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Flying mounts at 50 legacy?


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The only reason this wouldn't work?

There's no "open world" environment. The only thing designed are the areas you can quest, and the area where the "flight paths" take you. Enabling free flight would require them to create a more open world.


What he said.


Most of the world you see doesn't exist. It's just a movie that plays seamlessly on the walls of the maze to simulate a world environment outside of the areas you can get to.

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What exactly in this game would you do with a flying mount if you had one???? Serious question that deserves a serious answer (something other then "me wants!")


WoW had to create an entire dynamic in their MMO to make flying mounts useful and desired via their first expansion. Even then, it was only good for the expansion and did not support vanilla content zones. It was not until years later that they completely redid the vanilla zones to support flying.


You should be putting your attention and QQ on wanting off the rails space flight and combat. You stand a much better chance of being listened to and taken seriously if you focus here. AND, guess what.... just like in the case of WoW, we will have to wait for a major expansion to get it.


I agree, plus my mounts already fly, I don't see any wheals under them..LOL

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See people like the "idea" of flying mounts. They think "oh I'll be able to get from point a to b so much faster. But they don't realize how much that kills the world. You lose so much engagement it turns the entire game into just some thing you fly over, and you'll never see another person on the ground ever again.


No more randomly running into people and joining up with them to take down some enemies

No more big PVP open world battles.

No more jumping out and fighting some guys questing.

If people thought the zones seemed dead before, flying mounts would completely kill them.


exactly what happened in WoW when they introduced flying mounts, i for one say no to the idea, just because it'll ruin the gameplay in total.

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Will never happen, ever. Such a bad idea, terrible idea. My reason:


You would be able to instantly get most datacrons with no effort.

This was the first thing I thought of when reading about the idea of Flying Mounts.


There is an easy and simple fix to this issue though. You just limit the areas where Flying Mounts can be used. Sort of like how they limit some areas with our current Speeders. If you com across and area where there is an area they do not want you to get access to by the means of Flying Mounts then they can just make it so you can not use them in that area. Maybe even make it so you can not fly near the edges of Certain Cliffs and such Have like an Invisible Barrier if the Air where the Mounts will hit and not be able to pass so they can not get you onto higher ridges and such which would give you access to the areas from other locations.


Seems pretty simple to me.

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Would be a nice simple update to put in the game for all those dedicated players who have reached 50 legacy. Of course you can post a reason why it shouldnt be in the game. If you work at bioware/know everything about the game engine then please tell me how difficult it would be to implement something like this in the game.


It could cost like 3 million credits and would separate the rich and dedicated from everyone else


It would NOT be a simple update. The entire game would have to be redesigned. Also Flying Mounts would make getting certain datacrons trivial. :rolleyes:

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Will never happen, ever. Such a bad idea, terrible idea. My reason:


You would be able to instantly get most datacrons with no effort.


Theyre pretty easy to get anyway. At 50 legacy im sure you would have played enough and already got enough datacrons

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Would be a nice simple update to put in the game for all those dedicated players who have reached 50 legacy. Of course you can post a reason why it shouldnt be in the game. If you work at bioware/know everything about the game engine then please tell me how difficult it would be to implement something like this in the game.


It could cost like 3 million credits and would separate the rich and dedicated from everyone else


3 million for free datacrons....might be worth it :sul_grin:

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Would be a nice simple update to put in the game for all those dedicated players who have reached 50 legacy. Of course you can post a reason why it shouldnt be in the game. If you work at bioware/know everything about the game engine then please tell me how difficult it would be to implement something like this in the game.


It could cost like 3 million credits and would separate the rich and dedicated from everyone else


You usually troll a lot more professionally than this. 2/10.


You know as well as most other players why this won't happen ;)



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Will never happen, ever. Such a bad idea, terrible idea. My reason:


You would be able to instantly get most datacrons with no effort.


Never say never whatever you do.

We were "never" going to get flying mounts in EQ2 either, and they had good reason. The engine map didnt support it. But years later, they reworked the engine to allow for it and here we are.


That said, I agree. Terrible idea.

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Never say never whatever you do.

We were "never" going to get flying mounts in EQ2 either, and they had good reason. The engine map didnt support it. But years later, they reworked the engine to allow for it and here we are.


That said, I agree. Terrible idea.


It would take more than an engine upgrade.


I think what most people that possit the idea of "flying mounts" don't realize that most of what we "see" in game is not actually "there". Most of what we "see" is just art with no polygons behind it. There is no "there" there.


This is NOT a simple "fix", "upgrade", "easy win/win". It would be a massive code and graphics effort.



Edited by Urael
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It would take more than an engine upgrade.


I think what most people that possit the idea of "flying mounts" don't realize that most of what we "see" in game is not actually "there". Most of what we "see" is just art with no polygons behind it. There is no "there" there.


This is NOT a simple "fix", "upgrade", "easy win/win". It would be a massive code and graphics effort.




Thank you.


This is why even in WoW it wasn't possible until Cata to use flying mounts in the "old" world but only in Outland and beyond. Because aside from the bits visible from the railed flightpaths, there was no geometry. Adding flighted travel in TOR would require rebuilding all the maps almost from scratch and they're not going to spend that sort of development money to satisfy the ultimately meaningless (to gameplay) quality-of-life expectations of a handful of WoW-kiddies who miss their dragons.

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I would prefer just faster speeders or a turbo for speeders that allows for increased speed over short distances, perhaps when entering the turbo boost mode you get a few feet higher off the ground, but as far as flight...no, wouldn't like to see that. The worlds are not made for it. You need a seemless world for that. Edited by Pcolapat
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The worlds aren't large enough to support flying mounts. In wow all the zones were lumped together so it worked, in swtor all the zones are their own separate planet, you must see that...


This ^^^


I also hope they never put in flying mounts but I would love to see faster speeders. They could easily add a 50% speed boost the the maximum speeder and it still not be too fast.

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It would take more than an engine upgrade.


I think what most people that possit the idea of "flying mounts" don't realize that most of what we "see" in game is not actually "there". Most of what we "see" is just art with no polygons behind it. There is no "there" there.


This is NOT a simple "fix", "upgrade", "easy win/win". It would be a massive code and graphics effort.




All of that was true in WoW and EQII. It's a lot of work, true, but very possible.

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So? The effort would be getting to [X] Legacy level.


Except there is really no real effort in getting legacy levels. You could randomly just level a 4-5 different class that you wanted to see teh story of and get there relatively quick.


I've only leveled 2 toons to 50, 1 is at 48 and 1 is at 38. That put me at a legacy level of 47. I'm not even trying and got there very easy.


At least with datacrons there is a chance of messing it up and for some, not succeeding at all. There is a little more skill involved in datacrons gathering then legacy leveling.

Edited by Quraswren
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