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Now that you've played for a while, will SWTOR overtake WoW?


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It likely won't, it's not polished and well greased like WoW is.


It is a good game, better than most MMOs that got released these last 5 years, but it's not to the level of WoW. I'll still play it because however awesome, I've played WoW for long years and need something new, and am a SW fan.


But TOR is far from menacing WoW at that point.


it took wow a lonngg time to get where it is as swtor will

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I don't care either way. I don't hate WoW and hope the people are happy with the Kung Fu Panda expansion. My enjoyment of SWTOR has nothing to do with the success or failure of WoW.


On topic. I don't know if it will or not. Truthfully I feel it won't. At best it may even out with WoW around 5 or 6 million. That's my best case scenario. Ultimately I think SWTOR will peak at 3 to 5 million subs and hopefully retain most of them.

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i played WoW from its launch until recently. No matter what you say, WoW has lost its touch. Yes, it is a well tuned game but that is because its been out for so long...if it wasnt at this point it would be pathetic. It is true that SwTOR doesnt need to beat WoW, its going to co-exist, but SwTOR brings story (among other things) that WoW just simply didnt have. If you have played WoW as long as I have you would know that its not what it used to be
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SO long as my server is populated and Bioware do not cave into the loud mouthed few who demand LFG teleports to instance and cross server rubbish then I do not care how it sizes up against World of Warcraft.


All I know is that when I line this game up against WoW vanilla it beasts it, it destroys it. It pretty much beats it into a pulp in terms of how much more fun I am having.


When I compare it against the current state of World of Warcraft it is like comparing a candle to a super nova.

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All I can say is that WoW barely interested me at all. The end game is boring. The Arena is the lamest PVP I've ever tried. Raiding is far too time consuming and full of angry nerdy a-holes. Whereas this game is perfect for me. Open immersion. Plenty of story and a lot to explore and experience, great character progression and a good mmo community based on my favorite lore: Star Wars.


Personally whether this game overtakes WoW or not. It's irrelevant. To each their own, I think this game is far better than WoW but others will likely not agree. I am happy to say that this game is a worthy rival and there hasn't been an MMO to have that title since WoW was released, IMO.

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I see a fairly consistent answer of 'who cares'. I never thought I'd say this but.. who cares? For the first time in a really, really long time I have like zero thoughts of WoW. It may change again some day, but as of right now I really have no opinion of WoW.
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I don't really care if it does or not. All I know is that I really hated wow, played it for 20 minutes and deleted it forever.


And I love SWTOR so far. Though I think I overdid it the first few days and am not playing it as much, but usually when I get up each day I wanna play it for a while atleast.

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wow at this time is for the brainless masses, thats why it sells a lot, its the MCdonalds of MMOs, I do NOT want the mindless and annoying community from wow inside swtor, destroying the experience.


A lot of sales doesnt mean it is a good game, common people, would think so thou.

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WoW took a long time to get where it got - they've plateaued. They can keep adding content but it will always follow the same formula. I loved WoW, but I've hit end-game too many times. I still check back in now and then.


SW has a long way to go. But they have a structure that is absolutely fantastic, much like WoW did. And here the story is really important. Because of the interactive quest pick up/drop off - you know what you're doing in regards to class and planetary progression. You are less likely to skip a quest conversation when you get to flirt with your quest giver. :p


I am excited to see content patches from SW in the future. Not that I don't have plenty to do now - but I am really interested to see where the game goes from here on out.


As far as taking over WoW? For most of us gamers nothing can replace our time spent getting killed by and killing Rogues near TM, hating our GM's, collecting pets/mounts, jumping off tall buildings, or leaving critter corpses laid out spelling KEK in big empty fields for mounted explorers.


SW is a different game. And it will go in a different direction. I plan on staying around for a while to see where it goes.

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the games aren't even remotely similiar. they aren't even the same Genre.


Just look how Warhammer was handled, this game will by <300k after 1 year guarunteed. (yes they ARE the same company people)


Bioware doesn't know how to handle any MMO and can't handle anything remotely PvP.




Whatgetsome - Royal Knight of the blazing sun top 10 world 40s.


What I have to say sir before your schribble harms titles such as ME 1,2,3 DA 1,2(not so great still a great game) warhammer was **** from mythic, mythic screwed that game, bio ware picked up the trash and pushed it back into a pile. This is the new platform for MMOs get used it.

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I don't think SWTOR will have enough penetration in the Asian markets before GW2 is released to ever overtake WoW, though I think it has the potential to be the number one MMO if we limit ourselves strictly to the Western market.


A lot of people, myself included, are kind of turned off by science fiction MMORPGs, and the Star Wars license isn't 100% an asset in this regard. Like it or not, fantasy is the best setting for an MMORPG.


As an example, I was trying to think what classes they could add to the game during an expansion. There's honestly not a lot left that I could think of. Teras Kasi, maybe. A Commander/Leader type class. I think what we might end up seeing is additional ACs open up, or having an additional AC pick become available post 50. It's hard to imagine up a Jedi or Sith concept at this point that could effectively be mirrored on the other faction. I mean, I have some ideas, but none that I'd be totally stoked about seeing added to the game.


But that being said, I think this game is off to a great start.

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I would agree that SWTOR wins the casual gamer crowd. As I said earlier it sucked in my wife and that is enough evidence for me on that front.


However, I am of the opinion that it is very capable of also sucking in the hardcore. It's a well-rounded experience for both demographics in my opinion. I could be wrong though.


I have never tried WOW. My previous forays into mmo gaming were the DAOC and Warhammer Online, both pvp-centric and arguably hard-core, particularly the first. I am loving this game so far.


My greatest complaint is that there is no difference in terms of classes btw Empire and Reps which makes the game blander but does cut down on the whinefest. Another issue I see is that as yet I have not observed a tangible reward from pvp a la realm abilities. But in terms of progression it has been so enjoyable that the above mentioned stuff doesn't bother. Of course, after I have experienced the story lines of enough classes and only want to pvp (i hate grinding pve) I might lose interest in this game but with any luck they will expand on that aspect of the game.


I do have a question, how hardcore is WoW, in truth? Because compared to the games I played, it seems not at all. And strangely enough, it suceeded.

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WOW is kiiling itself. Between catering to the type of raider who wants to put little to no effort in learning their class, game play mechanics, or teamwork, recycled content, having already reached it's story climax with the death of the LK, and just downright faction bias players are leaving on their own. Edited by Andurial
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