pre 1.4 already. Heed your own advice and... think carefully.

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when will we be able to get the so called dual spec like wow or somthing els


its a great thing to special in ops...were u will be able to swap in to another specc quick and able to like have a tank spec and a dps at the same time or an pvp and a pve spec


YES!!! I agree 150%.... I have been waiting for Dual Spec since pre 1.2. It would nice as an OP Healer to be able to run some quests and get them done fast as you can just pop into your DPS spec and then back into your healing spec for Fp's or OP's.

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some great updates especially the return to where you were questing option


But i like other forum users would love to see a chat bubble option added to the game (text gets lost easily now that servers got a lot more populated) plus maybe the chance to change my spec fast. Rift had a fantastic feature for doing this allowing you to load different spec's at the click of a button (dps / tank just click the button and kapow we are ready to go) .


Also maybe some sort of barbershop / beauty parlour option allowing players to customise their

characters some more. Customisation is the key to allowing players to mess about to their hearts content.

Sometimes people in real life change their look or hair. This would be great to see added to the game too.

Edited by R-Tee-Doo-Tee
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Emotions? I give it a miss. ...and to put it under "Quality of Life"? Can't figure out how it's gonna help the quality of my gameplay at all. People running around with stupid grins all the time... Seems like it may be annoying at best. Hopefully the emotions will auto-wear-off after a (not too long) set time.


The rest of it sounds good and am looking forward to it. Would like to see "dual spec" or "legacy ship mod table" as a couple REAL quality of life improvements.

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Dear Bioware Development Team:


A huge Quality of Life improvement in the UI that has been asked for time and time again since beta is this:


Can we have a way to show our OWN BUFFS // DEBUFFS // HoTS on targets and not have them blend in with the same icon that is SHARED amongst abilities? (For example: Sniper/operative dot abilities share the same icon as Marauder bleeds.)


They can glow a different color, be bigger on the target, have a white outline around them, blink in shiny disco ball colors... ANYTHING to differentiate between MY dots and EVERYONE elses.


Can you please make sure that this is the next thing on the agenda?

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