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An in-depth look at: Order 66


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I'm sure many of you remember my previous thread titled An in-depth look at: Revan, and I decided to turn it into the beginning of a series of threads. This thread series is meant to shed some light on certain events, people etc. I will be providing a look at certain topics using my personal opinion as well as canon facts.


So this thread's topic is Order 66.


There have been some misconceptions brought about by Order 66, specifically the strength of the Jedi Order. I will attempt to shed some light on these misconceptions as well as provide some background on this event for those who may not know what exactly was going on.


Order 66 officially started with an attack on the Jedi Temple led by Darth Vader. After the death of Mace Windu, Darth Sidious sent Darth Vader, as well as the 501st legion, to destroy the Jedi Temple. The attack caught the Jedi Order off guard. The Temple had only a few Jedi Masters guarding it. These masters, while powerful in their own right, were no match for Darth Vader and his Clone Legion. Directing the Jedi Temple's defense were Jedi Masters Cin Drallig and Shaak Ti, who were Darth Vaders biggest threats in the Temple. Faced with overwhelming odds, Shaak Ti fled the Temple in hopes that she could keep the Jedi Order alive. Cin Drallig was not so lucky. With these two masters out of the picture, the Temple fell quickly. This was only the first part of Order 66.


The second part does the most damage to the Order. The Order's most powerful masters were leading the final charge against the Seperatist forces. Leading their Clone Troops into battle, the Jedi were caught flat-footed when their soldiers turned against them. The first Clone Commander to receive the Order was Clone Commander Cody. Cody served as Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's second in command. Years of fighting with the Jedi Master had no effect on his duty to follow orders. His soldiers fired on General Kenobi, sending the venerable master plummeting to the depths of one of Utapau's many pits. Commander Cody then sends the message to Clone Commanders across the galaxy. From Boz Pity to Cato Nemoidia, Clones fired on their Jedi leaders with only a few escaping the massacre. Within days, the Jedi Order had been destroyed. Order 66 officially ends when Chancellor Palpatine turns the Galactic Republic into an Empire. However, Order 66 unofficially continues under the direction of Darth Vader. The unofficial end of Order 66 comes from the death of Jedi Master Yoda on Dagobah.


So now that the actual event has been described, we should probably discuss what Order 66 actually is. Order 66 is a program* in the clones that, when ordered of them, tells them that their Jedi leaders have betrayed the Republic. It is in no way malicious, at least for the Kaminoans. The clones are even programmed to take out the Chancellor should he betray the Republic. The malice behind Order 66 is on Sidious and Dooku. They were behind the whole cloning process. And Sidious' plan was executed flawlessly. The order destroyed the Jedi Order, just as he planned.


I apologize for my ramblings, but there is one misconception that I would like to answer. The events of Order 66 have caused some "confusion" amongst Star Wars fans. Specifically that the PT Order is weak. The logic behind this is understandable, but for those who look deeper on the subject will understand why this is not true. Sidious' plan was perfect. If any Jedi had survived order 66 most of them wouldn't be able to beat Vader in battle, and those that could would be no match for Sidious himself. What proves that the PT Order is greater than any before is the fact that two of it's masters went blow for blow with the most powerful Sith to ever exist.


Anyway. I should stop now. Please discuss. If you have any ideas for future threads in this series, feel free to PM me.


*Now when I said 'program', I meant it. The clones are very similar to droids in the fact that they are preprogrammed with certain top-secret orders.

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Incorrect. They are trained to follow without question a list of 150 contingency orders. But they are not programmed.


Yes they were trained to prepare for certain scenarios, but these Orders were "programmed" into them. The Kaminoans tampered with the cloning process and I believe they programmed specific contingency orders into the clones for certain situations. Not with malice or anything like that, but because they were told to do so by their client. Who turned out to be Darth Sidious.


I may have mispoke when I said programmed like they were droids, but I know that these implanted Orders were Sidious' doing, as was the whole cloning process to begin with.


I should note that I did not do any research on this, or any future, subject. Everything above is my knowledge of the lore and SW canon.

Edited by Aurbere
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Yes they were trained to prepare for certain scenarios, but these Orders were "programmed" into them. The Kaminoans tampered with the cloning process and I believe they programmed specific contingency orders into the clones for certain situations. Not with malice or anything like that, but because they were told to do so by their client. Who turned out to be Darth Sidious.


I may have mispoke when I said programmed like they were droids, but I know that these implanted Orders were Sidious' doing, as was the whole cloning process to begin with.


I should note that I did not do any research on this, or any future, subject. Everything above is my knowledge of the lore and SW canon.


Have any ideas, for the next thread?

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Have any ideas, for the next thread?


I was thinking about taking a look at Sidious' master plan. He had orchestrated everything and I think it would be an interesting topic to look at. I was also thinking about doing one on the Lightsaber forms, as well.


I'll probably wait a week or two so as not to spam the forums and give this one time to grow.

Edited by Aurbere
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well "programmed" is kind of correct... as a marine I can tell you most soldiers are trained not to "think" during combat because thinking takes time which you generally don't have to spare... it's one of the reason we drill the same actions over and over until you can do them basically on automatic and through muscle memory... it's not exactly being programmed or brainwashed but the effect is close Edited by Liquidacid
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I would not say that Palpatine's plan was perfect.


1. There is no way Palpatine could have ensured that every Jedi was surrounded by a group of clones at the exact moment that Anakin and the Jedi would discover his true intentions.


2. The clones were well trained, but not all squads would be successful in taking out a Jedi, or possibly multiple Jedi. Not all Jedi would be as oblivious as, say, Aayla Secura.


3. The distress signal should not fool every Jedi. Would the remaining Jedi not feel the echoes of the deaths of their fellow Jedi? Jedi can feel these kinds of things all the time, in games, books, and even the movies.


4. Obi-Wan could have finished Anakin off - he bested him after all. Even with Anakin's survival, his robotic state severely weakens the final stage of Order 66.


5. Yoda could have beaten Palpatine himself. If their positions in the senate pod were reversed, it would have been Palpatine falling to defeat instead of Yoda.


In conclusion, I think that Palpatine was lucky to eliminate as many Jedi as he did. I also think that the more Jedi survive Order 66, the more realistic it becomes. Jedi outmatch clones any day of the week, surprised or not.

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I think it's perfect in that there is no better way to eliminate the Jedi Order. It wasn't executed perfectly (See Obi-Wan Slap-chopping Anakin), but give the sheer numbers of Jedi and their ubiquity throughout the front, you can't ask for much better than Order 66.


Yeah, a bunch of Jedi survived and Vader was considerably weakened, but the Jedi were branded as traitors, discredited, and murdered en masse. Any survivors couldn't possibly come back from that. Even if a band of Jedi (say, Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Shaak Ti) had led a contrecoup, how would the Senate and the public have received them after their "betrayal"? What could they do? Say, "No, no! He was evil and lied to you. Trust us, we only murdered the Chancellor-***-Emperor to restore justice in the name of the Force." It was too late; they were too few and too reviled.

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It actually makes sense that Palpatine would contact Cody personally first because he is a Clone Marshal Commander which is the highest rank a clone can achieve in the GAR. [Wookieepedia Source] Along with Neyo, Bly and Bacara. All of which we see execute Order 66. It's possible Palpatine only appeared to the Clone Marshals and other commanders had them relay the order through the ranks instead of appearing to all of the clones. Edited by CassusVerda
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3. The distress signal should not fool every Jedi. Would the remaining Jedi not feel the echoes of the deaths of their fellow Jedi? Jedi can feel these kinds of things all the time, in games, books, and even the movies.


Wrong, Darth Sidious had clouded their vision and greatly diminished the pwoer of the light Side itself, because he had unbalanced the force with the Dark Side dominating.


. Yoda could have beaten Palpatine himself. If their positions in the senate pod were reversed, it would have been Palpatine falling to defeat instead of Yoda.


No he couldn't, read the Revenge of the Sith novelization, Yoda just didn't have it, he could not beat Sidious, who wasn't even really taking the fight seriously, Yoda couldn't beat him and he knew why, the Jedi order had spent the last thousand years preparing to fight the last war, the Sith spent that time evolving and adapting to a new type of warfare based around deception, not outright confrontation, they spent a thousand years becoming more and more powerful until the Sith had stacked the force itself against them.


The Jedi Order didn't stand a chance once Padme had used the vote of no confidence for Supreme Chancellor Valorum, once she had done that, the galaxy was doomed, 'Palpatine' immediately removed any opposition and manufactured everything that happened afterwards, he couldn't be beaten in office and he couldn't be killed by any of the Jedi Order members, the Sith won the war the Jedi were preparing for the moment Darth Bane tricked Kaan into using the Thought Bomb and implemented the Order of the Sith Lords that religiously 'followed' the Rule of Two.


The only flaws in the Sith plan was the Rule of Two itself, what stops either of the Sith cheating, like Vader and many others attempted? what if the Master dies inexplicably? and more importantly what if one of them becomes arrogant? because that was what ended the Banite line, Sidious' arrogance and complacency, he also displayed a great amount of pettiness over his position as Emperor of the Galaxy, if he hadn't have screwed over all of Grand Admiral Thrawn's attempts to beat the New Republic and instead have joined, they most certainly would've crushed the New Republic and restored the Galactic Empire, but noooooooooooo just because Thrawn had assumed the ruler position over the Imperial Remnant(What the hell did Sidious expect him to do? he had DIED, the Empire didn't need to be attacked by the Republic, it was doing a fine job of blowing itself up once Sidious had 'croaked', the natural thing to do for Thrawn or any high ranking military official in that position would be to take command over the Imperial Remnant and try his best to reform the Empire), Sidious turned into a whiny ***** and screwed over all of Thrawn's plans, that was really pathetic.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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I would not say that Palpatine's plan was perfect.


1. There is no way Palpatine could have ensured that every Jedi was surrounded by a group of clones at the exact moment that Anakin and the Jedi would discover his true intentions.


2. The clones were well trained, but not all squads would be successful in taking out a Jedi, or possibly multiple Jedi. Not all Jedi would be as oblivious as, say, Aayla Secura.


3. The distress signal should not fool every Jedi. Would the remaining Jedi not feel the echoes of the deaths of their fellow Jedi? Jedi can feel these kinds of things all the time, in games, books, and even the movies.


4. Obi-Wan could have finished Anakin off - he bested him after all. Even with Anakin's survival, his robotic state severely weakens the final stage of Order 66.


5. Yoda could have beaten Palpatine himself. If their positions in the senate pod were reversed, it would have been Palpatine falling to defeat instead of Yoda.


In conclusion, I think that Palpatine was lucky to eliminate as many Jedi as he did. I also think that the more Jedi survive Order 66, the more realistic it becomes. Jedi outmatch clones any day of the week, surprised or not.


1. Yes, he couldn't know, but he could have defeated every single jedi that survived.


2. Hence some Jedi surviving, but all of the survivors except for Yoda and Obi-Wan were killed by Vader and Starkiller.


3. Only the most powerful Jedi could feel it, and many of them were in the heat of battle. Such senses would be dulled as they fall into the Force during their battle. They would ignore all other senses while doing battle with the droid forces. Only Yoda (that I know of) could sense the deaths of other Jedi.


4. Yes, Obi-Wan could have finished him off. But by not doing so, he created an even greater threat. Vader became a being of pure hatred, hatred for the man who left him to die, but also hatred for himself. Vader became one of the most powerful Sith ever and killed more Jedi than any Sith in histroy.


5. No, he couldn't have. Yoda was able to go blow for blow, but he couldn't defeat Sidious. Yoda knew this and fled to live to fight another day.

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It actually makes sense that Palpatine would contact Cody personally first because he is a Clone Marshal Commander which is the highest rank a clone can achieve in the GAR. [Wookieepedia Source] Along with Neyo, Bly and Bacara. All of which we see execute Order 66. It's possible Palpatine only appeared to the Clone Marshals and other commanders had them relay the order through the ranks instead of appearing to all of the clones.


Sidious contacted the highest ranking commander in the clone army, which was Cody. Cody then transmitted the message to every clone commander across the galaxy. That's why you see the holo of Sidious before the clones attack. Had Cody actually told the other commanders, it would have been his holo-image. He just transmitted the message.

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I think it's perfect in that there is no better way to eliminate the Jedi Order. It wasn't executed perfectly (See Obi-Wan Slap-chopping Anakin), but give the sheer numbers of Jedi and their ubiquity throughout the front, you can't ask for much better than Order 66.


Yeah, a bunch of Jedi survived and Vader was considerably weakened, but the Jedi were branded as traitors, discredited, and murdered en masse. Any survivors couldn't possibly come back from that. Even if a band of Jedi (say, Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Shaak Ti) had led a contrecoup, how would the Senate and the public have received them after their "betrayal"? What could they do? Say, "No, no! He was evil and lied to you. Trust us, we only murdered the Chancellor-***-Emperor to restore justice in the name of the Force." It was too late; they were too few and too reviled.


The plan was pretty much perfect. IF Order 66 hadn't gotten most of them and Anakin was defeated, no Jedi could defeat the master manipulator. Even if Vader was killed, the Jedi had no hope of rebuilding the Order, because Sidious could kill them all with relative ease.


The Jedi essentially vanished. And whenever a Jedi was discovered, Vader was there to kill them.

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1. There is no way Palpatine could have ensured that every Jedi was surrounded by a group of clones at the exact moment that Anakin and the Jedi would discover his true intentions.


He wasn't really worried about killing every single Jedi, but the Jedi Council and most of the Masters would need to be eliminated in order to ensure Sidious' plans stay intact. To quote Sidious,


We must move quickly. The Jedi are relentless. If they are not all destroyed, it will be civil war without end.


Sidious needed to eliminated the Order. This was partially motivated by Revenge, but the Clone Wars were the perfect Jedi trap. By fighting at all, the Jedi lost. One lone Jedi, on a planet surrounded by thousands of armed Imperial troops, to say nothing of the former Separatist forces, is in trouble.


2. The clones were well trained, but not all squads would be successful in taking out a Jedi, or possibly multiple Jedi. Not all Jedi would be as oblivious as, say, Aayla Secura.


There is strength in numbers. The Jedi were not as strong in the Force as they were prior to the Phantom Menace. Their use of the Force had diminished and the Dark Side had grown increasingly stronger in the time leading up to the Great Jedi Purge. I felt sad when Ki Adi Mundi was killed by the Galactic Marines on Mygeeto. He shouldn't have died like that, but he took a few of them with him.


3. The distress signal should not fool every Jedi. Would the remaining Jedi not feel the echoes of the deaths of their fellow Jedi? Jedi can feel these kinds of things all the time, in games, books, and even the movies.


Did you notice how confused Yoda was when Mace and the Jedi Dream Team was killed by Sidious? All he felt was a massive disturbance in the Force that continued as his Order was annihilated around him, but he could not focus on the individual disturbances. He intuited that something very wrong was happening to his fellow Jedi and that he should take measures to defend himself.


4. Obi-Wan could have finished Anakin off - he bested him after all. Even with Anakin's survival, his robotic state severely weakens the final stage of Order 66.


No. Obi-Wan could not finish off Darth Vader. The fight was over when Vader lost his legs and arm. A Jedi does not kill an unarmed sentient. It is not the Jedi way. In the true Jedi tradition, he left Vader's fate to the Force, and it punished Vader for committing murder on such a grand scale by burning his body, or at least that's how a Jedi would have viewed it. Obi Wan left him to die, burnt to a crisp on the volcanic shores of Mustafar, taking the weapon that was used to slaughter so many Jedi, Padawans and innocent younglings.


The only person who benefitted from Vader being seriously hurt was Sidious. At least after that, he would have little fear of his apprentice trying to kill him because Vader's ability to use the Force had diminished significantly upon being put in the suit, and Sidious already had a huge mental advantage over him.


5. Yoda could have beaten Palpatine himself. If their positions in the senate pod were reversed, it would have been Palpatine falling to defeat instead of Yoda.


Yoda knew that there was no way he could beat Palpatine. In the ROTS novelization it even mentions Yoda's acknowledgement of this fact.

Edited by DarknessInLight
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2. Hence some Jedi surviving, but all of the survivors except for Yoda and Obi-Wan were killed by Vader and Starkiller.


I hate to burst your bubble, but you're incorrect on that account. There are numerous Jedi who all survived Order 66 and its repercussions. In fact, two Jedi Masters of the Old Jedi Order, T'ra Saa and K'Kruhk, sit on the High Council of the New Jedi Order in 137 ABY. Not to mention the Iron Knights, those hiding on Belsavis, Quinlan Voss, Y'lenic It'kla, Jax Pavan, and many other Jedi that survived the Great Jedi Purge and persecution from Darth Vader and Galen Marek.

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I hate to burst your bubble, but you're incorrect on that account. There are numerous Jedi who all survived Order 66 and its repercussions. In fact, two Jedi Masters of the Old Jedi Order, T'ra Saa and K'Kruhk, sit on the High Council of the New Jedi Order in 137 ABY. Not to mention the Iron Knights, those hiding on Belsavis, Quinlan Voss, Y'lenic It'kla, Jax Pavan, and many other Jedi that survived the Great Jedi Purge and persecution from Darth Vader and Galen Marek.


Well, I forgot about most of those, but the fact remains that the Jedi Order was destroyed by Order 66 and it's counterpart the Jedi Purge. Those who did survive were hidden in remote locations like Tatooine and Dagobah. The Jedi Order was no more after Order 66. None of its survivors could stop the Emperor and those who tried would be destroyed. The survivors stayed in the shadows. They hid from the Sith, much like the Sith had been doing for a thousand years.


EDIT: Just did a brief search on K'Kruhk. That guy is really old! How many times is he gonna die?! He beats Boba Fett, Sidious and HK-47 in the resurrection department.

Edited by Aurbere
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Did you notice how confused Yoda was when Mace and the Jedi Dream Team was killed by Sidious? All he felt was a massive disturbance in the Force that continued as his Order was annihilated around him, but he could not focus on the individual disturbances. He intuited that something very wrong was happening to his fellow Jedi and that he should take measures to defend himself.


I didn't say they wouldn't be confused, but most Jedi should've at least had "a bad feeling about this" if you know what I mean.


No. Obi-Wan could not finish off Darth Vader. The fight was over when Vader lost his legs and arm. A Jedi does not kill an unarmed sentient. It is not the Jedi way. In the true Jedi tradition, he left Vader's fate to the Force, and it punished Vader for committing murder on such a grand scale by burning his body, or at least that's how a Jedi would have viewed it. Obi Wan left him to die, burnt to a crisp on the volcanic shores of Mustafar, taking the weapon that was used to slaughter so many Jedi, Padawans and innocent younglings.


What I meant to say was that the fight could've ended differently - Anakin falling into lava, head cut off, stab to the chest, etc. I know that Obi-Wan wouldn't kill an unarmed person - especially Anakin.


The only person who benefitted from Vader being seriously hurt was Sidious. At least after that, he would have little fear of his apprentice trying to kill him because Vader's ability to use the Force had diminished significantly upon being put in the suit, and Sidious already had a huge mental advantage over him.


True, but the diminishing of Vader's power made his job of hunting the remaining Jedi much more difficult.


Yoda knew that there was no way he could beat Palpatine. In the ROTS novelization it even mentions Yoda's acknowledgement of this fact.


Sorry, I was going off what I saw in the movie. Palpatine was a master of manipulation, but that doesn't automatically make him an uber duelist. From what I saw, Yoda got the short end of the stick, and what remained of his power was used to cushion his fall. Had their positions been reversed, Palps might not have been in a winning position.


But if the book is canon, then so be it. Makes the fight in the movie seem dull and pointless, though.

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I hate to burst your bubble, but you're incorrect on that account. There are numerous Jedi who all survived Order 66 and its repercussions. In fact, two Jedi Masters of the Old Jedi Order, T'ra Saa and K'Kruhk, sit on the High Council of the New Jedi Order in 137 ABY. Not to mention the Iron Knights, those hiding on Belsavis, Quinlan Voss, Y'lenic It'kla, Jax Pavan, and many other Jedi that survived the Great Jedi Purge and persecution from Darth Vader and Galen Marek.


Which is quite again BS, its called the NEW jedi order....why do they have remains of the OLD jedi order in the new? I don't mind a few jedi surviving, under specific conditions or having attributes that would help them to survive but its stated, that closer to 200 jedi survived the purge which is a big NO! The number should be far less then that.

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I didn't say they wouldn't be confused, but most Jedi should've at least had "a bad feeling about this" if you know what I mean.




What I meant to say was that the fight could've ended differently - Anakin falling into lava, head cut off, stab to the chest, etc. I know that Obi-Wan wouldn't kill an unarmed person - especially Anakin.




True, but the diminishing of Vader's power made his job of hunting the remaining Jedi much more difficult.




Sorry, I was going off what I saw in the movie. Palpatine was a master of manipulation, but that doesn't automatically make him an uber duelist. From what I saw, Yoda got the short end of the stick, and what remained of his power was used to cushion his fall. Had their positions been reversed, Palps might not have been in a winning position.


But if the book is canon, then so be it. Makes the fight in the movie seem dull and pointless, though.


The Jedi were too 'involved' in the battle. Many of the Jedi that were killed by Order 66 were in the midst of battle with the droids. Those who weren't in battle were either killed before they could react or managed to react in time to escape. Very few Jedi escaped Order 66.


Obi-Wan's attack was a gamble at best. If he missed, he was dead. If he didn't, he would only incapacitate Anakin. The angle of the blade was in a position to only amputate limbs. But this moment could have gone a different number of ways.


Vader seemed to handle himself quite well in the suit. He faced six masters at once and came out alive and well. Vader's power actually increased in the suit, but prevented him from reaching his full power (which is Luke's prime).


The novelization and the movie are at the same level of canon. What you see in the movie isn't the whole duel, but it shows the best parts. Yoda couldn't beat Sidious, but he gets put up as one of the best ever because he is one of the few that can approach Sidious in dueling skills and Strength in the Force. Had their positions been reversed, as in Sidious being the one who falls down, then the duel would have gone on longer. But Sidious had Clone Soldiers on the way. The fight wouldn't have lasted much longer and if Yoda had stayed, he would have been killed. Fleeing allowed him to get a sort of revenge through Luke.

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Which is quite again BS, its called the NEW jedi order....why do they have remains of the OLD jedi order in the new? I don't mind a few jedi surviving, under specific conditions or having attributes that would help them to survive but its stated, that closer to 200 jedi survived the purge which is a big NO! The number should be far less then that.


I agree. I think that everyone except Obi-Wan and Yoda should have survived the Purge. Yoda's death marked the end of the Old jedi Order. But now we have Jedi popping up all over the place. Writers seem to underestimate Sidious' powers of Farsight and his other abilities. It's not like every Jedi could find some hidden planet with a cave that emits enough Dark Side energy to hide their presence.


Even Obi-Wan was in danger of being found. If vader didn't have an aversion to Tatooine and the planet not being so hostile, he could have been found.

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I agree. I think that everyone except Obi-Wan and Yoda should have survived the Purge. Yoda's death marked the end of the Old jedi Order. But now we have Jedi popping up all over the place. Writers seem to underestimate Sidious' powers of Farsight and his other abilities. It's not like every Jedi could find some hidden planet with a cave that emits enough Dark Side energy to hide their presence.


Even Obi-Wan was in danger of being found. If vader didn't have an aversion to Tatooine and the planet not being so hostile, he could have been found.


Well I could see other jedi surviving too under certain circumstances, and that they have distinct attributes to their character that would help them. Example, I could see jedi master Voolvif Monn surviving due to having wolf like features enhanced hearing, sight, smell also being able to move fast, also due to his heritage being a hunter and tracker he could survive...well that and he mastered or some say perfected a rare force power that protects him from any attack by creating a barrier around himself.


Other then that, if they don't have attributes that could help them to adapt or survive then they shouldn't have survived. Or at least very long anyway.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Well I could see other jedi surviving too under certain circumstances, and that they have distinct attributes to their character that would help them. Example, I could see jedi master Voovif Monn surviving due to having wolf like features enhanced hearing, sight, smell also being able to move fast, also due to his heritage being a hunter and tracker he could survive...well that and he mastered or some say perfected a rare force power that protects him from any attack by creating a barrier around himself.


Other then that, if they don't have attributes that could help them to adapt or survive then they shouldn't have survived. Or at least very long anyway.


I agree. I think far too many Jedi survived such an event. Order 66 was suppose to be the Sith's crowning achievement, but far too many Jedi survived it. I understand that certain Jedi could survive it, but a lot of meaningless Jedi with nothing really remarkable about them survived.


I guess the Jedi Purge took out those that did survive, but not all of them. I really think that the Old Jedi Order should have dies with Yoda. His death marked the beginning of a new era of Jedi. But now we have old Jedi popping up out of nowhere.

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Incorrect. They are trained to follow without question a list of 150 contingency orders. But they are not programmed.


Actually they did have programming in their minds along with normal orders to remember.


"Fight your programming!" being screamed all the time in Ep III game and I bet in other forms backs this up.

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*Now when I said 'program', I meant it. The clones are very similar to droids in the fact that they are preprogrammed with certain top-secret orders.


The order wasn't top secret, it was developed by the republic in a case of emergency if the current leadership administration had been compromised or destroyed so that a new chain of command would exist. The jedi were aware of the order 66, but felt it necessary this was given to the fact the order to kill supreme chancellor was on their but their oversight over the fact that their were required precautions in place, such as certain people Palpatine had control of requiring authorization.


There were over 150 orders created for contingencies as well to boot that dealt with rare far flung scenarios that could happen.


Even so the fact is the Jedi order completely ****ed up when they discovered palpatine was sidous, they did what he predicted they would and treated him like a sith and not a supreme chancellor of the republic. He planted recording devices in certain places around his office inorder to implicate the jedi in his lie of them trying to take control of the republic.


Basically threw the fight with mace windu as the entirety of corrupting anakin had to come with him attacking windu in a fit of passion for power to save his wife. Given by the proof where he unleashed a massive torrent of power and was able to stand over seemingly seen as being helpless and defeated. One thing he excelled against jedi was trying to get those who were stronger then him to strike him down in rage inorder to fall and take his place as he pointed out to luke on the second deathstar.


As for the jedi being caught off guard, that was the main reason behind the cloned army. They were meant to be completely loyal to the senate and its orders produced, only a few seemed to know about palpatine being lord sidous as the order came through on a secure Confederacy of Independent Systems channel.


Either way the plan was set long into motion and developed by Darth Plagious, sidious master to take control of Republic and abolish the rule of two Sith code.

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The order wasn't top secret, it was developed by the republic in a case of emergency if the current leadership administration had been compromised or destroyed so that a new chain of command would exist. The jedi were aware of the order 66, but felt it necessary this was given to the fact the order to kill supreme chancellor was on their but their oversight over the fact that their were required precautions in place, such as certain people Palpatine had control of requiring authorization.


There were over 150 orders created for contingencies as well to boot that dealt with rare far flung scenarios that could happen.


Even so the fact is the Jedi order completely ****ed up when they discovered palpatine was sidous, they did what he predicted they would and treated him like a sith and not a supreme chancellor of the republic. He planted recording devices in certain places around his office inorder to implicate the jedi in his lie of them trying to take control of the republic.


Basically threw the fight with mace windu as the entirety of corrupting anakin had to come with him attacking windu in a fit of passion for power to save his wife. Given by the proof where he unleashed a massive torrent of power and was able to stand over seemingly seen as being helpless and defeated. One thing he excelled against jedi was trying to get those who were stronger then him to strike him down in rage inorder to fall and take his place as he pointed out to luke on the second deathstar.


As for the jedi being caught off guard, that was the main reason behind the cloned army. They were meant to be completely loyal to the senate and its orders produced, only a few seemed to know about palpatine being lord sidous as the order came through on a secure Confederacy of Independent Systems channel.


Either way the plan was set long into motion and developed by Darth Plagious, sidious master to take control of Republic and abolish the rule of two Sith code.


I doubt the Jedi knew of Order 66. If they did know, they would have been more wary of the Clones. When Order 66 was initiated, the Jedi were completely surprised by it. Had Order 66 been something that the Jedi knew, they would have seen it coming, especially with Palpatine being Sidious. The other orders aren't even well known. These were secret orders that only a few indivduals knew of. Particularly Sidious.

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