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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware please get the word out about High Pop Test Server


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Well when have you tested anything for microsoft and paid $15 a month for it?


Actually, this does occur regularly and is an exisisting service. Many professionals subscribe to MSDN. This gives them early access to betas and even gold content among other things. It also provides a good forum for feedback and a knowledge base. For some pros it's free of charge depending on how much money their company gives MS in site liscences etc. For others it is a subscription service. And yea, its much more than 15 bucks. But to be fair there are other services tied to this as well.

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I can't really tell from the blog post whether or not people who aren't in the US can play on this server. It says that East Coast characters were copied, but can anyone roll on it?


I live in South Korea and mostly play on the East Coast servers. I logged in last night and everything was fine. Looks like I'll have to rename one character, but adding one letter to the name did the job. Even better, it looks like a character I rolled on another server will be moved to where I keep most of my alts. Awesome!

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Are people in here talking about the high population test server, or the public test server? Because they are different servers, as far as I know. :confused:


The high population test server is testing Bioware's character copy process (you can simply log in for a few minutes to check your characters copied to it fine, that's all) and it's available on the main server selection list with all the rest of the servers. The other server (the public test server, or "PTS") is for the patch testing and is separate entirely.

Edited by ProsaicProse
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Do you guys not realise that your paying to test the content for them which is part of their job. What no one elses see a problem with that?


They can't do a large scale test without the players help. They don't have enough staff. It's unreasonable to expect them to be able to do that type of testing internally. Lets put it another way, the players are going to test the update no matter what. Once the update goes to live servers, the players are going to be testing it there anyway. The question is how many bugs do you want to go live? How many problems do you want to experience on the live server. The more testing players do on the test server the less issues they will have when it goes live. You decide. For me, I can't afford the bandwidth required to update the test server.

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They can't do a large scale test without the players help. They don't have enough staff. It's unreasonable to expect them to be able to do that type of testing internally. Lets put it another way, the players are going to test the update no matter what. Once the update goes to live servers, the players are going to be testing it there anyway. The question is how many bugs do you want to go live? How many problems do you want to experience on the live server. The more testing players do on the test server the less issues they will have when it goes live. You decide. For me, I can't afford the bandwidth required to update the test server.


But why bother if feedback is ignored and they say everything if fine and we know what you want better than you do?

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Well another thing I realized talking to my Guildmates about this. The majority of them never use Twitter, Facebook, or even come visit this site like a bunch of us do. Heck I don't even use twitter, though I do have a facebook account. Normally I usually like to come to the site at least once a day to see if anything new is on the front page. Which is basically how I found out about the new High Pop server that's being tested. I logged in to the server that afternoon and to my surprise there was only 8-10 people on the republic fleet. While there was 100 plus people on the republic fleet on Canderous Ordo.


Granted I saw the 2 new added features of increased character slots and the Legacy name change. Though if it would also have the new operation on it maybe more people would log in to the new server. Otherwise those people are probably login on to the public test server that's being advertised on the launcher. Then again, a lot of people are lazy and possibly feel a little jaded. The constant message about anything you do on the High pop server will not effect your characters on your original server will deter a lot of them.


Then again if I recall there hasn't even been an email sent out about the new High Population Test server anyway, just the article on the main site.

Edited by Raideag
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They should just consolidate all the servers into this one. I love having all my toons on the same server FINALLY!


Well the way things are looking this is probably their intention in the first place. Hence the Test Server to get all the renaming problems out of the way early enough, also maybe a Purge exodus of all the lvl 1 toons not being used. Luckily I had no problems on my account this go round, Though I still would like to get one of my old names back that someone still has camped at lvl 1 on Tython. *shakes fist*

Edited by Raideag
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