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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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Dunno about that. You guys never got to see what Equil could really do. Pretty sure he's unmatched. Peb is good, hand down, but I wouldn't say the best.


Also, shout outs to Kirista. A really nasty sage.


Personally I don't recall seeing Peb ever lose a node or a 1v1, and he did nasty damage to boot. When did Equil play, I've never heard of him. Only Equil I know of is a Sent/Marauder

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Personally I don't recall seeing Peb ever lose a node or a 1v1, and he did nasty damage to boot. When did Equil play, I've never heard of him. Only Equil I know of is a Sent/Marauder


Equil's beaten Peb a few times when Jerc had the fight clubs, but I think he played his Sent then. He stopped playing, haven't seen him on steam either. But yeah, Peb is very skilled.

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Big time shout-out to those in the cursed solo ranked WZ tonight. Lydemetta, Xaned, A'sterious, and Nalhious were on the receiving end of the shaft from BioWare. My 4th team member "failed" to load in all the way...but loaded in just enough to the point where he was registered as being in the match, yet out of the safe zone...but he never loaded in. So a 3v4 commenced which we lost, but since they had no way of reaching our "ghost" 4th member, the timer expired, poison creeped in, and we ended up winning.


The whole time they were all totally cool about it. Frustrated, but laughing and being good sports.


Way to be guys :p

Edited by ScytheEleven
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Since it seems there's been a bit of increase in the amount of ranked lately, figured I throw this back up to inform or remind anyone who has no seen it/ forgotten. The TS seems to still be up, maybe we could start using it more frequently?




yup the teamspeak is still up and there's still something like 2 years left on the subscription. Like I said before, the server is more than welcome to use it for PVP, PVE, whatever :)

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Definite shout-out to the players from both factions in an amazingly fun Civil War last night. It looked for certain that Imps were going to win pretty handily but Pubs finally got their backfill and managed a 10-0 three cap win.


Very early on in this games history, I had a comeback 5-0 victory and last night was about as equally exciting. Lumy, Jerry, and myself (on Jatink) came in around 360-170. Joined by the rest of the team, we immediately went to work on mid. Taking mid, we made the last ditch at snow. We captured it at 50-10 and held on for the win. Was pretty exciting, even for jaded PvPrs like Jerry and myself.


Following that match, I must also shout-out to the 3 other Pubs that joined our 3-man group and proceeded to 3-cap 100-0 win Novare with only a 6 man team.

Edited by Cluttered
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  • 2 weeks later...
Shout out to Rico's Roughnecks for being based off one of my favorite films. Zim, Ace, Rico...sadly, I don't recall seeing Rasczak. I know, I know...he technically wasn't part of Rico's outfit since, you know, he died, but you could still honor the man! :p


Shout to you for admitting that. It is bashed by almost everyone, but I liked it as well. I did not hate the Postman or After Earth, so maybe we just have **** taste in movies. The list goes on....

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Shout out to Lanfeare and Arendra, good games! You guys can really hold your own with Sage/Sorc, better than I am at it for sure! Just stupid that when we grouped we couldn't get against the Guerilla premade that was stomping, the matchmaking in this game is so awful :(
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Source: Somehow...after all this time. Your roll spam to the door on Voidstar STILL works against people. I started west at the gate, eyes glued to the door, waiting for your inevitable approach. Five seconds later I see "East bomb has been planted"... fail team is fail. :rolleyes:
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Shout out to the pug that thought it could:


Niinjablade, Mauri, Vadkuh, Viidoya, Drannus, Extinction, & Samael...


Down 90-10 in Civ War with only 1 node, somehow managed to cap both Grass and Snow in a matter of 30s, and hold them for the triple-cap-come-from-behind-win. Honestly the craziest wz match I've been a part of... they were quite literally seconds away from winning when we got the triple cap.

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Hate thread is really ruling the roost so to speak.


The past few days I have been teamed with some combination of Project Mayhem and Void and have found ourselves beside a 4some from Guerrilla. On occassion with this kind of teaming, we have locked horns with some combination of Zen, Inconceivable or Underworld Alliance.

When those happen, we have had some really competitve, truly enjoyable fights. Some we have won and some we have lost. I will take a hard-fought loss over a landslide win anyday.


It goes without saying; shout-out to PM, Void, Guerrilla, Zen, Inconceivable, Underworld Alliance and anyone else that may have been in on some of those.


I know many are having their fun ganking during Gree, but I hope y'all are still queuing WZ this week.

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Us as a guild in underworld alliance has no staple in the pvp world it's nice to be noticed for giving people a good fight and a run for their money thanks a lot man


The Underworld Alliance

Catheana - sentinel

Whooter - scoundrel



Thule - juggernaut

Tsarunai - sniper

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While I've got 60 days of sub time from a card, I thought I'd throw some shoutouts. :)


Imp side, always fun to play against you:

Source, Bruha, Synaria, Kendiaro, Yolk, Arendra, Chyren, etc. Pretty much all of Project Mayhem and Guerrilla.


Poppinheals, and Alice, gotta show love to the guild my imp is in. ;)


Rep side:

Cath/Whooter, Alunar, Averth(because Averth), Tacta, Matao, Kloma, Monika(elethia), Nollie(in all forms), Llama, most of Republic and Core, and all the fools who keep me around in AB. Oh and anyone who has ever healed my worthless ***** in a WZ.


To anyone I forgot, well it was the booze I tell ya! Keep it up people, it's you guys that keep most of us playing, hell I don't even sub anymore.


Oh, and one last thing:


Happy Holidays PvPers of Ebon Hawk!

Edited by RGMetal
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General Shout-out this morning to The Ebon Hawk PvP community in general.


I'm not sure if I have just been lucky the past week or so, but I have had the opportunity to be in some really competitive, hard-fought WZs lately. Just my opinion, but it seems that many folks are returning as of late and I feel the quality of matches and players in them are noticeably improving. Aside from afew *******es, the amount of trash-talk seems to have lessened as of late too imo; replaced with a great deal of mutual repect it seeems.


Great night of PvP again last night gang. Y'all know who you are.


Cheers, best of the season and keep it up THE.



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