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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quality of Life Improvements in Game Update 1.4


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Very happy to see these little changes too. I know there are things other people really want and have been talking about for a long time, but since I started playing one of my big things has been companion head gear. I'm ecstatic that we'll be able to hide their head gear. For me it'll add a lot to the cinematic quality of the game and the visual appeal.


The companion color matching is also a great thing. No more companions looking like patchwork hobos! My Trooper's companions can look like a military unit! :mon_biggrin:

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Very happy to see these little changes too. I know there are things other people really want and have been talking about for a long time, but since I started playing one of my big things has been companion head gear. I'm ecstatic that we'll be able to hide their head gear. For me it'll add a lot to the cinematic quality of the game and the visual appeal.


The companion color matching is also a great thing. No more companions looking like patchwork hobos! My Trooper's companions can look like a military unit! :mon_biggrin:


Yeah but he's still gonna drag his rifle and autocannon around in the dirt while he's standing idle. At least they will look good.

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With the focus on rerolls, why is there not, to this day, all gear Bind on Legacy? Why can`t I send ANY gear freely among alts? THAT is quality of life, not a monkey face.


So that you have to grind gear for each of your characters, and companions. If you were able to move any item to any char, you would only have to earn 4 sets of gear, and then you could move them to each of your characters as you wish.

They could keep the item unbound until you chose a character to permanently use it. Otherwise it has to be all or nothing.



Keep up the good work BioWare! I like the companion gear changes, and the character moods should be fun for the times spent waiting for wz pops.

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How about an actual armor dye system instead of the craptastic 'match chest' garbage?


Hell, it sucks so bad that even BioWare hated it and took it out at one point.


You want to talk 'quality of life improvements'? Here are some that we've been telling you about for over a year now.


1) better character customization options! Even the game NPCs all look like they were grown in a vat on Kamino. It's a bit ridiculous for several distinct races to have the exact same faces, etc.. with just skin coloring or tats to diffrentiate them.


2) Armor dye. If Trion and other less well known developers could do it, you have no excuse. They didn't have near the budget or resources you have, and they managed to do a good job with it. (They also have far better looking gear, but that's another can of worms you've ignored since Beta....)


3) Keybind import/export. If nothing else, put the file on OUR hard drive, instead of the server. There's nothing critical in there that can be hacked or otherwise exploited, so there's no real reason NOT to have it easily accessible to the player.


4) Fix the broken camera controls that have been a known issue since Beta. ( Preferences - Controls - Camera Rotation Speed) The slider has no effect when set to anything other than the initial default value. Setting this slider to any other position will result in a temporary change in camera rotation speed, then will revert to the default setting, despite the slider remaining the position you selected., be it 0 or 100.


At one point you had a threadnaught with all sorts of data in it on various mouse types, manufaturers, etc.. and appeared to be doing something about it. You even hinted that it might be an issue with a few (Razer was one you mentioned) and were allegedly working with them to fix this. What happened? Why is it still broken a year later?


5) The GTN would benefit greatly from a more robust search feature and filters. When searching for armor or schematics, for example, it would be beneficial to be able to filter out items usable only by the opposite faction. As a Sith, I have no interest in armor that can only be used by a Jedi, for example. If I want to search for blue prototype items, I should be able to search for just those, not every rarity above it as well. The whole point of filtering the results is to eliminate data we have no interest in.


While you're in there, fix the dozens of schematics and other items that will not appear when doing a text search for them. The only way to locate them is to do a general search on the item type and scroll through 100+ pages to see if it's there or not.


6) NPC conversation lag has resurfaced. EX: Leaving Nem'Ro's Palace, you can hear one NPC trying to impress a Twi'lek dancer. The conversation will drop off for a moment, then complete itself somewhere else in the gameworld a few moments later, usually while you're on a taxi.


This happens on nearly every planet that I know of so far, with various NPC conversations. This too was reported in the Beta, and was reported fixed at least once since release


7) Load times are just ridiculously long. Everything from character select to entering a ship takes far longer than one would expect. In general, the further you progress on a given character, the longer the load times get.


8) Exiting the game, like the load times, takes far longer than it should. Often several minutes before the game finally exits completely.


9) Optimization. Seriously. Just do it already.


Every one of those has been a topic that has been brought up time and again since Beta. You'd think by now someone on your end would have addressed them. I'll give you points for improving the GTN over what we had at release, but not many, since you only gave it a halfhearted attempt and didn't do a thorough job of it.

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So that you have to grind gear for each of your characters, and companions. If you were able to move any item to any char, you would only have to earn 4 sets of gear, and then you could move them to each of your characters as you wish.

They could keep the item unbound until you chose a character to permanently use it. Otherwise it has to be all or nothing.

I would also like to have all bound items bound on legacy. Why? It's simple. At times, specific roles are needed in groups. Now, for example, I had a fully geared healer already but my DPSer still needs gear. But my group needs me as a healer, because there are no others around. If everything was bound to legacy, I could go along with my healer and get gear for my DPSer that there is no room for in the group instead of insisting on going with my DPSer and a bunch of players can't participate in the content because they are down on healer and can't find any that are willing to come. Just an example, but it shows how having everything bound to legacy can be a really helpful quality of life improvement.
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So that you have to grind gear for each of your characters, and companions. If you were able to move any item to any char, you would only have to earn 4 sets of gear, and then you could move them to each of your characters as you wish.

They could keep the item unbound until you chose a character to permanently use it. Otherwise it has to be all or nothing.



Keep up the good work BioWare! I like the companion gear changes, and the character moods should be fun for the times spent waiting for wz pops.


Wrong. It is my gear that I already have. I grinded for it already. All I am asking is to be able to move it around to my alts that actually could use it, instead of buying it, get the mods out and lose the gear bonus.


Heck, even your suggestion is better than what we have.. have it unbound until one character uses the token, there we go. So only the token is bind on legacy.

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I would request that with the addition of these /cheery, etc mood adjusters, could you finally add the ability for the engine to load characters in their current *stance*? I.e., if a player that hasn't loaded yours yet does whilst yours is sitting, could you allow that player to actually see that player as standing as he loads?


Otherwise, with all of these mood emotes, you could permanently see your character as /cheery when all the new players that load into your area would see you as normal, not /cheery. It would make us have to constantly type /cheery over and again, etc.


I believe WoW and other MMO's have done this that are far older. Can TOR do this now as well, please?

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Nice. These all sound good. I'm especially glad to see the companion gear options and being able to port back to questing location after a flashpoint. It's super annoying having to choose between entering a flashpoint when available and trekking back to where I am after or finishing my questing and waiting in a queue again.


Look forward to it, but what about the hood toggle?


I actually would really like this, too.

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How about adding...


The ability to "friend" alts of the opposite faction?


Automatically having all characters on your account "friended"?


Faster respawns of persistent world daily quest objectives, i.e. all the various Black Hole objective items that take 5 minutes to show back up?

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How about adding...


The ability to "friend" alts of the opposite faction?


Automatically having all characters on your account "friended"?


Faster respawns of persistent world daily quest objectives, i.e. all the various Black Hole objective items that take 5 minutes to show back up?


I think that's good :)

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Quality of Life?


Here's some facts:



  • My household has gone from 4 accounts, to 1.
  • None of the Definitive Issues with TOR have been addressed as described in detail here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=398179
  • My avatars are still stranded on different servers, that with game design changes since launch (Legacy and others) are now desired to be on the same server - and can't get a transfer as described here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=533873
  • While I leveled one avatar with OPS and Flashpoints, it was such a gear grind and guild-dependent (Definitive Issues #VI and #IX of above referenced thread) that I now for some time no longer enjoy end game, and simply spend my time leveling alts casually. It's a tiresome game experience as leveling alts brings to bear almost all of the other Definitive Issues.


Please get on the ball.

Edited by BlueDestiny
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Nice idea for the mood features finally get some nice facial expressions.


But I am still saddened that that facial expressions won't show on the emotes like when I type / angry she dose the tremble with anger but her face expression is neutral still so if you can have the facial expressions for those emotes also that will make the expressions more realistic.

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The one thing I am really, really missing is clothes dyes. If there's one thing that would significantly improve a player's ability to fully customize their character, it would be the ability to pick what colour their gear was, and not just "match" the colours to their chest piece.
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