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Are you going to renew and keep paying $15/mo?


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ugh... wish i could get those dollars back along with the few hours i managed to invest... i blame my friends for trying out that train wreck :D


Yes it was a train wreck on an epic scale.


I will keep playing as long as these q's go away. I wont pay for something that takes me 30 min to 2 hours to get in everytime I have a little gaming time

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Absolutely not. This game will hold me for the month of course, but I don't see any longevity or depth to it past the first few raids and the 3 warzones. Leveling is exruciatingly dull in PvE (PvP leveling is all right) so I will not reroll at 50.


I take it you totally skipped over the story and just grinded out the quests to level as fast as you could to get to 50... If you do that then yeah its dull, but if you actually listen to all the quests and storyline and realize why your doing what your doing it is quit enjoyable... It is not like most MMOs the game starts at level 1 and continues through, if you play it like other MMOs of burn through the leveling to access "end game" content then yes you won't enjoy it.


To each his own I guess, I actually find leveling alts in this game really fun while leveling alts in WoW is just a time sink... Don't get me wrong I didn't mind leveling 30-50 alts all up to level cap back in the day, but as time has past it has all just been hastened to reach level cap and not actually enjoy your leveling, by the time you finish a zone your 10 levels above it and can skip 2-3 entire zones.


Not saying this game is better or worse then WoW, that's subjective, just saying maybe you should slow down a bit and take in the story and then see how PvE leveling feels.

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Yea maybe. Depends on what they bring to the game with their first major patch.


We need more races to choose from. Improve walking, running animation. More leveling zones to choose from. Faster leveling.


Faster leveling? Tons of people hit 50 in less then a week and you want it faster? Take in the story, slow down a bit, and take in a Bioware game as a Bioware game... Max level is just the destination but the journey starts at level one... If your thinking this game is going to be like WoW where only end game matters and leveling is just a time sink it may not be the game for you. The entire bases of this game is its story telling, if your not interested in that then play WoW or Rift which both have more of what your looking for.

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This will be my MMO for a long time to come. I'm not going to GW2, as GW1 was a pathetic excuse for an attempt to portray an RPG. I will be here for years to come. I'm just glad I found a new game to get addictive with like I did with WoW when it came out. I won't pay for low budget MMORPG's anymore, they're all a bust. Plus I look forward to what Bioware's going to offer in game later on for fun.
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Too early to tell, waiting to see how much I enjoy things after the leveling process and how much I enjoy leveling other classes. The SI story and quests are brilliant, but if it's the sort of game where I've experienced the best of it in the first month or two it's possible that I won't keep subbing. I wouldn't go back to anything or even pick up a new MMO.


That said if I like what I see in the coming days and they make changes to improve the quality of the game or even explicit promises and statements about those improvements I'll be sold. Otherwise, I'll just enjoy it like it was KOTOR 3 and then quit when I'm done with it or until they add more content that justifies the purchase of more sub time.

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This will be my MMO for a long time to come. I'm not going to GW2, as GW1 was a pathetic excuse for an attempt to portray an RPG. I will be here for years to come. I'm just glad I found a new game to get addictive with like I did with WoW when it came out. I won't pay for low budget MMORPG's anymore, they're all a bust. Plus I look forward to what Bioware's going to offer in game later on for fun.


yep yep..... same here :D

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I have already been playing for over a year.


Got into testing last November and was lucky enough to be in through to the end.


I set up my 6 month, would have done a year if they'd have let me. After a year I am not remotely bored and so I easily see myself staying around a good while.





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Complaining that they hardly ever fixed our bug reports... remember we were always told that we were playing 2-3 behind the current build.


And each time we got a 'new' build, it would be no better than the previous. We filled the game test forums with complaints, comments, and suggestions on everything that we're now being blamed for.

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I would pay 17.99 maybe even 19.99 a month just to help Bioware out with covering the cut Lucas Ent takes. This game is a masterpiece in writing, voice acting, pvp balance, aesthetic, etc. I hope Bioware has a few DLC we can buy between expansions to help give them money to keep working on this game for years.
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I went the 6 month one!!! I remember when Wow came out and the bugs and issues, que times, and crashes that came with it. TOR seems much better refined. Like any MMO there will be some issues but so far I have had a great experience. I am looking forward to having the game run smoother, but im sure I will work that out over time.


Great game!

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Anyone who thinks paying $15 a month for a game that is constantly changing is retarded. It's the same as purchasing two brand new games per year but to get thousands of more hours playtime. I intend on purchasing a lifetime when it becomes available.


What is this I dont even

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I would pay 17.99 maybe even 19.99 a month just to help Bioware out with covering the cut Lucas Ent takes. This game is a masterpiece in writing, voice acting, pvp balance, aesthetic, etc. I hope Bioware has a few DLC we can buy between expansions to help give them money to keep working on this game for years.


I hope this person is joking

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