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Quality of Life Improvements in Game Update 1.4


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I'm really curious as to why this restriction on returning players to their starting locations is here at all. Is there a reason?


There are many times, especially at low levels, when the group can't kill the first boss for whatever reason, the group falls apart, and you're left stranded on Fleet. With this restriction still here, your only options are to 1) sit in queue forever waiting for a new group or 2) go through loading screen/speeder/run-to-wherever hell. It still leaves you with that moment when you're out in the middle of nowhere and the queue pops and you sit there and think, is it worth it? Nah. Decline.


Is there a reason? I'm at a loss to come up with one that makes sense, but perhaps I'm missing something.


i'm with you i really don't understand why it does not do the same as the pvp queue and place you back from where you joined i see no reason for it either.


I don't see why you have to kill a boss if the group disbands and no ones joining the GF then you have to leave without killing a boss anyway and still end up back in the fleet.


For instance i left a FP last night because i wanted to do the side quests and they did not have time so i had to leave as i didn't like the well i can always leave attitude of the healer so i said yeah me to laters, and in this instance i would be shipped off to the fleet as no bosses were killed.

I hate when people do FP and don't want to do side quests because they don't need the xp.

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This is great. The little things really do make a difference.


BTW, can we please get a hood toggle for our characters?


if its not possible because of the way the model is designed it would be good to know. I assume the answer will come in time. :)

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All very nice but they seem minor.


Getting back from a fp after using GF is annoying it might add as much as 5 mins on my day or not knowing that someone is happy to see me is now resolved I can look at their face and see their mood. All very nice quality of life improvements. But they do seem minor when the game is losing players as it has been, forced server mergers and many people losing names etc.


So all good stuff but when will we see more content and the new species or better looking armour. When will we see the subscriber numbers growing again cause people are eager to jump back in and experience the dynamic star wars universe.

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I'm really curious as to why this restriction on returning players to their starting locations is here at all. Is there a reason?


There are many times, especially at low levels, when the group can't kill the first boss for whatever reason, the group falls apart, and you're left stranded on Fleet. With this restriction still here, your only options are to 1) sit in queue forever waiting for a new group or 2) go through loading screen/speeder/run-to-wherever hell. It still leaves you with that moment when you're out in the middle of nowhere and the queue pops and you sit there and think, is it worth it? Nah. Decline.


Is there a reason? I'm at a loss to come up with one that makes sense, but perhaps I'm missing something.


My guess so jerks don't que up, hop into the flashpoint then immediately leave and use it as a free port back to fleet. Having to get in a ways or kill a boss means people looking for a quick port cant do it, i assume.


EDIT; Oh and i am very happy about these sorts of things. Small upgrades that just bit by bit make the game better. Keep at em and thanks.

Edited by Zilik
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I really love these new QOL changes and I hope to see some more in the future. I think everyone agrees that both a hood toggle and chat bubbles need to be implemented. These two are minor QOL features but I'm a little surprised that they haven't taken precedence over the new changes coming with 1.4. People have been asking for these since launch but the ones that are shown here are without a doubt changes for the better.
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I like every one of these improvements. The Group Finder teleport was especially annoying for flashpoints that leave you on Ilum, which takes a fair bit longer to load than the fleet. The option to return to where you left from will be a huge time saver. Annoying to have just landed in the Black Hole, or even burned your priority transport, to have group finder pop 2 minutes later.

I've found that using my BH priority transport is the fastest way to get the group finder to pop. :(

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Still no word on chat bubbles, I assume? That would be a quality of life improvement - especially for us roleplayers. Right now it's almost impossible for me to keep track on a conversation with more than 3-4 people.

These changes are still nice though, just wish they would add the chatbubbles.


This ^^

And toggle hood + companion toggle hood and I'll be happy, mostly.

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This all looks great , the only real concern is if someone rolls need for an item in a group mission aren't they going to be tempted to leave party and sell said item within the 2 hours at the fleet ? Think carefully Bioware , because basically I know this change is supposed to improve group missions and get rid of a lot of the arguments that occur , but it seems like it might cause more arguments. Ninja looting w/e you want to call it.


As I have suggested before maybe just don't let people trade money on such items in that 2 hours ? Or something similar.



First of all, people can still wait for everyone to roll greed and then roll need to ninja a loot item as it stands right now. They can then leave the party and vendor the item. If anything, this new system will allow someone to trade the item to someone in the group if the need rolled by accident. Secondly, with the way they have it set up in 1.4, you can only trade the loot item with people that were in your group involved with the kill. Therefore, it is impossible for someone to ninja an item, and go to the fleet to sell it to someone else within that 2 hour window because that someone else wasn't in on the kill.


I think that this new system is great because if let's say a mount drops that everyone in the group rolls need on, the winner can opt to sell it to someone in the group within the 2 hour window if they so choose. The only downside to this is if everyone starts rolling need on everything, even if they already have said item, simply to make some extra credits. However, this is pretty much the same exact system that WoW has implemented and it seems to work fine. Basic etiquette should follow where you need what you need and roll greed on everything else.

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there is a legacy perk that allows you to respec in the field, imo that is more then enough and makes a dual spec not needed.



I'd much rather be able to switch over not only my second build tree, but my secondary gear for said build with one or two clicks than to spend time setting up my respec and swapping over all of my gear while the group waits. I believe this is what everyone refers to when they talk about dual spec.

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Nice changes.


But is there so little of substance going on that THESE are the things you're shouting about from the rooftops?

They nice, as I've said. But they barely warrant a line in the patch notes - never mind a full blog post.


Are these really going to be the scale of "big changes" going forward?


"And today on News at 11... Katy of Minnesota stubbed her toe while running in the yard.

Katy, 8, said later that....."


This line intentionally left blank

Edited by Woetoo
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These are nice little improvements that they are making in the game. A quality of life improvement I would like to see though is an increase in the spawn rate for quest items and mobs. There were quests before the mergers and the mega server idea that you would have to wait for spawns if 2 people were doing it. I can't imagine the wait if 10 are on the same quest now.
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Though I like the QoL improvements, Id much rather see, upgraded/improved graphics/preformance, more custimazation, and better gear textures.


They did make improvements there for this patch, read the article regarding smoothing shadows, it also talks about better graphics... "In addition to these functional changes, there have been numerous optimizations made to the underlying core technology to reduce the load on the player’s computer. In most cases, players should notice an improvement to framerate compared to the previous system. Players with high-end AMD CrossFire or Nvidia SLI machines should notice a large improvement when running the game with the new shadow system."

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Believe it or not, things like this really add to an MMORPG. 1.4 looks like a really good update. I cant wait for the new space maps and eventually the new planet.


EA, I think it is silly to be a wow killer . There are hundreds of elements from BioWare games that made BioWare great that are not in this game and should be. Those are the signature BioWare designs that make a game a BioWare game, not a Blizzard game. And I mean this with the utmost respect for your team and all the hard work they have accomplished with this game. There are elements of KOTOR I and II that should be in this game that have flooded the message boards.


As I am learning the UT III UDK tools on my own and learning Objective C I just want to say thank you to the programmers.

Edited by Lateris
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These are great. The unify color and helmet off for Companions and the Delayed Binding are things I'm really looking forward to.


1. Echoing the request for a 'hoods down/toggle' for Jedi and Sith--it was really annoying that I had to put my Jedi Knight into Social Gear just so I could see her face during cut scenes.


2. Also, another vote for chat bubbles.


And for two I haven't seen mentioned in this thread yet:

3. A barber shop

4. Gear dyes/re-color options

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This is really really nice but we need more Llike Keybind copy and paste . , Schamattc's that tell us if you know it on the boss , or in GTN as well as mounts etc . shift click a limks to GTN .More Improved Skill book .


This is a really realy nice startt.......

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