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Are you going to renew and keep paying $15/mo?


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Who are you people demanding more content before the game has even launched? Where do you come from? Who pays your bills? Are you employed?


Devs say it takes 200 hours to hit the lvl cap on average. There are eight classes with their own stories, each with two advanced classes with three skill trees to explore. Even if you only do one alt, that's a minimum of around 400 hours of game time. And you're looking for major content additions in the first patch? You can't even get through the content they have in that time.


Sorry bud, that whole "200 hours" thing was garbage marketing spiel. More than a couple people that were in beta proved that without skipping story and such.


Also, unless you roll one republic and one imperial for completely unique stories, any alt you make will be spending 90% of their time doing the same quests as you did before again and again.



I hope this person is joking


Nope. People like that are the reason all newer games have cash shops and easy mode gameplay. They're suckers with velcro wallets.

Edited by Zorvan
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I think it's entirely possible I'll resub at some point, maybe even right away. The story is good, and the game has engaging missions with multiple dialog options, story paths and such, with class specific quests and the like. And while customization is limited, the character models look fairly good and the world itself looks fantastic.


But from what I've seen so far I'm not sure the degree of customization might be enough to hold me for long--definitely not long term.


I still have to reach a higher levels to really give orange gear a fair try and see what its like once you reach level cap. It might be better or provide more workable options than what I've gathered so far. But I'm used to games with far more extensive customization options available since early on in the game, and I consider appearance customization the #1 feature I look for in a game for any type of long term consideration.


The queues are also an issue. I see no point paying a subscription if I can't log to the servers. If the queues do not improve in the first month, I'll simply hold off resubscribing till they do.

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I'll continue to play. WoW didn't even have a AH when it launched, and a lot of other so called vital MMO stuff, that people say this game doesn't have. This game has an awesome platform to build on, just like WoW had when it launched.
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Absolutely not. This game will hold me for the month of course, but I don't see any longevity or depth to it past the first few raids and the 3 warzones. Leveling is exruciatingly dull in PvE (PvP leveling is all right) so I will not reroll at 50.


Wow talk about different perspectives. This the only game I've ever enjoyed pve it's a blast. All other mmos pve is beyond dull.

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I'll continue to play. WoW didn't even have a AH when it launched, and a lot of other so called vital MMO stuff, that people say this game doesn't have. This game has an awesome platform to build on, just like WoW had when it launched.


this game came out in 2012. All games coming out in 2012 have auction houses and vital MMO stuff. This is not 1991

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lol@ the morons who wont renew over a ui and auction house search feature.


why not just say make this more like wow or i quit?


why not just go back to wow right now, this community would be better off.


No one said they wanted it to be like wow. Basic fixes and customization have nothing to do with WoW. They are two of the most basic and most used functions of the game that every player of any class or level has to deal with. The biggest engine in the world is worthless in a race car that cant steer for ****. These are very basic things that should have been long fixed before live, if they cant even get the basics right, what makes you think will be able handle end game? If you cant keep up with a game released over 6 years ago, well, welcome to Galaxies 2, and have fun with your community of 1.

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As of right now after playing the pre-release time I'll be going with a monthly subscription for now.


I bought the CE for the game before it came out because lets face it, its Bioware. Gotta say they do a pretty good job when it comes to games, and I trusted in this fact and from a story side they really pulled through but on the other side....


Personally I'll give it to the first major patch and maybe one after that. There is enough to keep me around until than that's not game breaking, but there is also plenty that could really use work. Most people have commented on them already so no point listing them. But honestly I don't want to hear people trolling saying "this game is new that's too much to expect" NO ITS NOT!! There are plenty of features that SHOULD be in this game that aren't and other features that are that really should have been tweaked and made to be what they should be, not the unfinished/incomplete features they are. And don't go saying "it just released" That's like a brand new car being manufactured with faulty brakes and people saying "well its a new car".... NO! That excuse does not work with cars and it doesn't work with a finished game (and if its not finished then it shouldn't have been released)


So all in all, if they actually listen to the community and don't go about thinking they know everything and not listening to the community all my problems that I have should get fixed and I'll be a happy subscriber. But if they don't get fixed its just a heads up to how they'll view and listen to the community throughout the rest of the game. And for good or bad, THAT is what will decide if I stay or not.

Edited by DarthItsaTrap
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As of right now after playing the pre-release time I'll be going with a monthly subscription for now.


I bought the CE for the game before it came out because lets face it, its Bioware. Gotta say they do a pretty good job when it comes to games, and I trusted in this fact and from a story side they really pulled through but on the other side....


Personally I'll give it to the first major patch and maybe one after that. There is enough to keep me around until than that's not game breaking, but there is also plenty that could really use work. Most people have commented on them already so no point listing them. But honestly I don't want to hear people trolling saying "this game is new that's too much to expect" NO ITS NOT!! There are plenty of features that SHOULD be in this game that aren't and other features that are that really should have been tweaked and made to be what they should be, not the unfinished/incomplete features they are. And don't go saying "it just released" That's like a brand new car being manufactured with faulty brakes and people saying "well its a new car".... NO! That excuse does not work with cars and it doesn't work with a finished game (and if its not finished then it shouldn't have been released)


So all in all, if they actually listen to the community and don't go about thinking they know everything and not listening to the community all my problems that I have should get fixed and I'll be a happy subscriber. But if they don't get fixed its just a heads up to how they'll view and listen to the community throughout the rest of the game. And for good or bad, THAT is what will decide if I stay or not.


couldnt agree more. Also I'd like most of these updates relatively fast, not 6 months from now

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Is this game good enough to keep paying $15/mo for? Are you going to keep playing ? Or are you going to wait and see what they do in the first month?


It depends if they will fix the queue issues. If not, what's the point of paying them if you spend most of your time in a queue?

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