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    I read and write. I enjoy relaxing and hanging with friends and family.
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    Part-time job at local restaurant.
  1. That's almost correct. The reason there were primarily blue and green crystals is BECAUSE the Jedi mostly used only the Ilum caves. Ilum produced only green and blue. In the aftermath of the Jedi Purge, Palpatine had the caves on Ilum destroyed along with many other crystal caves on various planets. That's why Luke's green crystal is actually a synth crystal (made by himself) rather than a naturally occurring crystal. I hope that clears things up. There is a huge long history of this, but I won't go into it if no one is interested.
  2. I disliked the episode. 1. I'm still upset about Maul returning. He has been resurrected too many times. He needs to stay dead. 2. Savage Oppress is overpowered. Yes, he has been imbued with Mother Talzin's magic, but he hasn't even had a year of training and he's killing Jedi Masters who have trained their entire lives. I understand sometimes raw power is great, but that is just ridiculous. 3. 4. And last, it was kind of poor writing. There were two things I was pleased to see. First was the reappearance of the pirates. I love Jedi and the Force and could read about them all day long, but too often we get wrapped up in that world and don't pay enough attention to the non-Force users in the galaxy. Second was the injury of Maul and Savage. It showed they were a little more vulnerable than previous thought and not just invincible powerhouses. Just my two cents here.
  3. True. There are many things we may be discontented with, but, alas, we must simply go along with what happens..
  4. I used to be frustrated about that as well. But then I realized, if there were Jedi in hiding and a new Jedi Order was formed, why would they stay hidden? I don't know why they hid that long; Luke could have used them during the Yuuzhan Vong War, but they still came out of hiding eventually to assist and provide their wisdom. It would make no sense to stay in hiding.
  5. It was all about being in the wrong or right place at a specific time. Yes, some truly insignificant Jedi survived, but think of how many of the Order's greatest fell. It was essentially a matter of luck. Obi-Wan himself would have died if Boga hadn't protected him. It's all a matter of circumstance on who survived and who didn't. And to all of you saying that too many Jedi survived, I disagree. Yes, it was a moment of glory for the Sith, the culmination of a thousand years of hiding and plotting, but think of how many Jedi there were in the galaxy at that time. I've seen numbers vary from anywhere between 10,000 to several hundred thousand. When you really think about it, how probably is it that all but two Jedi would die? Think of how many just happen to be away from their troops; think of how many just somehow manage to escape. Even if you figure 99% of the Jedi were wiped out, you still have 100 Jedi roaming the galaxy (and that's going with the low estimation of 10,000). After hearing that information, doesn't a few dozen surviving Jedi sound not as bad?
  6. I hate to burst your bubble, but you're incorrect on that account. There are numerous Jedi who all survived Order 66 and its repercussions. In fact, two Jedi Masters of the Old Jedi Order, T'ra Saa and K'Kruhk, sit on the High Council of the New Jedi Order in 137 ABY. Not to mention the Iron Knights, those hiding on Belsavis, Quinlan Voss, Y'lenic It'kla, Jax Pavan, and many other Jedi that survived the Great Jedi Purge and persecution from Darth Vader and Galen Marek.
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