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Free Jung Ma


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I sent a request in for a transfer, a few days ago. They got back to me today.


"Greetings XXXXX,


I am Protocol Droid A0-L2, Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us regarding your server transfer request to The Bastion.


I understand that you wanted to play on the server where you feel most comfortable. However, your request cannot be granted. The server merge transfers character to the high population servers, however, the destination of characters are fixed.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.




Protocol Droid A0-L2 (aka Michael)

Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service


Now you can invite your friends to try out Star Wars: The Old Republic for free. Visit http://www.swtor.com/info/friends for more information, and help them get started today!


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!



This was my response:


Good Evening,


I understand and I appreciate your time.


I will be closing my account before the next cycle.


Thank You,



So I have 8 days left.


What exactly did you ask for? Seems the stupid droid took it to mean you didn't want to be on a pvp-rp server and not that it was a population issue.

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What exactly did you ask for? Seems the stupid droid took it to mean you didn't want to be on a pvp-rp server and not that it was a population issue.


I think the response I got was a generic garbage response. A fancy way of saying that I'm not important and don't ask. LOL

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Alright, this isn't whining, this is paying for a service. I want to play a MMO, I pay every month so I can play a MMO and interact with people. Jung Ma fleet can hit a max of 100 people at prime time, Ebon Hawk, hits around 270. My ques for FPs, Wz's and guilds are scattering off. I hear people are waiting for 1.4, but it isn't a content patch.


So, bottom line. I don't need to pay a monthly subscription to play mostly alone. There are other options available and if I am not a happy customer, I am not a paying customer. I have put a lot of time into the many characters, their gear, and what not. I do not wish to do all that again, I want to enjoy the "fruits of my labor".


There are only a few servers, the server requests would not be "overwhelming" at this point. Open transfers, let the pops settle out. Otherwise, there is always something else to play.

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If they allow people to leave servers at will it will kill Jung-Ma and I find the rp-pvp servers to be my favorite. The server pop would have been fine if Bioware had not let all the ajunta pall people leave (this is coming from some one who started on ajunta pall) And even after the ajunta people left the population was fine untill the doomsday predicters started wailing abouthaving to wait 3 minutes for a warzone pop and started a this server is dying panic and a bunch of people rerolled thus cuasing a demise of the pop.

If bioware wants to fix the populations they should allow people to transfer in not out, it wont bring in a lot of people but it should at least stabilize jung-ma. not to mention Free to play will bring up populations for all the servers.

And I DO NOT want to be moved to some mega server where i have to wait 5 mins to kill a mob just so i can get my daily.


The servers have been merged enough, open transfers into the lower pop servers not out, I love RP-PvP servers I find that they have the most mature players and other than the doomsday people rp-pvp servers have the most supportive population even if its smaller.

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The biggest problem facing Jung Ma isn't the doomsayers, it was the death of Ilum. Open world PVP is useless.... USELESS.


Sure, when I rolling around and I see a Republic player I like the ability to kill him and I take every chance I can. I like to be able to protect PVE spawns, it would be annoying to have a pub player roll by and not to be able to kill him.


But, everyday people are afraid of getting ganked, so they roll on PVE servers. Since bioware has no plans to reintroduce Illum, or open PVP awards, Jung Ma is outdated as a RP server. The PVPers went to Fatman, the RPers went to Ebon Hawk. Jung Ma is now a bastard.

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If they allow people to leave servers at will it will kill Jung-Ma and I find the rp-pvp servers to be my favorite. The server pop would have been fine if Bioware had not let all the ajunta pall people leave (this is coming from some one who started on ajunta pall) And even after the ajunta people left the population was fine untill the doomsday predicters started wailing abouthaving to wait 3 minutes for a warzone pop and started a this server is dying panic and a bunch of people rerolled thus cuasing a demise of the pop.

If bioware wants to fix the populations they should allow people to transfer in not out, it wont bring in a lot of people but it should at least stabilize jung-ma. not to mention Free to play will bring up populations for all the servers.

And I DO NOT want to be moved to some mega server where i have to wait 5 mins to kill a mob just so i can get my daily.


The servers have been merged enough, open transfers into the lower pop servers not out, I love RP-PvP servers I find that they have the most mature players and other than the doomsday people rp-pvp servers have the most supportive population even if its smaller.


Yes blame the players, not the actual garbage product.

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The only way F2P will work is if the other servers fill up. I don't think that will work. If Bioware had a way to make open PVP worth it, then people would flock to the PVP servers.


Otherwise, it's WZ's all around. I can WZ on a PVE server.


As a point, Ebon Hawk has 171 people on Drumond Kaas right now. Jung Ma has 71 people in FLEET.

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<< The servers have been merged enough, open transfers into the lower pop servers not out, I love RP-PvP servers I find that they have the most mature players and other than the doomsday people rp-pvp servers have the most supportive population even if its smaller... >>


I'm not going to address the "it's the doomsayers fault for letting ppl from AP escape to the Bastion after the first merge" train of thought.


I disagree that the servers have been merged enough but do agree that if they allow transfers out, Jung Ma will lose more players. There's <70 on fleet rep side right now, that's less than there were last week at this time and much less than there were last month at this time (and starting tomorrow, well, who knows?). JM is basically dead right now especially if you don't play during prime time. Other servers are g2g. I don't think BW's doing the fair thing by not allowing us to merge with a populated server and don't agree that players should be forced to choose between re-rolling or playing on a dead server just for the sake of those trying to prop up a horse with a broken leg. This is not about regular wz pops or queues - in VZ's last weeks it had half of JM's population and WZs were still happening (during prime time at any rate) even if it was mostly the same teams fighting each other over and over. This is about everything else - GTN, group finder queues, guild selections/choices, general chat, RATED wzs, bumping into people (friends and enemies) while questing, etc..


While JM had 110+ in fleet I was fine - not complaining even though all of the things I mentioned above were worse than on other servers. But now? I saw the same spiral with Ven Zallow - there is no end with a decent pop unless f2p makes a big difference. But even there, most of the smart, informed, f2p players are going to go to the bigger servers.


You can always roleplay on other servers, even the pvp ones. And I've found decent people on all of the servers I've played on (Fatman, POT5, VZ, JM).

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There were over 100 people on the fleet at one point and between 30 to 50+ during non peak hours , which is still way better here than it was prior to the initial server transfers so I wouldn't say it's dead.


Agreed. I think saying the server is dead is an overstatement. However, Jung Ma could definitely use some love. Preferably, just let us transfer to Pot5.

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Republic side was still dead last night. After waiting in the queue on my sage for 20 minutes I gave up and logged out.


Explains why all my PVP fights on the imp side have become a rotation of playing the same faction players over and over again.


Bioware..please give us transfer! I don't care about a new ops, facial expression, or shadow changes. We want to play with people!!!

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Gonna have to agree.


There was around 100 or so people on the Republic Fleet last night but I heard other servers now have way more at peak times.


It's crazy this game still doesn't have paid server transfers. It's come to the point where I wouldn't mind paying to have the freedom to choose which server I want.

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Last night it hit me the most. While I am on the west coast, I still look at these numbers and...sad panda. This was probably around 10 pm PST (1 am Server)


Fleet - 60 avg. (Fluctauted between 40 and 80 at the highest)

Nar Shadda - 7 people

Tattooine - 4 people

Alderaan - 3 people (Hasn't exceeded 20 in about a week...imp or pub)



I think I'm also annoyed a little at the community though.

"Just merge us with [x pvp server]!" This was the most common complaint I've been hearing. Weeell...Jung Ma isn't just a PvP server. It's and RP server first. If you wanted straight PvP, there was literally 5+ other servers to join...why did you join this server?


However...RP people...seem to be all but gone this past week or two. RP channels on both Pub and Imp side seem to have dwindled to a handful of people, normal watering holes are drying up (from my perspective) and it just appears that the RP has left the RP-PvP server. So...I can't get too upset at the people asking for straight server merge to a PvP server. For me, I noticed the biggest decline right around the time they did super servers. Then GW2 came out. (or vice versa). Then Exams were happening for a large number of schools. And now...it's become rather unpleasant.



Is that why it hasn't been merged, because it's RP-PvP? More then likely.

Should they still allow transfer off for the people just looking for PvP? Yep. Without a doubt.

Will it see a numbers increase when F2P hits? Possibly


I honestly don't think they'll ever merge this server unless numbers after F2P really show "zero" activity and I don't think we'll see Server Transfers happen till after the F2P hits either.

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<< If you wanted straight PvP, there was literally 5+ other servers to join...why did you join this server? >>


When I joined the server (Ven Zallow) it was not clear to me that the "RP" title would not mean much. Also, for that matter, the "PVP" title doesn't mean much. But the server was packed. There was no downside to joining a Rp-PVP server. At this point I don't care what server type that I join, they're all basically the same: I want a server full of players vs one without. POT5 has lots of players (probably more than the east coast rp server but I haven't checked). I am all for giving us a choice over which servers to transfer to (like AP and, I think, the EU RP-PVP servers got a choice of types). But I wish we were in the initial merge list to POT5 because then I would have had a chance to keep my character names which are all taken, everywhere. But POT5 is where I'm currently playing.

Edited by WaywardOne
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