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1.4 is as bad as 1.3. It's avoiding to fix the real issues with pvp.


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So how are these classes OPd? Is it because your favored class cant beat them every time 1-1? I play a Tactics specced Vanguard and Arsenal specced Merc and I'm far from dropping my opponents like flies with either. It's never a easy win with those chars and it aint supposed to be. So c'mon, specify why those classes you named are OPd?


Ok lets talk about the class i play in PVP. Arsenal Merc.


in 1.4 we lose a rocket punch knock back for a 4 second root- ill break this down - To use rocket punch your target has to be right next to you, and having a melee class next to a merc is death for the merc. sure you can run but why? i have to kill him or he's just going to come back with full resolve. So the option is use that 4 seconds to get some distance on him, then what spam TM that is a cast (1.5seconds) then he's out of the root and leaped or sprinted or pulled me to him for another melee attack?

Ive found the knock back is more effective on 3/4 maps because i take the high grounds and gain more time by knocking someone off, and after i do that i find the dont come back.

Any GOOD PVPer will still destroy a good merc.

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Ok lets talk about the class i play in PVP. Arsenal Merc.


in 1.4 we lose a rocket punch knock back for a 4 second root- ill break this down - To use rocket punch your target has to be right next to you, and having a melee class next to a merc is death for the merc. sure you can run but why? i have to kill him or he's just going to come back with full resolve. So the option is use that 4 seconds to get some distance on him, then what spam TM that is a cast (1.5seconds) then he's out of the root and leaped or sprinted or pulled me to him for another melee attack?

Ive found the knock back is more effective on 3/4 maps because i take the high grounds and gain more time by knocking someone off, and after i do that i find the dont come back.

Any GOOD PVPer will still destroy a good merc.


honestly, bro.

You're an arsenal merc.

You know your build is crap but you keep on playing it despite knowing its a bad build to play so you only have yourself to blame. I'm not at all saying pvp is completely balanced - there are a few broken specs like Lightning sorc and arsenal mercs. But if you avoid those spec you will be able to compete against anyone almost equally.




PS. Since we're from the same server I'm just gonna say you seem to have forgetten Daffydil and Miri. Whenever Miri go dps she tops the board with 660k dmg on average. Both of them destroy marauders like myself on their mercs not only because they just plain good, but also because they know which build are viable and which are not. Maybe you can ask them to teach you how to play? I dunnoe. Just a suggestion.

Edited by hyuplee
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This is the Powertech nerf:


•Sweltering Heat's snare has been reduced to 30%.


•Incendiary Missile's range has been reduced to 10 meters.


•Thermal Detonator's range has been reduced to 10 meters.


Wow guys, that's a hell of DPS nerf? First of all I have all of the above classes already at warhero optimized gear. I'll start by saying this, the snare isn't going to be a big deal. Second, Incendiary missle range nerf, big deal. I hardly use the thing anyways. Why? Because one FB will do the same dmg and Incendiary missle will for half the heat. Thermal Detonator's range nerf.... Again, big deal, I'm probably FBing the target anyways, so he/she is probably going to be in range. If they aren't, I just leash them to me. The nerfs aren't coming close to addressing the real issue with Powertechs.



•Undying Rage now lasts 4 seconds (down from 5 seconds).


•Berserk (Shii-Cho Form) has been redesigned. Now, while Shii-Cho Form is active, using Berserk consumes 1 charge every .5 seconds, generating 2 Rage for each charge consumed.


•Frenzy can no longer be activated when you already have 30 stacks of Fury.


Rage (Marauder)

•Overpower has been redesigned. It now gives Assault, Battering Assault, Vicious Slash, Force Scream, and Vicious Throw a 50% chance per point to reduce the active cooldown of Smash and Obliterate by .5 seconds per point.


•Brutality now additionally affects Vicious Throw.


•Saber Strength now additionally affects Vicious Throw.


•Shockwave: Stacks of Shockwave now additionally reduce the Rage cost of Smash by 12.5% per point per stack.


•Shii-Cho Mastery's armor penetration has been increased to 15% per point.


Hey carnage muraders were only getting a slight buff, and guess what I play on my murader when I PVP? What's the fotm build right now for muraders? Now we'll probably see multiple muraders leaping at people doing multiple smashes. Oh, and as far as a 1 second off undying rage, big deal, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if a murader pops that and you're at 1/2 to 1/4 health, you're probably going to die. How does 1 second off that ability help that fact what so ever? Can most other classes even out DPS a murader in a 1 v 1 situation and get them to that point before they can kill that class? Not too many. Maybe 2 out of the whole game.


Also, WHY ARE THEY PUTTING THIS MUCH ATTETION IN BUFFING MURADERS MORE WHEN OTHER CLASSES OR CLASS TREES NEED MORE ATTENTION!?!?!? It's ridiculous. Fix other classes. This class has gotten waaaaay to much love already. Other classes need love too.


All you guys saying BH merc dmg is fine are out of your minds. I can double any merc's dmg in a warzone on my Powertech with ease. I can double merc's dmg with my sorc too for that matter.


On to the CC....


•When a player becomes immune to control due to Resolve, his Resolve meter will not start decaying until after all the current controlling effects expire (instead of decaying immediately after the immunity begins).


•Players under the effects of a control ability now build less Resolve for other control abilities that target them. The exact amount of Resolve the player builds is based on the time remaining on the ability currently controlling the player and the relative strength of that ability's effect. If two stuns of similar strength (such as Electrocute and Debilitate) target a single player at the same time, the second ability would generate very little Resolve. However, if the two effects were applied so that the duration of their effects overlapped very little, each effect would grant its full (or nearly full) Resolve to the target.


•A new Codex entry can be found in the Game Rules section to help players who are unfamiliar with the details of the Resolve system.


They also reduced some of the CC ability ranges. I'll admit the range this is a decent change, but it doesn't matter to much as most players have two CC abilities anyways and can still CC you death...Also, the added immunity is only 2-4 seconds because thats the duration times on people's CC abilities. I like the knockback stuff, but they, at least I feel, need to address roots as far as adding resolve. How is that I can be knocked back and still spam an ability that does dmg count as feeling resovle but someone rooting me doesn't?


Overall they just changed the range of a few CC abilities, which I don't see helping the overall system too much, and they gave us an extra 4 seconds on resolve. You guys really think that's truely enough to fix the issues reguarding resolve?

Edited by Individual
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honestly, bro.

You're an arsenal merc.

You know your build is crap but you keep on playing it despite knowing its a bad build to play so you only have yourself to blame. I'm not at all saying pvp is completely balanced - there are a few broken specs like Lightning sorc and arsenal mercs. But if you avoid those spec you will be able to compete against anyone almost equally.


Face it, do you actually have anything worthwhile besides tracer spam and KB?


First off im not going to commit all that time again leveling another PVP toon, i play the spec (arsenal) coz i dislike the others.

And Im not a full TM spammer, in fact i use TM when im sneaking up on someone or they are focused on someone else, and my knock backs well come 1.4 you wont have to worry about that.

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honestly, bro



PS. Since we're from the same server I'm just gonna say you seem to have forgetten Daffydil and Miri. Both of them destroy marauders like myself on their mercs not only because they just plain good, but also because they know which build are viable and which are not.


They are healers.. not DPS

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This is the Powertech nerf:



All you guys saying BH merc dmg is fine are out of your minds. I can double any merc's dmg in a warzone on my Powertech with ease. I can double merc's dmg with my sorc too for that matter.


Just because you are not able to pwn on BH merc, doesn't mean others couldn't.

Now if you're playing an arsenal like my friend Kript here on the other hand....


They are healers.. not DPS


They actually play dps from time to time when they get bored of healing.

Edited by hyuplee
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Never seen them play DPS tbh.


You haven't been playing WZ long enough.


You don't have to level another toon - no one is asking you to do that. But if you want to be able to compete against other people, play pyro. Arsenal spec is a crap build - it has always been a bad build and will continue to be a bad build. Switch over to pyro and ask Miri or daff to teach you how to play if you are completely clueless about it.


Or you can stick to arsenal and whine - the choice's up to you.

Edited by hyuplee
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You haven't been playing WZ long enough.


You don't have to level another toon - no one is asking you to do that. But if you want to be able to compete against other people, play pyro. Arsenal spec is a crap build - it has always been a bad build and will continue to be a bad build. Switch over to pyro and ask Miri or daff to teach you how to play if you are completely clueless about it.


Or you can stick to arsenal and whine - the choice's up to you.


So.. they played DPS pre 1.3 nerf :p


But talking about the pyro build, I cant name a Pyro on our server that impresses me every round.

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So.. they played DPS pre 1.3 nerf :p


But talking about the pyro build, I cant name a Pyro on our server that impresses me every round.


erm no they play dps post and pre 1.3, they play it whenever they want and still do decent damages. Miri actually killed jwalsh in one civil war on her merc dps, and we all know how good jwalsh is. These people honestly do not care about nerfs and buffs and OP crap because they're just that good.


Same with all the real good pvpers like Treyice - who is a multi spec sorc. I asked him if he thinks marauders and PTs are OP and he laughed and said no.


If you wanna be impressed by merc dps ask either daff or miri to play dps and duel her. If you'd just stop playing a brain dead build - that you yourself know is broken and stupid as hell - that gets shut down whenever you get noticed by someone half decent, you might stop worry about nerfs and buffs too.


Forums are for baddies to complain. The moment you start complaining with them, you stop learning and ultimately stop being good.

Edited by hyuplee
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erm no they play dps post and pre 1.3, they play it whenever they want and still do decent damages. Miri actually killed jwalsh in one civil war on her merc dps, and we all know how good jwalsh is. These people honestly do not care about nerfs and buffs and OP crap because they're just that good.


Same with all the real good pvpers like Treyice - who is a multi spec sorc. I asked him if he thinks marauders and PTs are OP and he laughed and said no.


If you wanna be impressed by merc dps ask either daff or miri to play dps and duel her. If you'd just stop playing a brain dead build - that you yourself know is broken and stupid as hell - that gets shut down whenever you get noticed by someone half decent, you might stop worry about nerfs and buffs too.


Forums are for baddies to complain. The moment you start complaining with them, you stop learning and ultimately stop being good.


LOL i dont think its a brain dead build at all... i just dont want to lose that second knock back, its vital for my game play. ( i do remember knocking you back a few times last night, just a shame you hit hard.)

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I'm top 2 damage on my team in just about every wz I play as commando (and without a huge dose of AOE). Although I'd admit I'd always do less damage than a similarly skilled vanguard.. At least until 1.4 hits.


I'm very pleased with my assault commando. And I agree, arsenal is completely broke for pvp. I don't need a lot of distance to survive melee. Push them out to 5m, kite them, keep the snare on while their health burns off. Mean time my HIB, FA, and AP are coming off CD. If they use a gap closer, it's cryo / knockback / tech override + concussion missile.

Edited by heechJunzi
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erm no they play dps post and pre 1.3, they play it whenever they want and still do decent damages. Miri actually killed jwalsh in one civil war on her merc dps, and we all know how good jwalsh is. These people honestly do not care about nerfs and buffs and OP crap because they're just that good.


It's cool they've proven they can play the game on hard mode and win but honestly it doesn't matter how good they are. They'd be much better playing Pyro PT. Of course after 1.4 at least Pyro Merc will be able to do their thing from range, but it's like the spec is any less vulnerable to being shutdown when Unload is on cooldown.

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Well, i will spec over to pyro tonight and give that another chance but i really didnt like it before so im not expecting much.


It's nice for the front loaded burst with not much setup, but I always feel like I'm just kinda killing time once the initial burst goes out. Spamming Charged Bolts is even more lame than spamming Grav Round. Especially without muzzle fluting to help remove pushback. I also definitely miss the more powerful concussion charge and the stockstrike knockback.

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It's nice for the front loaded burst with not much setup, but I always feel like I'm just kinda killing time once the initial burst goes out. Spamming Charged Bolts is even more lame than spamming Grav Round. Especially without muzzle fluting to help remove pushback. I also definitely miss the more powerful concussion charge and the stockstrike knockback.


As an arsenal i dont find myself spamming Grav/TM much at all, not saying i dont use it but im not a spammer. I love my knock backs, HSM, ED, unload and rail shot more, and i ALWAYS keep moving.

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As an arsenal i dont find myself spamming Grav/TM much at all, not saying i dont use it but im not a spammer. I love my knock backs, HSM, ED, unload and rail shot more, and i ALWAYS keep moving.



There's spamming and then there's spamming. You need it to proc Curtain of Fire/Barrage, Need it to build stacks of Charged Barrel, need it to put armor debuffs for Demo Round buff and free up HiB/RS. The whole tree is built around the ability. If you aren't using it much at all I wonder why you're wasting talent points in the tree at all. Much better off in Assault/Pyro. The stockstrike knockback isn't THAT good.

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There's spamming and then there's spamming. You need it to proc Curtain of Fire/Barrage, Need it to build stacks of Charged Barrel, need it to put armor debuffs for Demo Round buff and free up HiB/RS. The whole tree is built around the ability. If you aren't using it much at all I wonder why you're wasting talent points in the tree at all. Much better off in Assault/Pyro. The stockstrike knockback isn't THAT good.


that rocket punch has saved my more times than i can count, i play well on my arsenal setup and not to have tickets on myself but i think one of the better players on our server using that build.

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All you guys saying BH merc dmg is fine are out of your minds. I can double any merc's dmg in a warzone on my Powertech with ease. I can double merc's dmg with my sorc too for that matter.


That's because uptime is terrible for mercenaries. For whatever reason, nobody attacks pyro PTs. Why? I can't say honestly. It might be because if they're lucky with procs, they can melt you almost no matter what health they have when you pick a fight and that acts as a deterrent. It shouldn't act like a deterrent, though. If one guy is hell-bent on killing my sorceror, assuming he's not a carnage marauder, it's going to take him way longer to do that than if the same guy's hell-bent on killing my pyro, assuming he succeeds. Also PTs have 4 viable fighting specs, while mercs have one-ish. It could be that you've spec'ed arsenal, which is a complete joke to shut down and kill.


But none of this is a damage output issue. For every second they're in the mix, they output as much or more than anything else. They're just in the mix less, which is a survivability problem.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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play it on PTS,

a lots of nerf they didn't say,

play urself, we wont tell u,

pt now is nerf so much both in pvp and pve,

time to quit,

gw2 is much better.


What do you mean? Are you referencing Pyros/Vans or Mara/Sents? Really interested to know.


Already played GW2. Being a former player and fan of GW1, I was pretty disappointed. Not much has changed. Played it for a weekend and I'm done. The only thing it has going for it is RvR.

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erm no they play dps post and pre 1.3, they play it whenever they want and still do decent damages. Miri actually killed jwalsh in one civil war on her merc dps, and we all know how good jwalsh is. These people honestly do not care about nerfs and buffs and OP crap because they're just that good.


Same with all the real good pvpers like Treyice - who is a multi spec sorc. I asked him if he thinks marauders and PTs are OP and he laughed and said no.


If you wanna be impressed by merc dps ask either daff or miri to play dps and duel her. If you'd just stop playing a brain dead build - that you yourself know is broken and stupid as hell - that gets shut down whenever you get noticed by someone half decent, you might stop worry about nerfs and buffs too.


Forums are for baddies to complain. The moment you start complaining with them, you stop learning and ultimately stop being good.


Unfortunately they nerfed Merc pyro build with 1.4, so the only viable Merc build is now also $h1t.

Edited by frivera
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This is the Powertech nerf


Can't really speak to the Powertech stuff so much. I only have a lvl 19 Vanguard so am not really qualified to chip in. However, all these range reductions on skills, especially CC, would be a big deal for my Van since he relies on that stuff for HiB spam from long range. If that is the case at later levels, then the DPS nerf is significant, and Powertechs will have to get in closer range to do the damage they do now.


Hey carnage muraders were only getting a slight buff, and guess what I play on my murader when I PVP? What's the fotm build right now for muraders? Now we'll probably see multiple muraders leaping at people doing multiple smashes.


Carnage Marauders aren't getting any buff. All those buffs are for Rage spec, which very few Marauders currently play because it's considered to be inferior to Carnage and Annihilation. Clearly, and I agree, the Devs believe that Marauder DPS is performing where it should given that Marauders are a melee DPS class. The change to bring Rage up to snuff with the other specs makes perfect sense in that regard.


Whether it will become Flavor of the Month or not is another issue. I will give it a whirl on my Mara, but I'm a huge fan of Annihilation, and considering I didn't change spec to Carnage it's likely I won't change spec to Rage either. Different strokes for different folks.


Oh, and as far as a 1 second off undying rage, big deal, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if a murader pops that and you're at 1/2 to 1/4 health, you're probably going to die. How does 1 second off that ability help that fact what so ever?


What it means is that if you held on to your hard CC in a showdown with a Mara, and any good player would have done this, you can CC the Mara through the entire duration of their UR (assuming they don't pop their CC Breaker which is more than likely on cd itself), and easily finish them off after the CC expires. That extra second is huge in terms of popping Camo or other skills to aid in survival. Since you play a Mara, you should already know this.


One second may not sound like much, but the Undying Rage nerf is quite significant.


Can most other classes even out DPS a murader in a 1 v 1 situation and get them to that point before they can kill that class? Not too many. Maybe 2 out of the whole game.


This is a L2P issue and makes you sound bad.


Overall they just changed the range of a few CC abilities, which I don't see helping the overall system too much, and they gave us an extra 4 seconds on resolve. You guys really think that's truely enough to fix the issues reguarding resolve?


Of course it doesn't fix resolve, but the changes are a step in the right direction. Less knockbacks, less hard CC, and a slower start to Resolve decay. All those things are good changes. Changes of this magnitude need to be done fairly gradually. They aren't going to overhaul the entire Resolve system overnight. Have some sense man.

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I do agree with this, though. Whoever the Hell thought Rage needed buffs is out of their minds.


Compared to carnage or annihilation (for the marauder at least, idk about the jugg) rage was a lot weaker. I loved using rage then i switched to carnage and its definitely easier to 1v1, the cooldown on the rage smash would leave me standing there for a few seconds not doing any major hits , whereas carnage/anni is one continuous pummel

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Funny All these people complain about the pt vanguard , but really miss the HUGE picture in what really happend here.

So let me sum it up for you this game is nothing more then stealth and stuns and thats about it . This is mainly for pvp pf course for thaose that dont well move along.


But making it so that you can get rooted stunned blinded knock down kicked or what ever it is more often now and then buffing speed boosts and stealth on classses? Well good luck all .


Nerfing the Pt/van its well silly they want a class that uses a gun to be melle which makes no sense at all , why even have a gun, rifle blaster? just give em a can opener or something? they turned this class into melle and well good luck being in the fray with all the other melle classes being stunned mezzed knockdowned kicked slapped blinded knockbakced, good luck.

They put most of these classes that are counters to each other all with in 10m range to be zapped by all the range classes with cc's lol. I lulzed at 1.4

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