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RE blue crystals gives Yellow crystal recipes.


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I have Artifice as my crafting profession.

I have crafted and Reverse Engineered a large number of "BLUE resolute crystals" (Grade 2 crystals) of the green recipe, to get the blue recipe.


For some strange reason instead of getting the blue recipe for "BLUE resolute crystals", I got 2 other blue recipes instead but they are for YELLOW crystals, not BLUE.


Reverse Enginerring a BLUE crystal have given me a recipe for YELLOW crystals.

I now have BLUE recipes for YELLOW resolute AND critical recipes.

How can a BLUE crystal Reverse Engineer into a YELLOW crystal recipe?


No matter how many BLUE crystals I RE, I cannot get the the next tier of BLUE CRYSTAL recipes.

I RE blue crystals because wanted the BLUE CRYSTAL recipes, not the YELLOW CRYSTAL recipes.


And before you ask, I dont have the recipes for the resolute or critical YELLOW crystals, so there is no way I could have mistakenly RE'ed yellow crystals


I already submitted a support ticket for this, but all I got was a canned response about investigating it.


I'm just curious if anyone else have encountered this issue?

Edited by Bansheedragon
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Learning the 'blue' quality recipes from reverse engineering is completely random from my personal experience and reading here on the boards. You can get a new recipe from the very first one you RE or it could take many attempts (individual dice roll with X chance of learning on each attempt). I have never seen a 'blue' quality item of a different type come from reverse engineering. The blue quality 'yellow resolute crystal' is actually purchasable from the trainer; you can learn to make yellow color crystals for +crit and +endurance from the trainer (that are of the BLUE quality), NOT reverse engineering. I was, however, able to reverse engineer one of those into a purple quality recipe, but it retained it's original color (i.e. RE a blue quality yellow crystal into a purple quality yellow crystal).


Edit: If you blanketly learned all available recipes from the trainer, you should have the recipe for the blue quality yellow crystals.

Edited by Natarii
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I'm fairly certain the OP was referring to the color of the crystal, not the quality of the item. Blue crystal makes lightsaber show as blue, yellow shows as yellow etc...


Seems kind of weird that RE a blue crystal would only be able to produce yellow ones. I hope this gets fixed or figured out because I like the look of the blue lightsabers.

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I'm fairly certain the OP was referring to the color of the crystal, not the quality of the item. Blue crystal makes lightsaber show as blue, yellow shows as yellow etc...


Seems kind of weird that RE a blue crystal would only be able to produce yellow ones. I hope this gets fixed or figured out because I like the look of the blue lightsabers.


It was luck, One of our guildies has been able to get blue colored recipes from RE'ing blue colored crystals, all the way to artifact quality blue colored crystals. (purple recipes). Either that or this poor guy is bugged.

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The blue patterns for yellow crystals are purchased from the artifice trainer, I've not seen or heard of anyone else getting these patterns through any other means.


It took me almost 30 green resolve hilts to get the blue pattern, by that time my skill and level had made the need for it very minimal.


I'm very likely not going to work to get blue/purple patterns for things until I can use them for longer than 30 minutes. :D

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The blue patterns for yellow crystals are purchased from the artifice trainer, I've not seen or heard of anyone else getting these patterns through any other means.


It took me almost 30 green resolve hilts to get the blue pattern, by that time my skill and level had made the need for it very minimal.


I'm very likely not going to work to get blue/purple patterns for things until I can use them for longer than 30 minutes. :D


Hmm, I got a purple schematic on my third attempt of RE'ing a level 4 off hand prototype force item. Guess I got lucky :D


BTW I have no idea how to price this. Any ideas?

Edited by Owsley
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This is a problem I have had.


Re engineering hilts and enhancements to get the advanced and artifact quality versions had worked fine, never needed to RE more than 10 or so.


I RE'd 40 'green tier' 'blue colour' crystals and did not get a schematic for 'blue tier' 'blue colour' crystals. Leading me to believe that they did not exist.


Btw they were the basic +2 crit crystals. It may be that it only works at the higher level crystals, i.e the level 16+ ones. I gave up trying.

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Dunno about blue, but i was able to RE green ones without problem.. green color green mortal crystal -> prototype green color mortal crystal -> artifact green color crystal. Might be some kind of glitch with blue colored crystals...


As for prototype (blue) yellow crystals, you do learn them at the trainer itself, at the same artifice level as the other colors iirc.

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I think everyone in this thread is missing the point.


The OP reverse engineers the blue resolute color crystals of green quality and got yellow colored crystals of blue quality as a result, instead of blue colored crystals of blue quality and wants to know why.

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Actually, it was covered. The blue quality yellow patterns are learned from the Trainer at the same time as green quality RGB crystals. It's very likely that the OP REed a few blue crystals, got a green message (possibly about a Crew Skill mission), figured that a new schematic was learned. Then the OP goes into the menu and sees a blue quality *yellow* crystal and thought that was the RE result.
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The OP bought the two yellow gem recipes without realising and then spotted he had 2 Blue quality recipies for yellow crystals after REing some blue crystals.


The Crit and End Yellow crystal recipies are bought.


This is correct.


Blue colored crit crystals that are better than the "stock" ones you can craft come around level 100 give or take. They're called "perilous" crystals.

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Yellow color gems do not come in common (green) quality, they start out as rare (blue) quality as they have no light side or dark side bias.


All color gems can be reverse engineered to Epic (purple) quality through RE though the chances to learn the new schematic is horrendous. Higher skill also provides higher chance to learn schematics, so it's more likely to happen for equipment you have out leveled.

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I can confirm that this is possible.


You CAN RE a crystal of one color and get a higher level crystal schematic of another color.




Also, this is NOT A PROBLEM. I am not going to spoil it for you, but this is a VERY VERY good thing.

Edited by Bluejayoo
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I can confirm that this is possible.


You CAN RE a crystal of one color and get a higher level crystal schematic of another color.




Also, this is NOT A PROBLEM. I am not going to spoil it for you, but this is a VERY VERY good thing.


Sounds like you are referring to a possible different color? :D

I am I right?

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