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reposted again.. warzone leavers


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untill they fix the unbalanced matches...i will leave everytime. im tired of losing to premades all day, they farm solo queue warfronts, since its alot easier to farm than ranked. Fix the queues and the matched queues and maybe ppl wont leave games...
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There are a lot of unbalanced matches that I've been, especially recently. Unless they go by gear and start keeping track of numbers that characters pull in the matches I'm not sure if there is much that they(the devs) can do about it. I've seen Marauders and Powertechs out damage everyone in a warzone, and I've done the same with my geared sorcerer. Is it a matter of classes being too overpowered or a matter of people know what works? The premades should be put into warzones against other premades though.
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Imposing penalties for leaving warzones will cause me to quit playing this game plain and simple. I pay my subscription fee like everyone else. I shouldn't have to stay in a warzone with under geared/ under educated players.

I shouldn't have a debuff when something comes up and instead of afking in the match.


How about splitting war zones by expertise level and you wouldn't have so many leavers. How about bioware actually post some guides on effective warzone strategy instead of leaving it up to players.


Really the more I think on it, any sort of debuff or negative impact for leaving a match early is simply developers taking the easy way out rather than addressing the underlying issues causing the problems.

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Imposing penalties for leaving warzones will cause me to quit playing this game plain and simple. I pay my subscription fee like everyone else. I shouldn't have to stay in a warzone with under geared/ under educated players.

I shouldn't have a debuff when something comes up and instead of afking in the match.


How about splitting war zones by expertise level and you wouldn't have so many leavers. How about bioware actually post some guides on effective warzone strategy instead of leaving it up to players.


Really the more I think on it, any sort of debuff or negative impact for leaving a match early is simply developers taking the easy way out rather than addressing the underlying issues causing the problems.



While I agree with the under educated part. Under geared?, everyone starts at recruit you can't put this on guys who know what their doing but can't contribute the same as wh guys. That's just pathetic you can't put this on them. There are a lot of imbeciles at times

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Please hit DELETE now Thank you for leaving...


Jk lol


Coming from someone that cant even use a simple mechanic like quote correctly!


Yeah Ill file this responce under the G file!


But hey thanks for staying on topic and contributing to the thread!


PS: Just jokeing :rolleyes:

Edited by Kalfear
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Sorry, I don't enjoy that, and since I pay a sub to play a game that is supposed to be fun I am not going to stick around when I'm not having fun. Simple as that. That's also pretty much the *only* reason why I'll leave a warzone - but make no mistake about it, I will leave.


/end QQ


That is zxactly how I feel. When your PUG is getting roflstomped by a coordinated premade and nothing in the WZ is fun, but just boring or aggravating, there is simply no reason to stay.

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Solution is simple and Ive argued it since this game launched and now that we have ranked its even easier.


Premades should only and I mean only be allowed to group for ranked. Otherwise you have to click solo and these would be the regular warzones


Bioware I swear to you if you did this the warzone quitting would stop.


The gear disadvantage I see, and Im full warhero, is absolutely disheartening in some matches and some of the recruit geared and raid geared teams Ive played on are trying their best but there is absolutely no way they can win and within 3 minutes of the match starting its simply players being farmed by premades who dont want a challenge, they want easy kills. Ive heard through the grapevine many of these regular premade warzone teams are themselves getting farmed by a few select premades in ranked, this their desire to be top dogs in easier matches.


Ive also seen postings in gen chat by players forming ranked teams with the express purpose of losing . Ive also seen prompts to join teams to kill trade for regular matches. All this is disheartening and actually quite disgusting but to be expected.


When you take this in account with the gear gap, players exploiting, and players just afking to get their coms regardless of the objective...I have to ask why punishing players for leaving matches would improve the situation.


1)queues will get longer

2)I believe kill trading arrangements will increase

3)players will cancel subs


Essentially, if you wish to prevent war zone quitting you have to be honest and admit that the group matching and pvp warzone matches arent friendly towards pugs and reward premades. In fact, communication is almost essential for Hutball to succeed, a warzone type unlike any of the others. I'd even argue its not a warzone, its a sport match designed for premades.


So if you can go back and consider a redesign and then consider warzone penalties Id support. Otherwise, all you will do is further damage pvp in this game. Perhaps, what you could consider is changing the rewards for a warzone win based on the type of match. In many cases, the player defending the turret, bunker or door isnt being properly rewarded, while the idiots who medal hunt and ignore the team objectives gets the most medals, even though his/her team loses. You could even change the medal awards based on whether you are the defender or the attacker in the match. FInally, give us the dang option to select the match we want to play, it will prevent warzone quitting as well. Reward good play, dont assist and enable bad play is all I really want to see. I hope this gives some positives and an explanation why i see warzone quitting occur.

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Doing this is like a double edged sword almost. I know people in other games that have penalties for quitting have their systems freeze or their internet crap out on them and then they get back on only to discover that they have a penalty for leaving when it wasn't even their fault in the first place. It would be nice to determine if someone left or if someone got ******* on by something outside of their control.
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Solution is simple and Ive argued it since this game launched and now that we have ranked its even easier.


Premades should only and I mean only be allowed to group for ranked. Otherwise you have to click solo and these would be the regular warzones


Bioware I swear to you if you did this the warzone quitting would stop.


I'd probably stop queuing at all. I almost always play with guildies in a 2-4 man premade because honestly even when you get on a team of awful pugs at least misery loves company. Even when we have 8 people on though all PVPing we rarely have the right people to really be competitive in ranked from a setup perspective unless we've specifically made a day for it. if I couldn't team up with my guild mates I'd probably just stop PVPing altogether.


After server mergers it might be possible to allow 4 man queues for ranked war zones or some sort of tier splitting, but only till more people quit. Lets not pretend this game isn't going to keep bleeding subs.

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While I agree with the under educated part. Under geared?, everyone starts at recruit you can't put this on guys who know what their doing but can't contribute the same as wh guys. That's just pathetic you can't put this on them. There are a lot of imbeciles at times



I'm not blaming someone for being under geared. You're right, you can't really blame them. However, why should I try to carry a team when I'm the only full war hero in the match. And that's why I advocate breaking down the cues by expertiese rating.

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I'm not blaming someone for being under geared. You're right, you can't really blame them. However, why should I try to carry a team when I'm the only full war hero in the match. And that's why I advocate breaking down the cues by expertiese rating.


If your issue is being the only WH geared player, then you need to be in rateds where that is the expectation. In regular, I don't expect everybody to be in augmented BM or WH. I just expect that you at least have Recruit because there is no excuse for not having it. Regular is not the "WH Only" bracket.

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Hey everyone! I talked to Senior PvP Designer Rob Hinkle about the issue of players leaving normal Warzones. This is something that's important to us, and if we introduce any changes to the system, we want to make sure we do it right. To that end, we're considering several options, like applying the deserter debuff we have for Ranked (or another penalty for leaving) or the possibility of additional incentives to stay in the Warzone. We'll keep you updated on any changes and appreciate your feedback!


So what about those who DC? A debuff for that? To add: I always freeze while on Voidstar, so I leave immediately before the game even starts so someone can fill my spot....do I deserve punishment for this? :confused::(


Just food for thought for you guys.

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So what about those who DC? A debuff for that? To add: I always freeze while on Voidstar, so I leave immediately before the game even starts so someone can fill my spot....do I deserve punishment for this? :confused::(


Just food for thought for you guys.


If they do it right (in my opinion) there'll be a grace period at the start when people can leave without penalty.


I have absolutely no problem with people leaving as the team is forming in the starting area. It rarely causes problems as the teams refill quickly (at least right now as the new servers are flush with people) so no harm no foul.

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There should be a punishment for leaving.


Players that always leave if its not going their way are the people complaining at 50 that pvp is too hard blah blah gear too big a factor.


Gear is a lot smaller factor than knowing how to play, not ever battleground is going to go your way even if you're in a pre-made.


Fine as along as they have an even more extreme punishment for "fixing matches" with premades, people screaming at noobs, or for people hacking. They caused all this. So they deserve even more punishment. They MAKE people leave. You should go after them instead. Pull the "root' and you'll get the weed.


It's unfair to penalize people for leaving WZ's when WZ's can be so unfair.

Edited by NoaFlux
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So after reading this thread originally the other day I entered game and went to do my Daily PVP and ended up in a group with the famous AFKer who stays the entire match but does nothing at all.


So marked down name and time and submitted a report citing this thread and the possibilities of players like this guy getting rewards and those of us who would normally leave a group with a AFKer (as any sane person should imo, why force yourself to be even more shorthanded then gear and premades already make you?) would be punished.


Last night I got a reply in form of Live Agent in game who read my report, read this thread and the counter arguments, and is investigating the AFKer I reported (they have the combat logs at disposal so can look this all up and verify it all).


Agent made no promises other then many good points against rewards/punishments being made here in thread and they will investigate my report to see whats going on and ALL INFORMATION will be forwarded to the dev team in charge of this issue so a fair and reasonable counter argument can be made!


And I personally thank them for that (trust me I don't do that often in this game).


So just wanted to say they are getting our responses and they will be factored into the final decision.


That's all I can ask for on that front.

Still wont pay for a game that rewards players who don't try for objectives and/or go afk in war zones.

But least the lines of communication are open for both sides.

Edited by Kalfear
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OK, for the first time ever, I just deliberately exited a Warzone match (Alderaan Civil War) in the middle of the battle.


My reason?


Obnoxious, self-appointed ops leaders who have no interest in coordination and are only interested in farming commendations and other players. In my case, I came out of stealth mode at the vulnerable 'snow' node and was trying to cap it but was being harassed by a lone sage/healer. I called out for help a couple of times, but all I got back was stupid 'L2P' responses. After a minute or so of mid-battle snark from my own team mates, I told them good luck and punched out. I did not like to do it, but it was clear that this particular "elite" crew had no interest in mutual cooperation or winning as a team.


So yeah, there are instances when it's best just to leave a totally dysfunctional group and re-queue for another warzone with better players.

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Ive also seen postings in gen chat by players forming ranked teams with the express purpose of losing . Ive also seen prompts to join teams to kill trade for regular matches. All this is disheartening and actually quite disgusting but to be expected.


Yup, I've seen that too, both in gen chat and in the battle. And nothing ticks me off more than to see members of my own team standing around dancing or blowing kisses at each other while farming defense commendations. In a Novare Coast match earlier today, my team all but gave up at the outset, even though the other team had left its "west" node undefended. I ran over (in stealth mode) and quickly capped it on my own while my team mates were dancing, and immediately got the chat response 'Seriously?' As it happened, they started playing again and we ended up having a fairly tight match, even though we still lost.


In many cases, the player defending the turret, bunker or door isnt being properly rewarded, while the idiots who medal hunt and ignore the team objectives gets the most medals, even though his/her team loses. You could even change the medal awards based on whether you are the defender or the attacker in the match.


Truer words have never been spoken!

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Hey everyone! I talked to Senior PvP Designer Rob Hinkle about the issue of players leaving normal Warzones. This is something that's important to us, and if we introduce any changes to the system, we want to make sure we do it right. To that end, we're considering several options, like applying the deserter debuff we have for Ranked (or another penalty for leaving) or the possibility of additional incentives to stay in the Warzone. We'll keep you updated on any changes and appreciate your feedback!


add a penalty = /unsub

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Simple fix:


If you rage quit. You can't requeue till the match you left is over PLUS everybody in it has left or 2mins have past.

That way the quitter is kind of punished and the team members he abandoned have had a chance to requeue ahead of him.

I'd also like to add a shameing title to their characters name but that's just me being mean.

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