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Please stop the dumb new story plots


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i just looked at the new op coming soon, very disappointing. My mains a Jedi Knight, thFPe end game is the smart of a new galactic war, yet all I've faced in terms of ops is a sleeping rakata lord, a fat hutt, and some stupid lizard in a walker. Where is the Sith Lords? The mandalore? The Sleeping emperor who apparently if so powerful is afraid to come out of bed an dance with me an my peeps? Also BRING BACK MALGUS!!!!!!!! Its the whole reason i bought the game in the first place. Only to beat him in, lets face it, the easiest FP fight ever.....come on. Also stop making OPS/FP identical on both factions, its no fun to run through the same **** on both sides of the playing field. Here's an idea Op for the republic, face the Emperor on Dromund kass or something like Malachor V, and for the Imps face Grand master Satele at Tyhon or the ruins of the Jedi temple. Please make the story likable again and for the love of christ, MORE WOOKIES!!!!!, its bad when one of the Franchises main species is hardly ever even seen or mentioned.
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OP, please keep any criticism or QQing to the General Chat forum ot suggestion box. Thanks.


This, PEOPLE this area is for LORE questions/threads! Not to QQ about the game, thats over in the General area.


Welcome to the STAR WARS discussion Forum! This forum exists so that Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ community members can discuss the larger STAR WARS galaxy, including the movies, books, comics, and other video games.
Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Has it ever occurred to people that making a game isn't easy? How do I know this? Because I'm in college learning how to do it. There are several aspects to making a game that certain people (hint hint) can't comprehend. Just give Bioware some time.


And please use General Discussion for all of your game related needs. That is all.

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  • 1 month later...
Has it ever occurred to people that making a game isn't easy? How do I know this? Because I'm in college learning how to do it. There are several aspects to making a game that certain people (hint hint) can't comprehend. Just give Bioware some time.


And please use General Discussion for all of your game related needs. That is all.


How does someone's issue with the post 50 story relate to how hard it is to make a game? The guy isn't saying that the mechanics of the fights are bad or poorly coded, he's stating frustration with the storytelling that seems to mostly ignore the state the galaxy has been thrown into and instead focus on inconsequential characters who have little importance in the over all plot.

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How does someone's issue with the post 50 story relate to how hard it is to make a game? The guy isn't saying that the mechanics of the fights are bad or poorly coded, he's stating frustration with the storytelling that seems to mostly ignore the state the galaxy has been thrown into and instead focus on inconsequential characters who have little importance in the over all plot.


He's asking for more content. It's not easy to produce content for a game. Especially with all of the issues that they are having. But if you want to know, this is what they have to do in order to produce more content.


1. Idea

2. Get idea approved

3. Design said idea

4. Implement idea through coding

5. Make sure new idea coding doesn't mess up other coding in game

6. Design creatures and inhabitants of new world/fp/op

7. Voice overs

8. beta testing

9. Stomp out bugs

10. PTS testing

11. Stomp out anymore bugs

12. Implement content to game.


This is not easy and takes quite some time. The OP is being unreasonable as are many other QQ'ers. Give them time and please appreciate the story. You can't always get what you want.

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As to the OP's desire to see faction-specific Operations, it should be noted that BioWare did have those at one point in the testing process. They realized that they simply didn't have the resources to design and implement separate raids for both factions, nor did they have the time to properly balance instances unique to each faction to the satisfaction of the players. They wouldn't have been able to keep up with demand (they already can't keep up with demand, so it looks like they were right. ;) )



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He's asking for more content. It's not easy to produce content for a game. Especially with all of the issues that they are having. But if you want to know, this is what they have to do in order to produce more content.


1. Idea

2. Get idea approved

3. Design said idea

4. Implement idea through coding

5. Make sure new idea coding doesn't mess up other coding in game

6. Design creatures and inhabitants of new world/fp/op

7. Voice overs

8. beta testing

9. Stomp out bugs

10. PTS testing

11. Stomp out anymore bugs

12. Implement content to game.


This is not easy and takes quite some time. The OP is being unreasonable as are many other QQ'ers. Give them time and please appreciate the story. You can't always get what you want.


It's a 12 step process... just like rehab. :D

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He's asking for more content. It's not easy to produce content for a game. Especially with all of the issues that they are having. But if you want to know, this is what they have to do in order to produce more content.


1. Idea

2. Get idea approved

3. Design said idea

4. Implement idea through coding

5. Make sure new idea coding doesn't mess up other coding in game

6. Design creatures and inhabitants of new world/fp/op

7. Voice overs

8. beta testing

9. Stomp out bugs

10. PTS testing

11. Stomp out anymore bugs

12. Implement content to game.


This is not easy and takes quite some time. The OP is being unreasonable as are many other QQ'ers. Give them time and please appreciate the story. You can't always get what you want.


I am also studying VGD in college, and honestly I would say that the order of those steps are not set in stone. I would imagine that the Voice Over stuff is also happening almost independent of the rest of the development process. Developing a game is almost never a straight line process. Some times it's very frustrating and a development team might even scrape an entire project's work and start back at the beginning.


Also to illustrate some of the frustration of developing a video game. In my class we are currently working on creating a side scrolling shooter similar to RType as our programming project. We started out working with a Platformer game that we where going to modify and turn into our game. After a few days work and myself trying to figure out how to remove gravity from said Platformer I found a different game which was a shooter, and was assembled with a tutorial. Now granted the Tut-shooter was a better fit and offered us the opportunity to actually understand the code in our game, but we had already started working on stuff, and I had to convince my classmates that going back to square 1 was a better option.

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  • 3 weeks later...
As to the OP's desire to see faction-specific Operations, it should be noted that BioWare did have those at one point in the testing process. They realized that they simply didn't have the resources to design and implement separate raids for both factions, nor did they have the time to properly balance instances unique to each faction to the satisfaction of the players. They wouldn't have been able to keep up with demand (they already can't keep up with demand, so it looks like they were right. ;) )




or bioware is just plain stupid. i think i speak for all end game players when i say bioware shouldn't have put so much freaking money and time into stupid low level side quests with FULL voice overs, instead of focusing on end game more at launch. If each faction had different raids, it would really force more people to try opposing factions and therefore get a whole new star wars experience. If we are all killing the same bosses in the raids, then why are we all enemies instead of allies?

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