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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Consolidated Post: APAC/Oceanic Server Concerns


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Because not everyone wants to be pushed into a ruleset they don't want to play in.


If they choose to merge the APAC servers I will be putting in a ticket to transfer to Begeren Colony.


It's called choice, people would like it. I really don't see why this is such a problem for you


Did you not read the rest? I was saying that any optional server transfers will only lead to the server actually completely dying as the people leaving will only cause even lower populations on servers like MDN...


At the very least the PVP server needs to be merged into the PVE one, RP can try stand on its own in my opinion.


I haven't seen a single enemy faction player(as republic) in my leveling on the PVP server, it may as well be PVE. But if you offer optional transfers from PVP to PVE, if 40% of the PVP players leave, the other 60% are pretty much forced to as there server is even more worse off.


People will leave because others are leaving, and the stubborn ones will leave too eventually because there isnt even stubborn people to make a server live.

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At the very least the PVP server needs to be merged into the PVE one.


Uhh no we don't want a bunch of angry people forcibly merged into our servers. Imagine the aggression in general chat. Let alone in open world when they discover the buggy flagging. No thanks. It'll scare all our good people off and the pvp server people will destroy yet another server.


Give them transfers, but don't merge.

Edited by lollie
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Uhh no we don't want a bunch of angry people forcibly merged into our servers. Imagine the aggression in general chat. Let alone in open world when they discover the buggy flagging. No thanks. It'll scare all our good people off and the pvp server people will destroy yet another server.


Give them transfers, but don't merge.


Stop posting, honestly.

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Uhh no we don't want a bunch of angry people forcibly merged into our servers. Imagine the aggression in general chat. Let alone in open world when they discover the buggy flagging. No thanks. It'll scare all our good people off and the pvp server people will destroy yet another server.


Give them transfers, but don't merge.


What if we all transferred to Dalborra?

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What if we all transferred to Dalborra?


That'd be because you wanted to be there...people forced there are going to be pissy. I've seen how aggressive the pvp server people are in this thread, personally I don't care what happens to a lot of the guys in this thread after all the trash talk I've seen. Nothing good is going to come of any forced merge. They destroyed their own server, why let them come at ours?


If you all decided to grief people after choosing to transfer to a pve server then we'd have problems. In that case, maybe they should just transfer the pvp server people to the US pvp server ruleset if you can't respect pve ruleset.

Edited by lollie
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What if we all transferred to Dalborra?


On the large scale they would be most welcomed as there are alot that PVP and new blood for both groups would be appreciated (not myself as i dont PVP :) ) but the thought of getting faster pops for SM ops and HM FPs is a pleasing thought!! and those that dont like PVP can carry on as usual and if you see oposing side as an overt turn off your companions AOE attacks and use single target attacks till they move on... EASY FIX!! :)

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What if we all transferred to Dalborra?


No. That's a substantial change in game type for most of the playerbase. It should be just as I've been saying for the last 5 months now. Offer the ability to choose transfer anywhere you want. If people leave the Pacific playerbase, then they leave it because they want a different gaming experience. If they don't get the change, eventually they will get sick of dealing with having their game type removed and go some place else.


You can't force people to stay on in pacific just because you want more players. You have to give them a reason to stay. Forcing people to stay will just end up with the unhappy people leaving, which puts you back in the same situation, worse because instead of just losing pacific numbers, bioware has lost subs.

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Uhh no we don't want a bunch of angry people forcibly merged into our servers. Imagine the aggression in general chat. Let alone in open world when they discover the buggy flagging. No thanks. It'll scare all our good people off and the pvp server people will destroy yet another server.


Give them transfers, but don't merge.

The anger and aggression is 100% to do with the fact that the game is unplayable for us and 100% nothing to do with the style of server we play on.

I also play on PvE servers and have NEVER used the bug to gank someone...your entire post and most of your other posts is wrong inflammatory and god damned insulting!

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That'd be because you wanted to be there...people forced there are going to be pissy. I've seen how aggressive the pvp server people are in this thread, personally I don't care what happens to a lot of the guys in this thread after all the trash talk I've seen. Nothing good is going to come of any forced merge. They destroyed their own server, why let them come at ours?


If you all decided to grief people after choosing to transfer to a pve server then we'd have problems. In that case, maybe they should just transfer the pvp server people to the US pvp server ruleset if you can't respect pve ruleset.

You don't know what yo are talking about. I am not a PvP player but I know they didn't ruin their server more than any of the rest of us ruined ours. PvP is however, more of a "More the Merrier" deal. SO I'm sure more PvP players were inclined to go to the US, sub 50 PvP seems almost as popular as the endgame too, so it's less daunting to move anyway. I have never seen any harassment from PvP players, of course I have been playing on the RP servers.

And though the influx of awesome player names like Noobgobbler that will come with a server merge will cause more cringes per hour than I normally see, I'm willing to grin and bear it ;)

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No wonder BioWare doesn't reply to this thread anymore, it's painful to read through the amount of **** you guys talk at each other. Let's not forget this thread was made to get a proactive solution to the population issues on ALL of the APAC servers.


You should all be ashamed at what you've turned this thread into. What happened to keeping it constructive?

Edited by Chaori
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That'd be because you wanted to be there...people forced there are going to be pissy. I've seen how aggressive the pvp server people are in this thread, personally I don't care what happens to a lot of the guys in this thread after all the trash talk I've seen. Nothing good is going to come of any forced merge. They destroyed their own server, why let them come at ours?


If you all decided to grief people after choosing to transfer to a pve server then we'd have problems. In that case, maybe they should just transfer the pvp server people to the US pvp server ruleset if you can't respect pve ruleset.


I'm a pver at heart, I do enjoy alittle Wzing here and there and I do enjoy jumping somone my own level thats flagged from time to time.ALot of the people in my guild are in the same boat. 95% of the time that I see an imp I basically ignore and get ignored,


We are not all angry pvpers with planet destroying epeens.

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I agree. In fact despite the squabbling here about what action needs to be taken, I think everyone on the Oceania server has had enough of the current situation, and can agree that no matter what the action is, something HAS to be done.


With this in mind, I've taken the route of creating an online petition. Because like many of you, I may have a preferred solution in mind, but above all else, I want SOMETHING done to fix this issue of a dwindling playerbase.


Sign this petition if you agree.


Edited by Selvec
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i actually want to go from oceanic realm to my friends US server. while this will affect my latency i realize for me to play this game i need to be somewhere with people to play with. but i think as far as the oceanic servers are concerned there needs to be only 1 and it might still struggle to get above standard pop.
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Can we please stop this nonsense going on and focus on my original post.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but lets leave the flaming and generalizations out of this thread.


Back on topic:


Surely a decision must be made soon as to what they are going to do!!! I would really like to know the running costs for Master Dar'Nala, im sure it costs more to run than the financial contributions of the handfull of people still playing on the server! Please get the ball rolling with this topic and let the community know what is going on so we can plan for it and stop all the speculation and "what if" scenarios!!!

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I agree. In fact despite the squabbling here about what action needs to be taken, I think everyone on the Oceania server has had enough of the current situation, and can agree that no matter what the action is, something HAS to be done.


With this in mind, I've taken the route of creating an online petition. Because like many of you, I may have a preferred solution in mind, but above all else, I want SOMETHING done to fix this issue of a dwindling playerbase.

Sign this petition if you agree.



Posted last night that I'd signed this petition and this morning my post was mysteriously removed...interesting.

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I downloaded the f2p game ps2 while waiting for the servers to come back online after maintenance

So i start the game and I find they have given the Apac region 1server and is full of people and lots of fun

I'm just going to play this until bioware sort it out ... Over it

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